Good morning, CG.
No problem.
I only made a brief comment in response to FM on Monday.
I’m confident that it will be resolved in my favor, but it takes time and affects the kids.
I’m so sorry that’s going on. Custody stuff is so horrendous for everyone involved, and from my own experience, it’s almost impossible to resolve things quickly.
We had a parent try to resolve it quickly yesterday by taking a kid from school. We were in lock-down for 40 minutes. It was the last 10 minutes of the day and 30 minutes after we should have dismissed. Parents in cars waiting to pick up their kids clogged the streets around the school. Police officers were walking around the building and the golf course and field next to the school. The buses had to leave empty to make their other rounds and then come back to pick up kids later. We finally got the last kid on the bus an hour and a half late.
The police are involved now, & I’m guessing the courts will be too. It was resolved peacefully; the child was never in danger, but 650 other kids were mightily inconvenienced. I hope my next 4 school days are not like Friday.
And I hope things get resolved for Ask without going through anything like that.
Actually it was weirder than scary. Imagine a totally silent school with 600+ kids in it!
Both parents share custody. Mom just didn’t want the kids to be with dad this weekend. She followed dad into the building and when the youngest child was coming up the hall, she went to meet her. Dad and the office staff didn’t notice she’d slipped away due to normal end of day office confusion.
So, would I be a terrible parent if I started running the vacuum cleaner while the kids are still asleep? I’m trying to resist the temptation, but it isn’t easy.
Well, they’re half awake already, and we have to head out to lacrosse at 10:30, and I just want to clean up a little before we go, and since we were out at the fair last night I couldn’t do it then…
Oh Yea. All relatives and I mean all will be gone today.
It looks like the yard today. I took my Mom for a walk around the house yesterday and she told me this yard is looking bad. Meaning both neighbors just mowed and our lawn is 2 cm higher than theirs.
Other than that just getting the house back in order.
Duh. I guess I usually wouldn’t show up for another few hours or so, huh? From my perspective it feels a little like getting back to my routine, sitting having coffee in the Cafe.
Have you guys already made plans for getting together at Andi’s? I don’t know when I’ll be able to get out of town since I sold my car back in AZ and haven’t yet started shopping for a replacement.
Oh you two are going to be great for all my neuroses, I can already tell. I might actually have a car by then. I am writing that down on my calendar right now (which I had to dig into a box to get, and I swore 48 times yesterday that I wasn’t unpacking a single damn thing today, so see, there’s proof of how much I like you).
I got the dates wrong – I have to be back in Indy (the city) on the 8th to fly to Cleveland. So I’ll be with Andi on the evening of the 6th and all day the 7th.
Yes, the Indy vs. Indy thing is always confusing. I’ll always think of you as Indy rather than your real name, Tiffany. You’re just always Indy when I think of you.
You won’t necessarily have to have a car unless you want to meet somewhere other than Dayton. We could come to Dayton on the 7th or 8th — though if we did it on the 8th we’d be somewhat time constrained because SN is flying out from Indy that afternoon (if you had a car and we could meet in Richmond that would save us a couple of hours).
But it would be such a long drive for you guys to drive all the way to Dayton and back. And I really do need my own car. I just need to spend a week or so in bed for now and then I can probably knock a few more major tasks out pretty quickly. We are usually “let’s just make it happen” people — for example, we bought living room furniture in less than an hour.
My last car was terrific. I had a little Nissan Pulsar that I picked up used in FL for $4500 with about 35K miles on it. After making the dealer replace the clutch in the first two weeks I owned it, it got me around FL, got me to AZ, never needed another major repair in the 12 or 13 years I owned it, and I still managed to get a guy to pay me $1200 for it when I sold it before I came back east. Hopefully, the next car experience will go roughly equally as well as that one did.
a once in lifetime mystical experience that proves that there is something in the universe larger and greater than us whose ways we will never understand.
It was not me! I am never the cause of nose-licking, and especially not that early. (Although I am not categorically opposed to chest jumping, so long as it’s done gently.)
I think gentle and jumping don’t go well together. Maybe we need another phrase for the gentle version (chest sneaking up on, chest wriggling up to, chest just happened to be there when the body moved into that physical plane).
I’ve never really had sinus trouble, but I have some friends who absolutely swear by the Neti pot, fwiw.
