Progress Pond

November 2006 Want Ads

Help Wanted:

If you are an American citizen with skills and expertise in any field relevant to the operation of the legislative, judicial or executive branches of the American government Uncle Sam wants you.

The People are currently seeking men and women with talent and competence in any area who are willing to work forty eight weeks a year at the People’s business, keep their hands out of the cookie jar and themselves out of the beds of those who would corrupt the government to serve their own interests.
If you have a belief in the ability of the American people to govern themselves effectively under the Constitution of the United States without the corrosive and corruptive involvement of corporate criminals, opportunistic religious maniacs, sycophantic bureaucrats and military industrial complex madmen you may fit the bill.

If you can make it your goal while in the People’s employment to work diligently toward the material betterment of the lives, living conditions and general welfare of all of the people of the United States while insisting on the respectful and helpful treatment of those who reside elsewhere you will be headed in the right direction.

Successful applicants may come from any background or trade whether soldier, sailor, plumber or beautician, driver, mason, barber, artist or carpenter. They will be reasonably presentable in appearance, possess good communications skills, be possessed of an innate good humor and an ability to work well with others of sometimes differing backgrounds and viewpoints. They will be serious about the People’s work but never too serious about themselves.

Lack of education and the price of your clothing will not be an impediment to employment, a lack dignity, honesty, integrity, common sense, and respect for the inalienable rights of other human beings will.

Charlatans, bunko men, liars, lobbyists, racketeers and most lawyers, MBAs, CEOs and other criminals need not apply. (We are currently overstaffed at those positions.)

All interested parties please apply to the American people in November.

Incumbency will not be considered an asset.

Bob Higgins
Worldwide Sawdust

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