Careful with those, ej. Make sure they go where they should!
A friend of mine had a very unfortunate experience with a gris-gris she found abandoned, while on holiday near Senegal not long ago. Very shortly after she picked it up, she was nearly knifed during a robbery. She’d been warned about this type of thing & she threw the gris-gris straight away!
Thanks for the advice…I actually didn’t know that voodoo originated in Senegal (and Benin) until I talked to the curator of a voodoo shop / museum down there.
I think I’m pretty straight on the instructions on using it, so hopefully I won’t have any mishaps like your friend did!
Go with your intuitive sense & all should be well. As widely traveled as you are, I know you’re expert at this!
My friend’s problem was that she ignored her own.
Hey WW!! Hope you’re still here, though I’m sorry to hear you’ve still got that cold. I’m sure the weather is not helping one bit with that. Chicken soup, and lots of it, and load it up with garlic too. Don’t forget the shot of whiskey before (or in) bed to warm you up and ease you off into restful slumber… unless you want me to do my rare poppies slumber ritual… hehe. Oh, what am I saying? They won’t be blooming for a few weeks yet… damn.
Hola, IVG!
Thanks for your kind, healing thoughts. I’ve had some terrific home-made tomato/lentil soup (can’t seem to do chicken); no booze, unfortunately, since about 1987.
As for the poppies, I do know a bit about those rituals. Quite the fantastic medicine, is she.
Used very effectively for heroin withdrawal, bless her.
Ours generally didn’t bloom ’til about July.
I think the garlic is really the important part (IMHO), and I’m sure the kitties won’t mind. Well, since yours is a “dry” house, I’ll have the shot of whiskey for you and send its warming and calming properties in my thoughts headed out your way, up the mountain.
I have to get C. to get his butt on BT here so he can talk to you… he could go on for hours about gris gris bags and herbs. I keep prodding him but the time apparently isn’t right just yet. But I will mention this… he’s heard so much about WW already I think the curiosity factor may finally work at some point. lol
I drove the whole way, but I wasn’t traveling solo.
I told Mary I was going to get a NY Mets voodoo doll so that I could help my Braves retake the NL East, but I didn’t find one that fit the bill. It doesn’t seem that it matters though, since the Braves made up 4 games while I was down there!
We’ve actually been vacilating between summer, spring & winter since October.
Even old timers say this has been one weird year, weatherwise.
Hello, global warming.
And you know what, like that first commenter Jack said — I’ll probably be regretting this when everything’s parched and dying in a couple months. I like homeostasis. It’s a good thing. 🙂
Your name came up at the Memphis Meetup, btw. On Friday night I was camping at a campground that had wireless internet access, and we started talking about blogging from a tent…I joked that I always pictured that as being your modus operandi 😉
Hey IVG…I got it at home, actually. I didn’t see it in the grocery stores down there, oddly. I was staying a bit north of New Orleans, and they had their shelves fully stocked with the Abita line of beers (which are fantastic as well!).
I’ll have more to say about the trip tomorrow or Tuesday after I’ve gotten a chance to catch up on some things here. I didn’t have my camera at the meetup, hopefully blueneck or IndianaDem will post a diary with some pictures soon though!
and I’ll wait patiently for the diary on your trip. I’d be too wiped out to write a word, if I were you. Yeah, the BV beer is not always easy to find… used to be able to get it in the grocery stores here, but now I can only find it at the specialty liquor store down the street and at World Market. Come to think of it… last time I was in NO, I didn’t see it there either… hmm, wonder if it’s “just for export?”
Anyway, glad to see you back safe (sane?) and sound.
That’s funny, I actually bought it at the World Market here too (where I also picked up an Apricot Lager from Pyramid brewing that was excellent, last time I was there). I’m sure that they have to have it somewhere down there, but I didn’t run across it in any of the bars, restaurants, or stores I was in.
I was going to try to visit the brewery, but I just didn’t have time on this trip…I’ll have to try next time I make my way down there.