So far, I really like the Dayton area a lot. The people have been friendly, things are going all right, we’re settling in and making a nice home. All things considered, it was a very smooth cross country move and I feel very fortunate.
I don’t know where to go with that. Could be it’s too early in the morning – or it could be my meds, while making me happy and giving me a peaceful easy feelin’ have me feeling kind of neutered.
Yeah, the neutering thing is a problem – but not really for ME. It’s like someone told me I have to give up green beans. I like green beans, but I can live without them.
Mornin’ Mary. Yes, we got in a week or so ago (time’s a little blurry) but have been real busy with all the move-in stuff. You know how it is. I missed you guys! 🙂
Should be. This week was a planned busy week, butsometimes they come up unplanned. I’m in a bad mood still from it even though it was planned.
Tomorrow I have to go out to the country to see a friend who is also a client. So it screws up Sunday.
I’m going to try to be Kelly and walk on the treadmill while I read the internets. If I don’t come back to open up the cafe you’ll know I killed myself. But don’t worry or anything 😉
of most organized religion. Last night though a friend of mine shared with me the message of a sermon that her minister gave recently and recognizing the truth is thankfully sort of a universal phenomenon! Love people, use things. Too many of us use people and love things.
Good morning, froggybottom.
Who’s up?
How are you doing?
Missing the kids.
Otherwise well, thanks.
At curly’s place, she is supportive.
How is your morning?
I’m sorry about the kids but glad you have curly to help you. I hope you can get this settled quickly and happily.
It’s still cool here but at least it’s stopped raining.
Ask, what is up with the kids? I hope you don’t mind my asking, but I think I must have missed it in an earlier cafe.
Good morning, CG.
No problem.
I only made a brief comment in response to FM on Monday.
I’m confident that it will be resolved in my favor, but it takes time and affects the kids.
I’m so sorry that’s going on. Custody stuff is so horrendous for everyone involved, and from my own experience, it’s almost impossible to resolve things quickly.
We had a parent try to resolve it quickly yesterday by taking a kid from school. We were in lock-down for 40 minutes. It was the last 10 minutes of the day and 30 minutes after we should have dismissed. Parents in cars waiting to pick up their kids clogged the streets around the school. Police officers were walking around the building and the golf course and field next to the school. The buses had to leave empty to make their other rounds and then come back to pick up kids later. We finally got the last kid on the bus an hour and a half late.
The police are involved now, & I’m guessing the courts will be too. It was resolved peacefully; the child was never in danger, but 650 other kids were mightily inconvenienced. I hope my next 4 school days are not like Friday.
And I hope things get resolved for Ask without going through anything like that.
What a scary situation! Did a teacher realize that it was not the ‘custodial’ parent picking up the child?
Actually it was weirder than scary. Imagine a totally silent school with 600+ kids in it!
Both parents share custody. Mom just didn’t want the kids to be with dad this weekend. She followed dad into the building and when the youngest child was coming up the hall, she went to meet her. Dad and the office staff didn’t notice she’d slipped away due to normal end of day office confusion.
It will resolve in your favor and I’ve got faith.
Got any big plans in the big city today?
Today, I will sloth.
Will have to go to the office tomorrow, alas.
Good for today.
For tomorrow, oh Man! You have my sympathy.
:::yawning and stretching:::
Good morning Andi and Ask!
So, would I be a terrible parent if I started running the vacuum cleaner while the kids are still asleep? I’m trying to resist the temptation, but it isn’t easy.
to use the vacuum cleaner as an excuse to wake up the kids?
Well, they’re half awake already, and we have to head out to lacrosse at 10:30, and I just want to clean up a little before we go, and since we were out at the fair last night I couldn’t do it then…
So, yes.
that I have never been tempted to do any house cleaning in my entire life — driven to it, yes but never, ever tempted.
I just want the excess dog hair to vanish…
It will never happen. Dog hair comes from another dimension and just shows up.
Yeah, that other dimension where all the missing socks go…
Rod Serling lives at your house too.? 😉
Good Morning Ask, Andi and CG.
Good morning, FM.
Any big plans this weekend?
Oh Yea. All relatives and I mean all will be gone today.
It looks like the yard today. I took my Mom for a walk around the house yesterday and she told me this yard is looking bad. Meaning both neighbors just mowed and our lawn is 2 cm higher than theirs.
Other than that just getting the house back in order.
