I was thinking about that the other day. It might be awhile for a couple of reason. No musical is complete without Mary and the musicals I know are the one’s I’ve seen on TV. You know the old 30’s 40’s ones.
Been trying to figure out how to get one of those into a cafe.
Well I know you said how you’re schedule was. If anyone, I know you would get into the musical. I just wasn’t sure when or if you would be able to participate.
True, I have opera tickets most thursdays in June. And I’ll be gone the last thursday in July.
But I should be around for the first few Thursdays in July.
Or it could be a special attraction on an unhosted Monday night 😉
I never know where to jump in to get everybody, but it all shows potential. A rock and roll high school held up in the mountains after an avalanche and everyone is stuck there until they all fall in love.
Hope you’ll be through those papers quick as a wink. I’ve been through the ‘paper crunch’ myself — not as instructor, but assistant grader. It really seemed just too much sometimes.
I’ll be AWOL for the next couple of days, off in Madison doing SF Convention duty. My brain probably needx the rest. At least I think that’s what the dream was about.
I’m betting nodbody else ever gets the one where they’re hanging upside down by a rope tied around one ankle while they try to drill a hole in skull of goat with a 13th century augur as part of a performance art piece. I know I was weirded out by it.
If somebody would be so kind as to pour me a booswarm, and pass the peanuts, that would be grand.
1 part Midori
1 part Citron or Limon
1 part Sour
Rocks with a twist of lemon.
That’s the mark II and mighty tasty.
The original had had lemon juice instead of the Citron, but the bartender who was helping with the experiment suggested the Vodka, and it was a fine idea.
It is. I don’t remember who originally suggested it, (Tauri, maybe) but it came up in the cafe a bit over a year ago. I think it was in response to someone at Kos complaining about the booswarms that showed up every time Booman posted a diary.
That certainly made interesting reading. I bookmarked it and it will go into my next writing project which will be a play where people are all in the same room together actually speaking to each other the way they do when they write comments in these snarky fight diaries. Tragic, but also hilarious since a lot of these people acting like schoolyard cyber-bullies are actually good writers.
Plus it’s fun to see how words get invented. I didn’t look through all 210 comments just did a “find” and someone was asking what a Booman Swarm was and then it got shortened to booswarm.
Booswarm is a cool word, I really like it. Next time Booman posts a link to a diary in the orange place and I rush over to recommend, it will feel extra good to know that I’m part of a booswarm!
So here’s something else that’s interesting. Olivia, I am blaming Olivia, who well knows my susceptibility for nerdiness, has put me in the way of temptation and I am now an offical Site Meter Nerd as well as a Weather Nerd, etc. So I just looked at Who’s On and saw that someone from Arlington Virginia is looking at this article that Booman posted on Friday May 5.
Thanks, O! It’s great when people love us for our beautiful inner selves!
Hot and VERY sunny all day every day for the rest of my life, I think. The rain last week already seems like a far distant dream. I’m sure the plants feel the same way. Sigh.
Could be an ISP hub, also. Don’t know much about the internet, but am assuming that there are centers where people using the same provider in a certain area will be routed. But let’s face it, I have no idea what I’m talking about. Not that THAT has ever stopped me from shooting my mouth off.
Glad I could be of help MM. I hate to admit this, but I like reading some flame wars. Over there, not here. Here I know about everybody, over there I don’t.
I’m always amazed you have a forum where people are supposed to calmly and rationally discuss thing. Them Bam. Names are called and the whole thing falls apart.
I sort of look at it like profanity. If you are reduced to using it, you had no valid arguement to begin with.
I’m with you, FM, I find these flame wars very entertaining — as long as I am in no way involved, which I try my very damndest not to be. There was only one time that I became a target and that involved someone who’s handle starts with an A. but shall be nameless. This person, who was an FP at the time, cursed me out in the most hideously foul language. This was during the Ohio Diaries era. For me it was Coming of age in the Blogosphere, and since then I have learned to err abundantly on the side of caution.
