Progress Pond

Live Blogging from Yearly Kos

I’m sitting in the CIA leak investigation seminar with CabinGirl and Cedwyn. We’re listening to Murray Waas explain his role in the Plame investigation. Jane Hamsher gave a very funny into and introduced Joe Wilson. Wilson spoke from the podium for about 10 minutes. Then Dan Froomkin talked for a while. Larry Johnson is coming up. Emptywheel and Christy Hardin Smith are also on the panel.

They foolishly scheduled Jerome a Paris’s energy seminar at the exact same time. So, I’m trying to scoot back and forth.

I’m dragging ass today because we spent 3 hours on the runway (2 in Philly, 1 in Vegas) and I didn’t get to sleep until about 7:30 am eastern time.

Then I was up 6:45 am Vegas time to have breakfast with Bill Richardson. Emptywheel is talking now.

Is everyone behaving themselves? Is Chris handling the baseless recriminations okay?

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