Hey there Keres! Big warm up here lately and some rain last night has stuff popping out of the ground. You keeping busy enough down there with all your critters?
Never too busy to get more apparently. We’re looking at another Alpaca later today. Nina and Inti seem a bit lonely without a herd to call their own, so we’ve decided to buy a wether (neutered male) to keep them company.
A very large Butcher Bird just landed on the front porch. As my camera was to hand, I’ve just taken some pictures and will post shortly.
It’s not a very clear image, as I had the short lense on, and didn’t dare move to get the telephoto.
Butcherbirds, in this case the Grey butcherbird, are closely related to the crow family. They get their name from their habit of hanging their kill in the forks of trees, or even on barb wire fences, for later retrieval.
From last week’s dog blog you may remember that I’m building new kitchen cabinets – apparently the old sink propped-up outside the front sliding glass door looked like a good perch.
I have a few cousins that “done do talk” like each statement should have a question mark at the end. I’m always like, “are you asking me a question or just making a comment?”
Whew, now I don’t have to worry about that anymore since I’M DEAD to them. Whew.
It’s southernese. I have cousins and cudins. It’s a term around here you give to much older second or third cousins. I have only a couple of cudins left. It’s more a terms my grandparents and on back used.
People of my generation don’t use the term anymore.
Much to his chagrin, he really is. There a three adult women in this household, and we are all constantly picking him up and cuddling him, or pointing out some exceptionally cute action to one another, like bunny yawns and stretches, or ear grooming (he’ll lick his paws and then put one on either side of his ear and pull them down the whole lengh, and then repeat on each ear several times.)
If you see that color green here, you know you are looking at introduced species. Australian plants tend more toward the blue- or grey-greens, in order to protect themselves from harsh sunlight.
of kids but tonight was graduation so the remaining day is just a play day and then Jim (the shit) will have one teacher day and then Jim (the jerk) will have the entire summer off.
Another one of my Kitty. This is her with her “happy jalapeno” inside is catnip and she just loves it. She gets all wild, then she gets sleepy and then )I swear to G-d( she gets up and gets a BIG drink of water.
That box… I left it there unpacked, she likes it so much – just cookbooks in it. Otherwise she pushes shit off the table, counter or my desk.
Welcome aboard Browni, FYI I’ve already snatched up some of your uber cool pictures and copied them to my bucket for later use 🙂 Thanks
I even told them about the Reech Out a few years back the fans did that was sorta instigated by an idea of mine. The Sharks Org told me “NO” and I went ahead anyways. It turned intoa HUGE grassroots fan takeover 🙂 They liked that. 🙂
Well, it could be. The only real clues we get about Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters from the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy are phrases like “drinking a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster is like being hit in the head with a large gold brick with a slice of lemon wrapped around it” and talking about where to get the best Gargle Blasters and what organizations exist to administer psychiatric triage afterward.
Ah, I feel better already. I still need to find a source of traditional Polynesian music. I checked into a local program called “Coconut Wireless” hoping that was what it would be, but it turned out to be Hawaiian and island contemporary music — heavily influenced by stuff like reggae and rap. I need me some slack guitar and ukuleles and guys who buy their vowels by the bushel basket.
I thought you just spelled “brazillion” wrong. Like when Bush was told that three Brazilian soldiers were killed in Baghdad, and then he asked one of his aides how many a brazillion was.
Towels as in this quote from the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy:
“The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy has a few things to say on the subject of towels. A towel, it says, is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have. Partly it has great practical value–you can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of Santraginus V, inhaling the heady sea vapours; you can sleep under it beneath the stars which shine so redly on the desert world of Kakrafoon; use it to sail a mini raft down the slow heavy river Moth; wet it for use in hand-to-hand combat; wrap it round your head to ward off noxious fumes or to avoid the gaze of the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal (a mindboggingly stupid animal, it assumes that if you can’t see it, it can’t see you–daft as a brush, but very, very ravenous); you can wave your towel in emergencies as a distress signal, and of course dry yourself off with it if it still seems to be clean enough. More importantly, a towel has immense psychological value. For some reason, if a strag [non-hitch hiker] discovers that a hitchhiker has his towel with him, he will automatically assume that he is also in possession of a toothbrush, face flannel, soap, tin of biscuits, flask, compass, map, ball of string, gnat spray, wet weather gear, space suit etc., etc. Furthermore, the strag will then happily lend the hitchhiker any of these or a dozen other items that the hitchhiker might accidentally have ‘lost’. What the strag will think is that any man who can hitch the length and breadth of the galaxy, rough it, slum it, struggle against terrible odds, win through, and still knows where his towel is, is clearly a man to be reckoned with.”
