Joe Gandelman has a good and quite amusing piece in the Moderate Voice about concerted GOP efforts to do to Nancy Pelosi what the Clintonistas did to Newt Gingrich.
You can hear the music starting now. That menacing cadence. The numbing feeling that something could soon happen. A small move that you see in the corner of your eye that makes your blood run cold. And then it happens:
Nancy Pelosi could be Speaker of the House…
That’s apparently the gist of a GOP effort right now to try and rally the party’s faithful.
Before I even discuss this strategy, it is worth noting that no woman has ever held the position of Speaker of the House. For a woman to rise to the top of an organization of 435 politicians would be a greater accomplishment and a more difficult task than for a woman to simply win the two step process (primary and general elections) to become commander-in-chief. If Nancy Pelosi becomes Speaker, it will be a moment to celebrate on those grounds alone.
And that gets me to the analysis.
Newt Gingrich
Can a woman be as effectively demonized as a man? I’d say, other things being equal, the answer is no. Nancy, as her spokesperson is quick to point out, has five children and five grandchildren. Attacking grandmothers is never a very popular tactic. And, even though the Republicans don’t shy away from such things (I remember hearing Hillary criticized for having only one child), that doesn’t make them effective. There is still a basic element of chivalry in the American male that rises to the defense of a woman under attack and that finds such behavior to be unseemly. This somewhat archaic tendency is probably even more pronounced in the south than it is the bluer parts of the country. The south is, after all, slightly more patriarchal than the rest of the country, and almost unfailingly polite.
At this point you might be asking, ‘yeah, okay, but what happened to Hillary?’ In response, I would say that Hillary was a special case. Hillary came to Arkansas with a Yankee’s attitude. Her independence, ambition, and her dripping contempt for traditional gender roles and restrictions clashed with a more conservative ethos that prevailed in the south. It is fine for Nancy Pelosi to behave the way she does in San Francisco, but it would be another thing for her to behave that way in Fayetteville. Hillary hatred was rooted in a mutual disrespect.
I’m not some Tammy Wynette standing by my man.
Hillary gave and she received back in return. Hillary hatred has begun to recede as she has settled in New York, lost her southern accent, and moved on to other battles than questions about her ambition. She no longer threatens the south in large part because she is no longer a southerner.
Pelosi has never been a political figure in the south. In fact 51% of Americans do not even know who Pelosi is (a number that is probably much higher in red states than in blue). What the Republicans will do is attack Pelosi for representing San Francisco. For much of the country the mere words ‘San Francisco’ are code for ‘homosexual’. It’s also code for ‘hippy’, ‘radical’, ‘leftist extremist’. These types of attacks are not gender specific. For two generations the Republicans have attacked Democrats from Massachusetts, characterizing them as liberal and out-of-step with mainstream American values. San Francisco represents a similar opportunity.
“[I]f Al Qaeda comes in here and blows you up, we’re not going to do anything about it. … You want to blow up the Coit Tower? Go ahead”- Bill O’Reilly, November 5th, 2005
The right will try to paint San Francisco has an alien place, a place of sodomy and hatred of America. Pelosi will become the personification of sexual permissiveness and anti-militarism. And, yet, Pelosi is a mother of five, grandmother of five. She just isn’t that scary. She isn’t that threatening.
There is a certain element of the American public that remains distrustful of women in positions of power. Part of it is doubt about whether women can be tough enough to be trusted with national security. Part of it is probably related to deep-seated psychological issues, perhaps related to potty-training…who knows? But a woman like Pelosi, who opposed the war and wants to bring it to a swift close, plays into those fears of lack of toughness. And that is where the GOP will strike. Homosexuals are not seen as tough, anti-war demonstrators are not seen as tough, San Francisco is not seen as tough. But, a woman doesn’t rise to the top of the House of Representatives by being a wallflower. Pelosi is as tough a political fighter as there is in D.C. And it is not clear how successful the GOP will be in trying to convince the public otherwise.
