A few days late and many dollars short, but you take what you can get from warmongers:
TORONTO β A Canadian newspaper apologized Wednesday for publishing an erroneous story last week claiming that an Iranian law would require Jews and Christians to wear badges identifying them as religious minorities. […]
Douglas Kelly, editor-in-chief of the National Post, ran a column on page 2 Wednesday explaining the story was based on a column by Amir Taheri, an Iranian author and journalist, and two expatriates Iranians living in Canada.
More details below the fold.
The full text of Mr Kelly’s column is behind a subscription firewall, but courtesy of The Gazetteer here’s an excerpt of what Kelly had to say about this journalistic fraud:
It is now clear the story is not true. Given the seriousness of the error, I felt it necessary to explain to our readers how this happened.
The story of the alleged badge law first came to us in the form of a column by Amir Taheri. Mr. Taheri, an Iranian author and journalist, has written widely on Iran for many major publications. In his column, Mr. Taheri wrote at length about the new law, the main purpose of which is to establish an appropriate dress code for Muslims. Mr. Taheri went on to say that under the law, “Religious minorities would have their own colour schemes. They will also have to wear special insignia, known as zonnar, to indicate their non-Islamic faith.”
This extraordinary allegation caught our attention, of course. The idea that Iran might impose such a law did not seem out of the question given that its President has denied the Holocaust and threatened to “wipe Israel off the map.” We tried to contact Mr. Taheri, but he was in transit and unreachable……
We acknowledge that on this story, we did not exercise sufficient caution and skepticism, and we did not check with enough sources. We should have pushed the sources we did have for more corroboration of the information they were giving us. That is not to say that we ignored basic journalistic practices or that we rushed this story into print with no thought as to the consequences. But given the seriousness of the allegations, more was required.
We apologize for the mistake and for the consternation it has caused not just National Post readers, but the broader public who read the story. We take this incident very seriously, and we are examining our procedures to try to ensure such an error does not happen again.
In short, he admits they swallowed Taheri’s lie hook, line and sinker because it fit their preconceived notions about Iran. He didn’t bother to source check Taheri’s story because, after all, he was a well known Iranian journalist who had published stories in many publications (like the conservative National Review, and the New York Post for example) and therefore he must be reputable. The fact that he no longer lives in Iran, had been a supporter of the Shah before the Iranian revolution and is a fervent opponent of Iran’s current regime was simply not taken into account as a possible bias on his part.
Of course, our friends in the right wingnutosphere will continue to push this story, even though the initial newspaper that ran with it has now apologized for publishing a lie, even though every serious news organization that has looked into this has thoroughly debunked it as blatant propaganda. Why?
Because it fits with their worldview, and with their desire to see another “evildoer” attacked by the US military, to see the bombs fly and explode from 10,000 feet, to see the plumes of flames and smoke, to revisit “shock and awe” once more on their television sets. Because they want to kill more Muslims frankly, and they will believe anything that will justify their vicarious murderous impulses. They are like the mobs that showed up at lynchings, cheering on those who tied the nose and kicked out the support underneath the legs of the poor soul about to have his neck stretched. Oh, they would never do the dirty deed themselves, never risk soiling their own hands, but my how they will lead the cheers from the sidelines.
And the people who fabricate these lies, and then seek to insinuate them into the public discourse know this about their intended audience. The purveyors of these psy-op campaigns know that those on the right are only too willing to buy into the deception and present it as truth, and all too ready to slander and smear anyone who dares expose the truth behind these sordid deceits. And they blame the left for moral relativism?
Pathetic, but also sad and frightening that this is what we have become. A nation of divided souls, divided between those who want the lies to be true, and those who want the lies exposed.
Update [2006-5-25 9:28:11 by Steven D]: Here’s the link to the Taheri story in the New York Post.
Cross-posted at the Orange Place.
It’s been scary watching it all unfolding …. in a ‘we’ve seen this played out before’ kind of way.