I normally try not overanalyze my dreams, because it’s often my subconscious doing my writing job for me by coming up with interesting new F&SF stuff. But this one definitely felt like a pressure dream.
You’re most definitely a wizard & a gentleman, FM.
By any chance, is there an image of you online somewhere? I’d like to be able to visualize you & your newspaper whenever it’s been raining too much.
That way, you won’t have to get up.
My landlord’s upset me greatly recently by randomly cutting down trees here on the land that the birds like to nest in. This evening I went over to his place for some toilet paper & saw that they’ve all crapped all over his front entrance.
Which improved my state of mind immensely.
Well, since your head is the size of a sesame seed in that picture it’s a little hard to tell what you look like. Except I do recognize the 70’s when I see it! 🙂
Although I didn’t give them your name FM. But, the orders came from on high … Just thinking about it is enough to start me off on a migraine. I’ll have to remember to bring my barf-bag for the bus ride – gah!
I volunteered to take my camera and be one of the pool of photographers capturing candids so I could get out of having to participate in the activities.
Complain about having to go as much as possible in advance so that you lower all expectations that you might possibly enjoy any part of it. that way it’s almost impossible for it not to be better than you expected.
I loved it! I mean, they’ve aimed right for the porch directly in front of the door — not an inch to either side. And boy, is it messy!
Apparently he’ll be coming up with guests this weekend & they’ll all have to step right over it.
It’s on the deck chairs, too.
your cats talked the birds into it because they knew how happy it would make you and they figured the overflow of endorphins would cause you to feed them massive amounts of food.
‘Course, I tend to do that anyway — since the kitten tends to nose his mom away from her bowl. Then I give her another one & he shoves his way into that one, too. So they wind up with food everywhere.
And she just lets him? My dogs are very possessive about their dishes — although Hopeful (living up to his name) stands around watching Sniff eat just in case there might a crumb left behind.
This used to be one of the most beautiful, serene places I’ve ever known, FM — but since his purchase he’s had it extensively logged (which fouled the spring), bulldozed much hillside vegetation that helps keep erosion in check & is now intent on transforming the entire place into some type of golf course.
It’s truly a shame & one reason why I feel compelled to leave. I’m watching the mutilation of a dear, dear friend; it’s very painful to see.
May the birds continue to crap on his doorway.
Down here logging is big time. Places that had majestic stands of trees are now barren with seedlings growing. It’s a cash crop now which makes it all the more sad.
We still have a lot of tree everywhere around here, but you can tell they’re new growth.
(Buckminster) Fuller says that if we were to pay a fair price for the time and energy Nature uses to make petroleum, a gallon of crude oil would cost a million dollars. I wonder what a tree is really worth?
In the case of our trees here, what possible benefit my landlord could’ve gained by lumbering is more than offset by the effect — since they also cut down trees simply to get to the trees they want. The woods look like a battlefield & the land is also far less quiet, since there’s no sound buffer from the surrounding properties.
It will never, ever be the same again.
People simply don’t realize what they’re doing.
Absolutely true. Frankly, I think this is a good part of the reason why our nation is in such a pathetic state.
As for folks here, it’s funny: downstaters buy woodland property because it’s different than what they’ve known — & then they do their best to make it like what they’ve known.
As for my landlord in particular, I can’t imagine he’s actually gotten very much for the timber. When my ol’ man owned the land, he never would’ve allowed lumbering — it just wasn’t worth the cost.
Frankly, I think my landlord just likes to make big messes. Plus, he’s got no real love for the place, no feel for it.
he’s got no real love for the place, no feel for it.
That to me is the whole problem. We are such a mobile society now, hardly anyone puts down roots. Sadly that’s been my case most of my life. However, once I came home to take care of my Mom, I reconnected with family and land. I don’t want to sound morbid, but my family cemetery means a lot to me. In the way as from my first ancestor here (around mid 1800) up to my father are there. People don’t stick around a place that long unless they love it.
I’m very glad you’ve reconnected with your family home, FM. I think that sense of connectedness is very important — & I also think you’re right that much of what’s wrong with us , culturally, is a result of our supposed ‘freedom’ from roots.
