Consider the following evidence:

  1. A senior PNAC apparatchik, Robert Kagan,now throws his support behind the Democratic Party, sensing that the Bush era is over and the only way to perpetuate the PNAC’s power is to find pliable Democrats like Pelosi, Biden, Bayh, Vilsack,Warner and Clinton.The Bush agenda, which is essentially the PNAC agenda will thus be preserved without any questions raised.Or, if raised, will be slashed and burned by the enablers in the Press.
  2. Nancy Pelosi unclaws her Party ahead of real events by saying Bush’s Impeachment is not on the agnda,making her the bosom buddy of the PNAC.All other DLC running dogs of Right Wing Extremism echo that sentiment.

We are at a point in our history where Gore Vidal’s accurate assessment that we have one party, the Money Party, with two wings, has come true with a vengeance.

The Sovietization of America has occurred sooner than I thought.