It may not be what you think it is. Let me give you some hints.
It’s not the discrepancy between the exit polls and the actual reported vote counts, discrepancies that overwhelming favored George Bush. Nor the fact that Ken Blackwell used his office as Ohio’s Secretary of State to further the partisan interests of his other job as Co-Chairperson of the Bush/Cheney 2004 campaign in Ohio. And it isn’t the documented evidence of the GOP’s coordinated efforts to suppress the vote in traditionally Democrats precincts.
It wasn’t the many legal and illegal roadblocks that Republicans employed to limit voter registration efforts that targeted minority and student populations. Nor was it the lack of sufficient voting machines allotted to Democratic districts, while GOP districts enjoyed and overabundance of same. Nor was it the outright denial of voting rights to thousands of people, either through the wrongful purging of their names from registration rolls, or the refusal to issue them provisional ballots.
Not the pattern of abuses by GOP operatives to intimidate Democratic voters. Not the record of election day shenanigans by various officials which permitted or enabled thousands of votes to be lost, spoiled or simply not counted, again primarily in Democratic precincts. Not the probability of ballot stuffing and other vote rigging in Republican districts that inflated the vote count for George Bush while also reducing the number of votes cast for John Kerry.
No, the single most significant matter to be addressed by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s article in Rolling Stone, “Was the 2004 Election Stolen?” is summed up by this excerpt of the report referring to an interview with MsNBC News Anchor, Keith Olbermann:
The lone news anchor who seriously questioned the integrity of the 2004 election was Keith Olbermann of MSNBC. I asked him why he stood against the tide. “I was a sports reporter, so I was used to dealing with numbers,” he said. “And the numbers made no sense. Kerry had an insurmountable lead in the exit polls on Election Night — and then everything flipped.” Olbermann believes that his journalistic colleagues fell down on the job. “I was stunned by the lack of interest by investigative reporters,” he said. “The Republicans shut down Warren County, allegedly for national security purposes — and no one covered it. Shouldn’t someone have sent a camera and a few reporters out there?”
Olbermann attributes the lack of coverage to self-censorship by journalists. “You can rock the boat, but you can never say that the entire ocean is in trouble,” he said. “You cannot say: By the way, there’s something wrong with our electoral system.”
Continued below the fold (also cross-posted at Daily Kos and My Left Wing).
“You cannot say: By the way, there’s something wrong with our electoral system.”
Indeed, that is the message we have had consistently drummed into our stunned, outraged, unbelieving hearts and minds, not only by the traditional media who failed miserably in their duty, but also by our Democratic leadership, our Democratic political consultants, and even by leaders of the progressive “netroots,” among them Armando and Markos Moulitsas, who have impugned the motives, and often the sanity, of anyone who suggested that the 2004 presidential election was fraudulent, and that John Kerry should have won.
In essence, the GOP talking points which flooded the airwaves right after the election secured Bush’s victory because those in positions of authority on the left (official or otherwise), with a few pointed exceptions, were either too afraid or too unwilling to investigate the numerous reports about election irregularities that, in almost every case, favored Bush at the expense of Kerry. No one in a position of authority on the left was willing to stick their neck out, and make the case that a tremendous crime had been committed against our Republic in order to ensure George Bush’s re-election. And without that “squeeky wheel” making itself heard over the din of the great right wing wurlitzer, our lazy, corporate controlled media never had a reason to engage the story.
Instead those of us who tried to keep this story alive in the public’s consciousness were told to “get over it,” to “move on” and to realize that there simply were “more of them than there are of us right now.” These admonishments were meted out despite the numerous evidence suggesting something was seriously wrong with the 2004 election, beginning with the exit polls, but hardly ending there, as all the documentation and other sources listed in the footnotes to Kennedy’s article makes clear.
In short, the truth was out there, as those who had the courage to look discovered. Unfortunately, their efforts have been singularly ridiculed, mocked or ignored by far to many in the media, in the Democratic Party and often within the the progressive netroots. They’ve been labeled obsessive, neurotic and “tin foil hat” conspiracy theorists. Their motives have been questioned, and their credibility denigrated.