I don’t find your feelings for your forebears’ graves morbid at all. Those are the places where we can honor them, in the presence of what they’ve left behind.
Along with our constant movement, we also seem to have a problem with death & remains. But that’s another issue.
My sweetheart’s family has been here in the valley since about 1880 or so. Now, the elders are passing on & he was the only member of the youngest generation with any true love for the place. The others of his age don’t really seem to care & are happy to sell out.
Actually, too, I’m very sorry to leave the area because he’s buried here. There’s that connection, too. It’s quite real.
Olivia, since Family Man refused to open the next cafe (even though this IS his day) I’ll do the next one unless you object. I’m sure you’ll be up later than me and do another one.
Have a seat and don’t worry about anything. Drinks are on the house.
I’m too tired to be rude, crude or even lewd. God help me – it’s not even 9 PM!
me too. Maybe we can just think lewd and crude thoughts and FM can guess.
The number is 5. Am I close?
uh uh
When are you going to do another musical 🙂
I was thinking about that the other day. It might be awhile for a couple of reason. No musical is complete without Mary and the musicals I know are the one’s I’ve seen on TV. You know the old 30’s 40’s ones.
Been trying to figure out how to get one of those into a cafe.
You could make up your own plot, and suggest songs.
And why do you think I wouldn’t do it?
Well I know you said how you’re schedule was. If anyone, I know you would get into the musical. I just wasn’t sure when or if you would be able to participate.
True, I have opera tickets most thursdays in June. And I’ll be gone the last thursday in July.
But I should be around for the first few Thursdays in July.
Or it could be a special attraction on an unhosted Monday night 😉
That has possibilities. I’ll have to put on my thinking cap.
I have faith in your creativity!
In that case, I know I can do it! 🙂
This one would be perfect.
I vote for Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.
I never know where to jump in to get everybody, but it all shows potential. A rock and roll high school held up in the mountains after an avalanche and everyone is stuck there until they all fall in love.
Don’t ya love happy endings.
Eight in my case, and you see the 24/7 is already up.
Geezerhood ain’t it great. 🙂
Hello. I thought I’d stop by while I am finishing senior grades. I’ll be lurking in the corner.
Hi SN.
You can lurk knowing I said hi to you.
Hope you been donig well.
Hi FM. It’s a very busy time of year. Only two weeks left and I am drowning in papers.
Hi Toni. I knew I hadn’t hear from you in awhile.
Those two weeks will be gone before ya know it.
It’s been awhile! How’s things (other than the papers)?
There is nothing else other than papers. Hi Olivia
to take a break from grading paper? Aw, come one I’m sure you can guess.
Do we need to give her hints? 🙂
This weekend, sure. Grades are due tomorrow morning and I’ve got about 2 hours of work ahead of me. Sigh.
Howdy Andi.
He’s all done — today was the last student day.
Today!!! Damn, I’ve some work for him, if he’s in your hair.
That sounds unpleasant … I hope it gets better soon.
Hey there, Toni. Good to see you!
Hope you’ll be through those papers quick as a wink. I’ve been through the ‘paper crunch’ myself — not as instructor, but assistant grader. It really seemed just too much sometimes.
ww, thank goodness for the long weekend. I will spend every second of it getting caught up.
It’s been forever and a day. Dr.Mc. just finished her grading Sunday, and is now in the post class meeting wind-down stage at UW.
I’ll be AWOL for the next couple of days, off in Madison doing SF Convention duty. My brain probably needx the rest. At least I think that’s what the dream was about.
I’m betting nodbody else ever gets the one where they’re hanging upside down by a rope tied around one ankle while they try to drill a hole in skull of goat with a 13th century augur as part of a performance art piece. I know I was weirded out by it.
If somebody would be so kind as to pour me a booswarm, and pass the peanuts, that would be grand.
what’s a booswarm? Did I miss a new drink?
I’m still trying to figure out what a nodbody is. Sounds like something Family Man would like. A body who nods off all the time.
Spellchecker even flagged it. I thought I’d fixed that.
