The Ten Commandents? Taxes? Gas prices? Illegal Immigrants? The War on Terra? Laura Bush calling herself a Feminist?
Well, I’m sure all of the aforementioned are issues that do indeed concern them, but nothing right now gets their pet goat as much as “the single most important moral issue facing America” today: Getting the Homosexual Agenda Out of Our Schools.
Concerned Women for America, a $10 million-a-year nonprofit and lobbying group, announced their “risk audit plan” in late April. The plan seeks to engage parents in a broad national effort to target schools which “promote” gay and lesbian activity by embracing non-discrimination policies and safe-sex curricula or harbor “objectionable” gay and lesbian novels aimed at children.
“Every school district in America has an absolute responsibility to protect children while they are at school,” the group writes in their 24-page audit plan. “There is no legitimate rationale for giving or implying endorsement of homosexual, bisexual or gender-variant behaviors among children of any age.”
“It is not a viewpoint,” they write, “but a high-risk and often lethal behavior.”
According to the document, homosexuality increases the risk of anal cancer, smoking, domestic violence, breast cancer and promiscuity.
Perhaps most striking about the audit plan is a detailed survey which allows parents to rate their children’s school based on how tolerant it is to homosexual themes. The 100-point audit questionnaire singles out topics such as “anti-harassment or anti-bullying” policies, “objectionable books” in libraries, “diversity days” and curricula that include “tolerance programs” or “families headed by homosexuals.” Schools are penalized most for including HIV/safe-sex curricula, “homosexual clubs,” or required teacher sensitivity training.
“It’s a good way to determine quickly if your school has knowingly or unknowingly let homosexual activists and materials in the door under the radar of ‘diversity’ or ‘anti-bullying’ or ‘AIDS education,'” CWA’s Virginia State Director Patricia Phillips said in a release.
Wow. Anti-bullying programs are part of the Homosexual Agenda. My kids have gone through anti-bullying programs at their schools. Am I too late, or have they already begun down the path to the Gay Side?
Seriously, this is incredibly sickening. Teaching tolerance to kids and asking them not to harass or bully their classmates are measures of simple human decency. Educating kids about the dangers of AIDS and how to avoid contracting the disease is a public health issue, and also good common sense. Asking teachers be sensitive to the different cultures and religions and values of the children they teach is something I want them to learn and practice, especially since my kids are biracial.
Yet now we are being told by these Christian Jihadist women that such principles are all part of some grand Homosexual agenda permeating our schools and infecting the minds of our kids? I guess they believe even the mere mention of tolerance or diversity saps their children’s precious bodily fluids and leaves them open to contracting the Gay Virus. It would be laughable if they weren’t so deadly serious.
These people would like to see us return to a time where killing a gay person in cold blood only gets you a suspended sentence for negligent homicide. Where even the names for venereal diseases are dirty words not spoken in polite company. Where the only compassion you show is for your fellow, right thinking Church going friends, and everyone who thinks otherwise than they do is suspected of either being a sexual deviant or a Satan worshipper.
Free speech? The right to live our own lives as we see fit? The right to teach our children the values we consider important? All thrown out with the whatever is left of the Constitution at this point. The only values they want taught are their own cruel perversion of the Gospels as seen through the obscured lens of The Book of Revelation, their own interpretations of the prophets Daniel, Isaiah and Jeremiah, and the more harsh tribal laws of the Israelites set forth in the Leviticus and Deuteronomy. Human rights, the Golden Rule? Mere liberal claptrap in their eyes.
What can you do? Denounce these surveys to your local School Board and let them know you support AIDs education, diversity training and tolerance programs. Tell your local PTA that you don’t want a bunch of religious extremists deciding what your kids can or cannot read, or if an anti-bullying program is taught in your schools. In short, let them know that there are other concerned parents who think this entire “homosexual agenda” scare routine is nothing more than a trumped up excuse to put God (and only one version of God, at that) back in the classroom.
Most of all stand up for your values. Don’t surrender the field to the Chritian Jihadists.
at varying parts of my school career, the attitude of the “Concerned Women of America” sickens me.
What if it was their kids getting bullied? Oh, that’s right, they’d just use it as a rallying cry, claming “persecution of Christians” and getting the Religious Reich Republicans to call for a National Day of School Prayer. But they want the leeway to send their shock troops into the hallways of our schools to control anyone who appears to be different.
Perfecting the art of shopping!
homosexuality increases the risk of anal cancer
Increases it from what to what? This is the first I have ever heard of anal cancer. If they’re so worried about increased risks of cancer, they might want to get on the environmental bandwagon.
