Progress Pond

Politicians Lie? Say it Ain’t So!

…All by its lonesome, the federal government extracts over Two Trillion Dollars from us every single year. Yet, with all this unthinkable wealth, it has been incapable of reducing poverty, improving our schools, preventing 9-11, catching those who perpetrated the attacks, making health care affordable, reducing crime, and so on. Going even further, each year, it passes new laws that make it legal to pry into your life even more…

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“It is inaccurate to say that I hate everything. I am strongly in favor of common sense, common honesty, and common decency. This makes me forever ineligible for public office.”
H. L. Mencken

Politicians would never try to mislead us would they?  The American People deserve honesty from their government; but one would be hard-pressed to prove that, in practice, we receive anything but the opposite.  To be clear, when I refer to our government, I don’t mean the Party in power at the moment, but instead, I am referring to the institution of the federal government itself, which has cheated us, wasted our money, conquered nations, and lied to us, no matter which party has held the reins.

Lying may be the lifeblood of politics, but sometimes it gets so obvious and so absurd, that I just can’t let it go. To some every-day famous promises (“I’ll call you,” “You’ll have your money next week,” and “I’ll be there at seven!“), we can add a whole slew of false statements made by politicians over the past century. Here’s just a few of them:

Coming Soon.

I hope that you’ll keep this short-list of false government promises in mind when you hear politicians from both sides of the aisle tell you:

The politicians making these statements are no different than those who made the promises in the first list.  A casual study of history should have proven to all of us by now, that even if we should ever develop some faith in politicians, we should never believe any of their promises on face value. So long as there are empires, there will always be even larger lies to cover their cruelties.

Where the Problem Lies

The real problem is power. Throughout the world, and throughout history, those who reach a level of power have often times abused it.  Our politicians are no different.  If we give them too much power, they’ll abuse it.  Period.  Whether they’re from one political party or the other, or if they’re good people or not doesn’t matter one bit.  Power given to politicians will always be abused – if not today, then by someone in the future who will take advantage of the extra power we handed to them.

Now What?

We all have to realize that there can never be one person who will change the world for us.  This is the first step in dealing with the behemoth state that is attacking our liberty daily.  But, each one of us can do our part to make sure we don’t make the situation worse.

All by its lonesome, the federal government extracts over Two Trillion Dollars from us every single year.  Yet, with all this unthinkable wealth, it has been incapable of reducing poverty, improving our schools, preventing 9-11, catching those who perpetrated the attacks, making health care affordable, reducing crime, and so on.  Going even further, each year, it passes new laws that make it legal to pry into your life even more.

With all that in mind, the key here is to refuse support for any proposal that would increase the extent, size, or power of the federal government (as virtually every proposal does). Any new power we give the feds today will most likely be abused at some point, and cause us all great harm – either today, or in the future.

The moral of the story is this. If you love the lie, stick to the state as your cover, your comfort, and your resource.  But, if you love the truth, you have to find it outside the halls of power.  Truth is Freedom, and therefore, truth is, unquestionably, the number one enemy of the State.

It sure is an exciting time to be an enemy of the State; to be someone who says it with honesty. Ben Franklin was right; honesty is indeed the best policy after all.  And I do hope that maybe, just maybe, we are moving into a time where the tide against us will finally turn, and that honesty will become a part of our political existence.  If The People take the reins from the politicians, there are strong signs that America will move in that direction.

Written by Michael Boldin [send him email], who is an outspoken critic of the American political system, and an editor and contributing writer for

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