I’m sitting in a room with a few hundred citizen activists, citizen journalists, progressive authors, labor organizers, the Hip Hop caucus, radio broadcasters, the National Organization for Women. They’re here to talk about how to push progressive policies. They don’t give a shit about Armando. Frankly, I’m embarrassed have to this crap all over the site. People want to go see what Booman Tribune is all about, and it is all about Armando. It’s ridiculous.
Steven and Albert have put forth important articles. Armando’s predicament is not important.
In other news…my family just adopted the young male malamute I’d diaried about toward the end of the “Woo tale” diaries, and — much more relevant to politics — the next installment of “Danse Macabre” is nearly ready. Should be out tonight or tomorrow.
Great news, Greyhawk! I knew you two would get the little big guy for sure. Put an extra little new treat in Missy’s tribute spot for her … to thank her for sending the new boy your way. Now, what’s his name? 🙂
Very happy to hear this for you, Greyhawk.
Thanks, IVG. His name is “Jack” and he’s doing well. 🙂 We’re quite happy.
In addition, other more important subjects are being pushed off the rec list, such as the litigation re: the 2004 election.
you are embarrassed??
Did you even read the diaries AND the comments that suskind deleted?
Being embarrassed is just so useless in politics.
You are embarrassed by your posters.
Good to know.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Thanks a lot for pointing to this google cache, Oui. I had only seen the beginnings of the thread before it, err, um.. was ‘lost’.
I’m embarrassed at the priorities of many of the posters, yes. I also see posting about it has had zero effect in stopping the sniffing of Armando’s panties.
If people want to carry on about it, someone could set something up at blogspot!
I’m so tempted to go and set up leftiesagainstliberalblogs.blogspot.com just to see who’ll come out.
wow. so now you’re embarrassed by what the members of your community want to talk about — expectations of privacy online and blogging anonymously, ethics and responsibility.
That really says a lot Boo. The diaries are not the front page of BooMan Trib, that’s what you have, nonelected, frontpagers for. But now you’re embarrassed by what we peons want to discuss and find important and therefore use our votes to recommend.
Man. Glad to know I waste my time here thinking about issues and participating where I think I can add value… oh wait, I can’t point you to those discussions, they’ve been deleted.
FWIW, these issues are ALL important. They just catalyse at different times.
Unbelievable statement.
okay…that’s way more info than I needed.
It took a long time between the last installment and the one due out now, but the next few should arrive rather quickly in tow.
Here’s what’s due by title, with a subtopical blurb or hint following:
Danse Macabre — The Return of Ja(a)far [Due SOON]
…Rumsfeld as Jafar. Plus, other “Jaafar” tangents…
Danse Macabre — Bang the Drum Slowly [drums of war…]
Danse Macabre — The Two Towers [9/11 changed everything…?]
Danse Macabre — The Return of the King [King George, meet King George]
Danse Macabre — Where Eagles Dare [Aesop’s “Eagle and the Arrow”]
Danse Macabre — Into the Heart of Darkness [The WH and Cheney; fear is the mindkiller]
Danse Macabre — The Kingdom, The Power & The Glory [Bush, RRR, “Imperial” unitary executives]
Danse Macabre — The American Crisis [“These are the times…”]
Danse Macabre — The Patriot Papers [The new American Patriots]
Danse Macabre — Schoolhouse Rock [Stand and Deliver, the lessons of history]
Danse Macabre — The Final Countdown [“The time has come, the walrus said…”]
Danse Macabre — To Be, or Not [A rose by any other name…]
Danse Macabre — Requiem (A Prayer for the Dying) [Hope springs eternal…]
Thank you. It was getting a little too Kos-like over here. When I found this site last year and began to lurk about, I found that what I loved about Booman was its focus on the issues, the friendliness of the posters, and the complete and utter lack of interest in, or focus on personalities.
Now it’s like a Kos exile #$%^ fest. I still read Kos because there’s some good stuff there, but as has been well covered here, the climate has changed there. It’s mainstreaming and become a clearinghouse for partisan politics. That’s important and one of the reasons I look at Kos and Mydd regularly. But I want new, different, well thought out and smart perspectives too. That’s why I come here.
So, can we put the past behind us and focus instead what on makes Booman Tribune such a great read and wonderful gathering place?
I’ll tell you what’s important – pictures of “our gang” in Las Vegas. Where are they?!!!
