Okay, let me be up front about this. There are days — about 365 of them, in the average calendar year, with allowances for leap years — when the reporting in the New York Times pisses me off. (The nadir, perhaps, being when our self-styled “newspaper of record” sat on the domestic warrantless NSA spying story for 14 months, a decision that may well have given George W. Bush his second term.) But rarely does the Times strike me as classless, an exercise in poor taste that leaves me with an icky feeling just reading it.
But that’s exactly how I felt today reading the Times’ exhaustive story on the state of the marriage between Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Now, make no mistake: I find the politics of Sen. Hillary Clinton, a triangulator for non-triangulating times, to be not only despicable but profoundly out of touch with mainstream America. Her efforts to recast herself as a “centrist” by embracing some of the most disastrous aspects of the Bush presidency, and some of the most repugnant personalities the Republicans have on offer, are doing very little to convince ordinary Americans that she stands for anything other than the desire to become President. Combine that with her effect on progressives, who mostly despise her, and the far right, which mostly despises her even more, and you have a candidacy with tons of money but no votes. Those campaigns tend not to do well.
But even Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve this. Neither does Bill, whose many shortcomings as President (of which lying about Monica Lewinsky, the grounds for his farce of an impeachment, was one of the least), doesn’t change the fact that next to Dubya he looks like a statesman. And even that is immaterial. No couple, public or private, deserves this.
What breaking news does the Times see fit to print about the Clintons’ marriage? That they spend, on average, “only” 14 days together each month. Out of the last 73 weekends, they’ve spent 51 together. (Where I live, with D.C. over 3,000 miles away from the constituents, both figures are probably above average for a lot of Congresspeople — and that’s without factoring in a globe-trotting ex-President for a spouse.) The Times drolly notes that “The dynamics of a couple’s marriage are hard to gauge from the outside…,” before going on to attempt to do just that — by interviewing “some 50 people” for its article. That didn’t include Bill, Hillary, or most of their respective staffs, who “declined to cooperate for this article.” And why should they cooperate? The National Enquirer pays good money for interviews like that.
So what does this article teach us about the Clintons after 30 years of marriage? Well, virtually nothing, actually. Leon Panetta, a former chief of staff for Bill, notes that “there’s something there that basically bonds them.” (After 30 years? Really?) There’s a lot of idle speculation by friends and political allies, some of it admiring of the relationship, some of it concerned about the baggage Bill might present for a Hillary presidential bid. Yet the overall tone is somehow negative and lurid, as when author Patrick Healy (think Judith Miller, without the reporting chops) notes in the third paragraph that “Mr. Clinton is rarely without company in public, yet the company he keeps rarely includes his wife. Nights out find him zipping around Los Angeles with his bachelor buddy, Ronald W. Burkle, or hitting parties and fund-raisers in Manhattan; she is yoked to work in Washington or New York — her Senate career and political ambitions consuming her time.” The implication, of course, is that “Mr. Clinton” and his bachelor buddy are out having a wild and crazy (wink, wink) time – and why, exactly, was the phrase “bachelor buddy” included at all?
This is, of course, a dream article for the Republican National Committee. Without quoting a single Republican, it manages to insert a particularly tasteless incident of marital infidelity into the dialogue surrounding a probable 2008 presidential candidate, a full decade after the incident occurred. And as unsavory as that incident was, it pales compared to the repeated lies, law-breaking, Constitution-bashing behavior of the current White House occupant. The RNC could use that kind of distraction right now.
What’s more of a mystery is why any Democrat would choose to dignify such an article by being quoted in it, anonymously or by name. Beyond the fact that the article’s mere existence is unfair to Hillary — anyone seen an article lately on the state of Joe Biden’s marriage? –- Democrats as a party have been working overtime since Al Gore’s electoral failure (which is to say, his allowing the 2000 race to be close enough that it could be stolen) to prove that they, too, are a party of morals and values. (Hence John Kerry, wasting months after he’d wrapped up the 2004 Democratic nomination trumpeting himself as a “war hero” rather than saying how he’d actually govern, or criticizing more forcibly the execrable first-term performance of Dubya.) Why would any Democrat with a lick of sense want to see such issues dredged back up?
Get used to it. If Hillary becomes a frontrunner in 2008, which her money and fundraising connections virtually guarantee, this is exactly the sort of thing smear-happy Republicans will pound. (They certainly can’t criticize much in her senatorial record, which has often lined up nicely with the Republican agenda.) Conservative talk radio spent nearly a decade hammering away at the themes of Hillary as liberal queen bitch and Bill as amoral “Slick Willie,” and they’re not about to let go of a proven ratings winner.
Why the first frontal assault should come from the New York Times, though, is, as they say, “hard to gauge from the outside.” Damn that liberal media, anyway.
Well, I didn’t think the Old Grey Mare could drop much further in my general estimation that she already has — but I was wrong.
‘All the news that’s fit to print’, indeed.
continues unabated!
It isn’t only the Old Grey Mare who ain’t what she used to be…
the erosion of Hillary’s image as a liberal is assured by the rise of the blogosphere. However, that is exactly what she is counting on.
I gave up my NYT subscription of over 10 years about a year ago, and I’ll never look back. Pride goeth. They’re now regularly getting scooped by the NY Daily News and the NY Post.
Let’s see. The Clintons are both on their first marriage. It has lasted more than 30 years. They have a child. They survived problems. They love each other. It is obvious that they love each other. (I have the memoirs of both of them.) Screw the NYT.