True story: I went to my first science fiction convention in 1981, not long after the Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy made it big over here in the US. The second time my wife ever saw me, I had just learned how massively useful a towel is and was running around with a bunch of other wackos, all of whom were sporting towels as well.
My wife later said she turned to her sister after we passed by and asked her, “So, what do you suppose the deal is with the dorks and the towels?” or words to that effect. She lived in southern Idaho at the time and news sometimes travels slowly to that part of the galaxy. I should point out that this was science fiction fandom, and she’d been going to conventions for several years, so this was not her first encounter with a bunch of random nutballs, or even close to the weirdest.
Well, as for one particular dork and his towel, she found out soon enough . . .
Evening Folks!!!!! Just wanted to say hi!!! I am listening to the Dixie Chicks new album and OMG!!!!! You ahve to get this cd. It is wonderful!!!!!! These girls can sing and have soul and heart!!!!
I’ve always been a closet Dixie Chicks fan and I’ve heard most of the songs from the new album. I’ve heard several critics say it may be the best adult album of the year.
Wow — the last place filled up fast!
It’s my nap time. Hopefully I’ll see everybody later.
Don’t let the door hit ya…oh that’s right, you don’t have a door! I’ll just wave at ya on your way out then… I may be back later too, so who knows?
Mythmother sent you a message!
to say “Welcome” to Brownian Motion before the last place closed…so if he/she/it is still around, welcome. 🙂
And watch out for the “herbal” indulgences:
My pic posting powers have met their match.
Alas, you shall be my nemisis in the War of the Wits.
Be advised…
My peeps don’t play. We’re straight ghetto, yo.
a puppet vampire (from Angel, the Buffy spin-off).
episodes. I’m sitting here smirking away just thinking about it.
The part where puppet Angel vamped out was just priceless.
As the stakes rise, so does the prospect for all out photobucket war.
But be warned, you may take me down… but I’ll take a bunch of you with me.
Bringing in a troop drop.
Kitty – “stoned” out of her miiiiind.
I’m so used to the hockeychat image thingydohickey
Point me at the dance floor, and pour me a booswarm.
It’s a brisk 10 degrees Celsius at 9:30am in the Land Downunder. With a high of 13 projected. Woohoo!
Hey there Keres! Big warm up here lately and some rain last night has stuff popping out of the ground. You keeping busy enough down there with all your critters?
Never too busy to get more apparently. We’re looking at another Alpaca later today. Nina and Inti seem a bit lonely without a herd to call their own, so we’ve decided to buy a wether (neutered male) to keep them company.
A very large Butcher Bird just landed on the front porch. As my camera was to hand, I’ve just taken some pictures and will post shortly.
Not sure what a butcher bird is, but it sounds rather ferocious. Always love seeing what pics you have gotten, so looking forward to that.
It’s not a very clear image, as I had the short lense on, and didn’t dare move to get the telephoto.
Butcherbirds, in this case the Grey butcherbird, are closely related to the crow family. They get their name from their habit of hanging their kill in the forks of trees, or even on barb wire fences, for later retrieval.
From last week’s dog blog you may remember that I’m building new kitchen cabinets – apparently the old sink propped-up outside the front sliding glass door looked like a good perch.
There’s a lovely shot of a Grey Butcher bird here.
It gives you a good look at their impressive bill.
That’s a very handsome bird. How’s Albert? 😉
Albert’s good. Although he’d prefer I had the fire blazing. He keeps mumbling something about, “needing better minions.”
Right now he’s tucked up under the kitchen table trying to keep his feet warm with his sizable belly.
Albert says “hi.”
That is one handsome feller. He should be next to the word “fuzzy wuzzy” in the dictionary.
Gawd.. I have this craving to pet him now… ACK!!!
Must. Pet. Fuzzy. Albert. Must! Must! MUST!!!!!
DJ, I met a neighborhood lady recently who carries her bunny ‘Max’ around with her in a purse.
No delayed gratification there, fer sure.
carry their rabbits in their purse for instant gratification..
wait a minute…
We might be thinking of different rabbits… nevermind 🙂
I just squealed out loud keres!!!
This cements it: Albert is the most cutest animal on the planet!!!
Are you implying I am out of the running to capture your heart oh fair and lovely woman of the shutter??
My widdle Emu heart is breaking.
I’ve got a cudin Virgil that looks just like that.
Notice no smiley face. I ain’t kidding.
I have a few cousins that “done do talk” like each statement should have a question mark at the end. I’m always like, “are you asking me a question or just making a comment?”
Whew, now I don’t have to worry about that anymore since I’M DEAD to them. Whew.
