Welcome to Gay Bashing Monday. This week, we get to watch Republicans make inanely stupid, ill-informed, hateful, and hurtful comments about our gay brothers, sisters, cousins, sons, daughters, friends, and co-workers. George W. Bush will kick it all off with a little mean-spirited speech. But don’t worry, he really doesn’t hate gays. He doesn’t even give a shit about gay marriage.
Though Bush himself has publicly embraced the amendment, he never seemed to care enough to press the matter. One of his old friends told NEWSWEEK that same-sex marriage barely registers on the president’s moral radar. “I think it was purely political. I don’t think he gives a s–t about it. He never talks about this stuff,” said the friend, who requested anonymity to discuss his private conversations with Bush.
Feel better now? Now that you know the President is not a bigot, but merely a poseur?
Good. It’s better to have a President that will pretend to hate gay people and that will make idiotic comments about gay marraige to shore up the support of homophobic, magical thinking, fundamentalists, than to have a President that really thinks those things himself. Right?
“Ages of experience have taught us that the commitment of a husband and wife to love and to serve one another promotes the welfare of children and the stability of society,” Bush said in his weekly radio address. “Government, by recognizing and protecting marriage, serves the interests of all.”
Naturally. Except…that evidently has nothing to do with encouraging gay couples to stay in monogamous and committed relationships where they can provide a safe and stable environment for children. You see, children don’t benefit from having two loving parents because they get twice the attention, twice the love, twice the supervision, and twice the wisdom. No. The only benefit they get is when those parents are heterosexual. Why? Because that way, they won’t turn out gay. Get it? Foster children are better off being shipped from house to house, rather than being exposed to same-sex parents. You can be sure of it.
And the most pernicious thing about this same-sex marraige is that it calls into question why a man would marry a woman at all. I mean, why a woman? Why not a man? A man might not make you watch soap operas or complain when your buddies come over the watch the game. Even better, why not just marry your dog. Dogs are famously loyal. If you want unconditional love, without the nagging, you can’t do any better than a dog. Just ask Senator Rick Santorum. He’s considered it, believe me.
Welcome to Gay Bashing Monday. May the force be with you.
Personally, I see this as a week in which many of our elected (or unelected) representatives will be thorougly outed — as politically desperate toadies in the service of religious extremism.
Look at this:
We need to get to the point that politicians of both major parties stop playing politics with the civil rights of gays and lesbians. Although obviously the GOP’s pandering to its base is more homophobic and extreme, the Democratic Party also sees gay and lesbian rights as an issue for careful trimming, witness “don’t ask, don’t tell,” DOMA, the idiotic 2004 Democratic Platform plank that in one breath boldly proclaims support for gay and lesbian rights…and then says gay marriage should be entirely up to the states (despite DOMA which the Dem’s own presidential candidate supported), or Howard Dean’s 700 Club appearance.
Civil rights issues need to be a matter of principle, not carefully calibrated, poll-driven answers.
However, equal marriage rights are one issue that I’m actually optimistic about. I think the greatest divide over gay marriage is generational. In as few as ten years, the demographics will shift enough that opposition to equal marriage rights will be seen for the crude bigotry that it is. However ugly today’s events will be (and we can expect plenty more of this kind of thing for the next few election cycles), change is on its way.
It’s June, in an election year, and the Republicans have to get the bigots all riled up to vote.
good to see you AT:
Is that a sorites in your pocket or are you just glad to see me? 😉
I just want to make sure you don’t trust small children to deal with the crocodile problem.
Sen. Man on Dog also considered “man on child”
I was watching a movie with some friends on Friday night and we had the TV on mute as we were putting in the DVD and getting drinks and such before we settled down. It was on Cafferty’s show [on whatever cable channel] and I guess they were going through viewer e/mail. One of them was on the topic of gay marriage. The woman wrote [paraphrased]
I was the only one looking at the screen and I burst out laughing and read it aloud to everyone.
What logic. That’s the real reason BushCo is against gay marriage, to protect gay people from the pains of divorce. Riiiiiiiiight. I got a bridge to sell that lady, I’ll be back in an hour with the paperwork.
Carrying on from our little discussion in the previous diary, let us be sure we all go forth today with a full tool kit for gay bashing. Before leaving your house, do check to be sure you have with you:
l. Your Reverend Fred Phelps “God Hates Fags” signage.
