Froggy Bottom All Night Diner
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Food and good cheer served all night long.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
So …. waddya want?
That’s a trollable offense at DKos. Which I why I did it, because I can. Feels pretty good.
Anybody out there?
We don’t troll you, we just look at you like you’re crazy.
How are you tonight Brownian Motion?
Never mind Mary… she’s one of the few non-certifiable loons in the late night crowd around here. Now you know what camp I fall into, lol.
I’m the only normal one here.
Uh HUH, and I’ve got some fine baubles and blankets for you buddy … as long as you surrender that prime riverfront real estate you’ve been sitting on!
of Lake Agazziz. (Sorry no linky tonight.) But I wouldn’t be a givin’ it up till I’m belly-up.
And you?
Howdie Brownie. At least you didn’t say Frist!
I so gave up on DKos, but I’ve also since lost a lot of my anger and resentment. :>)
Welcome to the Lounge.
Yeah. Me too.
I’m beginning to have a positve outlook on life again… I no longer look at people with suspicion wondering if they have ever troll rated me, or worse, if they are part of one of the many DKos meta-conspiracies.
If this shit keeps up, I’m in serious danger of getting a life.
Nah, there are a million other websites to get lost in.
BooMan does allow for all kinds of viewpoints, but that too has its difficulties. It works for some and not for others. In the end, you just have to keep looking until you find the place that works for you.
I think politics is so bloody emotional by its nature, after all it is our lives and our families’ lives at stake, that for many of us, it is hard to not get so worked up that we can’t agree to disagree.
BooMan is a very liberal hangout, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have a healthy dose of moderates either.
Lordy, another AmericaBlog reader? LOL… heya Brownian.
As for the Dkos thing you mentioned… I hardly ever go there anymore and never posted, just read there. Too much acrimony for me lately so I graze here and elsewhere where the personal agendas are either less evident or non-existent.
Would have kind of been cool to have been flamed at least once though… hehehe.
Eat propane, motherfucker!
Now you can die happy.
Since you wanted a larger view of areas in the garden… the familiar Finger Rock view yesterday… and yes, there are weeds and hundreds of coneflower seedlings, but they will be gone soon. On the right, the sea holly is gearing up to really bloom away this year…
There’s a lot of stuff going on here… to the left is the fiery red bee balm, the blue stuff by the rock is salvia nemerosa or Meadow Sage, with Russian sage behind it, as well as porcupine grass… it’s just getting all lush and overgrown already! LOL
Did ya tell C to hold your ankels as you lean out the upper window so you could get that bird’s eye view for me????
That would be priceless … 🙂
LOL … you could ask the neighbours to take the pic. 🙂
Umm, we haven’t discussed that yet, lol. Not sure even the window could get the overhead of this area… it’s a bit away from the house. Ferns, however, I could get from the north window…
I love the finger rock. 🙂 Are the Meadow Sage flowers the ones you posted for dada?
Lush is good … but, it’s such a constant battle to keep it orderly I’ll give you that!
Hope you did the firefoxy right click thingy, cuz this one’s big. No, meadow sage is purely ornamental and its bloom habit is much spikier than the officianlis culinary kind, which is what I posted for dada. The flowers on nemerosa are gorgeous but they stink. Best appreciated outside. It should be hardy to your zone, and the clumps are not invasive, but gradually increase over time… it’s a great plant!
I can’t believe that your sage plant is blooming like that already. Our sage plants are just barely leafing!
Stunning…such a great mix of height and color. I’ve always dreamed of a nice garden.
Hmm…maybe I will have to move to North Dakota and buy a house and hire a cabana boy/gardener! :>)
but you could easily hire a Bachelor Norwegian Farmer, in fact most of them would probaby do the work for coffee and doughnuts…
BNF … cute.
Coffee and doughnuts work for me…so long as I don’t have to provide that weird fish food stuff Norwegians eat for breakfast. :>)
breakfast would likely be bacon, eggs, maybe hashbrowns, some toast with some homemade chokecherry jelly, and of course coffee, t’in enough you can see the bottom of the cup, and that’d be black, no cream, no sugar…
Yeah Lutefisk…yeach. Ok, so they don’t eat fish food for breakfast. Now, I’m afraid to ask, but what is chokecherry jelly?
I make a mean brew… strong enough to make a grown woman grow a mustache.
they’re all over eastern ND, and I’m thinking they might be native to the area, but I don’t know for sure, but they have somewhat of a tartness to them, but get dark purple, and have a pit size of a pea.
Most people go picking them with 5 quart ice cream pails on belts, in good years they look like grape bunches on a vine.
Try google… I’m too slow to do both…
We’ve been tinkering with this section for about 3 yrs now, and I think we’ve about got it down right. Just wait until the delphiums start blooming (you can see one off to the right of the rock here) soon… I put in 21 new ones this year to replace the ones that died off over the winter. Oh well, just stay tuned and there’s more color to come.
It’s kinda like a fireworks show on extreme slo-mo. Such patience you have.
Lol… patience is a must for gardeners, especially if you’re doing the perennial plantings. It’s worth it though, believe me. My biggest bummer this year was that the delphiniums I planted lovingly from seed 5 yrs ago didn’t make it. Apparently pretty much everyone’s delphiniums bit it this past winter, thus my manic planting of 21 new ones this year!
have a great night everyone.
Night Mary… keep me posted on the October Surprise!
Here’s to a non-needy client day for you on Wed!!!
Bonne nuit, ma belle du Missouri…
Night Mary. Pleasant dreams.
Went to the doctor and got the “move more” lecture…also got some stuff for allergies so I might actually get the energy to move more. Came home from the doctor’s office and crashed out for a couple of hours…just really worn out today.
Question: is Keith O. on vacation all week? Got Brian Unger for the third night in a row…and “Countdown” just ain’t the same. 🙁 Unger just seems to be trying too hard with the snark…whereas with Keith it just comes naturally. Ah well…
Hope everyone has a great night…heading for bed shortly…
Never worry, Cali… KO will be back tomorrow night. Dipwad said so tonight.. but yeah I’ve been disappointed he’s been off the last few nights. But the guy deserves a break, so I’ll cut him some slack…
Hey Cali! Hugs.
Now you know why I gave up on docs years ago. Like tell me something I don’t know already! :>)
Flowers for all occassions! (See you in the morning light!)
well, hey, me too! Time to get a little rest, been another nice evening, see you all on the flippola!
Nice boquet MM, I like those colors!!!
as I slide off into the night… Good night, fellow loons and flower freaks, and see you again soon. If I have good sun today, I’ll get more wide pics for Olivia and NDD, but not hanging out the window!
I want to know what the tiny dark red blossoms are in your picture. I’ve had some primulas that blood-red color (they died, of course). But nothing this early that look quite like what’s in your picture.
I think you’re talking about the ones in the background there? That’s a lantana plant… they start out that color then change as they mature. Only an annual, but it’s a very pretty one! I need to get my new primulas in the ground soon, now that you remind me…
Red lantanas? I’ve never seen one that red. Could you mean red verbena?
Well, as usual, no one is around. At least you’ve ditched the “undesirable” hosts that were driving people away. Sleep well.
Good Afternoon. It’s been so long since I visited, I’ve missed all of you fine folks. Work sucks..ya know the usual. I hope everyone had a nice Memorial weekend.