Call me weird, but I love those guys… the whole time I lived in FL, I kept hoping and praying that they would mutate into Godzilla sized monsters and re-take the state away from the hillbillies and nasty retirees. I know, I’m just an evil curmudgeon, but that state is the freakiest place I’ve ever lived.
I breathed a huge sigh of relief when I was moving out of there and drove across the Alabama line where we spent the first night of the trip. Never looked back. Didn’t want to turn into a pillar of rotten orange peels ya know.
Thx, Olivia… I try sometimes hehe. Head is better and the pizza was just pizza (frozen and glorified w/extra cheese). I had hope to grill just for us tonight but was working (grrrr). But since C has the day off tomorrow, and it’s supposed to be much warmer, I think we’ll just do it then. I got some lovely asparagus the other day and I may try grilling that as well (never tried it before, but I always do sweet corn that way). I’ll try it in butter and foil on top and see how that turns out.
Hey, do you have any clue what NDD’s mystery shrub/tree is tonight? Doesn’t look at all familiar to me, and I’m not very adept at google, as you know. (I’m gonna get it for that last comment, hehe!)
coat the asp. w/ olive oil and just lay them on the grill 10-12 min. [or long enough…that they’re cooked but not soggy] on low fire…I usually turn them once…sorta the last thing ya cook…add butter and seasonings after they’re done…tasty.
Hmm, thx for the tip, dada-O … would definitely be the last thing to go on the grill, since when I steam it I don’t let it go for very long either. Nothing worse than mushy asparagus.
Will give that a spin and let you know how that turns out.
ej, pass NDD one of those Blackened Voodoos… bet he’s never seen the likes of that stuff up there in the land o’ endless plains, hehe.
Hey, NDD… thanks for the info you sent last night. Definitely going to check into that one, and perhaps see if they have something similar at Great Earth supplements store. If I can get to talk to the owner, I know she’ll have lots of suggestions on what I could use.
No clue on the tree/shrub pic you have up there… remember I’m a tree ninny. Though after that box elder pic you put up recently, we’ve started noticing them around here and the seedlings we find in the yard always freak me out because I think they’re poison ivy, until they put on some size…
Hey, I read enough Carlos Casteneda to know to stay far away from anything to do with that there stuff.
Anyone interested in that culture would enjoy my favorite author of all time, Jorge Amado, of Brazil. Very interesting characters and the hoodoo, voodoo culture very nicely interwoven throughout every work of fiction he’s done that I’ve run across.
War of the Saints would be a good one to start with.
at school for projects requiring that heavy colored paper. Const paper, const board, I don’t remember anymore, but seems like that stuff used to come in a variety of colors… so that’d probably be what I’d look for to use where I want to experiement in background enhancement.
I loved that pic! Wonder if I saved it? Sure hope so. While we’re at it calling out people… how about FM… did he fall into a bucket of ice cream and pass out? He dared me earlier that he would stay up late tonight, and I came in early so I can bow out at a reasonable hour too. hmmm….
If it’s true it might survive to see the light of day since the usual impediments of inertia and vested interests may be in a more weakened state this time around due to “end of oil.”
Sheesh! Makes ya wonder what he did with the other $10K, huh? What is with these people who hide money in their freezers?? I remember the old days when people used to hide pot in the freezer, but at least there was a somewhat logical reason for doing so… (yeah, freeze drying oregano, uh huh)
question as to what exactly was hidden in the freezer. Hehe, not that it really matters, since it got us all a good chortle and dada has had his innuendo fix for the day.
Night ej… sleep well after your long trip and face Monday with a smile if possible. I’ll be wearing the grimace, so it should balance out.
Um, Mary… is that a hint of what you used to do on your summer vacations away from college? Somehow, imagining you in a hoop skirt makes me burst out laughing. Oh, and what good stuff did you have in mind? Should I get the Woodford Reserve? Since I was promising WW up thread that I would have a shot in her honor to help vanquish her cold and keep her warm.
I think I went there as a kid. We took a family trip to New Orleans to visit my aunt. She’s a lovely woman, but a teacher (as are both my parents), so it was a trip heavy on education. She dragged us to a plantation in 100 degree heat, and it looked a lot like that one. But then, they all look alike don’t they 😉
I’ve been the beneficiary of such wonderful FBC magic lately. I can feel that lovin’ tummy goodness already, IVG.