Morning FM. What heights of slackdom are you aiming for today?
It’s work today. Wait for the dew to get off the grass and starting hunting through the kitchen for everything.
doesn’t the dew get off the grass just about the time the sun is going down?
I wish. But probably during the hottest part of the day I’ll be outside.
I saw you don’t have any rain today. Sounds like a big plan day to me.
or a ‘no plan but enjoy the day’ day (especially since we don’t do yardwork).
Always knew you and Jim were highly intelligent.
To live in a place with no yard work, oh the bliss.
One of these days if I ever get to a state that has the lottery, I will of course buy one ticket and win and then never do a day of yard work again.
As usual I didn’t stay up late enough for the late night fun and didn’t get up early enough for the early morning coffee crowd. I’m doomed.
You & me can ride that line and then gossip about everyone else. 🙂 How you doin’, SN?
Morning SN and Indy.
What are ya’ll talking about. I haven’t been up that long myself.
Hey, I thought you witnessed the sunrise every morning.
I tried to stay up late last night, but couldn’t make it to midnight.
All that flirtin’ takes its toll.
Yea I could always talk a good game. 😛
You’re always on the right side of a nap, Family Man, I like that about you.
Naps are only training for the big sleep marathon at night.
I’m happy to say the training is going well and I’ve been winning the marathon. 🙂
I’m waiting for my sinuses to clear after being prone all night, and then I’ll be fine. How are you liking Ohio, Indy?
Oh, and it’s weird having you in the eastern time zone.
Why, is the magnetic pull of my snark screwing up your clocks or something? ;p
yeah, that’s it.
I just realized that you were here in the morning cafe – and that was weird. Is that okay with you?
Are you ready to start thinking about meeting up with Andi and me?
Duh. I guess I usually wouldn’t show up for another few hours or so, huh? From my perspective it feels a little like getting back to my routine, sitting having coffee in the Cafe.
Have you guys already made plans for getting together at Andi’s? I don’t know when I’ll be able to get out of town since I sold my car back in AZ and haven’t yet started shopping for a replacement.
I’ll be at Andi’s July 7th and 8th. We were secretly conspiring to drive to the Dayton area and kidnap you for a couple of hours.
it was a secret conspiracy.
I guess we’ll just have to do it openly instead.
Yeah, and I think I got the dates wrong.
Oh you two are going to be great for all my neuroses, I can already tell. I might actually have a car by then. I am writing that down on my calendar right now (which I had to dig into a box to get, and I swore 48 times yesterday that I wasn’t unpacking a single damn thing today, so see, there’s proof of how much I like you).
I got the dates wrong – I have to be back in Indy (the city) on the 8th to fly to Cleveland. So I’ll be with Andi on the evening of the 6th and all day the 7th.
I have to be back in Indy (the city) on the 8th
I was going to say that that was mighty presumptuous of you, but then I remembered, everyone in the Cafe already knows I’m easy.
Okay, I corrected the dates on my calendar, and I will try to be ready to get on over to Indiana in early July.
Yes, the Indy vs. Indy thing is always confusing. I’ll always think of you as Indy rather than your real name, Tiffany. You’re just always Indy when I think of you.
You can call me Indy if you want. I’m not very picky about that sort of thing.
(‘Tiffany’ made me snort, though. My mother almost named me Prudence but my father pitched a hissy fit, which is how I wound up with Jennifer.)
Thank goodness. I was beginning to wonder if you were the singer from years ago.
I’m really more of a Samantha Fox than a Tiffany. 😉
The resemblence is striking. And I think Family Man had to excuse himself.
Did I say something wrong again?
No dear, I just figured Samantha Fox had a…well effect on you.
Great Googly Moogly. Indyyyyyyy! 🙂
Family Man…your heart….be cafeful!
The heart is the least of my worries. Can’t get eyeballs unglued from screen.
Just so we’re clear about representation, I do not look anything like Samantha Fox…but I will dress up in black leather and sing naughty songs.
In that case I am REALLY looking forward to our meeting. 😛
I feel so left out. I want to see Indy in black leather and singing naughty songs.
Too bad Andi can’t get high speed access out there in the woods, otherwise we could do a live webcast.
Cafeful? You know what I meant.
