Feeling Reflective
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Good folks to talk to at every table
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Hope everyone has a pleasant day ahead.
Morning Andi and everyone.
I was just wondering how many serious hangovers there are out there today? Ouch! 🙂
It’s a holiday weekend — people will just ignore them and party on.
It has been so long I had forgotten.
So ya got a slackerly day planned?
Pretty much. Other than a bike ride, we’ve got nothing planned. What’s on your dance card?
I think I have a younger brother that will be over today, but that’s a maybe.
Other than that, watch the lawn grow.
Geez, FM, how many siblings do you have. Seems like I lost count at about 17.
It feels like about 30 sometimes, but only 5 others. Then you’ve got to take into account all the nieces and nephews, great nieces and great nephews. That’s only immediate family. 🙂
It’s true then. You people multiply like rabbits. How come you only had two?
Not really. Two sibling have one and the rest have two. 😛
Hi Folks!!!!! Just wanted wish everyone a fabulous Holiday Weekend!!!!
Morning Refinish. How’s you weekend going?
Morning FamilyMan!!! The weekend is going great. I went to a bar-b-que for a candidate Friday and to a hispanic festival last night to help campaign for several candidates and will go back to the festival again tonight. I will be working on some new designs today and doing some blogging, a podcast and housework. LOL
Then I know your happy with all that constant movement. 🙂
LOL Yeppers!!!! I love to be busy. Hope your weekend is going well.
Yep, going pretty good.
Here is a design I did this am for Strayhorn. LOL
Grandma 4 Names
That’s great and funny.
The refinish definition of a holiday weekend: hooray! more time to work my butt off.
ROTFLMAO!!!! Well, you know how I am and my political stuff is my passion not work.
Morning all.
I know other people have mentioned it, but I got the chance to see the movie “Sir, No Sir” last evening at a benefit for the Veterans for Peace in Santa Fe. It is very thought provoking and well worth seeing.
The producers do not have a big money distribution deal, but it is being shown in a lot of theatres around the country over the next couple months. Sirnosir dot com gives the schedule.
I’ve got to run. Busy day ahead.
Have a great day y’all.
Have a great day!!! I will look for the movie here and go and see it.
Hi Kahli/bye Kahli. I haven’t hear of the movie, but I’ll look it up.
Morning everyone. Nice to see you refinish69!
Woke up to scattered piles of cat barf this morning, one of which I unknowingly wiped up with my bare right foot on the way to make coffee and greet the new day.
Never got below 70 last night and it’s supposed to be over 90 again today. The Mr. is driving to the beach to visit with his elderly parents and sister who he hasn’t seen in a couple of years. So it will just be the boys and me keeping cool after hopefully bribing them try to dig a hole through this Carolina clay to put in a couple of Knock Out roses in the sunny portion of the backyard.
Morning SN. To send children out in such heat! If I were them, I’d ask for at least a car. 🙂
One of them got a car six months ago and I’m still having him pay the price whenever I can! Plus, his car insurance is $200 a month for the first year!!!!!!
HOw you doin’ FM?
Hah, but I bet it was a neat little sports car like he wanted. 🙂
I’m doing fine. Just trying to wake up.
It’s a groovy 10-yr old volvo station wagon – the dream of every teenage boy!
I just read your blog entry this morning. Very sweet.
Yep, just what ever teenager wants. Who needs a sports car when you can have that. 🙂
Thanks for reading.
Sounds like you and the boys should wait till 5:00 or so to start doing that hard work. Yucky weather.
I hate going outside because within 30 seconds I start to itch from unseen biting things that seem to love the scent of estrogen. No fooling. My scalp starts to itch, my arms and legs. I guess I’m going to have to break down and spray some birth defect causing pesticide if I have any hope of enjoying the backyard before the first frost in November.
get the Avon Skin So Soft lotion and try that. I have heard that vailla mixed in water works as a natural repellant but have never tried it.
Put them kids to building you a big sun room. That way you can sit in air conditioned comfort and see all the wonderful plants and little animals outside.
THat’s my dream! I want one of those glassed in rooms that have a bunch of windows that you can open when it’s nice out. We actually got a couple estimates last year. Wow!
Yea, they’re not cheap. I would love to have the patio made into one, but then I start thinking in slacker mode.
Another room to clean, more stuff to dust, etc.
With the patio, just sweep it off and wash it every now and then.
Jim and I have found that deet on a hat, and the back of a shirt (plus a little on the back of the neck) will keep biting bugs away. If it’s really bad we put some on our legs too.
We have a ton of chiggers that love our lushly overgrown vegetation and you can’t see or feel them until they’ve already inserted their feeding tube into you that liquifies your skin cells so they can drink it. Those bites itch for WEEKS.
There must have been some sort of tree or shrub that the previous owners cut down but didn’t remove the stump, because there are these woody fast growing things that you cannot get with the weedwhacker and there are thousands of them intertwined with english ivy. I guess we’re going to have to rent a rototiller to clear that area.
Try the deet (too bad it won’t help with woody fast growing things).
wrapped in barbed-wire with a governor that made sure it couldn’t go faster than 7.8 mph
Morning!!!! Good luck with the roses and staying cool.