I still need to upload a few others:
Janet Strange, BooMan, SanDiegoDem, Shermanesqe, boran2.
Great pic. Got some more?
And a tell-all from the BT/MLW/ET party, please.
A fine looking crew :o)
Nice to see Janet Strange too.
Booman looks different than when I met him. Must be the hair, it seems shorter.
Are you sure? 😉
I didn’t see a linky here, so I jest…
In the hair department, he comes out way ahead of his brother…
after you stayed the night with some strange guy passed out on the floor in a strange room in a strange town, and then attempted to reassure your very slighting questioning husband that “this guy” was a little chubby and then he sees these photos…….thanks Booman for losing those love handles YA Chump!
What a good lookin’ group!
It’s so funny…I never pictured that Booman would have a beard. Don’t know why…just didn’t picture that in my mind’s eye. Not that I have anything at all against beards, of course, since the husband wears one, too! 🙂
And even stranger…somehow, everyone fits what I would have pictured in my mind’s eye. Again, I can’t explain it…
Thanks CabinGirl! I wish I had gotten more time to hang out with you guys. There were SO many good folks there. I’m just glad that I did get to meet you froggers and give out a few hugs. I can’t wait to meet again next time, wherever that may be. 🙂
Well, several of us will be at the Clearwater Festival on Saturday, and we’d love to see you there…not sure how far a drive that is for you, though.
But I won’t be able to make it.
Long story short, I am dogsitting for Seth the ex- this weekend. I found out from him Thursday night that his brother Kevin’s all-of-a-sudden cancer is inoperable, so I’m watching his 2 dogs while he goes to CT to be with his family. Kevin is my age (36), a non-smoker, and this came on all of a sudden just a few weeks ago. He has 2 young kids, and the whole family is just devastated. And scared. And whatever you could imagine, I’d imagine.
So anyway, I very much appreciate the invite, but I do have other responsibilities. Hopefully next time! 🙂
Wow Booman has pants on! 🙂
Don’t be embarrassed by us. There’s some incredible stuff going on. I “threatened” some big marines! IT was great! Scary… but Great! 🙂
Here’s a story about Diego Armando Maradona happily celebrating Argentina’s recent World Cup victory…
In other action, Ghana lost to Italy 2-0 today. Here a profile of Ghana star Baba Armando Adamu
Sorry, but what would have been embarrassing to me was the martyrdom of Armando.
As I have stated elsewhere, my position would be exactly the same if Armando behaved like the ambassador to Niceland.
Armando puts a face on the issue nicely, but the issue is a much larger one than a mere meta issue. It’s about the left becoming hypocritical.
If you supported the outing of Jeff Gannon,yet want to martyr Armanod, you are a hypocrite.
Both were anonymous bloggers who achieved public figure status and both were fair game for being outed. Just because it was “the enemy” doing the outing does not make it ok to promote a double standard.
Anonymity is your own responsibility if that’s how you want to play the game. Especially when you attain the status of public figure. If you don’t want to be outed, there are many many many ways to do it where no one will ever find out.
I’m embarrassed that all the progressives who own well read blogs are embarrassed at honest discussion.
even if this were just meta, I always thought dKos was shortsighted because of all the groaning over the meta material. This is new technology and fraught with nooks and cranny’s of confusion. It needs to be talked about constantly.
I usually don’t make suggestions because it’s a pretty futile exercise, but….
My suggestion for both you and dKos would be to create a special section called “Meta Content”. You could even put it down near the bottom.
Think of it like the sites anus. The bowels of Booman you could call it. Dirty and brown and foul smelling (ie: embarrassing), yet a necessary orifice whereby excretion of the waste takes place.
In other words, A way to get rid of all the shitthat builds up at these message boards.
I bet you anything you’d find more fascinating conversations there though than inside another diary about Halliburton with the same old “Bush is a Moron” comments over and over and over and over again.
P.S. Please tell me again why all these scoop sites have a recommended diaries section. Why don’t they just all tell us what to discuss?
You don’t need to pollute every thread with discussions of this subject.
The content of this whole thread’s introduction is all about how embarrassing the intense and IMHO important discussion I have been involved in here is to this sites owner. I think I (and others) have a right to respond here.
Why do I have to keep pointing out the obvious? It’s like a dike sprouting thousands of leaks and I only have ten fingers
You’ve got any number of diaries to talk about it in? Isn’t that enough?