1 part Midori
1 part Citron or Limon
1 part Sour
Rocks with a twist of lemon.
That’s the mark II and mighty tasty.
The original had had lemon juice instead of the Citron, but the bartender who was helping with the experiment suggested the Vodka, and it was a fine idea.
sounds like a good summer drink 😉
It is. I don’t remember who originally suggested it, (Tauri, maybe) but it came up in the cafe a bit over a year ago. I think it was in response to someone at Kos complaining about the booswarms that showed up every time Booman posted a diary.
If you look it up under google, it’s about the third or fourth down. Ya’ll have me googling constantly. 🙂
<whine> can’t you just link to it? <whine>
Geez I thought I was the slacker. Give me a second.
Here’s the diary, but I refuse to look through 210 comments to find that one.
Looks like a diary Boo wrote and he started getting piled on.
That certainly made interesting reading. I bookmarked it and it will go into my next writing project which will be a play where people are all in the same room together actually speaking to each other the way they do when they write comments in these snarky fight diaries. Tragic, but also hilarious since a lot of these people acting like schoolyard cyber-bullies are actually good writers.
Plus it’s fun to see how words get invented. I didn’t look through all 210 comments just did a “find” and someone was asking what a Booman Swarm was and then it got shortened to booswarm.
Booswarm is a cool word, I really like it. Next time Booman posts a link to a diary in the orange place and I rush over to recommend, it will feel extra good to know that I’m part of a booswarm!
Yay, booswarm!
Not me. Next BooMan posts a link to an Orange place diary, I’m going to mix myself a BooSwarm and drink it.
Although this plan means I can never read his stuff while I’m at work …
And have one on me while your at it!! :0)
So here’s something else that’s interesting. Olivia, I am blaming Olivia, who well knows my susceptibility for nerdiness, has put me in the way of temptation and I am now an offical Site Meter Nerd as well as a Weather Nerd, etc. So I just looked at Who’s On and saw that someone from Arlington Virginia is looking at this article that Booman posted on Friday May 5.
Hi mm … LOL.
Don’t pretend you’re not proud of your accomplishment! LOL!
How is the weather out there, has the sun come out yet?
LOL … in case you haven’t realized yet, I love nerds. 🙂
Sun all day today and yesterday — we’re spoiled. Rain tomorrow though.
Thanks, O! It’s great when people love us for our beautiful inner selves!
Hot and VERY sunny all day every day for the rest of my life, I think. The rain last week already seems like a far distant dream. I’m sure the plants feel the same way. Sigh.
Probably Porter reading about himself 😉
It isn’t CIA — that’s in Langley, not Arlington.
What if anything is in Arlington?
My recollection is that it’s mostly residential. One of my college roommates was from Arlington. But it was a long time ago so I could be wrong.
Could be an ISP hub, also. Don’t know much about the internet, but am assuming that there are centers where people using the same provider in a certain area will be routed. But let’s face it, I have no idea what I’m talking about. Not that THAT has ever stopped me from shooting my mouth off.
Glad I could be of help MM. I hate to admit this, but I like reading some flame wars. Over there, not here. Here I know about everybody, over there I don’t.
I’m always amazed you have a forum where people are supposed to calmly and rationally discuss thing. Them Bam. Names are called and the whole thing falls apart.
I sort of look at it like profanity. If you are reduced to using it, you had no valid arguement to begin with.
I’m with you, FM, I find these flame wars very entertaining — as long as I am in no way involved, which I try my very damndest not to be. There was only one time that I became a target and that involved someone who’s handle starts with an A. but shall be nameless. This person, who was an FP at the time, cursed me out in the most hideously foul language. This was during the Ohio Diaries era. For me it was Coming of age in the Blogosphere, and since then I have learned to err abundantly on the side of caution.
I find the first 25 or so entertaining. but now that they’re going on 105 troll war diaries over there I’m getting a little bored.
I guess I’m not quite so jaded, LOL!!!
A very wise woman.
It sounds like it might generate psychic friction with the slacking ethos.
In no such way. 🙂
You were the one trying to drill the hole, Kelly?
