I am SO goddamned sick of the so-called left in this country talking smack and doing shit.

Here on this blog, too.


The latest evidence in a long, long line, as far as I am concerned?

The one that finally drove me to say something about what I am seeing?

Thereisnospoon’s recent front-paged diary What Are These People Even Thinking? here.

And especially his comment “But the nice thing is, they’re cowering and unpredictable, and we’re actually standing tall. Who knew?”

That was the straw that broke THIS silence’s back.

“Who knew?”

That did it.

Read on if you dare.
I do not know about the cowering.

What I read? In their actions? In their statements? In the way that they stand and look into the camera as they bleat their latest demonization lines?

“Immigrants and queers? They ALL gotta go!!! And them damned Uranians, too.”

They are still supremely confident.

Confident in their continuing ability to create “new realities” that will distract the populace from the results of the previous new realities. They are PERFECTLY predictable. Like the steroided-out Barry Bonds (The perfect sports analogue of BushCo. BondCo/Balco.), they WILL hit another home run and they WILL slip out from underneath prosecution once again.

And you know what?

On the evidence of the last 6 to 8 years?

They have every REASON to be confident.

On the evidence.

They control the media, and the media control the populace.

End of story.


And…hopefully…THIS TIME…learn.

From the wonderful Joe Bageant regarding the so-called left in America.

Every American seems to think the sun rises and sets on his or her ass. Americans cannot seem to get over themselves. Consequently, empathy for mankind’s planetary misery is in short supply – more of an intellectual concept than a reality to soft, moody, self-absorbed American lefties. They all come from the 25% of Americans who get a college degree. They have no fucking idea what it is like for the other 60-70% of Americans who have to survive in our brutal corporatized state without the benefit of genuine education, insight or even honest news programming to see what is going on around them. These workers are being cultivated as a human crop by global business. A crop of toilers, consumers, and when need be, mechanized killers to be sent abroad. – Joe Bageant

This paragraph ought to be required memorization for everyone who calls himself a “liberal” or “progressive” (Or whatever other blog term is currently fashionable this week on the left) in America.

Standing tall?

Not fucking YET!!!

Want more?


Even if you don’t.

See, I don’t believe the U.S. really has a political left. It just has personalities who consider themselves leftists and make an identity gig of it. If we really had a left, then I could walk out this door to a leftist party headquarters and take political action. It’s not like I can call up the local chapter of the Rifondazione Comunista, as in Italy. It’s not like I can stop by the newsstand and buy a copy of Liberazione. Americans kid themselves about having choices. Hell, they won’t even dare call themselves leftists. They’ve backed off into calling themselves “progressives.” That is totally gutless. What is the alternative to “progress?” The Stone Age?  The U.S. has a cottage culture industry called the left. And it has a body of middle class professionals and semi-professionals who cannot bring themselves to associate with Republicans, so they call themselves “liberals.'” But liberals are too comfortable. So they deny reality. They are not going to do anything so long as they are comfortably insulated in the middle class. They are not going to wade into that hate filled ditch of political action, real political action that requires sacrifice, to battle for America’s soul – not as long as they are still living on a good street, sending their kids to Montessori and getting their slice of the American quiche.

What I’m saying is that until we get a real left in this country, one capable of creating change through radical action, one willing to risk everything for what they believe, we should not be talking about what our pseudo-left should be doing. Our pseudo-left is doing exactly what it should be doing: posturing, bickering amid itself and boring the hell out of the rest of America.

Standing tall my ass.

Whimpering and groveling for media scraps. For false news stories about how Rove is going down.

One of a long LINE of new realities that go right back to Unca Bill and the little blue dress.

Win in November?

I’ll believe it when I see it.

No, I take that back.

I’ll believe it AFTER I see it, and after I have it proven to me by the direct and forceful actions of the new majority…if it ever happens, of course…to bring these criminals to a just end that cannot be pardoned out the way Unca Bill pardoned out the PREVIOUS Ratpub criminals who came right back and bit him on his big, fat, hairy, naked, sexually obsessive ass just as soon as they could.

I’ll believe it when Joe Biden is not seriously spoken of as potential Presidential timber.

He is not even presidential PLYWOOD.

I’ll believe it when the Dems get so rid of Joe Lieberman that he has to join the Daughters of The American Revolution to get a speaking gig and some free rubber chicken to eat along with his new age Jim Crow. Palestinians as the niggers, Israel as the NEW New South.

I’ll believe it when I see Dick Cheney’s name at the top of a prosecutorial bill of goods for treasonous activities against the state.

High treason.

Punishable by high death.

THEN I’ll believe it.

Dick Cheney and Saddam Hussein in matching electronic love seats.


Until then…what are YOU thinking?

