Welcome to the Froggy Bottom Pirate’s Pub
All Pirates should introduce themselves to the Buxom Wenches.
Your host tonight is Maryb.
Your host tonight is Maryb.
Hooks and parrots must be checked at the door.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
4’s are appreciated.
Where’s all that pirated music I was hoping for?
Before you get comfortable, go back to the last lounge and unrecommend it.
we had three cafes all day. Let’s face it, you’re cursed with an irresistable personality.
Screw the music — I brought Johnny along to this cafe.
Hear Hear, I agree, and what Andi said.
I thought that might be a photo of you, FM. And btw, hi! I just now saw your kind hello on that other thread.
I just got back from seeing the DVCode. Personally I thought it was really boring. Talk talk talk. I know what I’d have done to make it a better movie, but did they ask me? Noooo. There were protesters outside of it, poor babies.
Hi Kansas. I’ve heard it wasn’t that good. I read the book about I guess 3 years ago.
All those protestors will only bring along the Gibson effect if they don’t watch it.
did you read the book?
Somebody on the open thread just posted on it and said they liked it, but they hadn’t read the book.
I did read the book,which is a problem when you see the movie since it’s so much like it. I can see where it would be more fun if you had no idea what was coming next.
My husband and son went and they liked it, but they’re not picky by any means. I read the bad reviews and figured I’d be really bored.
Good choice on your part.
Miles and Trane Live in Stockholm c. 1960. Courtesy of Chris.
verrrry nice. It’s making a nice background.
because ….?
I signed up today, but I have to get the modem next week and b/c it’s a long w/e they’re closed on Monday. So probably hooked up Tuesday.
be just poor me and NDD when he’s at the farm sufffering dial-up deprivations.
So I have a few more days … And, b/c of my past experience I can totally commiserate w/ you. And you can complain about it all you want. How’s that? Besides, I think I’d much rather stay w/ dial-up if it meant living in Andi-land. ๐
as my explanation about the two trips to Montreal. ๐
I’m glad you admit the lameness of it. And yes, I’m admitting the lameness of my own.
And me…..
Cable company here is a little outfit that doesn’t offer `net access, and the phone lines here are so screwed up that DSL won’t work…
and the only way to get the apartment wiring fixed is for me, personally, to pay to have this building rewired. Ten grand should do it.
(when I need broadband badly enough I head up to the local coffee bar with a laptop…)
If you were really a good neighbor, you’d wire the whole building. I mean, 10,000 dollars? Can you put a price on friendship?
When did I EVER say I was a good neighbor???????!!!!!!!!
The nearest friend (as in, someone I’ll tell BEFORE I run for the border) lives about fifty miles away. We talk about every four months or so and get together a couple of times a year, irregularly. Schedules permitting, of course.
“Friend” is a very special thing in my world; I quit looking for more about ten years back. I’ve got enough.
one up on me because I’m in the country and the nearest wifi is 12 miles away.
Me, personally, I’d consider that “one down” as cities are not among my favorite things but I haven’t managed to retire out of them yet.
And the wifi is the ONLY advantage to the coffee shop; I make much better coffee than they do for a lot less money…
I won’t be disconnected during crucial moments. I will learn all the BT secrets bwa-ha-ha-ha-haaaaa. ๐
and raise you a pair of dragonflies…
OMFSM!!! What are they doing?! Mus be that new drug…:{)
and I’ve got the guy with the rum
I’ve heard of 6 pack abs, but I want to know if our waitstaff has 8 pack or 10 pack mams?
Jim that one is to hot to touch. Would need the helmet to comment on that.
or maybe your suit of armor.
No I just wear this and hike up my grass skirt real high. That would have everone trying not to upchuck and I could make my escape. ๐
Besides, you already made some crack below about running from menopausal women. ๐
I do seem to be stepping into it a lot this week, don’t I?
I was wondering if all the buxom wenches were shivering some timbers?
Feeling left out?
Nope, just felt empty on the poop deck.
Do you have any timbers to shiver?
have left the lounge together and you want to us to believe you don’t know the answer to that?