So, both your hanging upside down & the drilling were performance?
I was indeed doing both. The whole thing was one bizarre piece of stagecraft, complete with large faceless audience.
Yep, I’d say there’s a wee bit of pressure there in some pursuit that seems rather futile to you ..
I normally try not overanalyze my dreams, because it’s often my subconscious doing my writing job for me by coming up with interesting new F&SF stuff. But this one definitely felt like a pressure dream.
Yep. The audience is generally the pressure.
Drink is coming up Kelly and you get a whole bowl of peanuts.
You’re a scholar and a gentleman.
Well maybe gentleman. 🙂
You’re most definitely a wizard & a gentleman, FM.
By any chance, is there an image of you online somewhere? I’d like to be able to visualize you & your newspaper whenever it’s been raining too much.
That way, you won’t have to get up.
Have you recovered from your trek across Jornada del Muerto today?
Howdy there, Andi!
Thanks for asking; indeed I have.
My landlord’s upset me greatly recently by randomly cutting down trees here on the land that the birds like to nest in. This evening I went over to his place for some toilet paper & saw that they’ve all crapped all over his front entrance.
Which improved my state of mind immensely.
OK WW I couldn’t get the link to work, but it ain’t pretty.
Me over 20 years ago. We were camping and I supervised putting up the tent.
And me now.
That’s some schnoz ya got there, FM.
I feel it is a distinguishable feature.:P
I note that you don’t post any recent pix of yourself. Have you grown a third head or something?
No not really, just still the man of mystery. 🙂
I’m still the same as the picture. Still got all the hair, but graying some, still got the mustache, but greying more and just a tad bit heavier.
Plus I’m always the one pointing the camera.
Well, since your head is the size of a sesame seed in that picture it’s a little hard to tell what you look like. Except I do recognize the 70’s when I see it! 🙂
Alright. You want a close up.
On the picture up thread, IVG taught me to right click and hit view image. It’ll enlarge it.
Never could resist a man with cataracts and a Brillo pad beard.
I always thought the bags under my eyes were a good feature.
when is your designated picture taking happening?
I am sooooooooooooooooo not looking forward to this Andi!
the camera to hide behind.
Then don’t do it. Stamp you foot and turn around and yell. Tell them FM said so.
Although I didn’t give them your name FM. But, the orders came from on high … Just thinking about it is enough to start me off on a migraine. I’ll have to remember to bring my barf-bag for the bus ride – gah!
You’re going on retreat?
I volunteered to take my camera and be one of the pool of photographers capturing candids so I could get out of having to participate in the activities.
good plan.
is this for work?
Got any advice? I know you just had yours … 🙂
uh huh
Complain about having to go as much as possible in advance so that you lower all expectations that you might possibly enjoy any part of it. that way it’s almost impossible for it not to be better than you expected.
… b/c everyone around me knows that I am NOT going to enjoy this and I am NOT happy about being made to go and I tell them … oh, I’d say … every day.
Maybe it won’t be so bad. Mine was actually a lot of fun. Well, relatively speaking.
Your years of slacking experience are truly awesome.
I have an innate talent for it. Some are born to greatness, others are born to slack.
Just as I thought — a real looker!
I can just see that pointed hat ..
I knew there was something I missed by having no landlord and no neighbors — all those lovely cathartic experiences.
I loved it! I mean, they’ve aimed right for the porch directly in front of the door — not an inch to either side. And boy, is it messy!
Apparently he’ll be coming up with guests this weekend & they’ll all have to step right over it.
It’s on the deck chairs, too.
Serves him right, the doofus.
your cats talked the birds into it because they knew how happy it would make you and they figured the overflow of endorphins would cause you to feed them massive amounts of food.
And why not?
‘Course, I tend to do that anyway — since the kitten tends to nose his mom away from her bowl. Then I give her another one & he shoves his way into that one, too. So they wind up with food everywhere.
Smart, eh?
And she just lets him? My dogs are very possessive about their dishes — although Hopeful (living up to his name) stands around watching Sniff eat just in case there might a crumb left behind.