Once born, wingnut zombies never die. Months from now, they’ll still be atwitter about this one, writing comments about how the retraction was part of some conspiracy between leftist and the Iranian government.
Hell, it’lll probably show up in Bush’s speech announcing the attack.
I decided to have a quick look to see the Freeper reaction and sure enough, the Zombie stalks the earth. This is just the first one I found, but have a look at the second comment.
Why these people are so hot to expand the war I’ll never know.
I’ve always assumed that it’s because they sit around huffing glue all day, but I should probably gather some evidence before I start throwing around wild accusations.
War always seems like a good idea when it’s not your ass on the line.
We romantacize war so much in movies and books and special Ollie North specials on Fox News that I think sustained peace becomes boring.
My generation lived through Vietnam. We saw nightly the horror and brutality of war on TV. And even if we didn’t get sent to Nam, many of us risked being drafted. All the younger generations have had no experience with war other than the limited video game style bomb explosions the Pentagon releases, or the “colorful” explosions in Baghdad during the initial assault. The close up horror and death, the body bags, the blood, severed limbs and rubble no longer make it on the nightly news. And, of course, there is no draft, so only the soldiers and their families are at risk.
That’s why Baghdad ER was so powerful, even though it was only a limited perspective from a combat hospital. It made it personal in a way that many of us have never seen before. It’s also why the Pentagon didn’t want people to see it.
… should probably gather some evidence before I start throwing around wild accusations.
’nuff said. They are bleeding readership left right and centre these days as Canada continues to move further away from wingnuts (our PM notwithstanding – hey Olivia, think we could use that clause to boot Harper out of office… ON invokes the notwithstanding clause to refuse to acknowledge Harper as PM… hey, it’s a thought ;)).
Harper is treading on thin ice and is starting to be accused of being paranoid and manic. Not a good sign for the minority gov’t… so he needs his rightwing buds to stir up some noise to help him “sell” his pal Georgie’s policies to us Canucks.
Hell, at this point we’re more concerned with getting our troops out of Afghanistan then participating in a new war. Harper will learn soon enough. Let’s just hope it’s before the bombs start dropping in Tehran.
Yes, but they spread the story. It got picked up all over the world. It matters little that their paid readership is falling. In the great scheme of things to conservatives this is a loss leader they are willing to subsidize to get the propaganda out.
Well, speaking as a Canadian, about a Canadian newspaper, it only made them look foolish to Canadians as no other paper or news outlet picked up the story, and in fact were all over reporting that it was wrong. That was my point. I was focused on its impact in Canada… the origin of the piece. I’m well aware of how it helps spread the meme in the US, I was giving the perspective on the other side of the border.
Did you see this article this morning?
Harper to avoid national media, claiming bias
What a joke.
I was watching On Politics yesterday and the reporters were just tearing into him for his paranoia… and of course then started pointing out that the media did have a bias… FOR HARPER in the last election.
This guy is starting to sound like Nixon in his last days in office… or George Bush in 2000. He’s got to go. I don’t think I can wait until sometime next year to get him out of office.
How’s spring in Ottawa? Tdot has been cold and rainy for weeks now… but I’m sitting on patios anyway… I’m stubborn like that π
Singing a different tune now. At least they’re not kowtowing.
It’s been raining here in O since May9th (I’ve kept track), but sun for the last 2 days. Hopefully you guys are getting it or will get it soon.
Hope things are going well w/ your business venture you mentioned last time.
The Iranian Psy-Ops stories are a farce except the Middle East Occupation is deteriorating. How much longer than the Brits hang on to the fiction of controlling Basra? Blair could be out of 10 Downing Street shortly. The GOP could loose a House in November. God’s Chosen will not give up power easily.
With Israeli and British PM’s visiting the White House within a week, pray that the all mighty above hasn’t spoken the words already in their ears “Bomb Iran”.
The story was not wrong, simply premature.
Here is the latest:
I hope they’ll ket you wear a false mustache. I don’t think I can grow one that long.