Republicans believe Pelosi, daughter of a former Baltimore mayor who represents San Francisco, could become a liability for centrist Democratic incumbents and challengers, such as Reps. John Spratt (D-S.C.) and Melissa Bean (D-Ill.), who have to rely on independent and centrist GOP voters to defeat a GOP incumbent.
Gingrich was easy to demonize. He divorced his wife while she was in the cancer ward of the hospital. We’ll see whether Pelosi can be painted as the menacing face of the Democratic Party. Methinks they will fail to make much headway.
orange version.
I cast my vote for demonizing Steny Hoyer. The prospect of Hoyer as Majority Leader is a voting disincentive for progressives if there ever was one.
I hope you’re right. Personality-wise, she doesn’t give them much to work with. I expect they’ll try to hold her to her ‘-no impeachment’ remarks, hyper-vigilant to jump on any perceoved variation. Her largest weakness is that she just isn’t all that articulate, at least not when making public statements.
Even with my total disgust for DiFi, there was a brief moment when I was proud to live in a state that sent two women to the Senate, with Ms. Pelosi heading hte house minority. They’ve severely disappointed.
I’m afraid though, that Murtha is the only dem/critic I can think of offhand who hasn’t been tarnished in some significant way by the right’s demonization tactics. Are there others?
but nobody has been able to hold Bush to any of his remarks he has made whenever he has been running for office. Like how he wasn’t going to revamp Social Security in October of 2004 but January of 2005 I guess he had changed his mind and that was just fine! What is a girl to do if questions come up that only a person without a conscience could ignore? People are going to bring stuff to her desk and she will have to cross those bridges and make those decisions when she comes to those bridges. How could we have known that they would fly planes into buildings? Everybody thought there were WMDs. What is a girl to do when an investigation uncovers something that nobody with a conscience what so ever could sweep under a rug? I’m not worried!
I respectfully disagree. Pelosi being a dem leader trumps everything. Hillary has been demonized since before Bill was elected in 1992. I have no faith in male chivalry or sense of fair play, in the South or anywhere else. Just listening to my GOP relations and friends tells me that Pelosi’s children and grandchiuldren could all be saints, Pelosi could go to mass or church 10 times a week, teach bible classes and Sunday School, donate her entire salary to the USO and save a baby from a burning house, and she would still be considered lower than dirt. The propaganda by our media is that powerful..
Yes, they will do a Teddy Kennedy job on her. The media will play along, especially blowhards like Tweety.
But, the question whether that will translate into a genuine fear of Pelosi becoming speaker that will hamper the ability of Democrats to get elected.
I don’t think Pelosi can’t escape demonization, but the question really is, how effective will it be in the midterms?
Pelosi could go to mass or church 10 times a week, teach bible classes and Sunday School, donate her entire salary to the USO and save a baby from a burning house, and she would still be considered lower than dirt.
Shortened version: SHE’S A GIRL!!! Ewwww!!!!!!!!
I think most of what you say is dead-on accurate. But this part:
[Is she] tough enough to be trusted with national security
I think plays more into people’s concerns for the presidency than the speaker of the house. People generally forget that the speaker is two heartbeats away from the oval office, which another meme the right will float (is floating).
Your analysis of Southern perceptions of Hillary is also spot-on with my impressions as a detached observer here in Red Tennessee:
“Where are you from?”
“Oh. Philadelphia…” [Home to the mafia, Catholics, Jews, and frighteningly large numbers of minorities, not to mention swarming with Democrats!!]
“But I lived for 13 years in Kansas City.”
“Oh. Kansas City.” [Home to cattle. Whiter. Baptist-ier. Rush Limbaugh worked there for the Kansas City Royals. Nice baseball team. George Brett playing while his ass hurt. OK. Cancel red alert.]
that he was very proud of her for saying that she really wasn’t going to angle for impeaching Bush either if the Dems took the House. “Good girl”, he said watching her. I had to ask for clarification and he said, “Half of this damn country would jump up and attempt to rush to his aid if anybody with any real power was threatening to be mean to him right now, it’s the way Americans are…..sort of stupid and always wanting to rush in and save someone if somebody is picking on them.”
