but the quack grew into it. Last year we pulled all the grass so they’d look nice and the deer ate all the buds so we had no blossoms at all. So this year we left it alone. We’ll probably split the tubers and move some of them to a new spot soon.
But I’ve never done that, so may need some instructions.
I found it hard to play b/c my hands/fingers were small … had trouble w/ that thickness combined w/ the fret width etc. But I loved playing — I felt like I had more ‘power’ ??? not sure of that’s the right word … b/c I helped set the rhythm and speed along w/ percussion. Definitely different than playing trumpet. I had a very musical younger life … now all my instruments are collecting dust in the basement. 🙁
As a teenager working in my father’s service station I had a couple old dudes drive up one day in a cadillac with two sheep in the back where the back seat used to be.
The B___ bros were quoted as saying, “Well, they paid for so they get to ride in it too.”
It’s also pretty cool that the school has a pretty damn decent stage, lighting, etc. for being located in a parking lot! Literally. The stage is in a huge tent and all of the classrooms are portables. But they have professional equipment, lots of black curtains and stuff like that. It was also cool how they incorporated the vocals and musicians as the “background” music as well as Act changes.
She feels really good about it. She pulled of a difficult character and she was able to improv well during some sticky points when others forgot their lines.
I’m sorry about the dial up — I was there two days ago (just got hi speed). It’s a guy who goes through all these dance moves from the twist to breakdancing etc., and it goes on for some time — 6 minutes. It’s funny to see. NDD said he could do it if he had some tequila. 🙂
The sad part is that it really did happen (thanks in no small part to tequilla) and the guys in the bar were really pissed to see a “guy” and a gal dancing like that. My friend was so good as a guy that they didn’t believe she wasn’t.
Besides, I don’t normally eat breakfast — it makes me nervous. I can’t sit and eat when I have things to do and places to go. I usually eat a mid-morning snack.
Likewise. If I could have my way, I’d shift the entire work schedule thing a couple of hours off. Say, get to work by 11:00, work till 7:00, stay up until 2:00 a.m.
Really O, it’s not much more than that. I was good friends with the drag queen scene in my old hometown in upstate NY. They did a show in Buffalo and I went. I knew well the woman who played the drag king in the show and I thought it would be interesting to play the part of a girl in the show. So, she and I did this outrageous scene and all the guys in the audience were appalled. They threatened to beat us up. :>) Mind you, I had no intention of doing this until she was up on stage and I was a little less than sober! In the end, great fun was had by all and the gay community in Buffalo learned to laugh a little once they learned they were duped. Drag kings are a rare breed.
This one may have been at the farm since not long after the turn of the century. I know for sure it’s prior to 1960.
You’re lucky Mister … 😉
And you’re right — too bad IVG missed it b/c he likes those colours I think.
Was this just growing in the grass? Looks like grass there.
but the quack grew into it. Last year we pulled all the grass so they’d look nice and the deer ate all the buds so we had no blossoms at all. So this year we left it alone. We’ll probably split the tubers and move some of them to a new spot soon.
But I’ve never done that, so may need some instructions.
Put this one up in the FF Open Thread:
Gone fishin’
Got another one in the mail; been a strange day:
Patches the Horse…these guys live near you, NDD?
just how much would you be willing to pay????
Could you go longer than 6 minutes? 🙂
are you still talking dancing
if yer a ’60 minute man’…:{)
not dancing
actually an old blues lyric…Howlin’ Wolf, IMS…but don’t quote me.
Rock’em, roll’em, rammin’, jammin’ all night long
ya want it E’d…
Got more HERE Victor Wooten bassist extraordinaire, playing Amazing Grace solo…AMAZING!
That is amazing d! His fingers must be so strong …
I played bass guitar in my highschool jazz band, and trumpet too (literally, ’cause I was second trumpet). 🙂
I LOVE bass guitar solos etc. Love it! Thx!!!
I’ve seen him live many times w/ Bela…the cat can play!!!
I don’t think it’s strength so much as dexterity (and callouses)…plus he keeps the action on the instrument pretty low…as do most ‘finger pickers’.
Do you still play?
I found it hard to play b/c my hands/fingers were small … had trouble w/ that thickness combined w/ the fret width etc. But I loved playing — I felt like I had more ‘power’ ??? not sure of that’s the right word … b/c I helped set the rhythm and speed along w/ percussion. Definitely different than playing trumpet. I had a very musical younger life … now all my instruments are collecting dust in the basement. 🙁
He must be amazing to see live.
Is it a good one?
worked fine for me, started right up.
As a teenager working in my father’s service station I had a couple old dudes drive up one day in a cadillac with two sheep in the back where the back seat used to be.
The B___ bros were quoted as saying, “Well, they paid for so they get to ride in it too.”
There is no way people are still up!
Just got home form KamaKid’s show. It was fabulous. I won’t say she stole the stage ’cause I’m way too modest, but she was right up there! ;>)
Glad that every thing went well. Is that the last show, or is there one more? And do they have an after party?
She’s got another show tommorrow night. My friend and I were joking about “Cast Party”, but sadly, they don’t have one.
It’s also pretty cool that the school has a pretty damn decent stage, lighting, etc. for being located in a parking lot! Literally. The stage is in a huge tent and all of the classrooms are portables. But they have professional equipment, lots of black curtains and stuff like that. It was also cool how they incorporated the vocals and musicians as the “background” music as well as Act changes.
That’s great to hear! How’s she feeling about her performance?
