Froggy Bottom Cafe ~ Happy Hour
Newcomers & Lurkers Welcome
Newcomers & Lurkers Welcome
This is a Semi-Hosted Cafe.
Everyone join the fun.
Your first drink is on us!
Your first drink is on us!
Rude, Crude and Lewd language is encouraged.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
Clean tables and plenty of room. Come in and enjoy yourselves.
I just finished my big bowl of organic, no-sugar rice puffs with soy milk. Mmmmmmmmm.
How’s your day going?
It’s going pretty good keres. The winter still treating you good?
Today is supposed to be overcast and drizzly, with a high of 11C/52F.
Since I only have a bit of outside work (fixing the door to the crawl space under the house), I can spend most of the day inside near the wood stove working on the next issue of Green Tasmania Magazine (I’m the editor).
Except for going out to walk the dog, of course.
With the heat and humidity that we’ve had, I’m ready for winter again. Not that we have much of a winter anyway.
I just goggled Green Tasmania Magazine and your diary is number 5 down the list. Wowie Zowie, the big time. π
We haven’t got the magazine online yet (this is only my second issue as Editor), but I hope to have it on the web by the end of the year.
If you’re interested in reading it, I can send you the pdf’s when it goes to print. You’ll even get to learn my real name and see what I look like. π
I’m also on the editorial board for the national Green Magazine, which you can download and read.
Sure if it wouldn’t be to much trouble. My email address is by my net name.
Thanks keres.
No problem. Sending it as earth-friendly and recyclable electrons is easy – and saves paper and postage.
There definitely can’t be any arguement with that line of thought.
Wait, it’s winter down there? I knew you guys were a little ahead of us, time-wise, but two whole seasons ahead? Wow. Learn somethin’ new every day!
Yep, it’s Friday and it’s Winter time (although technically Winter doesn’t officially start ’til the Solstice, but the weather says otherwise).
It has something to do with the rotation of the earth and the tilt of its axis, and oribting the sun. π
I can provide diagrams, if you like.
No need, I have a degree in Geography. Just makin’ my fun.
But I do have another question. There is a classic Simpsons episode in which they visit Australia, and (as one might expect) pretty much take the piss out of the entire country. I once heard that this particular Simpsons episode never aired there, and in fact was banned from ever airing. Could you comment on the veracity of this rumor/myth/urban legend?
been able to adjust to the organic wholesome no-sugar cereal thing. Most other hippie foods, I’m down with. But when it comes to cold cereal, it’s got to be Super Processed Sugar Hyperactivity Choco Crunch (TM).
So props to you for eating the other stuff. I wish I could do it, I really do… but, much like eating bacon, it just seems to be one of those things that’s too close to my heart to give up.
I’m actually on an allergy elimination diet prescribed by a naturopath, which has limited what I can eat rather severely.
But even off the diet, I’m vegetarian and tend towards natural foods – with a heaping helping of chocolate and pie thrown in.
The semi-hosted cafe is opened. We got whatever you want to drink, virtually of course. George will be serving.
I want to set it up right next to the juke box and see if I can perfect the art of flipping quarters into the slot from ten feet away.
This is a pretty happy hour, what with RFKj’s article up and all. Now if Fitz would just announce that damn news conference . . .
Only one present per day Omir. Fitzmas will be later.
Maybe it’ll be like Fitznukah and we’ll get little bitty presents every day for a week. We can always hope.
I think it’s like that now. Everytime you turn around, something new. I’m afraid the suprise factor of another corrupt politician is loosing its suprise.
Hockey or spelling?
Depends on if Olivia, Janet or Cali show up. If hockey is on, I’m sure they’ll commandeer the tv.
Hey guys! π
I’m made it to the end of another day of FCH (my new shortform.) And no spills on myself, and no falling asleep in the garage! And chocolate ice cream, homemade oreo ice cream, and coconut cream pie all in the freezer … π
Why what game would that be Olivia. π
How are you feeling today? I took a ‘thought’ nap for you … π
And I think we’re cheering anti-Buffalo for Andi.
I’m feeling better just haven’t slept any. I’ll probably call it an early night tonight and let you late nighters handle it. π
Thanks for taking a ‘thought’ nap for me. Only one problem. You didn’t think hard enough. π
You sound like you’re all set for the night, with all the goodies you have.