Fortuantely or unfortunately, I bet 70% of US citizens have no idea who Pelosi is. I am sure the Rove dirt machine will make her name much more known over the next months.
It is always surprising to me, but most people do not know much more than GWB is President. Really, they have no clue as to VP, SOD, SOS, or any other of the names we all know so well. As ill informed as I feel most of the time, the people I talk to are astounded, confounded, and eyes glazed over when it comes to talking about any political figures, or matters of importance to our country. THEY HAVE NO IDEA! It is hard for me to comprehend that they know nothing, and further that they aren’t that interested. . .dismissive, actually. . .”Oh, those politicians. . .” hands thrown up in the air as if to say they can do nothing about it and don’t care to hear about it.
Since the advent of cable and sat. TV the vast majority of people DO NOT WATCH ANY NEWS, or the so-called news, so they are totally uninformed and don’t want to be.
Those of us active and interested and concerned are a very small minority. Wonder what it will take to end that?
anybody though. They have no credibility right now so trying to demonize someone could only end up making them look like bigger assholes than they already appear to be!
you are right Tracy. I am so disgusted at how people parrot what they see and hear on the TV. The press is not going to be any more kind to the Dems than they have been, and their complicitly spreads the Rep talking points. Their big winner so far is “Dems have no solutions, so voting for them is not the answer.” The press, media, radio talk etc. pound this constantly and for many of those that see or hear this lie. . .they believe it and the polls show that even though they think Dems should be in charge of at least the house, they still think they have no answers. . .at least the polls say this, and that seems a little incongruant to me.
I am going to put my energy into beleiving that the public is waking up to the lies and will find the repubs without any creds.
Sure it is easy to demonize a woman. Since Nancy is a grandmother, “slut” might not work. “Uppity man hater” is still available though. And let’s not forget “emotional.”
In your post and the comments no one has mentioned the fact that Pelosi is the daughter of a Democratic machine congressman and mayor from Baltimore who served, I believe, 10 years in the House and three terms as mayor, elected in the last Democratic machine controlled city, San Francisco. Like Hilary she would be considered a centrist business oriented Christian Democrat type of politician in any civilized country. That you’re concentrating on her personality and the fact that being a woman may be used against her in the political arena speaks to the low of level political discourse in the USA. Her long time connection to the hidebound doctrinaire mainstream Democratic leadership is what troubles me. In case you’re wondering, my critique comes from the far left not the right. Insiders like Pelosi are engaged in the same sorts of cover my ass political dance that the Bushies are (see Iraq use of force authorization). We need new blood in the Donkey party to effect substantiative change.
On one hand, the Right is attempting to spin Pelosi, on the other hand, here in San Francisco there is a lot of criticizem of Pelosi being far to soft on the Rethugs. If she dosen’t lead an impeachment investigation after the upcomming elections, the consenses here is to draft the Green Party’s Matt Gonzales to run against her in ’08. Gonzales almost beat Gavin Newsome for Mayor back in ’03, and Newsome is more popular than Pelosi by a very wide margin.
Locally, we hope the threat of Gonzales is enough to get her head on straight.
That is so true. She is being equated closer with DiFi, than Boxer. The anti-war crowd is really, really pissed off with Pelosi. If she was up for re-election this year, she might not get re-elected. She is treading a very thin line.
with the rest of the House, but I haven’t heard of any definitive opposition, from either the Left or the Right, in her district — she seems to be playing the “prevent defense” which, just as in football and hockey, only prevents (Democratic) victories…
but the thought of her potentialy becoming president in the event of impeachment kept people from pushing her untill recently. There is not enough time to get anything together for Matt Gonzales.
available in blue.