More cranky sniping from Liberal Street Fighter

When he’s not busy recruiting hack Dempublicans and destroying the ties between the Democratic Party and its base, Senator Schumer apparently has time to write books:

Schumer Plans Book Showing Both Parties Are Out of Step

At the heart of Mr. Schumer’s critique is the idea that the political system has failed to provide answers at a time when Americans are increasingly alarmed about how technology is reshaping their lives — for example, by making it easier for workers in China and India to compete with Americans for jobs.

“The average American realizes this in his gut — that the world has changed, but the political parties have not,” Mr. Schumer said in an interview on Sunday.

Mr. Schumer said that government had a role in addressing these new realities, but that neither party had outlined that role.

He argued that both parties, for starters, should free themselves from outmoded political approaches, Democrats from a New Deal belief in government and Republicans from the Reaganite distrust of it.

Mr. Schumer said that he was going beyond calling for what President Bill Clinton once called “the third way,” the path exploiting the center between New Deal liberalism and Reagan conservatism.

“What Bill Clinton did was modify Reagan Republicanism and put a Democratic face on it,” Mr. Schumer said. “That’s not going to work. You need a whole new paradigm.”

Mr. Schumer offered 15 goals intended to help middle-class Americans, including cutting property taxes by 50 percent and increasing college attendance by 50 percent.

What sage and wonderful advice to we have to look forward to from the Senator from New York? His title tries to sum it up:

Schumer’s “50 Percent Solution” does just that, laying out 15 major value goals with specific proposals aimed at middle class America. The book is called the 50 Percent Solution because the ideas it advances are aimed at changing America in many ways by fifty percent. For example, the value goals include cutting property taxes by 50 percent, increasing college attendance by 50 percent, and reducing on-line pornography currently available to children by 50 percent.

Schumer’s book is the first substantive effort by a leading Democrat to get the party to start coming up with the new ideas and governing philosophy that best confront the challenges of the modern era. The book is intended to be a blueprint for Democrats to use to become the dominant party for decades to come.

Well, we all know that he’s helped reduce any sensible strategies coming out of Washington by at least 50%, so that seems to be simple-minded groove he can stay in. Like his friends Senator Clinton, Senator Reid and Representative Emmanuel, Senator Schumer is all about the empty, simple policy “solutions”. Oh, and don’t worry, His counterpart at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.), also is publishing a book on how Democrats can regain political momentum.. That momentum will no doubt be garnered by grinding genuine grassroots progressives under the wheels carrying the demands of big money corporations and institutionalized Washington.

That’s right folks, step right up and get your DLC Third Way whatever-our-hack-consultants-tell-us-to-call-it Official Democratic Party Snake Oil today. Guaranteed to pander to the Hallmark Nation, grease the wheels of war, starve the poor, evict the working class and line the pockets of Gigantor Corp® today and for years into the future.