She feels really good about it. She pulled of a difficult character and she was able to improv well during some sticky points when others forgot their lines.
That’s great!
Sounds like a great experience…proud parent, eh?
LOL…proud parent, me? Nah. ;>)
But, I didn’t mean to stifle discussion with my silly parent stuff…what’s this about dancing?
yeah, what dada said!
Leave it to Olivia! Classic case of titilate and run. ;>0
Titilate? I thought not…
[img.courtesy of Ms O]…:{)
You’re the bad one, not me. This is proof. 😛
Is that is, or is that is not yer link…eh!
An I don’t wanna hear ’bout what ‘is’ the definition of ‘is’ is…:{P
… you started the whole body painting thing. And you’re not supposed to keep the link to pull out at opportune moments and use it against me …
a kindly spirit showed me the magic of “search BT”…I am forever in her debt…:{)
I could say oy again, but I guess I’m glad you’re finding it useful … b/c I am a nice person. 🙂
Statler & Waldorf here took my dancing comment into the gutter. 🙂
LOL! Sure, blame it on the guys. ;>)
what dada said
here’s how it started … Evolution of Dancing …
Whew…although an even better tactic my boss taught me is always blame whoever is not in the room.
Dang fucking dial up. All I can get is weird displaced snippets.
I’m sorry about the dial up — I was there two days ago (just got hi speed). It’s a guy who goes through all these dance moves from the twist to breakdancing etc., and it goes on for some time — 6 minutes. It’s funny to see. NDD said he could do it if he had some tequila. 🙂
that’d be 4-5 shots
That would very from tequila numero uno to dos to tres to quatro…
however, by numero cinco it would definitely be the Elvis Presley pelvic thrust! 😉
very = vary sometimes I think if I blog long enough all my spellings will be phonetic.
… at your age … <running for the door> 🙂
ahh, there’s only so much I dare to tell ya over the internets… and then I’d hate to have any “young” ladies having “nightmares”
It looks really funny. I’m getting hi-speed when I move later this year for sure!
I think I can do most anything with a little Tequilla (and some lemon and salt).
It’s comments like these that sets these guys off LOL … 🙂
what dada said
LOL…I was gonna say lime, but I thought you would think I was a freak or something.
all my friends were freaks
You started it. Sheesh and I was just talking about dancing.
One of these days I will have to tell the story of when I was at a drag show and got up on stage with the drag king and …
You’ve been sucked in now K … there’s no getting out. And the more you try and tell everyone it’s not you, the worse it gets … 🙂
The sad part is that it really did happen (thanks in no small part to tequilla) and the guys in the bar were really pissed to see a “guy” and a gal dancing like that. My friend was so good as a guy that they didn’t believe she wasn’t.
’cause you left off w/ the ‘…’ up there. 🙂
Yeah…what O said!
Pay no attention to the guys in thee NEsAy sweatshirts…:{)
I don’t, but I’m sure someone does and just my luck it would show up on the web.
come on down here where it’s kewl and klean…a new beginning, as it were.
for breakfast. Ain’t the sun up yet in Ottowa?
we’ll be able to hand the keys over to Andi on the way out the door…sheesh…what a mess!
But this one’s not that messy … 🙂
We can blame it on Chris…tell’em one of his bears got loose…:{)
clik to enlarge
… and great pic. 🙂
Besides, I don’t normally eat breakfast — it makes me nervous. I can’t sit and eat when I have things to do and places to go. I usually eat a mid-morning snack.
Likewise. If I could have my way, I’d shift the entire work schedule thing a couple of hours off. Say, get to work by 11:00, work till 7:00, stay up until 2:00 a.m.
This whole early morning thing is just wrong.
I totally agree with your ideal schedule. And if you’re in the city you miss the worst of the traffic too.
I came over to the left.
Really O, it’s not much more than that. I was good friends with the drag queen scene in my old hometown in upstate NY. They did a show in Buffalo and I went. I knew well the woman who played the drag king in the show and I thought it would be interesting to play the part of a girl in the show. So, she and I did this outrageous scene and all the guys in the audience were appalled. They threatened to beat us up. :>) Mind you, I had no intention of doing this until she was up on stage and I was a little less than sober! In the end, great fun was had by all and the gay community in Buffalo learned to laugh a little once they learned they were duped. Drag kings are a rare breed.
Acting, drunkeness, fighting, public lewdness … LOL!!! So much we learn about each other in the late night cafes!
“entertaining” bedtime story for me, as I’m beginning to fade.
… and besids, I’d hate to have any “older” gentlemen having “nightmares” … 😉 LOL
old enough to know better, too young to care.
for being so considerate… ahhh, of dada, that is.
We all have great stories to share. I’m looking forward to more late night cafes. :>)
Doesn’t sound like a place I’d want to visit.
You got a dirty mind…:{)
LOL! It wasn’t like that, really!
about gonna fall off the chair here
Night NDD.
Pleasant dreams. :>)
sleepy head
Sweet dreams NDD!
Whew…after what, 3 hours, I was finally able to view the video that started all this. Hysterical.
It’s cute isn’t it … 🙂
It had me lol. I so remember way too much of that!
if Statler’s gonna doze off, Waldorf can’t be long for consciousness…and since salad fingers didn’t show…I guess I’m gonna have to drive him home.
Later all, it’s been fun.
Be well, sleep sound my friends.
Night. Pleasant dreams. Thanks for the laughs.
Reading the end of this was more interesting that the newspaper! Oh, My!