Froggy Bottom Cafe ~ Happy Hour
Newcomer & Lurker Especially Welcomed
Newcomer & Lurker Especially Welcomed
This is an unhosted cafe.
Everyone join the fun.
Your first drink is on us!
Your first drink is on us!
Rude, Crude and Lewd language is encouraged.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
C’mon in!
I’ve been out in the yard most of the day. Flower beds and weed eating, and no, not down by the pond.
I’m a tired little puppy and I could use a lot of beer. )
Unhosted? Did Izzy bail on us?
No, I’m here, just being flakey and non-committal.
Commitment phobia is OK in the cafe.
I never made it back for my pancakes earlier 🙁
What have you been doing today?
Oh, just being lazy. Here, it’s never too late for pancakes.
Yum. Picture perfect good old American pancakes. 😉
Nary a lemon in sight.
I’m crushed.
I thought Izzy deserted us.
Just make sure you don’t pee on the rug and we’ll let you stay.
If I say hi will you respond or will you claim I’m caught in your spam filter?
You mean you didn’t buy that one? Mary, Mary, quite contrary. Would I ignore you?
oh THAT’s the problem. No, no, no. I’m the one with the little lamb 🙂
What I should have said:
Well, if you weren’t so pink and square you wouldn’t get caught in my spam filter.
Mary I’m jumping in to say hi. Things are moving to fast for me today.
Hi FM. Glad you got so much yardwork done today. How hot did it get out there?
It got up to 93 here. I kept coming in to drink a lot of water and rest and then back out.
All this work is out of character for me and I don’t like it!
Not that I want to dance — I just like breaking things up.
good cuz I’m too tired today to dance.
BTW, I’m sending you hot weather 🙂
I wanted it to warm but not that much. Pity the poor folks that go to the 500 parade (of course, I’d pity them no matter what the weather was — why do people like parades?).
Because misery loves company?
Why do people like car races? Sitting in the stands in 90 degree weather, people with mullets spilling beer all over you, the smell of burning fuel and rubber. Ahh, the joys of summer.
Well I went for the guys and the booze and the unlimited opportunities to misbehave. But by 18 even with those enticements, the whole thing was just too boring to bother with.
Why would anyone subject themselves to heat to begin with?
Espically when you can get just as good a view, inside an air conditioned house on a couch.
Today? What am I saying — I’m seldom in a pitying mood.
That’s the Mary I know. 🙂
is a euphemism for ‘sneering at the follies of others that I don’t happen to commit’, I’ll cop to being in the mood quite often.
to actually feel sorrow at their plight.
I have a hard time pitying people who make choices with forseeable consequences.
PITY, n. A failing sense of exemption, inspired by contrast.
will be a “Pity Party”?
since it will be your last one for awhile and we will all be pitying ourselves.
Just jumping in, but definitely what Andi said!!!!
It would be a lot easier then expending the energy to make it outside.
You pee outside? I know you live in Alabama but I really thought ya’ll had indoor plumbing.
I’ve shown ya’ll the facilities.
Got to get a door one day. 🙂
Wow, what a view! But does it have a toilet seat warmer?
Of course we’re not totally backwoods.
During the winter, you put your backend very close to the fire, and then run for the outhouse.
Check out the Japanese toilet’s here
Holy butt-splinters, FM! Tilt that thing about 30 degrees to the left, wrap some trees around it & you’ve got a picture of the facilities up at my home-to-be.
Hi WW. Butt-splinters? Nah we looked ahead and sanded the seat. One day when we’ve made it, maybe a two seater. 🙂
Nothing more romantic, if you ask me.
I’ve actually got some very ‘romantic’ outhouse photos here that I’d be happy to share — but I’d hate to give the wingers their jollies.
Yea and with a double outhouse, there’s no yelling about putting the toilet seat down.
Although, I have seen some deluxe models with toilet seats. 🙂
Do you let the waste decompose or recycle it directly into pimento cheese and chitlins?
Nah. Anybody know you throw some lime in there every now and then.
You city people just don’t know much about country life do ya. 😛
A Room with a P.U.
How’s tricks?
What pretty critters you’ve got there, Andi! They’re great.
Been anticipating these all afternoon. I’ve never seen that particular kind of skink, but sure wish we had a bunch of those around here. Thanks, Andi!
Aren’t their tails wonderful — absolutely iridescent.
How was the presentation?
Especially like the tails! The color reminds me of those neon tetra fish I used to have in the aquarium as a kid. Your woods are, again, a source of constant wonder and amazement for me!
Presentation went really well, though now they want a follow up one to a larger group. At least they were impressed with our work (well, most of it was mine, hehe) and I didn’t have to say much as the project manager presented this time. Hoping we get follow up work from this client now…
Look at that blue colour … that’s wild. Definitely worth the wait! Andi, can I get this one for wallpaper?
Whenever I get sad, I remind myself that it’s always happy hour somewhere!
