As corporations have grown in size they’ve gained in power and influence. And so has the harm they cause – to communities, nations, the great majority of the public and the planet. Today corporate giants decide who governs and how, who serves on our courts, what laws are enacted and even whether and when wars are fought, against whom and for what purpose or gain. It’s for their gain, who else’s, certainly not ours. Once we start one, they can even make profit projections from it like on any other business venture. For them, that’s all it is – another way to make a buck, lots of them.

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Note: This is the first of a ten-part series.

Large transnational corporations are clearly the dominant institution of our time.  They’re preeminent  throughout the world but especially in the Global North and its epicenter in the US.  They control or greatly influence what we eat and drink, where we live, what we wear, how we get most of our essential services like health care and even what we’re taught in schools up to the highest levels.  They create and control our sources of information and greatly influence how we think and our view of the world and them.  They even now own patents on our genetic code, the most basic elements of human life, and are likely planning to manipulate and control them as just another commodity to exploit for profit in their brave new world that should concern everyone. They also carefully craft their image and use catchy slogans to convince us of their benefit to society and the world, like: “better things for better living through chemistry” (if you don’t mind toxic air, water and soil), “we bring good things to life” (for them, not us), and “all the news that’s fit to print” (only if you love state and corporate friendly disinformation and propaganda).  The slogans are clever, but the truth is ugly.

Corporations also decide who will govern and how.  We may think we do, but it’s not so and never was.  Those national elections, especially the last two, only looked legitimate to most people, but not to those who know and understand how the system works.  Here’s how it really works.  The “power elite” or privileged class C. Wright Mills wrote about 50 years ago in his classic book by that title are the real king and decision makers.  He wrote how corporate, government and military elites formed a trinity of power after WW II and that the “power elite” were those “who decide whatever is decided” of importance.  The holy trinity Mills wrote about still exists but today in the shape of a triangle with the transnational giants clearly on top and government, the military and all other institutions of importance there to serve their interests. These corporations have become so large and dominant they run our lives and the world, and in a zero sum world and the chips that count most in their stack, they do it for their continuing gain and at our increasing expense.  Something is way out of whack, and in this essay I’ll try to explain what it is and why we better understand it.

The Power of Transnational Corporations and the Harm They Cause

As corporations have grown in size they’ve gained in power and influence.  And so has the harm they cause – to communities, nations, the great majority of the public and the planet.  Today corporate giants decide who governs and how, who serves on our courts, what laws are enacted and even whether and when wars are fought, against whom and for what purpose or gain.  It’s for their gain, who else’s, certainly not ours.  Once we start one, they can even make profit projections from it like on any other business venture.  For them, that’s all it is – another way to make a buck, lots of them.

The central thesis of this essay is that giant transnational corporations today have become so dominant they now control our lives and the world, and they exploit both fully and ruthlessly.  While they claim to be serving us and bringing us the fruits of the so-called “free market,” in fact, they just use us for their gain.  They’ve deceived us and highjacked the government to serve them as subservient proxies in their unending pursuit to dominate the world’s markets, resources,  cheap labor abroad and our own right here.  And they’ve done it much like what happens in the marketplace when a predator company attempts to take control of another one that prefers to remain independent.  They launch a hostile takeover, going around or over the heads of the target’s management, their employees and the communities they operate in.  They go right to the target’s shareholders and promise them a better deal, meaning a premium price on the stock they hold. 

They do this, as in a friendly merger, for a variety of financial and strategic reasons, but essentially it’s to achieve any possible immediate gain as well as over the longer term greater market dominance that will build future profits. But what happens in the wake of a takeover.  Assets get stripped, spun-off and/or sold-off.  Plants are closed.  Jobs are lost.  And all this is done for the primary bottom line goal – “the bottom line,” higher profits, whatever the cost to people, communities or society.

Think of it this way.  Large corporations today everywhere, but especially the largest ones in the Global North, are a destructive force, hostile to people, societies and the environment.  They’re nothing less than legal private tyrannies operating freely with virtually no restraint.  Everything for them, animal, vegetable or mineral, is viewed as a production input to be commodified and consumed for profit and then discarded when no longer of use.  And to achieve maximum profits, costs must be rigidly controlled.  That means the lowest prices paid for goods and services, the lowest wages paid to workers (below privileged higher management who reward themselves richly), as little as possible spent on essential benefits like health care and pensions, and increasingly little or no concern about the long-term cost of exploiting, plundering or even destroying the natural environment and the future ability of the planet to sustain life.  These issues, however recognized and grave, are for someone else to deal with later.

For now all that matters is today, the next quarter’s earnings and keeping the stockholders and Wall Street happy. They only understand numbers on financial statements and are blind, unconcerned and even hostile to human and societal welfare or a safe environment that will protect and sustain all life forms.  They call it “free market capitalism.”  It’s really the law of the jungle.  They’re the predators, we’re the prey, and every day they eat us alive.

Does all this make sense?  And do corporate chieftains who live in a community, love their wives and children, contribute to charities, attend church and believe in its teachings really go to work every day and think – “who and what can I exploit today?” They sure do because they have no other choice.  No more so than breathing in and breathing out.

Coming in Part 2:  How the Law Affects Corporate Behavior

Written by Stephen Lendman, (email – who lives in Chicago. Stephen maintains a blog at, and writes a regular column at