I and others here have just had it printed on the front page of this website that we are an embarrassment to this website.
In fact, I believe it is firmly outlined within the Online Integrity Handbook, section 49B paragraph 3 that:
It’s June.
give it a rest.
welcome to dkos.
the site owner says recommended (i.e. voted on diaries by members of the community, which are then deleted so the discussion goes on and is resurrected) are an embarrasment on the frontpage of his blog. and we should just give that a rest and stop talking.
welcome to dkos.
enough said.
and with that, I bid you all adieu.
What happens when the site owner does that is the opposite of what was intended – yet more conversation on the taboo topic. Maybe it’s a forbidden fruit thing. A little something along the lines of the Taoist concept of wu-wei (or non-action) might be more effective. Just sayin’.
This is about what we are all about here. I haven’t spent hours and hours of my time researching and writing to be know as the AntiArmando! Sick of this, tired of this, please stop this!
To the extent that the site owner posted something about it on the front page, it is. When you tell a bunch of folks that they’re being an embarrassment – especially when they’re very passionate about a topic – they’re going to keep on doing what they’re doing with a vengeance. You may not like it. I may not like it. Just the way it is – easily explainable by basic concepts of human behavior. Best way to extinguish an unwanted behavior? Stop reinforcing it (in this case ignoring it is bliss). My two cents. Take it or leave it. No skin off my butt either way.
neither has Booman…..it is done though…..the horse is dead. It has been beaten and beaten and beaten, it has had two 500lbs bombs dropped on it and the autopsy done! Can we just let it rest in peace….I’m dead tired of it…..there isn’t anything left to beat out of the thing and people who keep insisting that something living exists to beat out of it are really starting to look like lunatics, and it can be a little bit embarrassing when it just goes on and on with no purpose other than to have it go on and on!
Actually what I am suggesting is ignoring it. Eventually lack of attention (starving the reinforcement of attention in this case) will suffice shortly in laying the whole kerfluffle to rest. Works with kids and rats, certainly it could work with bloggers too! Bet on it.
I keep saying I’m going to bed and I don’t.
Remind anyone of anybody?
Shit, I promised I wasn’t going to make an Armando joke.
Military Tracy. I’m sorry about all this. I realize it’s gotten out of hand.
I am going to bed but I won’t apologize for all of this. The site’s owner brought this to the open thread not me.
I’m sure Armando is sitting somewhere laighing right now, so glad that Booman has to deal with us trolls now.
Hey, I’ll even make an offer. You want me to leave here. Just ask me nicely. I’ll be gone.
Precious. Pretty soon Booman will have to get his own Armando to rub us all out.
own selves out around here. Anybody can find fault with others and dwell on the faults of others. I want to part of the solutions we need so badly….to heck with all this prattle!
Brian, I’m in charge of the bannings this week and the only people who have anything to worry about are people who have the number five in their area code. I spelled this all out in the clearest language possible a few days ago and asked you not to read it. I do have to say that I’m really happy I was too lazy to ever sign up for a Daily Kos ID, because everything about that site seems to have a lot of you cats really pissed off in about 4000 different directions (not directed specifically at you Brian. I’m just too lazy to start another comment). I like the comments over at Atrios’ place myself, because they have a real post modern, fuck the meta narrative quality to them. I alway wanted to participate, but I’m too slow (dim?) to get a word in edgewise, so I just started my own blog instead. Yawn. I’m getting boring again. Sorry.
And the dKos-ification is now complete.
I’m going to bed, but one more thing to say before I do.
I realize how annoying this all looks here. I really can see that. I see Boomans point about not wanting to be the anti dKos. But before this was brought to the open page by the site owner himself this was all kept neatly and discreetly within the confines of very specific topic diaries. The owner brought this fight out here into the street, not us.
I know you are…..
But what am I?
That is the eternal question.
You have made yourself abundantly clear in several other diaries. Again, enough already.
CG… you know how much I value you. But, I have to say you are off base. Boo brought this to the open thread. Boo made an inflamatory statment that opened this thread. He opened the floor for dissent. If we can’t talk about it here, what, we should just shut up?
You know I value you too, spiderleaf. I just think the privacy/Armando discussions already have multiple diaries on the recomended list, plus another further down on the recent list. Why is that not enough real estate for this discussion to take place?