In fact, I’m just about ready to put my headdown on the cybord & ffa d d ……………………………………………………………………..
How did you know I just went downstairs and broke out the good stuff for your bedtime shot… it indeed does warm all the way down … will help you relax away the cold and ready you for another day. One without snow and rain! You and the kitties take care and see you soon!
we still cut ice into blocks and haul it in from the lakes most of the winter and store it under a foot or two of sawdust in the ice house, and then bring it in all summer long for the ice box. Don’t need no lectricity for that ya know.
After your last comment to WW, I couldn’t resist tempting you… get out your best old fashioned glass, hon.
Just make sure that you send warm bourbon thoughts to WW to ease her off to sleep …
It’s lovely stuff… and I just learned tonight (whilst snagging that pic) that it’s the Official Bourbon of the Kentucky Derby. Should have guessed, since the first place I ever had that was in a hotel in Louisville a couple of summers ago… a very generous bartender was giving me samples… love those samples. That’s how I discovered Hendricks Gin in the Westin in Chicago… one of the few small perks of traveling for work.
Oh, and when you said barb-wyre up thread, made me wonder if Olivia has tyres on her car? Any thoughts on that? hehe
Sure looks like you nailed it again… hadn’t even thought of honeysuckle… been so long since I’ve actually seen one of those. Now, the essential question for NDD is… did it smell really good? Or is it just the vining variety that has such a nice fragrance?
should you so desire… I’m just sayin… but then again, I’m good for about another 15-20 minutes then I’m toast, as we say down here. Curmudgeon toast ask me for the recipe sometime….
hmmm, all alone in a big empty cafe …
That’s what you think!
Anyone want to come over and have a beer with me?
Hey, welcome back! Safe and sound I hope?
Mmmm…voodoo beer.
Yep, safe and sound. A bit tired, though. I rolled back into Ann Arbor about 3am last night, and have had things going on all day today.
Went to the Memphis Meetup Friday night and yesterday. I’ll try to write something up tomorrow, my brain is too frazzled right now.
What time did you leave Memphis?
Right about 2pm central time.
That’s a long time driving. I hope you stopped along the way — and drank coffee or something.
But, let’s cut to the chase and get to the important stuff. Did you get a voodoo doll?
I stopped for gas (twice) and stopped once for food. I don’t do coffee.
I did not get a voodoo doll…there were several that I liked, but none of them felt quite right for my purposes.
I did however get a gris-gris bag. Actually, I got a few of them, but I’m going to give all but one as gifts.
I think I’m going to keep the one for ‘Power and Domination’ 🙂
Careful with those, ej. Make sure they go where they should!
A friend of mine had a very unfortunate experience with a gris-gris she found abandoned, while on holiday near Senegal not long ago. Very shortly after she picked it up, she was nearly knifed during a robbery. She’d been warned about this type of thing & she threw the gris-gris straight away!
Just make sure all’s clear when you handle them.
Thanks for the advice…I actually didn’t know that voodoo originated in Senegal (and Benin) until I talked to the curator of a voodoo shop / museum down there.
I think I’m pretty straight on the instructions on using it, so hopefully I won’t have any mishaps like your friend did!
Go with your intuitive sense & all should be well. As widely traveled as you are, I know you’re expert at this!
My friend’s problem was that she ignored her own.
She was near Dakar.
Damn this headcold ..
Hey WW!! Hope you’re still here, though I’m sorry to hear you’ve still got that cold. I’m sure the weather is not helping one bit with that. Chicken soup, and lots of it, and load it up with garlic too. Don’t forget the shot of whiskey before (or in) bed to warm you up and ease you off into restful slumber… unless you want me to do my rare poppies slumber ritual… hehe. Oh, what am I saying? They won’t be blooming for a few weeks yet… damn.
Hola, IVG!
Thanks for your kind, healing thoughts. I’ve had some terrific home-made tomato/lentil soup (can’t seem to do chicken); no booze, unfortunately, since about 1987.