Morning SN, FM, Refinish, Andi and whoever I missed up there.
Morning Mary. Wonderful cafes yesterday.
Got ice cream yet?
Thanks FM.
No, I’ll pick up the ice cream on my way there.
I used to like having to bring the paper plates and napkins.
Ya’ll put to much effort into it. I taught my family a long time ago, the standard answer was, Oh, I forgot.
After enough of that, the only thing they would ask me to bring is myself.
All set for the family frolic?
Yet another way to divide up the world: People who love family gatherings and people who hate them.
I will be by afternoon. Right now I’m in my morning mode of wishing I didn’t have to leave the house all day.
The trick is to never go to a family gathering that involves less than 20 people. That way you’re never stuck talking to any one person.
More than 20 family members — the horror, the horror! That just multiplies the number of people that I don’t want to see, let alone talk to.
But I think it’s lovely that you have a big family that you like to be with.
You have to remember there’s safety and anonymity in numbers. If you get caught having to talk to that sister in law that you don’t like, chances are that someone else will saunter up and you can just slip away. I like the bigger ones too.
There is no such thing as safety or anonymity in my family. And there is definitely no escape — other than leaving.
But enough of this grumpitude ….
Well that was interesting, the Goodyear blimp just flew over our house. Can’t figure out why it is all the way down here. Do you think our house will show up on the race coverage? And wow, is it loud. It’s like having a lawnmower up against your ear.
Those used to fly over our neighborhood all the time. they sound like big weedwhackers, don’t they?
I’ll look for your house while I’m sitting glued to Indy 500 coverage.
Somehow I doubt they’ll show us but it was really low — just a few hundred feet.
Oh, the humanity.
Just one suggestion Andi. Next time take the camera and make yourself a pest. After enough times with the camera, you can go to these and sit in peace. Someone comes up to you, just raise the camera. They’ll turn on heel and walk right away.
The Goodyear blimp. Wow.
Doesn’t with my famiy — we are always asked to bring the camera.
There’s your answer too. Forget the camera, stay five minutes and say we have to got to go get the camera.
“What four hour drive?” “Forgot about it, we’re happy to.”
Ring. “Hello, we had car trouble.”
exactly! You just keep on the move.
BUT (and here’s where I think Andi will be jealous) the best thing about my mother’s side of the family is, if you start getting tired of talking you can go into another room and read a book. They talk about you, but don’t talk to you.
Yes, that’s always the danger of leaving. 🙂
Hi refinish, how many political events can you cram into one 3 day weekend?
LOL Well I have another one today and probably have one Monday. The most I have ever done in one day was 5 events.
You little lurker. Nice picture, you cutie.
hope everybody has a fine day.
G’morn’n Glories, had a great time at the Jazz club last night, and also had a DD so no problems on the return trip back to the hotel.
Some great tunes, fantastic people, two fine Cuban Cigars, and I definately made a dent in the Vodka stock at the club …. LMAO
I would suppose the strangest sight for the Miami public was watching me dance my way outta the club, onto the street, and into the vehicle…. ; )
I know a couple enjoyed it, they were laughing themselves into tears…
have a great Sunday all…..peace
Glad you had fun!!!!!
I’m heading out too. Well not heading out, but I’ve got to clean up just in case family comes over.
See ya later.
Another new design this am.
Yellow Dog Democrat
Looks pretty quiet in here now, but I suspect you folks are all out attending to various and sundry Sunday activities (like I should be doing!) Anyway… hey there all, Andi, RF, FM, Mary, SN, IP and anyone else I missed!
Didn’t get a thing done in the garden yesterday due to unexpected late night Friday and all day long rain and beastly heat. Was forced to break down and turn on the AC to dry the place out a bit. Not bad out today, should get to about 90 or so, but nice and breezy and not raining. Hope to get lots done out there and take pics too… I saw from the dining room window that some of the Oriental poppies have opened, and since they don’t last very long, have to shoot them when I have the chance!
So far, a nice relaxing holiday weekend… cleaned like a dervish yesterday (taking frustrations out indoors since I couldn’t be out). Last night we ventured out to the video store and they (of course) had a hellacious sale on DVDs, so had to get a few more… We watched Team America: World Police and Batman Begins last night, and both are excellent, though for very different reasons. Actually BB was, I thought, the best Batman movie ever, and I have never really been a big Batman fan, but this film was very well done.
Also got The Constant Gardener, Jarhead and Broken Flowers … all of which we’ll probably watch this weekend if we can stay awake! Anyway, hope everyone’s having a great day, and I’ll probably stop back at some point to see how folks are doing…
Spouse ran out of coffee filters (and we forgot to put them on the list) so he ran out to buy himself a cup of coffee.
Plans for today: more cleaning, and I need to spend some time on the computer(s) familiarizing myself with new software; finally found a guide to iLife ’06 so I can learn how to really put together my movies and trip web site… 😉 And I hope to get out for at least a short walk to start breaking in the new boots.
Spouse is really getting excited about the trip now; we ordered his tuxedo last night (we’re renting one on the ship — much cheaper/easier than buying him a real suit).
Time for a cup of tea, then off to work…