Tell me why
I don’t like Mondays
I want to shoot
The whole day down
-The Boomtown Rats
I don’t like Mondays
I want to shoot
The whole day down
-The Boomtown Rats
Do you like Mondays?
Promoted by Steven D. Start the week off right with the Frog Pond’s news bucket.
Now has a scientific basis: Times Online
Just thought you all should know.
It’s easy to be persuaded when you’re awake. 😉
I love this! More coffee for Republicans!
I guess churches will start offering coffee before services now, instead of after…
Argh!!! So that was my problem when I was dating, I wasn’t much of a coffee drinker back then.
You don’t have to take it, you just have to dish it out.
Good point 🙂
Clearly, it’s of primary national interest that our fine Christian leadership immediately put forward an amendment to the constitution banning the sale of coffee to homosexuals.
The Good Lord knows what they could do to persuade decent, family-values-oriented heterosexuals to become gay with this extremely volatile substance as a weapon.
Folks, we have nothing to fear but a good, strong cup of delicous, freshly ground espresso (shudder).
Okay, that’s not really the big story here…I mean, who cares about how Jennifer’s movie did? We have Brangelina’s new baby to look for…But it’s good background for this little tidbit:
So, technically, I think Al beat Jen’s new movie, don’t you?
Well, apparently they aren’t doing anything except increasing the amount of paperwork you have to fill out at the doctor’s office: WashPo
And why would this be important?
We’ve seen what a great job has been done with the records of veterans, not to mention anything choicepoint has ever touched…
Anyone care to imagine the effects of having a potential employer looking over your medical records before hiring you?
Full Article
It’s National Accordian Awareness Month and it’s already the 5th and no one has posted a story. What kind of news bucket is this?
Thank heavens! AndiF has singlehandedly saved the news bucket from complete irrelevance today…I’m hoping she’ll do it again tomorrow! 🙂
“Welcome to heaven! Here’s your harp.”
“Welcome to hell! Here’s your accordion.”
A little contrast for the immigration debate:
Immigrant children should go first
Helpless laughter at the mere idea of somebody even broaching that idea here.
I hear you. Having gotten involved in the foster care system and living in a wealthy neighborhood it’s been quite an eye opening experience. While poor 3 and 4 year olds stay home watching tv or waiting for buses in the heat with their mothers, the children of my rich neighbors are learning to read in preschool 4 days a week while Mom goes shopping or to the gym. Then they talk about how gifted their children are. They have no idea how insulting that is or that if the children of my families had the same advantages they might be just as “gifted.”
Desert cities are living on borrowed time, UN warns
I do like Mondays.
Me too. The boys get up and go to school on Mondays. 🙂
I like Mondays. There is always that possibility that I will accomplish something in the new week.
I really don’t mind Mondays (working from home and all), but I was thinking about Bob Geldof and CBtY’s eyebrows (slowly growing in), and since it is Monday…
GOP = God’s Own Party:
Ah, the GOP, party of religious intolerance and hatred.
And more from this story:
Yes, America is under a curse all right. When people get cheered for hating other Human beings as if they were vermin, we move closer to genocide.
the alien who lives among us grows higher and higher and we grow lower and lower
Uh, Rev.? Ever heard that bit in the Bible about how the high will be brought low and the low will be raised up? Be nervous. Be very very nervous. Oh, and I believe Jeremiah had a little something to say about oppressing the alien. . .
Geez, read their Bibles much?
Sure they do — they read it studiously so that when they quote it they can be sure that they carefully bypass any thing that doesn’t agree with their bigoted, hateful point of view. And they will never, ever see any comparison between what they are doing and those people (who weren’t, they will assure you, True Christians™) who used the bible to justify slavery.
I’m too lazy to look it up right now but it seems that there is also a part about taking care of the strangers among you. I’m pretty sure it’s right in there with the laws about not eating shrimp, not trimming the corners of your beard and other laws the selective readers choose to ignore.
