Jed Babbin is worse than a wanker. He’s an atrocity apologist and a demagogue.
Update [2006-6-1 15:37:12 by Steven D]: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Rolling Stone article is up! GO READ!
Jed Babbin is worse than a wanker. He’s an atrocity apologist and a demagogue.
Update [2006-6-1 15:37:12 by Steven D]: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Rolling Stone article is up! GO READ!
(Emphasis mine).
The small cohort which still supports this invasion is largely made up of folks like you, Mr. Babbin, who are willing to turn a blind eye on the murder of three-year-olds. “Demonization” of such folks is nothing but accurate labelling.
One of many excerpts that hit home from the RFK piece:
Gold standard for theft, maybe, but not for an election.
and I am not speaking lightly or with frivol about the Dead. Bobby Kennedy was the very last of heroes for Americans everywhere. I was wondering just when his seed was really beginning to spring up.
Let’s hope this boy has some protection in the days to come.
I remember seeing him on C-Span on a panel before the Dem Convention. He was on fire, his voice and throat straining with veins standing out, calling BushCo a fascist government in the making. Well, prescience is his middle name.
I know this report must have taken hours and hours of righteous sweat, toil, guts and blood. Need we say more? The truth takes that much.
…and fuck Blackwell and the elephant’s ass that brought him here. Folks should not be fooled about his black face. He’ll betray us all should he become governor of Ohio. We’ve got to win in double digits all over our country come November.
Meanwhile, Raw Story says:
My headline would be:
I’m still reading, but if RFK’s article was a diary somewhere else, methinks he’d be banned. 😉
Robert Kennedy Jr.’s article has more facts per line than any “2004 was stolen” diary on “you know where”, even the best ones. It benefits from not assuming, as most diarists do in breathless prose that the reader knows everything that there is to know about the 2004 election.
What is different now is two years of thorough research has pulled together all of the threads of analysis that were presented piecemeal in the best diaries about 2004. Plus, there have been new analyses of the exit polls. One of the most telling facts presented is a re-analysis of the Litofsky exit poll data that calls into question Litofsky’s explanation that Bush voters were more reluctant to provide data.
But most interesting of all (and there is a link to it on the Rolling Stone citations page) is the report that was prepared by Blackwell’s own staff that cites the irregularities in Lucas County, OH. I had never seen this one in the hundreds of diaries about 2004. The list of failings that the Ohio Secretary of State’s staff cites raise the question “What didn’t the Lucas County Board of Elections not do to swing the election?”
Kudos to those who worked doggedly to find evidence without prejudging what they would find, most notably Steven F. Freeman, who was most responsible for re-analyzing Mitosky’s data. And who says “I’m not even political — I despise Democrats.” Get ready for Freeman’s book.
Ummm… this { ;-} } was meant to alert the reader of the comment that it was a joke… snark, even. “I’m still reading” clearly was meant to infer… no, not infer… clearly stated that I was still fucking reading it. I have a better understanding now of exactly how raw of a nerve that is, however, and promise to never joke about it again. Have a nice day.
Sorry. When you get my age, emoticons are indistinguishable from spots on the screen. It’s just that no matter what I might have thought some time ago, the constant gratuitous repetition (even as a joke) has gotten irritating on sites other than “the site that shall not be named”.
I visit BMT because of the folks who post here and not because it’s a refuge from somewhere else.
No problem. I said it was a joke, not a good joke. 😉
After reading Kennedy’s article, the tin foil hat is glowing red hot. One true statement is corporate media is afraid to rock the boat; their abject failure to point out the corruption, incompetence and illegality of the GOP. No doubt, to avoid the crash of their owners’ portfolios if the truth was ever told.
From the RFK Jr. Piece:
Provisional ballot fraud:
We got numerous reports of this at the Election Protection Cleveland field office I served in on Election Day. People were denied the right to vote that had supposedly been protected by the HAVA law. It was a total GOP Mindf***
this article is incredible and my tin foil hat bust into flames half an hour ago.
On November 2nd of this year, on the second anniversary of the election, state officials will be permitted under Ohio law to shred all ballots from the 2004 election.
Why the long lines in Dem and minority precincts:
This story for me is like reliving a nightmare.
I understand what you mean, but, actually I am feeling a bit relieved–now that I got over my intial freaking out, that is. This story validates everything that we all have been saying all along.
GOP Challenges:
That is an incredible and well sourced article. It should be the task of the entire liberal blogosphere to make sure that issue of Rolling Stone is the best selling issue of Rolling Stone ever.
Buy 5 copies. Leave them in waiting rooms, public restrooms, etc., open and dog-eared to that article.
This is not about reliving past outrage, it is about ensuring future outrage that will be loud enough to be heard immediately and must be dealt with.