WTF? Homosexuals smoke more?
domestic violence
Admittedly, my personal experience is limited and I’m not gay, but every violent asshole I have known has been a straight male. I find this hard to believe.
breast cancer
Bullshit. There is no way you’re going to convince me that homosexuality has any correlation with breast cancer.
and promiscuity
Yeah, warning teenagers that they’re going to get more action if they go gay sounds like a powerful deterrence.
If these women weren’t so deadly serious this bullshit would be laughable. How absolutely stupid, no common sense or not be able to use a little logical thinking to know this crap is patently untrue.
Hard to know which is scarier, that this kind of agenda can be put out there as legitimate or that so many people will actually believe it. Praise Jesus, I’ve seen the light.
I’m concerned alright-concerned that these women must all have pretty sick, twisted minds.
caused all that stuff. The nuns told me it was birth control that caused it all. You learn something new every day.
This is a wedge issue and the Democrats need to diffuse it. The Orwellian Nazi Repug propaganda machine is fanning the flames to try and distract MSM consumers from focusing on the failures of this tragic administration. Karl Rove knows how to excite ignorance and paranoia. He is doing the same thing with immigration.
I totally support LGTB, but please don’t take the bait on this. You are not the ones who are politisizing this issue. You just want to live your own lives and mind your own business hoping that others will mind theirs also. Who we love and how we consummate that love is inextricably linked to privacy, and the government has no right to stick it’s Big Brother nose in that.
Immigration is being politicized in the same way. It is really sickening the way these monsters have learned to suppress real dissent while they manipulate dissent that the media covers in a way that serves their craven agenda to make us (humanists) look like the bad guys.
Keep your eye on the ball. We need our country and our planet back, and we are all one in fighting for this agenda.
Sorry to be cynical, but if legislation that deals with including LGTB in school books is now being set aflame to excite repression, I am fully convinced that it was the Repugs that instituted this legislation in the first place. Was it the result of a long history of gay activism? I don’t think so.
Please don’t take the bait. Stay focused.
should be a humanity issue, not a GLBT or straight issue.
People are bullied for more than just their sexuality — they’re bullied for their weight, their looks, their religion (or lack of same), their lack of athletic ability…the list goes on.
I guess according to the CWA, showing tolerance and compassion for fellow human beings might actually lead to understanding and lack of bigotry…and their God knows we can’t have that…
Y’know, I’ve met a few of the CWA higher-ups — one runs a business just down the street from me here (freeze-drying and preserving flowers, which struck me at the time as just TOO goddam ironic) — and I have to admit that if you consider things from their perspective, it kinda makes sense that they’d worry about guys going gay.
See, like this: if it WERE a matter of choice, and the choices were makin’ it with the CWA types or makin’ it with just about any gay guy you ever met, them poor CWA types would be in for a long LONG cold dry spell.
Suspect their plastic surgeons LOVE `em, though, and you can bet the ladies at the cosmetolgy counters do….
This group is not only dead serious, they’ve also been rather effective. Another group they have taken on is the S/m community & they have successfully managed to intimidate a few hotels into cancelling S/m conventions at their facilities over the past few years.
The National Coalition for Sexual Freedom (NCSF) has been active in combating them & is worthy of support.
Democrats in general, and the Orange place and the Frog Pond in particular, know that this tactic is an important part of the Republican Noise Machine. Tom Delay’s chief of staff stated that every two years they trot out the inflammatory issues that will get all the right wing lunatic Christians out to vote. And then put those issues back in the closet until the next election. We all know what they are: gay marriage, I hear we should look for gay adoption this election, now the CWA outs the homosexual agenda in schools (I just know they’re all atwitter with this one), illegal immigration, the Ten Commandments in courhouses (everybody knows that there were fifteen commendments at first, just ask mel Brooks), flag burning, Oh Hell I know you can think of more.
These are all issues that the Republicans have no intention of doing anything about. They’ve had six years of controlling every supposedly independent and co-equal branch of the federal government and haven’t done anything about any of them. These are the bogus issues they use to fire up the wing nuts. And then these wing nuts, who vote against their own and their children’s self-interest, get pissed when we call them ignorant. Duh.
The fascists in America don’t vote because they want their representatives to actually do anything that will help them and help the country. They vote because they want to make sure that they get people like them to “represent” them. And it really doesn’t matter what those people do. It’s a politics of identity. Used to be called racism. Now it’s being a Republican. Talk about coming out of the closet.