I’m sitting in the CIA leak investigation seminar with CabinGirl and Cedwyn. We’re listening to Murray Waas explain his role in the Plame investigation. Jane Hamsher gave a very funny into and introduced Joe Wilson. Wilson spoke from the podium for about 10 minutes. Then Dan Froomkin talked for a while. Larry Johnson is coming up. Emptywheel and Christy Hardin Smith are also on the panel.

They foolishly scheduled Jerome a Paris’s energy seminar at the exact same time. So, I’m trying to scoot back and forth.

I’m dragging ass today because we spent 3 hours on the runway (2 in Philly, 1 in Vegas) and I didn’t get to sleep until about 7:30 am eastern time.

Then I was up 6:45 am Vegas time to have breakfast with Bill Richardson. Emptywheel is talking now.

Is everyone behaving themselves? Is Chris handling the baseless recriminations okay?