The main point for me in all the hooha over Armando, who always treated me decently by the way, even when I was acting my own insane clown posse over there, is that you cannot very easily extract todays “left wing” from the corporate culture. Coopted is a word that comes to mind.

I will freely admit my own culpability. I am a business person. Sure, I practice a style of business that differs tremendously from that of say, Scrooge, but there are certain elements of business life that would make any good sixties style progressive, especially those employed in the “helping” professions, aghast.

An objective presence, say a deity from on high, might not notice much difference between Americans from roughly the middle to the top of the economic ladder when it comes to guilt by association with the Beast. Regardless of professed political progressivism.

A side point, in Suskinds diary, he mentions something about a journalists rights? Is Armando a journalist? Are any bloggers performing journalism in these blogs?

While I too am protective of my real identity, mainly because it makes me freer to use my friends, family and acquaintances as characters in my little autobio comedies, anyone who really knows me can determine from a close reading of my always cogent and excellent posts exactly who I am.

Lucky for me, nobody really cares.

Besides, now that he has been outed Armando will no doubt get a book contract and maybe even a TV gig if he is good looking enough.

The blogosphere is so badly overrated in just about every possible way (and mainly by the blooging proprietors themselves)that these little melodramas are increasingly the most interesting part of the entire phenomenon.

And what will happen to the lefty blogoshere IF and WHEN the Democrats regain control of the federal government?

Its bound to happen sooner or later. Even a blind horse wins a race by accident once in a while, especially when the opponent is a chimpanzee in an oversized dunce cap who cant do anything right.

I say we keep trashing the Temple…