Natural Enemies, LOL! This is our dog Muffy, and our other cat, Banjo, lounging around in the back yard.
George and Cat do that. Banjo looks like our cat Tom.
Where did they get that natural enemies thing? Dogs and cats are natural buddies. Banjo is from a feral litter that happened in my mother’s laundry basket. I’m thinking we should have named him Not Shadow. LOL
How’s the Slacker Napper Guru today. Heard you were weeding!
inquiring minds want to know — what happened to the laundry?
You would need to meet my mother in order for me to answer that question, and I assure you… you don’t want to!
Sort of weeding, sort of weedeating and picking up pine cone and limb.
Way to much work.
Sounds like work, FM. Sounds like work. Don’t want to lose faith in you!
Don’t worry WW. What used to take me maybe two hours I spread out over a week now.
Weeding to me is going out and pulling of a weed. If it decides it wants to stay there. It won.
I think it’s getting to you though, FM! LOL
I am so sorry MM. I am more tired than I thought.
I’m off for a nap.
Mythmother sent you a message…..
One little mistake….
Hi, MM. Your puppy has a sweet face. And it’s a really wonderful picture.
and to answer your upthread question: we proudfully tactless folks don’t do tricks.
4a) A peculiar trait or characteristic; a mannerism: “Mimicry is the trick by which a moth or other defenseless insect comes to look like a wasp” (Marston Bates).
4b) A peculiar event with unexpected, often deceptive results: “One of history’s cruelest tricks is to take words that sounded good at the time and make them sound pretty stupid” (David Owen).
4c) A deceptive or illusive appearance; an illusion: a trick of sunlight.
5a) A special skill; a knack: Is there a trick to getting this window to stay up?
5b) A convention or specialized skill peculiar to a particular field of activity: learned the tricks of the winemaking trade.
8a) All the cards played in a single round, one from each player.
8b) One such round.
9a) A period or turn of duty, as at the helm of a ship.
9b) Slang. A prison term.
10) Slang.
10a) An act of prostitution.
10b) A prostitute’s customer.
10c) A session carried out by a prostitute with a client.
11) Slang. A robbery or theft.
A stupid, disgraceful, or childish act or performance
I was wrong.
5a) A special skill; a knack: Anybody got a camera?
That’s what I call a terrific photo, mythmother!
Gives me such a warm feeling — it is possible to abandon prejudice!
How’s the big move going?
Slow but sure, mythmother. Thanks for asking.
I shared my current miseries on this in the prior cafe’, but hangin’ out for a bit has definitely lifted today’s dour mood.
Nothin’ like it, in my book — especially since I’m supposedly clean & serene.
You’ve got the concept! Moving is hell, but let it define you.
Probably my favorite SNL skit of all time. Right up there with Colonel Angus.
Explore the space.
That’s a skit? I thought I was looking at a still from Don Kirshner’s ‘Rock Concert’.
(& if you remember Don Kirshner, you’re at least as old as I am. I do feel your pain.)
I remember, WW.
‘And now, the most exciting rock & roll band on the scene today .. ‘
Meantime he looked like he was about to overdose on valium. Zzzzz ..
I hope that when I go to heaven I can finally forget about Don Kirshner.
Welcome to the pond!
You don’t want to piss them off.
We will consider ourselves warned. LOL
I think I did really good. I was just the ole me. Giggily even. I figure… being me was the best way to represent me. And if they didn’t like the me – then I wouldn’t really want to work there ya know..
Anyways, they kept saying “you’d fit right in here”. I leaked out that I was with CodePink (I really didn’t mean to) and they were totally stoked about that.
They asked why I wanted to work there and I tried to explain that yes I do love books but that doesn’t mean I’d be a good bookseller… but I do love people who love books and that atmosphere would be very conduscive to me being able to grow, expand and learn as a person … and that I have things to offer people who also love books and love teh people who love books.
The interview got side-tracked a few times onto other discussions and I think that was good. It happened on both sides.
I did have to say I couldn’t work Sundays… as I first thought but that I would not mind an alternative schedule that most would deem whacked.
I dunno… I was glowing during and after. My coffeeman noticed the glow 🙂
Good luck on the results, DJ!
If it’s the place for you to be, you’ll be there.
Thanks WW 🙂 So much started to tumble out of my mouth… but then I also stated that I knew how to listen that I knew how to adapt, accommodate as well as anticipate…
There difinitely was a charge of excitement there. Good vibes…
but… then I thought I had totally screwed up the application ACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK so what do I know LOL ((((WW))))
Thankfully, you didn’t interview at some ultra-tight-assed, straight-laced, so-boring-I-could-die corporate office, so I’ll bet you’ve done great.
The best thing about my favorite bookstores — aside of the books — has always been the folks who work there. They tend to be live, rather than Memorex.
Hugs back atcha, dear DJ.
It’s been aeons since I interviewed for work, but I know it’s not easy.