Yet, it seems they have been right all along. The 2004 election was stolen, and the proof has been hiding in plain sight. Why did know one take notice? Because too many were simply unwilling to pursue a story which pointed out just how rotten our political system, how undemocratic our democracy, and how endangered our Republic, have become.
I sincerely hope that Kennedy’s article will reignite the debate over the outcome of the 2004 election. Why do I wish for that? Why do I want to rehash old controversies and open old wounds? Why can’t I let it go and just dedicate myself to working for electoral reform and get out the vote efforts this Fall?
Because there can be no election reform unless people understand why reform is needed. And, even more important, because we must safeguard, to the extent we still can, the elections this Fall from the same sorts of machinations, illegality and corruption that has befouled our last three elections in 2000, 2002 and 2004. We, as a people, and a movement, have to be prepared to combat what we know will be coming our way, courtesy of Karl Rove and Co. Deliberately ignoring the extent of the injury which has been done to us and our country over the course of the past three elections makes no sense, unless we wish a repeat of the same outcome, once more.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
2004 Election
Rolling Stone Election Fraud Report
Media Criticism
May I say, yet again, and again and again that until the Progessives (and Bloggers) and Democrats start talking the return of the Fairness Doctrine coupled with the re-regulation of corporate Media Consolidation that NADA will happen in this area.
The media is bought and sold and has been for many years now but the above mentioned groups are still asleep about this issue. Until this sits atop the Democratic Platform voting for Dems is a waste of time, they’ll just be the new crooks on the block because they’re all beholden to the multi-nationals and not the Constitution they swear to uphold and then don’t.
Is ANYONE really surprised that 2 stolen national elections don’t piss off Dems and the Left enough to strategize about it? At the Orange Blog I watched people railroaded right off that site for their Recommended Diaries about the very same Ohio voter fraud that is addressed by Kennedy.
Does anyone really think that General Electric and Disney and Viacom and Fox News Corp are going to do anything but use their news divisions set the agenda, THEIR agenda (Pro-Republican and pro-corporate and pro-war) over real unbiased and fact-based reporting? The present Iraq atrocities were all reported months and months ago outside the US and it is suppressed here as long as possible and much of the time completely.
Let’s say for argument’s sake that the presidential vote was “influenced” in various ways both in 2000 and 2004.
The issue that still needs to be addressed is that about 50% of the people voted for Bush. In addition, I have not seen any claims that any meaningful numbers of legislative races were “influenced”. So if a Dem had won either time the likelihood would have been a Dem president and a Repub congress. This is what Clinton faced and because of it his record on passing progressive legislation was fairly slight.
The real issue is why do so many people support the Repubs even when they consistently fail to deliver on their promises to the middle class?
now that the Republicans know they can get away with it in a national election, what’s going to stop them from trying it in individual state elections?
We’d better watch some of these “close races” carefully…
When we had our special election here in CA. that put Arnie in office I firmly believe this election was rigged. No, I have no proof but like the presidential elections Arnie was behind in the polls, plus exit polls yet viola he somehow ended up ‘winning’ the election.
I never considered myself to be even close to tinfoil hat conspirators but all that has changed starting with the 2000 ‘election’. Not crazy theories but too many facts and irregularities in voting to be considered just tin foil hat territory.
No, please don’t divert attention from the vote. Until we get an honest vote, we don’t have the luxury of evaluating why people vote as they do. The first real issue in this country is our election system. Until we make sure a winning candidate can actually win and take office, it hardly matters why people vote as they do. Who cares, if the vote is rigged? We can take up that question after the point at which every American who should get to vote actually does get to vote, and our votes are counted and reported honestly.
And if the Democratic Party was the one that gave us back our elections, then people would find plenty of reason to vote for them.
the dems don’t deliver so much either.
Some form of universal healthcare has been supported by a majority of voters for the past 50 years or more.
neither side delivered. System doesn’t work for the voters.
Been saying that since January. So have many, many others, prior to that.