As for the poppies, I do know a bit about those rituals. Quite the fantastic medicine, is she.
Used very effectively for heroin withdrawal, bless her.
Ours generally didn’t bloom ’til about July.
I think the garlic is really the important part (IMHO), and I’m sure the kitties won’t mind. Well, since yours is a “dry” house, I’ll have the shot of whiskey for you and send its warming and calming properties in my thoughts headed out your way, up the mountain.
I have to get C. to get his butt on BT here so he can talk to you… he could go on for hours about gris gris bags and herbs. I keep prodding him but the time apparently isn’t right just yet. But I will mention this… he’s heard so much about WW already I think the curiosity factor may finally work at some point. lol
Yes, please have a shot on my behalf, dear — & keep those healin’ vibes a’comin’.
Garlic is the ticket, fer sure. I put quite a bit in my soup. Used to eat it raw for a cold, but I was younger then.
‘Course, meeting C will be an honor for me — & he’ll find out I’m just your average-type wench, nothin’ special.
ugh, those sound horrible. What’s inside the power and domination one?
IIrc, you’re not meant to open them. Think of the lady named Pandora ..
don’t open it ej!
I don’t know…I don’t think I’m supposed to open it and find out though. I’m not one to tempt fate (too much)!
Did you drive it solo, or did you have some help?
And, what @ the voodoo doll?
I drove the whole way, but I wasn’t traveling solo.
I told Mary I was going to get a NY Mets voodoo doll so that I could help my Braves retake the NL East, but I didn’t find one that fit the bill. It doesn’t seem that it matters though, since the Braves made up 4 games while I was down there!
Good to see you, ej!
Hey WW! Good to see you too! And it is good to be back (though I suspect I may have a different feeling tomorrow after working for a couple of hours 😉
Glad you’re spending some down-time with us here tonight, then.
Kick back, enjoy.
Oh yeah…definitely kicking back at this point.
How have you been? Are you getting rain in biblical proportions like most of the rest of the country appears to be?
Not quite biblical proportions — but enough to bring Springtime into bloom after a very dry winter.
We could get a bit of snow tonight.
Uggh, snow? Isn’t it, like, summer yet?
We’ve actually been vacilating between summer, spring & winter since October.
Even old timers say this has been one weird year, weatherwise.
Hello, global warming.
Welcome back … 🙂
I went to see your latest post. I hope the weather clears up for you soon. It’s just not the same with you posting pictures of rain 🙁
And you know what, like that first commenter Jack said — I’ll probably be regretting this when everything’s parched and dying in a couple months. I like homeostasis. It’s a good thing. 🙂
Thanks olivia…next trip won’t be for a couple of weeks, but then I’ll be kind of over towards your neck of the woods!
The Fergus GB, iirc? 🙂
Yep! I’m looking forward to it, it’s one of my favorite tournaments of the year. Great competition and a kick-ass party!
and looking forward to hearing more of your excursion!
Your name came up at the Memphis Meetup, btw. On Friday night I was camping at a campground that had wireless internet access, and we started talking about blogging from a tent…I joked that I always pictured that as being your modus operandi 😉
… I’m gonna have to live vicariously through you, so I’ll expect a full recounting … of the bits you remember LOL! 🙂
I’ll try to take pictures, since usually the things that happen after about 5pm are things not remembered 😉
So will the pix be pre- or post-5pm … 😉
I’ll try to get as many post-5pm ones as I can, as a memory aide 😉
I’m all over that stuff… did you bring it back with you or get it at home? Looove that Blackened Voodoo… and the Crimson isn’t half bad either!
Eager to hear all about your fantabulous trip…
Hey IVG…I got it at home, actually. I didn’t see it in the grocery stores down there, oddly. I was staying a bit north of New Orleans, and they had their shelves fully stocked with the Abita line of beers (which are fantastic as well!).
