Progress Pond

Vile Villain is Struck Down!

Truth, Justice and Liberal Street Fighter


Our most admired and wonderful hero, Captain Codpiece, has struck down that most dastardly of supervillains, Abu Musab “Red Skull” al-Zarqawi, wielder of great power and ruthless cunning. Thankfully, after he had used his strange and terrible powers to escape in the past, this time the Skull was unable to avoid his well-deserved fate.
Some would say that he was just a petty thug who had joined a sectarian conflict in search of glory, common sense would tell any God-fearing person that only a Beast possessed of strange and terrible powers could have avoided righteous destruction for so long. It is very important that Americans of good faith and true patriotic fervor ignore the naysayers and shower our hero, the Leader of the Free World, with love and adoration.

Even in death, some of his victim’s families are still denying that our Dear Leader has made a great strike for peace on this day, obviously still suffering the lingering after-effects of the Skull’s hypnotic powers. Hopefully this unholy influence will fade in time.

One can only look forward to this Sunday’s “Meet the Press – In Hell” to catch up on the latest good news from the Holy Crusade to Reclaim the Cradle of Civilization.

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