You won’t necessarily have to have a car unless you want to meet somewhere other than Dayton. We could come to Dayton on the 7th or 8th — though if we did it on the 8th we’d be somewhat time constrained because SN is flying out from Indy that afternoon (if you had a car and we could meet in Richmond that would save us a couple of hours).
But it would be such a long drive for you guys to drive all the way to Dayton and back. And I really do need my own car. I just need to spend a week or so in bed for now and then I can probably knock a few more major tasks out pretty quickly. We are usually “let’s just make it happen” people — for example, we bought living room furniture in less than an hour.
Buying furniture is fun. Buying cars is the pits. We put it off until our cars are rolling (if we are lucky) rust.
Anyway, we can work out the details when the date gets closer — the main thing is that we’re on your calendar.
My last car was terrific. I had a little Nissan Pulsar that I picked up used in FL for $4500 with about 35K miles on it. After making the dealer replace the clutch in the first two weeks I owned it, it got me around FL, got me to AZ, never needed another major repair in the 12 or 13 years I owned it, and I still managed to get a guy to pay me $1200 for it when I sold it before I came back east. Hopefully, the next car experience will go roughly equally as well as that one did.
You guys are always on my meta-calendar. 🙂
a once in lifetime mystical experience that proves that there is something in the universe larger and greater than us whose ways we will never understand.
that caused Sniff to jump on my chest and start licking my nose at 6:15!
Morning neighbor.
It was not me! I am never the cause of nose-licking, and especially not that early. (Although I am not categorically opposed to chest jumping, so long as it’s done gently.)
I think gentle and jumping don’t go well together. Maybe we need another phrase for the gentle version (chest sneaking up on, chest wriggling up to, chest just happened to be there when the body moved into that physical plane).
Chest nudging. Chest nosing. Chest sniffing.
I’ve never really had sinus trouble, but I have some friends who absolutely swear by the Neti pot, fwiw.
So far, I really like the Dayton area a lot. The people have been friendly, things are going all right, we’re settling in and making a nice home. All things considered, it was a very smooth cross country move and I feel very fortunate.
I’m really happy to hear that Indy.
I have my own neti pot – well actually it’s my cupped hand and I’ve tried it a few times. After you get over the ick factor it works great.
You know I love a woman with talented, versatile hands. ;p
I don’t know where to go with that. Could be it’s too early in the morning – or it could be my meds, while making me happy and giving me a peaceful easy feelin’ have me feeling kind of neutered.
I am so glad to know you found meds that [mostly at least] work for you.
Yeah, the neutering thing is a problem – but not really for ME. It’s like someone told me I have to give up green beans. I like green beans, but I can live without them.
Morning Andi, ask, FM, SN and … INDY!!!
You made it safe and sound! Maybe you made it earlier this week and I missed you, but I’m so happy to see you (virtually)!
Morning Mary.
Mornin’ Mary. Yes, we got in a week or so ago (time’s a little blurry) but have been real busy with all the move-in stuff. You know how it is. I missed you guys! 🙂
I missed you being around. I was thinking this week that no one had tried to talk philosophy in my presence in a long time 😉
Yeah, not a lot of philosophy among the lawyerly, it’s all beer cans and bowling shoes for that set. ;p
Have a quieter week ahead?
Should be. This week was a planned busy week, butsometimes they come up unplanned. I’m in a bad mood still from it even though it was planned.
Tomorrow I have to go out to the country to see a friend who is also a client. So it screws up Sunday.
I’m going to try to be Kelly and walk on the treadmill while I read the internets. If I don’t come back to open up the cafe you’ll know I killed myself. But don’t worry or anything 😉
what me worry
(no punctuation for faster reading on the treadmill)
Oh mary, we knew her well (virtually).
To go out on a threadmill while viewing the net. Now that’s creative.
of most organized religion. Last night though a friend of mine shared with me the message of a sermon that her minister gave recently and recognizing the truth is thankfully sort of a universal phenomenon! Love people, use things. Too many of us use people and love things.
That gives me hope, thanks for posting it, Tracy.
Also missing from Alabama church signs lately is. 9/11, never forget! I used to see that and shudder. To me it read Never heal, stay insanely angry!
Tracy I’m the same as you on religion, but it is nice to hear some sense every now and then.
Got to go for awhile. George is whinning and I’ve got to try and hustle the relatives out the door.
See ya’ll later.
I hope the hustling works … 🙂
Saturday cafe is now open. Please unrecommend this one and recommend the next one.