Progress Pond

So How is Gay Bashing Monday Playing With the Base?

If this Freeper thread on the topic is any indication, Gay Bashing Monday is going over like a cold cup of cat shit coffee. Not that there isn’t plenty of paranoid homophobic Bush love going around, but have a look at a few of these comments. (Via Athenae)

This whole gay marriage thing confuses the heck out of me. Since when does the legitimacy of a marriage derive from the GOVERNMENT? I thought we conservatives didn’t put much stock in government. Government should have nothing to do with marriage, traditional or otherwise. The sanctity of my marriage is between me, my wife, and God. Our minister even intentionally left out the idiotic “powers vested in me by the state of California…” bit. Screw the government of California; screw the federal government — they weren’t invited to my wedding, and I don’t want them involved in my marriage.

Can someone please explain to me why it’s the ‘conservative’ position to support the government’s definition and endorsement of the sacred bond between me and my wife?


The Constitution is supposed to be about government behavior, not personal behavior. The attempt to change/outlaw one form of personal behavior was thumpingly reversed in a little more than a decade. Why do you want to change the focus of the Constitution?


I often wonder how I ended up with three kids. I guess it was before all this gay marriage talk. Actually the real reason I am against the amendment is more to do with government interference than gay marriage, but either way it does not bother me or my wife and somehow my three kids are surviving as well. I really feel horrible about some people who worry about it and stay up at night consummed with angst. I also laugh about the stories that doom is coming with the people marrying their dogs and cats and snakes and horses and even dolphins (someone posted a picture of the ceremony on our conservative site). I found it a hoot. Believe me, I am conservative as the next guy, but when you go to great lengths as that then I just have to laugh.

Again, if you want vile, homophobic, magical thinking weirdness, that thread has enough vile to keep you and yours flush with vile for generations. Don’t go over thinking you won’t be troubled by the majority of what you read. I’m beginning to suspect, however, that in some small way this issue is a wedge that splits the various components of the Republican party. Not as big an internal Republican wedge as immigration, but a split nevertheless. If we’re really very lucky, a little operant conditioning will take hold, and the rats will eventually stop trying to add bigotry to the constitution, because each time they try, it hurts them just a little bit more than the last.

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