If this is true, it means that they knew ahead of time, and let it happen. From RAW STORY:
In AN ALTERNET EXCLUSIVE THURSDAY, former New York Times reporter Judy Miller tells Rory O’Connor and William Scott Malone about the story she’ll regret for the rest of her life — the fact that an anonymous White House source told her in July 2001 that an NSA intelligence report predicted a large al Qaeda attack, possibly on the continental United States, RAW STORY has learned.
“I think everybody knew that an attack was coming — everyone who followed this. But you know you can only ‘cry wolf’ within a newspaper… before people start saying there he goes — or there she goes — again!” Miller says in an interview.
Alternet article is here.
The New York Times bears part of the responsibility for this. But why is she coming clean now?
WASHINGTON D.C. Independence Day 2001 —
… and one Al Qaida operative was overheard saying to the other,
‘Don’t worry; we’re planning something so big now that the U.S. will have to respond.’
“And I was obviously floored by that information. I thought it was a very good story: (1) the source was impeccable; (2) the information was specific, tying Al Qaida operatives to, at least, knowledge of the attack on the Cole; and (3) they were warning that something big was coming, to which the United States would have to respond. This struck me as a major page one-potential story.
US, Iran, Russia had plans ready to attack Taliban regime
– main story and excerpts listed below
– neighboring Central Asian states would cooperate
Plan of attack on Afghanistan was ready
– a success story
– UF leader Massoud connection
– Pakistan role of Musharraf and ISI
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Oh so Massoud was simply a US stooge? Please.
“Simply a stooge” are your words, not mine. The U.S. and Massoud were allies in fighting a common enemy: the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden.
… the State Department favors the much more Westernized and well educated Massoud.
In the wake of the USS Cole bombing, the CIA develops a plan where the US would increase support for Massoud if he produces strong intelligence about Osama Bin Laden’s whereabouts.
… assassinated by Taliban and Al Qaeda operatives, with logistic support from European Islamists, on 9 September 2001.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Hi Blksista. Nice to see you posting again, I’ve missed your diaries. As for Judy Miller, she says a lot of things… I think she likes the attention. I’d have to see anything she says substantiated with a few other sources before I believe her.
then I’ll be able to post more often.
Exactly. What she really seems to be saying is that she’s sorry she didn’t save the world from the 9/11 attack. It’s a grossly irresponsible thing to say (no surprise there) and shows a complete lack of understanding of the nature of the 9/11 plot.
That plot could have (and should have) been uncovered at any one of several points throughout it’s execution. The angry altercation in the parking lot of the airport in Maine before the hijackers left for NY the morning of the attack could easily have brought police scrutiny on a bunch of Arab men with knives and a fake bomb. It didn’t, sad to say. Any number of things could’ve gone wrong, from the weather conditions that day, to the swiftness of the victims to protect themselves on board the hijacked planes. It was the perfect storm, a freak accident, that the attack went off as well as it did. This is proven by the fact that every single flight in America was grounded shortly after the world realized what was going on, and not a single other sleeper cell was uncovered on board any of those flights. Every hijacker in existence that day succeeded in launching their plan.
So for Judy to lament that she didn’t connect the dots herself, or start the nation on a mad rush to uncover the plot, represents a total misunderstanding of what transpired that day. Any person in America, potentially, could have stopped the 9/11 plot from coming to fruition. It just so happens that none of them did. That’s not to say that a whole helluva lot of people should be brought to justice for fucking up our aviation system, not to mention our system of government, so much so that the preconditions for 9/11 existed. But Judy’s “regret” is yet another diva aria, with seemingly no regard for the fact that the audience is streaming for the exits.
WMR Report May 17 — Add Cuba and Venezuela to the list of countries that knew of and informed the Bush administration about a “major terrorist attack” prior to 911.
In addition to Russia, Jordan, France, Germany, and other nations, Venezuelan and Cuban intelligence picked up chatter about a “major terrorist attack” on the United States prior to 911. Cuban intelligence, which has an extensive network in Florida -a home base of the hijackers and their handlers- initially picked up reports about the attack and passed the information to both the United States and Venezuela …
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
This is a possibility given our fearless leaders, but Judith Miller has about as much credibility as they do. Zip Zippo nada.