I’m buying one for myself. Actually, I was thinking about that after I read Steven D’s diary yesterday.
it is about ensuring future outrage that will be loud enough to be heard immediately and must be dealt with.
Lost votes:
Ballot tampering:
Rigging the Recount:
I just finished reading RFK Jr’s article and I think I need to take more blood pressure medication! OMG!!! The documented facts presented paint a very, very disturbing picture of our election system.
These words beautifully summarize our present and future reality unless serious and meaningful laws are enacted (fat change since the current administration will do nothing to address these wrongs.
How can we even admonish other nations when we are so morally and ethical broken in the way we conduct our own national elections? We are truly in “jeopardy” as Thomas Paine wrote early in our nation’s history. The division of our nation is growing on a daily basis and learning that such under-handed and evil actions will go unexamined in court is sickening.
This has to stop, now! Thanks Steven for linking to this eye-opening and very well-written article that exposes the continuing true and unvarnished nature of the Bush administration and the Republican Party.
That is one thing that much of the general public don’t realize…we don’t really have a national unified election system in the country. The voting is state by state, county by county, all with different systems. There is no national standard for voting for President.
The very first problem that should be addressed and changed I believe is to make the voting for President a uniform way to vote in every state, every county, every precinct. That way it would also solve many problems when one county has problems and poll workers in the next county(even precinct I believe) can’t help them fix problem as they have different voting system.
This seems to me absolutely crazy and stupid and causes many more problems than need be. And no doubt this contributes to being able to cheat the system with so many thousands of different ways to vote through out all the states.(maybe that is the purpose of it) Given the size of this country there should be a uniform standard for presidential voting.
and my position on saying such things is well known, so you will know what I think of this article when I say . . .
Holy shit.
And the thing is, I think all of us in Moonbat Blogtopia knew it all along. While there were a few items there that I don’t remember seeing before, the vast majority of this was reported on election day 2004 and the days immediately following, only to be seen by those who had eyes to see.
I’m starting to feel like the guy in the movies who’s just seen his friends turning into squid-headed aliens, and the doctor finally assures him that no, he’s not crazy. Unfortunately that’s the point at which the rest of the aliens break into the room, the doctor pulls off his human mask and says “But that just means we can’t let you live,” and the guy is pulled away screaming to be forcibly assimilated or eaten or something.
Seriously, the big question — literally, the $64 trillion dollar question — is: What do we do now? Bush, Blackwell, the whole cabal of them have been allowed to go not only unpunished for two years now, but actually rewarded. Can we stop this from happening again this November? I firmly believe the Republicans will do anything in their power, legal or il-, to maintain their hold on that power, because they know that once John Conyers gets into a position where he can issue subpoenas, the game is up. So what do we do?
Thank god for RFK Jr. What he’s doing is very courageous. I think because of his spasmodic dysphonia he knows he will never be a politician so he can instaed focus on activism. This was a true service to his country.
Tomorrow watch the wingnuts go apeshit with the smears and slanders.
Agreed–Thank God for RFK Jr.!! I feel that this is the most courageous, well-documented article that I have ever read. As you said, this is a true service to his country. Someone said yesterday, his father would be so proud–bet his whole family is proud of him.
And I know what you are saying about the spasmodic dysphonia and the media/appearances/public speaking and all, Steven, but, I just can’t help but wish that RFK Jr. would go for it.
Reading the article made me think of the revolution that doesn’t look like it’s ever going to happen, and also raises this related question:
Is it really wise for the party creating this vast divide between rich and poor to also be the party that supports unlimited gun ownership?
I wonder if this might bite them in the ass if they ever manage to achieve their single-party wet dream.
They have their single party right now. Watch these 2006 elections. I guarantee they will be dirtier than anything we’ve seen yet.
If the Dems don’t win at least one house of Congress you after all the shit that has gone down the last 2 years alone, you will know that that something is very rotten in the state of the union.
I’m just hoping that the turnout and majority for the Democrats is so high that there’s no possible way they can steal this one. Although after reading that article I’m not sure exactly how large that would have to be — but then we are talking about over 450 Federal elections, not just one.
More diebold machines are in use now though.
Do you have stats on that? In any case I think I’d be educating voters to do anything they could to avoid those machines — like voting absentee if their jurisdiction allows it. Mine does, so that’s what I do.
Why do I have a feeling that absentee ballots will also be shredded? (Call me a pessimist.)
The Rolling Stone has provided some documents to go along with Robert Kennedy Jr.’s article. One of them is a report by the Ohio Secretary of State’s staff regarding the performance of the Lucas County Board of Elections in 2004 and earlier.
Here is the summary of findings:
As a result of the most recent investigation, it is the investigators’ determination that the members of the Lucas County Board of Elections, at the time of the November 2004 election, were directly responsible for the inefficient and unorganized management of the
election process in their county. Listed below, in order of importance, are areas of grave