It’s southernese. I have cousins and cudins. It’s a term around here you give to much older second or third cousins. I have only a couple of cudins left. It’s more a terms my grandparents and on back used.
People of my generation don’t use the term anymore.
… learning-wise!
I never knew your cudin Virgil lived just down the road from us.
His eyes seem a might bloodshot to me. Is he into the hooch?
He sho nuf has himself uh passel uh youngins.
Much to his chagrin, he really is. There a three adult women in this household, and we are all constantly picking him up and cuddling him, or pointing out some exceptionally cute action to one another, like bunny yawns and stretches, or ear grooming (he’ll lick his paws and then put one on either side of his ear and pull them down the whole lengh, and then repeat on each ear several times.)
just lookin’ at him gives me cavities.
That is so cute LOL! He’s really something else keres … 🙂
Albert is looking very well today.
Hey keres. How’s it going? It is rather brisk there.
trip to the dentist hoping for some nice early morning light. Didn’t get any but the road was looking handsome.
Very lush and fertile. And the scenery ain’t bad neither.
who’d ya have in mind?
You don’t think we’d have an awesome love-child? Just think of the endless possibilities of inherited personality traits and phobias.
Thank goodness for physical impossibilities because I was already starting to feel really bad about this kid.
Oh, c’mon, she’d have the heart of a lion and absolutely no tact. How can you beat that?
I suppose there’s a possibility if you cross one extreme worryworst with another extreme worryworst, they cancel each other out.
Handsome indeed. And GREEN!
If you see that color green here, you know you are looking at introduced species. Australian plants tend more toward the blue- or grey-greens, in order to protect themselves from harsh sunlight.
Fantastic pix as always there Andi… gotta love the lushness. And keres, thx for another new species I’ve learned about from you!
Well folks, I have to head out for while… dogs are woofing in the back and probably want back in to finish their dinner.
Catch you later!
All those trees are depleting the atmosphere of Carbon Dioxide… the “Breath of life”.
Quick, clear cut that shit before it’s too late!
You really do live in a wonderland. 🙂
How’s Jim doing — a couple more days now … 🙂
of kids but tonight was graduation so the remaining day is just a play day and then Jim (the shit) will have one teacher day and then Jim (the jerk) will have the entire summer off.
You’re funny. I mean, I’m sorry Andi. How terrible.
It’s hard to read between the lines here, but I’m sensing some resentment toward your beloved?
and I thought I’d done such a good job of hiding it.
Yea Andi. Poor Jim. I’ll have to send him the slackers handbook. 🙂
Ah! I’ve been wondering where Jim’s at (out of the loop & all), but I now understand that he’s off being a creep, a shit & a jerk.
Gorgeous photo above, Andi. Never thought I’d ever see a road I’d call ‘lovely’.
Ah, the joys of matrimony.
Nyah, nyah,
Nyah, nyah.
… you are sitting in the same room, right? LOL
They can be so rude.
Is the title of this “The Forest Speaks to Bush.”
I’d call it yet another direct communication from God.
Another one of my Kitty. This is her with her “happy jalapeno” inside is catnip and she just loves it. She gets all wild, then she gets sleepy and then )I swear to G-d( she gets up and gets a BIG drink of water.
That box… I left it there unpacked, she likes it so much – just cookbooks in it. Otherwise she pushes shit off the table, counter or my desk.
Welcome aboard Browni, FYI I’ve already snatched up some of your uber cool pictures and copied them to my bucket for later use 🙂 Thanks
This pootie always gets sleepy after knocking back a case of The Captain.
But then, don’t we all.
Is that your cat??
I’m allergic.
Of course I have a hard time saying no to either.
It is really hard to say no to great rum…
but it’s even harder when it comes to good pussy.
(pulls out time out chair, sits)
She’s always looked stoned. This is her when we first got her. No catnip yet (she was 9mos old – rescue cat – long story)
She took no time at all in getting use to living the good life. That’s her on Danni’s bunk bed amongst the beddybye blankets and beanie babies.
This pootie is beyond stoned. He’s having a bad trip.
I’d say he’s experiencing a direct visitation from His Noodly Appendage & wondering where the ears are.
I read about it in the other cafe. Still crossing appendages for you — that’s why it took me so long to get home LOL. :*
I hope you don’t drive a stick? 🙂 Thanks 🙂
I even told them about the Reech Out a few years back the fans did that was sorta instigated by an idea of mine. The Sharks Org told me “NO” and I went ahead anyways. It turned intoa HUGE grassroots fan takeover 🙂 They liked that. 🙂
You’d think that working from home would mean things would be pretty slow today and I could slack off and come out here and goof around.
I went to the doctor this morning and since I got back I’ve been hopping doing stuff for work.