I thought I thought hard enough … lol.
An early night sounds good, and I hope that you’ll be able to sleep. (I wonder if nicotine is a cause of insomnia … π
SN is beginning to rub off on you I see. π
I figured I’d try to live up to her example. And, no one else seems to nag you about it. (But it’s only b/c we love you.)
I know, but as I told SN. I know how to push the off button. Hah! π
That’s all I’m saying for now. Consider it a motherly form of o-hugs. π
Makes me feel old … π
You take on the motherly role and what do you expect. I now have my secret weapon. Mam/smoke smoke/Mam. Hah again I say, Hah. π
Anyway, what’s wrong with being old?
Nothing wrong w/ it. Nothing at all. Not going to touch that one, as you would say … π
Should we use “young lady,” with a stern tone of voice?
How about Little Missy. Such as, “You had better behave yourself Little Missy.”
I don’t know, might be a southern colloquialism.
Little Missy v Mam … Hmmm … Nope. Both suck.
OK, Olivia it shall be. Although I was going to move up to freckles next. π
… I was hoping you wouldn’t see that comment.
after Countdown — Keith is bitch-slapping Bill O’Reilly; don’t usually like that term but it’s very fitting in this case…
Now THAT is my kind of tap. Looks like we’ve got (R-L) Stella Artois, Amstel Light, “Yingling,” Boddington’s (?), something I can’t identify, Sammy, Bass, and the Blessed Stout. Hockey’s on, my weekend begins now, and there’s far too much blood in my alcohol system. So, pending CG’s arrival I’ll kick off with a pint of Penna’s finest.
Bottoms up!
I was just thinking of you the other day, wondering how you were … Good to see you!!!
Good to be back! But I’m sorry to see we’re on opposite sides of the rink for this game. My rule for watching hockey is “root for the Canadian team,” and Buffalo’s as close to Canada as no matter. So, ahem, go Sabres.
LOL … but, I’m not really attached to Carolina or Buffalo. π
for you. I don’t actually care who wins.
… Well, then let’s cheer on Buffalo for BF’s sake. π
I saw your comment earlier about the clients … sounds nasty. At least I can work on my own in my own office etc.
to root for the team that beat the senators.
It’s not really that bad and it isn’t like I’m in a room with them either (well, at least not very often).
Ohhhhh, you mean that bunch of over-paid, no-heart, crap-the-bed hockey team from Ottawa. Aha. Yes.
Go Buffalo!
I’m relieved to know it. Being on the opposite side of anything from you guys makes me uncomfortable. I’ll feel even better if the peri-Canadian Sabres can tie the game.
are for the cubbies, I’m fine to go with the flow on everything else.
I have long said that every true lover of baseball is, somewhere deep down inside, a Cubs fan. The coldest sporting event I’ve ever attended was a May daytime game at Wrigley — and I’ve been to NFL playoff games.
But I am shocked and dismayed to learn, my dear AndiF, that (apparently) you cheer for the team-that-shall-not-be-named residing the the Canadian national capital. That fact, I am very sad to say, opens a gulf between us that can never be bridged. “Go Leafs,” he said, almost with embarassment. Nonetheless I propose that we put partisanship aside for the good of our nation, and work to find constructive solutions to the myriad problems that face this great country. Or something.
… cheer for the Maple Laughs BF! Say it ain’t so! π
Yeah, and I already caught tons of grief last October at the start of the season, when I foolishly admitted such. Where’s spiderleaf when you need her?
It was my duty to do so — I was giving moral support to Olivia. But what can you expect from an Indianapolis native who thinks the 500 is a massive bore and has never been to a high school basketball game?
Sorry BF, I can’t let you take our dear Andi down that path … π
Again, I owe you my sincerest apologies. It appears my grievance is solely with our friendly floral photographer.
What ever you would like. Plenty to go around.
You can do like I do and lay under the tap. Saves cleaning glasses.
I picked just the right moment to check the pond out. Good to ‘see’ you. ¡Salud!
My favorite beer label! I could have modelled for it. (Alas, it’s far from being my favorite beer.)
Maybe I missed it up top, but what is your favorite beer BrotherFeldspar?
I gotta go with DeGroen’s Märzen, a product of the “other BBC,” the Baltimore Brewing Company. Wish I could give you a link, but their online presence is, well, non-existent.