When do we have the big NYT front page articles on the fidelity of Rudy, the fidelity of Newt, the alcoholism of W, and so forth.
My father still insists there is a left-wing bias in the media!
I am oddly unoffended by this NYT’s hit piece.
It’s not really that I disagree with Geov or Digby or Duncan. I just think that it is true that nominating Hillary necessarily brings back the debate over their sex life, or lack thereof, and that that is a real factor and mark against Hillary as a candidate. He can wish it otherwise, and indeed I do, but it is true nevertheless.
BooMan, you ordinarily have excellent judgment, but I think you’re off the range on this one. This would be the first serious female presidential candidate in history. This would be the first presidential candidate in history who got accused of insufficient spouse-schtumpfing. Doesn’t that strike you as a little sexist?
On another level, I think all of this is exceedingly odd. I can’t imagine that people really think that Hillary has a real chance to be president. I think it’s an imaginary issue, just like the current “immigration crisis.” The main point I take from Geov’s post is the Republican tilt of the so-called liberal NYT.
You say that Hillary’s alleged spouse-schtumpfing deficit is “a real factor” and a mark against her. Why? I think that’s a totally weird thought.
Actually, it would have been a tad premature, but I would have been fine with an analysis of whether the memories of Monicagate would hinder Hillary’s presidential chances in ’08. That’s a legitimate political question, even though Hillary’s role in the whole sordid affair was never really an issue (aside from her taste in husbands…) But that wasn’t the thrust (sorry, poor word choice) of the NYT piece. The Times’ subtext was all: do they love each other? Is he behaving? Have they patched things up, and if so, how? None of which is anybody’s damn business, any more than if Condoleezza Rice’s husband once cheated on her. But somehow, the Clintons are fair game.
I also disagree that disavowal by the progressive blogosphere (or outlets like The Nation) is tarnishing Hillary’s reputation as a liberal among far right conservatives — who never read such outlets — any more than her actual senatorial record is. These are the same folks who believe Reagan, who presided over the most indicted administration in memory, was a great and honest man. The actual record doesn’t matter, and neither does DKos.
Well put. The NYT has now positioned itself with the Star, Us, People. I don’t give a shit about the private lives of the President, my Congressman or my Senator. I only care about what they do to me and my country. If only that was the criterion of the NYT. I’m old enough (57) to remember when we actually had a press in this country that operated on that principle.
Does this mean that the Times is not supporting Hillary in ’08?
Typical subliminal attack.
Who is it?
Kerry again?
Certainly not Mark warner. Not after the Sunday mag cover that made him look like Buddy Rich on steroids.
(That’s buddy on the left of Gene Kelly.)
Is there a subliminally approving article or image of a potential Dem contender in the same edition?
Betcha there is.
I’m going to go look now.
If not today, tomorrow.
The NY Times.
The Pravda of the <u>present</u> failing giant superpower.
How many NYT reporters’ married/personal lives would stand up to that same level of scrutiny? Hell, how would many “ordinary American marriages” measure up?
Bill and Hillary may have an unspoken agreement: “don’t ask, don’t tell, just play safe and come home.” It’s a not uncommon agreement in many marriages with a spouse that is unfaithful. Or Hillary may say, “Go out and drink with the boys, but stay away from the girls.” Whatever the situation is, it’s none of our damn business. Hell, the hookers at the Watergate didn’t bother me as much as the fact that lobbyists were providing them in hopes of lucrative government contracts.
I’m not planning on voting for Hillary, but her personal life has nothing to do with it. And George Bush may be a likeable cuss in an informal get-together, but that doesn’t mean he should be President…hell, my spouse is a pretty likeable guy, but I wouldn’t vote for him for President either…
Prepare for this subtext of “happily married couples are the only true Americans” to play out over and over if/when Russ Feingold grows in popularity — you know his divorces are going to be made the main issue…
I think the article was basically a bitch-slap of Bill Clinton,more so than Hillary. There were very few words written about his “contributions” to her agenda and political moves,stating almost begrudgingly that he doesn’t seem to have much input or at least that is the appearance.
What pissed me off was that they kept lauding the fact that the Clintons didn’t want any of their friends and employees talking to the NYT and they did anyway. WTF does that have to do with the scope of the article?
The NYT has lost alot of credibility in the last five years and this hatchet job didn’t help their cause with me.
Since almost all “media” is now pretty much opinion and speculation instead of reporting what has happened I prefer blogs where I can say fuck you Dubya, Cheney et. al. I can do it in one sentence whereas the NYT uses several column inches to say fuck you Hillary. Another diary in Booman put it well. The only place where we find the truth is on Comedy Central with Stewart and Colbert.
Since almost all “media” is now pretty much opinion and speculation instead of reporting
soldier adds up to about the same average days the couple spends together over the span of the soldiers service, and with Iraq underway it’s only getting worse! What does that say about my marriage? Fuck the fucking New York Times……..what a bunch of assholes and now they’re spitting on military families (not really, but then again maybe they are by attempting to make a sow’s ear out of a silk purse!) Sometimes when people are doing “hard work” they are suspiciously away from their spouse!
All the news that is fit to print? More like all the news our masters want the public to know. I personally stopped expecting anything from the MSM about a year ago (over the Downing Street Memo non-story). In the last year they have lived up to my new expectations.