What bothers me is how accurate exit polls have been in the past. you could bank on them if they said a state was going a candidates way hours before the polls closed it always stood up and the networks were asked not to call races before the polls closed. So what happened? The press has not done its job as you said and that is important because most people still get their news from MSM.
I think it had a lot to do with the big faces of the networks all leaving within a short amount of time. Just not wanting to deal with the bullshit anymore. Standing in front of the cameras more like Scott McClellan than as an anchor telling it like it is.
I will always remember the 2000 election night that brought on this Bush nightmare. The networks had declared FL for Gore becasue of exit polling that had always been accurate. The networks then cut to Senior GHW Bush sitting in some living room, and he vehemently said that declaring FL for Giore was wrong. Well a few minutes later, all the networks did an about face and changed their call.
Tell me how and what Mr. senior Bush knew that he could be so sure and refute a process that had worked so well up to then. Talk about a staged outcome! I have no doubt looking back on that situation that the Bush Royal family and their corporate cronies knew the vote was irrelevant at that point. They were going to take this country period! If they had that power then, do they still have it now is the big question!
Exactly up until Florida the exit polling had always been accurate. The fact that the Bushs were so sure that they were angry tells you the fix was in and they knew it.
This kind of thing only happens when thinking, knowledgeable people are intimidated by the crowd. I distinctly recall going to work at the polls that day thinking that Kerry was going to win and coming home after the polls closed to find that it had all turned to shit. I still do not concede that Gore lost and now I can see that we were screwed twice. If we let it continue to happen, particularly by refusing to fight against this kind of fraud, then we deserve the oppression we’re getting now. And believe me, we’re getting it, big time!!
You’re Way Off Here on this point.. (none / 0)
Well, the reason this issue rockets to the top at DKOS is that if the vote is compromised then nothing else that we’re working on makes much sense! Plus, the Republicans act like squirrely vote stealers! Of course its important. Actually, try to do something more complicated in Philly: audit the vote. Go ahead I dares you. I double dares you. You actually probably can’t be sure that you won in any district that used a voting machine that doesn’t leave a trail.
By the way, it wasn’t just some crazy statistician that smelled a rat with the exit polls (smaller discrepancies turned over the Ukraine vote by the way) it was a whole team of stat guys, plus Kathy Dopp, plus four books, plus America Votes, plus Greg Palast’s new book…this stuff is well researched and generally unrebuted by the right…! Smell a rat why doncha…
by pshropshire on Fri Jun 02, 2006 at 06:04:27 AM EST
Re: Demand Election Reform, But Only If You Mean I (none / 0)
By the way, I don’t think becoming a committeeman means too much if the GOP can “disappear” about 300000 thousand votes like they did in Ohio. And: please rebut that charge if you will. No name calling. No insults about us weak minded people who can’t see through that hack Greg Pallast…probably one of the greatest investigative reporters of our time, who of course works for the BBC.
I think the answer, quite frankly, lies outside of nice DLC political moves. We need to do what the masses did when they tried to depose Chavez, or what the Paris kids did when they tried to turn their employment status at will or what thousands of latin American immigrants did when they were threatened with being turned into felons…Massive demostratations. Worker’s strikes. And they need to be big…of course, they can’t be big if we insist that there’s not a problem with mostly black people having their vote disenfranchised….
Good stuff as usual.
I posted this apropos comment on one of Booman’s diaries. It fits here too.
Fair elections come before anything else. Before whether or not Bush got almost or a little more than 50%, whether or not Democrats do the right thing. I seriously think we need interntional election monitors in all U.S. elections. The Republican Party is the latest fascist party in method as well as content: suck up to corporations, steal elections through fraud and fear, and thuggish go after anyone who disagrees or who says Dubya is a POS MF.
There’s a much simpler reason. The Republicans didn’t complain because they won. The Democrats didn’t complain because it gave the party leaders an excuse to swerve hard to the right. The Democratic bloggers didn’t complain because purging the “fraudsters” gave them a good way to demonstrate their loyalty to the Party.