.. such as laws
Indonesian authorities on Sunday maintained a red alert at smouldering Mount Merapi, as activity at the volcano continued to intensify for an eighth straight day since an earthquake rocked the region.
Albatrosses on islands in the South Atlantic are being pushed to the brink of extinction, according to research. Populations of three species breeding on South Georgia and outlying islands have declined by about a third in the past 30 years. Conservation groups say the major threat to the birds’ future is deep-sea fishing using a line with a number of baited hooks attached to it. Up to 100,000 albatrosses a year drown on longline fishing hooks, they add.
Japan’s problem-plagued Hayabusa spacecraft has enough power to make it back to Earth, tests on two of its four ion engines have revealed. If the craft does return as planned in 2010, researchers would finally find out whether it collected the first-ever samples from an asteroid during its two landings on the tiny space rock Itokawa.
A profile of the new generation of environmental activists on today’s college campuses can be fund here.
Deep within Earth, halfway to its center in an area where Earth’s core meets its mantle, lies a massive folded slab of rock that once was the ocean floor, reports a team of researchers. The slab, which sank beneath North America some 50 million years ago, holds important clues as to the behavior and composition of the deep interior of Earth and it could help explain how surface features such as volcanoes and earthquakes form, the researchers say.
The world’s tropical zones are growing, threatening to drive the world’s great deserts into southern Europe and other heavily populated areas, alarming new research suggests. But don’t despair: The Global Deserts Outlook, produced by the UN’s Environment Program, says deserts can be wonderful environments in which to work, play and live, and we need to be doing more to better manage them. Now don’t you feel better?
Let us not forget that today is Gay Bashing Monday. We must each inquire of ourselves, “What can I do today to make a gay or lesbian person’s life miserable?” There are many possibilities for action, even for the home bound! And if we can’t actually get out there in the community to observe this special day? Don’t fret! We can each still call a friend and speak ill of homosexuals. It’s what Jesus would do.
Personally, I can’t think of a single friend to call who wouldn’t take this extremely personally.
Nor would it make them miserable, I’m afraid — they’d likely take any gay bashing on my part as deep snark.
I hang my head in shame.
Tsk, tsk, ww. You’ll have to try to do better!
Sadly there are a couple people in my own family who, while not gay bashers, certainly are not supportive of gay rights. I wonder how we could possibly have emerged from the same womb.
Have you considered the possibility of a bureaucratic mixup at the hospital?
They also like country music, so my suspicions run deep.
Stan Goff at Huffington Post has a good commentary about this issue. It ran yesterday so you may have read it but it’s worth another read.
Makes me think of some other issues we’ve been told to “be pragmatic” about, how about you?
It is VERY important to the patriarchial structure that we draw a bright line between the fucker and the fuckee, else how do we maintain male dominance ? Gay marriage is truely a threat to hierarchical heterosexual marriage in that it can provide an example of egalitarian relationships. Can’t have that. Misogyny and homophobia are two sides of the same coin.
Hmmmm, I’m kind of an introvert. Is it OK if I just think gay bashing thoughts to myself?
Dear Introvert,
Yes, that is all right, especially if you think them in a closet. I recommend that you concentrate on thinking either particularly vicious thoughts, or if you are of a gentle nature, you can instead think “concern” thoughts about how you would like to love all those poor gay and lesbian people to death.
Patriarchically yours,
P.S. If you can add a few “concern” prayers for those poor pregnant rape victims that we have lovingly prevented from getting abortions, that would be good, too.
But don’t concern yourself with the 120,000 foster children across the country who are waiting to be adopted. Just keep having more. Heterosexual ones, that is.
Why do I feel like I’m always the bearer of bad news here?
This may be the week the Senate votes on repealing the estate tax. Here, according to Krugman, is what we should watch for:
“In each case, the crucial vote will be procedural: if 60 senators vote to close off debate, estate tax repeal or something close to it will surely pass. Any senator who votes for cloture but against estate tax repeal — which I’m told is what John McCain may do — is simply a hypocrite, trying to have it both ways.”
Oh, don’t be silly. No one ever votes for cloture and then against the motion.