Welcome back!

This week we’ll be continuing with the shadowy photo of Bode skiing, seen below.

Seen in the photo directly below is the state of the painting when last we met.  As usual, since that time I’ve continued working on this painting.

Actually, I’ve taken a few steps backward since last time.  As I said then, the figure of BOde seemed too childlike.  I wasn’t happy with it and actually painted over the lower 2 thirds or so.  Painting is not always a linear pursuit.

I’m happier with the result. seen directly below.  Although temporarily in red, Bode’s proportions are now those of an adult.  (I hope that the photos convey this sufficiently well.)  Of course, Bode won’t stay red, not completely anyway.  It was a fairly drastic way of addressing the problem, but the painting will be better for it.

There is still much work to do here and I’ll have more next week.

Next week I’ll be attempting to post the next installment from yearlykos, where I’ll be for a couple of days.  See you then!