I’ll have more to say about the trip tomorrow or Tuesday after I’ve gotten a chance to catch up on some things here. I didn’t have my camera at the meetup, hopefully blueneck or IndianaDem will post a diary with some pictures soon though!
and I’ll wait patiently for the diary on your trip. I’d be too wiped out to write a word, if I were you. Yeah, the BV beer is not always easy to find… used to be able to get it in the grocery stores here, but now I can only find it at the specialty liquor store down the street and at World Market. Come to think of it… last time I was in NO, I didn’t see it there either… hmm, wonder if it’s “just for export?”
Anyway, glad to see you back safe (sane?) and sound.
That’s funny, I actually bought it at the World Market here too (where I also picked up an Apricot Lager from Pyramid brewing that was excellent, last time I was there). I’m sure that they have to have it somewhere down there, but I didn’t run across it in any of the bars, restaurants, or stores I was in.
I was going to try to visit the brewery, but I just didn’t have time on this trip…I’ll have to try next time I make my way down there.
(and SN) wherever you are.
And so to bed.
g’night Andi
Good night Andi!
(If you’re still up for a few minutes, I met your neighbors this weekend 🙂
Have a good night, Andi — & a beautiful, sunny morning tomorrow.
Night Andi…! I called the pizza guy and they said he should be there soon… sometime this week, if he doesn’t run out of gas first. See you soon.
OK, who’s left in the 24/7 bar?
How sweet of you 😉
Have any excitement this weekend? (other than the FBCs)
today I had to meet with a client. It took up most of the day. But at least it was a nice day and not rainy until this evening.
ain’t your employers got no respect for the Sabbath??
although since I’m a partner I’m my own employer.
I actually volunteered to do this, nobody made me.
What did YOU do today?
I did the FM thing today, and mostly just domestic stuff.
This guy says ‘hi’ too!
It’s an alligator, of course!
begging for food?
I knew I was never meant to live in the Gulf Coast region <shiver>
Actually, he’s eating food. Our swamp tour guide was feeding him some chicken.
Here’s another picture. They can jump several feet out of the water!
that’s … great, ej. Glad YOU had that experience.
Does anyone magically appear when you say Holy Lutefisk?
wouldn’t that be a surprise?
I think he sticks to ET these days, and it’s been several weeks since I ventured there.
you missed Izzy’s coup d’etat then.
Aww, come on…I know you think he’s cute!
you know me so well …
Well, I thought you might at least appreciate the devilish grin that he has.
White House
He looks like he’s hoping he can lure you closer for a better shot and then he’ll eat you and your camera.
Although I think he looks like a she. More cunning.
Call me weird, but I love those guys… the whole time I lived in FL, I kept hoping and praying that they would mutate into Godzilla sized monsters and re-take the state away from the hillbillies and nasty retirees. I know, I’m just an evil curmudgeon, but that state is the freakiest place I’ve ever lived.
I breathed a huge sigh of relief when I was moving out of there and drove across the Alabama line where we spent the first night of the trip. Never looked back. Didn’t want to turn into a pillar of rotten orange peels ya know.
I love reading your comments
pillar of rotten orange peels
How’s the head? And how was the pizza?
Thx, Olivia… I try sometimes hehe. Head is better and the pizza was just pizza (frozen and glorified w/extra cheese). I had hope to grill just for us tonight but was working (grrrr). But since C has the day off tomorrow, and it’s supposed to be much warmer, I think we’ll just do it then. I got some lovely asparagus the other day and I may try grilling that as well (never tried it before, but I always do sweet corn that way). I’ll try it in butter and foil on top and see how that turns out.
Hey, do you have any clue what NDD’s mystery shrub/tree is tonight? Doesn’t look at all familiar to me, and I’m not very adept at google, as you know. (I’m gonna get it for that last comment, hehe!)
And hardy-har-har on the google comment mister. 😛
bush, on a river bank, about 4-5′ high
For their graphic … Go look!
coat the asp. w/ olive oil and just lay them on the grill 10-12 min. [or long enough…that they’re cooked but not soggy] on low fire…I usually turn them once…sorta the last thing ya cook…add butter and seasonings after they’re done…tasty.
Yo, Ndd, didn’t see ya there bud.