For EXTRA points toward Heaven: Your Bible, with all the parts it has about abortion highlighted. (Huh? What? Oh. It doesn’t? Are you sure?)
All ready now? Go forth and bash!
I retract what I said earlier in the weekend about this backfiring because even fundamentalists are finally frustrated by all talk and no action ever. From what I have read today it looks like they may very well be the most gullible people on earth, whether they fall for the current dog and pony show is very much still up in the air. Which stuns me beyond expression.
Every press report I read ends with a phrase like, “it can’t possibly pass.” So, all the hoo-rah is grand-standing, simple pandering. And the Fundies are going to be satisfied with “at least, they tried”? I understand the idea of firing up the base to vote out those heathen Dems so that next time it might pass out of Congress. But, but…
Then, this morning, after reading so many variations of “it can’t pass,” I got this horrible feeling: What if sufficient numbers of Dems have been blackmailed into voting for it? It made me shudder and dark clouds gathered above me on a gloomy Monday.
Maybe dems will defect though it must have been a hell of a bribe to get them to basically throw an election they are almost guaranteed to win. That kind of momentum shift can be fatal. Until I see some voting evidence though, I’ll just go with the obvious position that fundies really are that naive and gullible. Certainly, the ones living around me are.
You’re a nice, recently divorced guy. I am sure that there are a few nice, available, liberal men there in Philly.
I’m just saying, unless there’s a ban, I am sure that you’d be tempted.
what a way to celebrate gay pride month.
if you are in philly and going to the parade on sunday, wave to me….i ride the leather float…unless my allergies and asthma keep me away i will be there squirting people with water to keep them cool and wet.
where’s the parade?
starts near 13th and spruce…winds thru the gayborhood….ends at broad and washington where there is a fair.
Dammit, Boo..I was not going to spend hours online this morning, then you had to go post this piece.
I am so %#@!&%^#! angry I coould spit nails..this fucking shit hits wayyyy too close to home, espcially now that my gay daughter and partner have a beautiful, innocent, little baby girl, who will end up facing the outcome of this kind of hate mongering filth being spewed. Did a diary, but I’m still just sitting here vibrating, wishing I could literally get my hands around the actual thoats through which this ugly crap is flowing.
So much for serenity.
I went over to Free Republic to see if they were discussing this. I got this far (I won’t link that site):
(Quickly double-checking to see which Party wants to write discrimination into the Constitution)…WTF?
Outrageous but typical.
incredible to see that you even got that far
The ironic thing about the arguments against gay adoption, is the over emphasis on the amount a child can be socialized. You often hear right-wingers discuss the innate differences between say the sexes, you’d think there would be more of a respect for the biological component of human sexuality.
Video of Bush speech HERE w/ transcript….and what happened to the Rose Garden?. Thought this was an outdoor gig.
Pure, unadulterated, pandering hackery.
he shows how truly ignorant he is of just about everything-especially history.
That quote about ‘ages of experience..yada yada yada’…The history of how children in this country were treated is lousy. Up until 1941 when the Supreme Court upheld the federal child labor law were children given any kind of protection against being put to work as young as 4 or 5 in factories. Working sometimes 14 hours a day, education of course was out of the question. Many parents shipped their children off to orphanages-1 out 5 children in 1904 lived in these institutions because their parents couldn’t afford them or simply didn’t want to bother with them.
So many children were in these institutions that Child Aid Society’s shipped off over 350,000 of them on what was called ‘orphan trains’ to the Midwest/West for farmers to basically buy them for their labor-slave labor basically. That’s only a few of the facts regarding how children were treated and seen mostly as a commodity less than a hundred years ago in this country. And how far have we come when millions of children right now have no health insurance?
As for bush’s political pandering speech feeding into all the gay hating pricks-not much I can say that I already haven’t said. Other than denying a group of people the right to marry and raise a family diminishes not only me but our Constitution and the ideal that all people are equal. And of course my shorter answer is fuck all those fucking ignorant homophobic asshole bigoted prick bastards who hide behind religion to promote their disgusting, sickening and vile ideas in the name of ‘family values’. Your twisted family values maybe but not mine.