Sadly, it’s pretty darned scarce just down the road where I am. My rule of beer-drinking, which goes hand-in-hand with my rule of hockey-watching, is “Drink locally or regionally.” So at home it’s Old Dominion and Clipper City, and Fordham when I can find it. When visiting the folks in Chicagoland, it’s Goose Island. When chilling with the sis and b-i-l in Vermont, it’s Otter Creek. Since you asked….
Thank you. I’m finding out more about beers than I ever knew.
has a very good seasonal out right now — Curve Ball. Light, crisp taste; more of a lager than a true ale, but I’m more of a lager girl myself.
Good to see you, BroF…missed you! π
I’ve had a Pyramid before, found it very refreshing. It’s not a common find on this edge of the continent, as you might expect. I need to get out there again sometime to taste it in its natural habitat.
But good to see you too, Cali, and I’m reminded to look up Street Prophets again.
Wnat have you been up to, BroFel? We missed you in Fells Point last weekend…
Hmmm, yes, just read something about that. Well, that’s what I get!
I’m good, looking forward to a birthday next week which happily coincides with a week off school. How’re tricks at the Cabin? Is the Blob-Fest still scheduled for July?
Will you down a pint of virtual Yingling with me?
Everyone at the Cabin is waiting impatiently for the end of school…less than 2 more weeks now.
Happy birthday! I’m raising my real-life Yuengling to you…
I’ve been laughing at the ads for this remake of “The Omen” due out next Tuesday.
Hey! That’s my birthday! I may be a real BOFH, but I wouldn’t consider myself evil per se.
At the risk of being pummeled into unconsciousness, I’d also point out that next week will see the one-year anniversary of the Pie War, and my arrival at BMT. Yep, that was a birthday I won’t soon forget <heavy sigh>.
So how do you plan to keep the lads out of trouble over the long hot summer?
I hate to burst the bubble, but “666” appears to be a…OOPS!, Wrong Number.
Seems it’s really 616…who’d a thunk?
Yes, I recall seeing that as well. Unfortunately, it’ll be like trying to tell people that the new century started in 2001, not 2000. No one wants to hear, “Well, strictly speaking….”
Rain north, south, west, but nary a drop here. Sweet blessed pluvial relief so coquettishly near, teasing me with her ozone perfume and her echoes of thunder. If you get my drift.
I take it you need rain.
I don’t think I’ll be able to make it to my usual 9 pm.
See ya’ll later and have a good night in the pond.
Global warming beach parties sponsored by college republicans?
Are the republicans the official Fiddle While the Planet Earth Burns party?
But, my dear, just think how lovely it will be when no one has to worry about ocean liners being sunk by an iceberg.
I’m with you there, AndiF!!
And more beachfront property for speculation!
… that they’ll get their snow cones eventually, but by the time they actually admit there’s a problem we’ll all be toasted.
Great concept, O! Could be the latest fad for cause marketing. LOL
margins are getting cooked up there…
I luvs freckles…:{)
MM: no one ever accused the young republicrats of being sensitive…especially at OU…the one’s here are just as bad.
How’s the new job feelin’…or is it too soon to tell?
(I’ll just ignore that f word … π
How’s the owie today?
Still pretty sore…but just got back from playing a bit of frisbee w/ the Bu, and that didn’t seem to aggravate it too much.
Speaking of Bu, she wants her dinner, and I don’t yet know what mine’s gonna be…
Back later.
Count again, and count those f**ckles while you’re at it!
Are you of the freckled persuasion?
Could easily be with my Scotch-Irish ancestry, but was blessed with unremarkable skin. No fr*ckles. Doesn’t tan. Doesn’t do much of anything, except somewhat wr*ckle resistant, at least for the time being.
Why are the pigmentally-challenged, like olivia and I, the target of derision?
Jus’ wonderin’. I’ve been out of the loop for a long time, and am trying to catch up on the currents.
Always wondering, too, BrotherFeldspar!
I’m okay with the new job although there is no AC in my office (read my office with walls and closing door since its been a long time since I actually had one of those — so put that in the balance) due to the fact that a T-Mobile crew putting a satellite on the roof of the building neglected to close up the hole on a weekend before there was a significant rainstorm. So the third story was pretty much decimated, and all that goes with it, in a basicallly pretty shoddy building to begin with.
be right back.
come on over here.