Hmm, thx for the tip, dada-O … would definitely be the last thing to go on the grill, since when I steam it I don’t let it go for very long either. Nothing worse than mushy asparagus.
Will give that a spin and let you know how that turns out.
but these pictures make me think that maybe it’s time to break out the good stuff ???
ej, pass NDD one of those Blackened Voodoos… bet he’s never seen the likes of that stuff up there in the land o’ endless plains, hehe.
Hey, NDD… thanks for the info you sent last night. Definitely going to check into that one, and perhaps see if they have something similar at Great Earth supplements store. If I can get to talk to the owner, I know she’ll have lots of suggestions on what I could use.
No clue on the tree/shrub pic you have up there… remember I’m a tree ninny. Though after that box elder pic you put up recently, we’ve started noticing them around here and the seedlings we find in the yard always freak me out because I think they’re poison ivy, until they put on some size…
Hey, I read enough Carlos Casteneda to know to stay far away from anything to do with that there stuff.
Anyone interested in that culture would enjoy my favorite author of all time, Jorge Amado, of Brazil. Very interesting characters and the hoodoo, voodoo culture very nicely interwoven throughout every work of fiction he’s done that I’ve run across.
War of the Saints would be a good one to start with.
I saw your comment at the b — so are you planning on making one?
at school for projects requiring that heavy colored paper. Const paper, const board, I don’t remember anymore, but seems like that stuff used to come in a variety of colors… so that’d probably be what I’d look for to use where I want to experiement in background enhancement.
If you use it, be sure to let us know … 🙂
If you use it, be sure to let us know … 🙂
Ya, sure, no worries there, everything shows up here in the FBCs sooner or later, hah!!
Where’d ya go?
Did ya blow away?
Hey, that’s as cute as the wind warning one dada had, ha!
I loved that pic! Wonder if I saved it? Sure hope so. While we’re at it calling out people… how about FM… did he fall into a bucket of ice cream and pass out? He dared me earlier that he would stay up late tonight, and I came in early so I can bow out at a reasonable hour too. hmmm….
He went to bed at 100 comments in the last cafe, once again leaving without offering to open a new one. The man is a true slacker.
Oh, did I SAY that?
If it wasn’t you, then it must be your evil twin … or someone channeling Erkel.
She hasn’t put in much of an appearance lately. Maybe she’s back.
yeah, that’s it … she’s back!
Got sidetracked. Didn’t get my sun. blog-walk earlier…catching up on the juicy bits that’ll be lost in Monday’s cycle.
I was worried that your gentle breezes had gotten a little stronger.
So, any interesting linkages today?
I read some a yer ‘theories’ last night!…:{)
I searhed it and came up w/ another article on the guy…did you see the link?
yep, read that one too, thanks!
If it’s true it might survive to see the light of day since the usual impediments of inertia and vested interests may be in a more weakened state this time around due to “end of oil.”
just has to be the “left” time of the day, and under the “left” type of stimulai.
If your interested in how Rep. Wm. Jefferson [d] NO came to have over $90k in cash in his freezer…’movin’ on up’ I guess…dumbfuck;
and, we also find out that Richard Armitage found God and has been testifying to Fitzs’ GJ…
same ole politics as usual…<shrug>
Sheesh! Makes ya wonder what he did with the other $10K, huh? What is with these people who hide money in their freezers?? I remember the old days when people used to hide pot in the freezer, but at least there was a somewhat logical reason for doing so… (yeah, freeze drying oregano, uh huh)
… when I was little — thought it was very odd. 🙂
are you a hippie’s love child?…:{)
They were hiding money or pot in the freezer? And we all thought you had led such a sheltered life …
and innuendo that comment has is mind boggling…:{)
… to the Commonwealth way? LOL
I’m even taking tomorrow off in a show of solidarity…Happy Victoria Day…
Don’t you take every day off? LOL 🙂
you must christen w/ your presence. 🙂
Sherlockolivia, just tell’m you got the goods on’m and that’ll shut’m right up!!