It’s uber cool and super liberal and really funky and HUGE kidlet section.
We’ll see what happens. It felt right.
Yeah, me too! Heyas there MM and WW … just stopping in for a few here before I head out to the garden for a bit. How’s things on the right and left coasts today?
Always lovely to see you, IVG.I knew there was some reason for me to tarry a bit longer than anticipated ..
Then again, I’m currently a runner-up for King/Queen (take yer pick) Of The Northeast Slackers, Procrastination Division.
We’ve had a truly lovely day here; more expected for the remainder of the week, with a little rain thrown in on Friday. Dire predictions of high 80s temperatures have been revised, thank Gaia.
Really must get in some firewood now, however & call in the beasts.
Hope to see you shortly!
My pick is for Supreme Goddess of Northeast Slackerwoods! A lot to say, but it’s far less generic, heh. I think it should fit you well, though. 🙂
Catch you on dada’s flip side later, perhaps. I’m going to head outside for a bit with the beasties here in a few minutes.
I’ll take it, thank you! Love the flowers that come with it, too.
Sounds like my Dream Team. LOL
You might really enjoy a vacation up here with me, mythmother. Friends come up from the city & I find it a great excuse to do nothing at all even more slowly than I do it normally.
I would really enjoy that!
Congrats DJ. I’ve got all fingers and toes crossed for you.
Thanks FamilyMan! They said I’d hear from them by next week. That they have a week’s worth of interviewing and that they let people know either way.
Regardless I am just happy that the interview process went well.. .at lesaat I think it did…
If you feel good about it, then it did go well.
The last interview I went to was a day long one. By the first hour, I thought this sucks. By the end of the day, I just wanted to run screaming out of there.
I sure hope it works out for you, as it sounds like it would relieve some of the worries you have about the move to the new place. Sit your pink self down and have a drinkie or two with us!
Any hint as to when you’ll hear about a decision?
Thanks IVG 😀
Tonight is our Friday night due to my husband’s schedule. So I’ll be raising a few.
I may not get the job… but at least I got my groove back ya know. It is really easy to get DOWN about lack of job/resume stuff… but I have actually alot of experience and goodies to offer a company.
Oh and they won’t need me like TOMORROW… most of my jobs have been like that – “we need you to come in NOW” and I said NO problem I’m moving next week anyways. They knew where to as that is a bonus as I’m right down the street. I explained I may not be able to work sundays but I could be called on for ERs during school day hours, no sweat.
Hey Andi – and my jeans were dried in time 🙂
I told them I had been in there once to find BostonJoe’s and Kansas’ book 🙂
They want you to be hip on books so they let you check em out – I said I had friends who did alot of reading I pilliage their posts for ideas/news about literature. 🙂 (yeah I used ya guys to look more better) LOL
I think you’d be great working at a bookstore — enthusiasm is a great way to sell books. And I’m glad you had such a good experience — even if you don’t get the job, I’m sure it will make you feel much more confident.
I had to drive 90 miles round trip in LA traffic to be fingerprinted for my background check for the new job. Just have to add LA Traffic to the obnoxious hoops I have to jump through in order to qualify for this position (adding that I had to wait an hour in a doctor’s waiting room to piss in a jar for them last week).
Oh no ((((((MythMother))))) I’m so sorry about that. No traffic here, it’s only a few miles away. (Take that Bush Gasshole)
But the Mr. can tell you about the drug tests… oh my. Pretty soon ALL jobs will require pins, pricks and retinal scans I shudder to think. EW.
I really tried hard to think what and where I could work at and how that would affect me, the kids and choices in life. This seemed like a pretty good match.
Someone better take his keys.
Please tell me that’s not the same kitty as the one with the gun — or I’ll say that’s a Definitively American Shorthair.
Always plenty of drivers here. But since it vitural, we do seem to drink a lot of beer. 🙂
Hey, how do I make my sig appear in italics?
sig line I think.
That didn’t work out like I thought.
Jump up in a thead and ask. I’m just a beginning user. 🙁
Never mind, there it is.
Iirc, do the usual italics thing: i in brackets, sig, slash i in brackets.
Got it. Thanks.
I think I’ll stay in and have some quality reading time instead.
Do you guys do the whole hidden comments thing?
By that I mean, is there a list of all hidden comments where certain people can go and look at them?
I don’t know on that one.
You’ll need one of the people who has been here longer to explain. I know we’re always generous with 4’s. We even have a robo-rater so that you don’t have to go through all the comments and rate each one a 4.
You just hit robo-rater and it rates all comments.
Something odd here, FM — since the robo-rater, I find that the 4s I’ve already given out disappear.
Alternately, I’ve got mice living in my brain — but I’ve checked it out carefully & this seems to be the case.
Then I need to go back through & re-rate, on dialup. Pfui!
Personally? Meh. I didn’t bother at Kos, why would I bother here?
Yeah. That whole thing was a little too Jerry Springer.
The new cafe is open now!