So, put me in the hammock and get me a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster. Then put a bucket under the hammock and catch me as I ooze through.
… Here you go:
Hope this is it: it’s what came up on googling Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster.
Well, it could be. The only real clues we get about Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters from the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy are phrases like “drinking a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster is like being hit in the head with a large gold brick with a slice of lemon wrapped around it” and talking about where to get the best Gargle Blasters and what organizations exist to administer psychiatric triage afterward.
Got ya a hammock.
Lay back and relax.
Ah, I feel better already. I still need to find a source of traditional Polynesian music. I checked into a local program called “Coconut Wireless” hoping that was what it would be, but it turned out to be Hawaiian and island contemporary music — heavily influenced by stuff like reggae and rap. I need me some slack guitar and ukuleles and guys who buy their vowels by the bushel basket.
With the way things are now, there’s got to be a station out there somewhere.
That’s what I hate about goggling sometimes. For one thing, I end up looking through a zazillion places.
OMG – you’re a mathematician too! Do your talents know no bounds?
My talents for spelling never end, especially when I can’t find a word. 🙂
I thought you just spelled “brazillion” wrong. Like when Bush was told that three Brazilian soldiers were killed in Baghdad, and then he asked one of his aides how many a brazillion was.
Don’t Panic!!! I’ve got an extra towel for you Omir! 🙂
Hey, did you know tomorrow is National Towel Day?
I did not know that! as Bill Nye says “now you knowwwwwwwwwwwwww”
Now are we talking beach, bath or hand towel day.
Got to keep everything proper and all.
Psst Family Man, I think OMIR just wants us to wear nothing BUT towels tomorrow 🙂
I’ll show him. I’ll go without wrapping it around my body and instead wrap my hair in it. Ha!
I don’t know. I’ve always thought a tux on the beach was rather classic.
Then again, enough drinks and who needs anything, except a towel. 😉
Speak for yourself! If you’re wearing nothing, everyone else will need the alcohol.
I want say what I am usually wearing when I am on the computer at home. LOL
Towels as in this quote from the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy:
You’ve really got to know where your towel is.
But only if you’re a frood.
True story: I went to my first science fiction convention in 1981, not long after the Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy made it big over here in the US. The second time my wife ever saw me, I had just learned how massively useful a towel is and was running around with a bunch of other wackos, all of whom were sporting towels as well.
My wife later said she turned to her sister after we passed by and asked her, “So, what do you suppose the deal is with the dorks and the towels?” or words to that effect. She lived in southern Idaho at the time and news sometimes travels slowly to that part of the galaxy. I should point out that this was science fiction fandom, and she’d been going to conventions for several years, so this was not her first encounter with a bunch of random nutballs, or even close to the weirdest.
Well, as for one particular dork and his towel, she found out soon enough . . .
Wikipedia actually has an article on Towel Day. It’s where I got the quote that I pasted below, as a matter of fact.
Evening Folks!!!!! Just wanted to say hi!!! I am listening to the Dixie Chicks new album and OMG!!!!! You ahve to get this cd. It is wonderful!!!!!! These girls can sing and have soul and heart!!!!
What going up Refinsih?
Howdy FamilyMan!!! Just relaxing after a really rough day at work,
I am very glad to hear that you are relaxing Refinish. IMO you don’t get enough of it.
well my idea of relaxing and your’s are not anything a like. LOL I will do some blogging or a podcast later and start working on some new designs.
Hey I worked hard today. I really did. Really.
OK I tried to pull one weed up and it wouldn’t come out of the ground, so it won.
LOL and I am sure the weedeater is still over in the brush.
No I went and rescued that awhile back. Still didn’t go near the pond. 🙁
Hi refinish. So did you like this album? I can’t really tell.
ROTFLMAO!!!!! I am never shy about my thoughts as you well know.
I’ve always been a closet Dixie Chicks fan and I’ve heard most of the songs from the new album. I’ve heard several critics say it may be the best adult album of the year.
I know I would vote for it and maybe Pink’s Dear Mr. President as song of the year.
After watching Pink’s video I decided I could easily be a lesbian. Well, just for an hour or so. 🙂
LOL well I wouldn’t go that far. I’ll stick to men.
exactly when you’re going to schedule it.
I guess whenever Pink agrees to come over.
Hi Olivia!!!!! Hope you have been well. Haven’t had much chance to visit in the pond lately.
… and also there has a decided dearth of exclamation points. 🙂 You’ve been missed … {{{r69!!!}}}
Thank you!!! That is so sweet.
Yikes! The cafes always take off when I’m not looking! Okay, I’m off to put up a new one.
Okay, the new lounge is now open!