Now Andi if I remember you and SN left about the same time last night. Jim is such a lucky guy. ๐
yeah, two menopausal women –woo hoo.
In that case. Run Jim Run. Don’t look back, just RUN.
… And you were in it!
Did ya see the main mast pole, me buxomous wench.
Us one eye, peg legged old pirates still can put some wind in the sails.
Where the hell did that come from? ๐
Sounded real natural Family Man. You’ve found your inner pirate!
I think you were his muse.
Maybe, but I could wear all that black eyeliner.
… to all you fair weathered frogs that I have a fire going right now in the fireplace b/c it is so damp and cold here. ๐
I just want to point out to all northerners that I have a personal sized fan blowing directly into my face and the AC on.
that I’d rather be with Olivia. Nothing personal SN but a fire … in May …
Fires lose their appeal after October, November, December, January, February, March and April. Maybe it’s just me.
It’s the only orange flame I’ve seen in days!
I just want to point out that the windows are open, the stars are out and it’s a perfect night.
Not trying to rub it in. neener, neener, neener.
yeah, it’s about 65 here and I have all the windows open. there’s a threat of rain, but it will probably go south.
It’s actually beautiful out right now, but I closed the windows upstairs because my allergies were going wild.
That’s one thing I’m so thankful I don’t have. My youngest brother has them really bad, but I’ve been lucky.
NO more rain! Argggghhh!
Well I told you what I was trying to do. If I uncork George’s posterior we might can get a little more air up that way.
Aye, wouldn’t it be great, me woman?
at last !
Thanks Andi. I’m beginning to feel old again. ๐
our youth.
Night everyone.
night SN
Night SN.
SN goes to bed. Sniff just went up to bed.
I’m just waiting for the shower at this moment.
are in the shower together …
Nah, I knew that couldn’t be. And anyway I just checked and he’s on my pillow.
and what conclusions do you draw from that?
I know, I know. It’s SN that Sniff loves, not me. Now that she’s gone, he might as well go to bed <sob>
So it was just talk — but Sniff points out that you already said you wouldn’t make a commitment.
was the type who NEEDED commitment. I don’t. I just need him to like me better than anybody else.
Me jealous? SN is gone, but I had such a good reply. Damn.
say it anyway, just to entertain us.
I was going to say…
Oh sorry I was gone for a minute. SN said she had to shave the yeti and I was checking out the stock prices on razor blades.
Ok I’m ducking and running.
Take heart Maryb. Sniff hits the sack about an hour after dark regardless of what anyone else is doing.
<sob> thanks Jim :::sniff::: I feel better already.
pirate’s delight.
Killer ss tonight, from @ 15 min. ago…sorry O.
Gorgeous. I really like the shadow across the clouds.
I like the contrast of the black mountians and then the color and light. Cool.
Thanks for sharing it!
I just took a shower and used the same soap, shampoo etc. that I always use and after I dried off and got dressed my hands swelled up and started to itch uncontrollably to the point where I just wanted to cut them off. I took a Claritin and it’s starting to help, but DAMN! WTF?
Were you giving yourself a home spa like Tracy the other night?
Seriously, maybe there was something in the water or on the towel.
Do you think it was the new jalapeno shower gel? ๐
Really though, if it was in the towel my whole body would be itching. This is weird.
I’d think your whole body would be itching if it was the soap or shampoo or conditioner. So it must be something else. Retrace your steps, did you do anything else when you got out of the shower?
Nope, just put on baby oil, which I always do.
I guess you can develop an allergy to something you’ve been using forever. But the fact that it’s just my hands is weird. Now I’m starting to itch other places but I think it might be my imagination.
or could it be a delayed reaction to something you ate or did earlier?
sometimes poison ivy doesn’t really show up until you take a hot shower. At least that’s happened to some people I know.
You’re back. How are you feeling.
Itchy. I feel like ripping off all my clothes and running down the street screaming.
I know you take the claratin, but does benadryl help at all. If it’s all over your body then benadryl would be more of a systemic antihist.
Buenos noches.
That must have been some bike ride, to send you off before Andi.
This ship is pulling out for the night, so everybody needs to head over the new 24/7 cafe.