It won’t work — you all have the goods on me, not the other way around. 🙂
question as to what exactly was hidden in the freezer. Hehe, not that it really matters, since it got us all a good chortle and dada has had his innuendo fix for the day.
OK, I have to head to bed. I’ll try to post more on my trip and the meetup tomorrow at some point.
Good night!
Oak Alley plantation house.
Hey I think I’ve been there. Were there girl guides in hoop skirts?
g’night ej. Can’t wait for your diary.
Night ej… sleep well after your long trip and face Monday with a smile if possible. I’ll be wearing the grimace, so it should balance out.
Um, Mary… is that a hint of what you used to do on your summer vacations away from college? Somehow, imagining you in a hoop skirt makes me burst out laughing. Oh, and what good stuff did you have in mind? Should I get the Woodford Reserve? Since I was promising WW up thread that I would have a shot in her honor to help vanquish her cold and keep her warm.
No, I’ve never worn a hoop skirt.
I think I went there as a kid. We took a family trip to New Orleans to visit my aunt. She’s a lovely woman, but a teacher (as are both my parents), so it was a trip heavy on education. She dragged us to a plantation in 100 degree heat, and it looked a lot like that one. But then, they all look alike don’t they 😉
how about a mini?
I had a cute little mini skirt and go go boots. 😉
darn, I was hoping for more like 22
I’ve been the beneficiary of such wonderful FBC magic lately. I can feel that lovin’ tummy goodness already, IVG.
In fact, I’m just about ready to put my headdown on the cybord & ffa d d ……………………………………………………………………..
Oh, pardon me.
I’d best say goodnight.
Have a great evening, all! See you on the marrow.
g’night WW. Hope you feel right as rain tomorrow. hee hee
How did you know I just went downstairs and broke out the good stuff for your bedtime shot… it indeed does warm all the way down … will help you relax away the cold and ready you for another day. One without snow and rain! You and the kitties take care and see you soon!
Sending healing thoughts your way.
ya happen to know what they are. The SE quandrant of the US has so far been a neglected area of travel for me.
a tent huh?????
Well, a tent’s better than a cardboard refrigerator box isn’t it? Oh, that’s right… they haven’t invented that stuff up your way yet have they?
we still cut ice into blocks and haul it in from the lakes most of the winter and store it under a foot or two of sawdust in the ice house, and then bring it in all summer long for the ice box. Don’t need no lectricity for that ya know.
an the Arctic Circle sept barb-wyre.
After your last comment to WW, I couldn’t resist tempting you… get out your best old fashioned glass, hon.
Just make sure that you send warm bourbon thoughts to WW to ease her off to sleep …
and I’m not a whiskey drinker as a rule.
Guess I bette just stick w/ the cervecas…
It’s lovely stuff… and I just learned tonight (whilst snagging that pic) that it’s the Official Bourbon of the Kentucky Derby. Should have guessed, since the first place I ever had that was in a hotel in Louisville a couple of summers ago… a very generous bartender was giving me samples… love those samples. That’s how I discovered Hendricks Gin in the Westin in Chicago… one of the few small perks of traveling for work.
Oh, and when you said barb-wyre up thread, made me wonder if Olivia has tyres on her car? Any thoughts on that? hehe
I think it’s a honeysuckle bush — round leaves, opposite; white flowers in pairs w/ 5 petals and w/ yellow pollen/anthers; grows up to 10′. One more flower pic.
Sure looks like you nailed it again… hadn’t even thought of honeysuckle… been so long since I’ve actually seen one of those. Now, the essential question for NDD is… did it smell really good? Or is it just the vining variety that has such a nice fragrance?
down on the left again…it was gettin’ lonely in curmudgeon’s corner.
Well as I always say, if you can’t say anything nice, come sit next to me…
That’s what we should call the late night cafe, hehehe!
should you so desire… I’m just sayin… but then again, I’m good for about another 15-20 minutes then I’m toast, as we say down here. Curmudgeon toast ask me for the recipe sometime….
and Mary has mysteriously disappeared… wonder if she spirited it away, so to speak…
I bet she and Mythmother are off in some dark corner swilling all the good stuff!