Yep, she lets him do it. It may have something to do with their blood relationship; she did the same thing with her mom, who let her do it.
I wore round glasses long before Mr Potter. 🙂
I don’t know what’s going on, but my comments are going all over the place, or at least not where I thought they would.
I sense the karma there.
You betcha!
This used to be one of the most beautiful, serene places I’ve ever known, FM — but since his purchase he’s had it extensively logged (which fouled the spring), bulldozed much hillside vegetation that helps keep erosion in check & is now intent on transforming the entire place into some type of golf course.
It’s truly a shame & one reason why I feel compelled to leave. I’m watching the mutilation of a dear, dear friend; it’s very painful to see.
May the birds continue to crap on his doorway.
Down here logging is big time. Places that had majestic stands of trees are now barren with seedlings growing. It’s a cash crop now which makes it all the more sad.
We still have a lot of tree everywhere around here, but you can tell they’re new growth.
From a book on dome construction:
In the case of our trees here, what possible benefit my landlord could’ve gained by lumbering is more than offset by the effect — since they also cut down trees simply to get to the trees they want. The woods look like a battlefield & the land is also far less quiet, since there’s no sound buffer from the surrounding properties.
It will never, ever be the same again.
People simply don’t realize what they’re doing.
Instant gratification and forget the consequences. I’m afraid too many people are that way.
Absolutely true. Frankly, I think this is a good part of the reason why our nation is in such a pathetic state.
As for folks here, it’s funny: downstaters buy woodland property because it’s different than what they’ve known — & then they do their best to make it like what they’ve known.
As for my landlord in particular, I can’t imagine he’s actually gotten very much for the timber. When my ol’ man owned the land, he never would’ve allowed lumbering — it just wasn’t worth the cost.
Frankly, I think my landlord just likes to make big messes. Plus, he’s got no real love for the place, no feel for it.
he’s got no real love for the place, no feel for it.
That to me is the whole problem. We are such a mobile society now, hardly anyone puts down roots. Sadly that’s been my case most of my life. However, once I came home to take care of my Mom, I reconnected with family and land. I don’t want to sound morbid, but my family cemetery means a lot to me. In the way as from my first ancestor here (around mid 1800) up to my father are there. People don’t stick around a place that long unless they love it.
I’m very glad you’ve reconnected with your family home, FM. I think that sense of connectedness is very important — & I also think you’re right that much of what’s wrong with us , culturally, is a result of our supposed ‘freedom’ from roots.
I don’t find your feelings for your forebears’ graves morbid at all. Those are the places where we can honor them, in the presence of what they’ve left behind.
Along with our constant movement, we also seem to have a problem with death & remains. But that’s another issue.
My sweetheart’s family has been here in the valley since about 1880 or so. Now, the elders are passing on & he was the only member of the youngest generation with any true love for the place. The others of his age don’t really seem to care & are happy to sell out.
Actually, too, I’m very sorry to leave the area because he’s buried here. There’s that connection, too. It’s quite real.
Such a kind complement WW, thank you.
Wait a minute and I’ll put a link.
Dr.Mc. has just informed me that there’s a hot bath all drawn and awaiting my attendance. Have a good one!
Enjoy, dear!
Night everyone. Been a long day.
Good night SN.
Night everybody else.
I’m reading to fast again. Andi broadsided me with that one. I thought I would be the first to say good night tonight.
Trying to sneak out at 99 comments while conveniently not noticing a new cafe is needed?
Good night, ladies. Hope to see you tomorrow.
Night SN.
Good night everyone. This geezer is going to bed.
Have a good night in the pond.
I just notices as I was leaving this cafe is pretty full. I’ll put up another one and off to bed.
Olivia, since Family Man refused to open the next cafe (even though this IS his day) I’ll do the next one unless you object. I’m sure you’ll be up later than me and do another one.
If you look Ms. Mary it’s already open. Hah.
I’m always happy to be proved wrong.
Have a fine night & a good rest, o wise & wonderful geezer.
Thanks for everything.
FBC 24/7 All Night Long.