I also think that it might be more relevant at DK or Armando’s own blog. I am weary of listening to the battles of big orange here. Maybe because I heard it all weekend too, and nothing is new.
And I absolutely agree. but Boo brought this from the confines of the diaries onto the frontpage and in a way that personally, i find a bit offensive. I’m an embarrassment because I have opinions I want to express about privacy and blogging anonymously online? Or disclosure, etc.
That was a low blow and I wish he had just said nothing.
And… had two diaries which already covered these topics not been deleted people wouldn’t have felt the need to repeat themselves… 😉 (although the arguments have become stronger and more refined as time passes, but I digress…)
Gannon was an individual given official White House Press credentials. People began researching Gannon after two seperate appearances in nationally televised press conferences on camera asking the President questions during official White House press conferences.
Comapring the Armando situation to a situation in which some nobody starts appearing on a regular basis in nationally televised press conferences is a wee bit ridiculous.
You can bet your sweet bippy that Bulldog was outed..in more ways than one.
If you don’t see the parallels in these two cases you are hopelessly blinded by your own bias.
Why were both people considered newsworthy? It’s they hypocrisy stupid. Both Armando and Gannon were fair game to each respective partisan side.
Both were cheap shots. Both were of gossip column type substance. But both were equally fair.
The difference is real simple.
Gannon appeared on national TV. Armando didn’t.
Gannon was in the White House press room. Armando wasn’t.
Gannon was appearing at a taxpayer-paid function of the US Federal Government with US Govenment credentials. Armando did not.
There are no parallels because Armando never appeared on camera at a White House (taxpayer-paid) function with the endorsement of the White House.
Armando appeared on Air America radio and many other public appearances, before he was outed
Gannon appeared on nation TV After his outing, not before
Armando has access to powerful politicians and powerful groups and political action comittees. He is a high profile member and columnist of the largest political blog on the internet. He has made numerous public appearances on locally and Nationally syndicated radio talk shows.
Oh jeez, I guess ya got me. They’re absolutely nothing alike </sarcasm>
I PERSONALLY WATCHED GANNON at a televised White House press conference BEFORE the investigation began. I noticed the “Softball” questions he was asking.
The Gannon investigation began after the Gannon asked a softball question challenging the sanity of Dem party leaders ON TV.
You really need to shut yourself down. You’re really making yourself look bad. I watched AmericaBlog do the legwork and break the “juicy details” of Gannon/Guckert. You’re not close to representing the situation truthfully. Not even close.
I thought you were referring to Gannon’s appearance on CNN. But still, that does not change anything.
So both Gannon and Armando made public appearances before they were outed. They were still both legally public figures as the result of their actions
Gannon/Guckert appeared at the White House. That’s Federal property. That’s a Taxpayer financed event.
Stop trying to pretend some guy appearing on one of 1000’s of radio shows is the same thing as asking the President questions at a National televised White Hosue press conference wearing White House press credentials.
It does not matter one IOTA that they were not the same exact identical thing. What about that can’t you see?
Both people are legally considered public figures directly due to the actions each took.
Armando and Bulldog were both anonymous before their partisan counterparts took care of that problem for them.
I’m done. Either you can see the logic of that by now or you never will and god have mercy on your biased soul.
You’re gotta argue the point to the bitter end no matter how wrong you are and no matter how badly what you brought up was shreded….
… and anyone that beats dead horses till they are bloody paste like this needs God’s mercy way more than I do.
If you’re not using your helping of God’s Mercy, I’ll take it off your hands. I’m sure it’ll come in handy at some point.
I was banned by DKos for challenging Kos regarding why Kos refused to support a Federal investigation of the 2004 election, and I have basically no use for Armando.
You are just out in loopy land if you think Gannon and Armando are even remotely similar.
you are mistaken. The parallels btwn the armando and gannon ‘outings’ (one and actual outing and one just googling for information that armando had released) are indeed relevant.
go check out the early gannon research threads on dkos and see how much more invasive the digging was. How do you think we found out his real name was Guckhert? It wasn’t through Google.
Gannon stepped in front of cameras in nationally televised broadcasts at the White House. That makes Gannon a public figure.
The minute Gannon appeared on camera in the White House press room with White House press credentials, Gannon becaame a public figure and a legitimate target of inquiry.
Armando never appeared on a broadcast on government property with a govenment credential at a govenment event. Gannon chose to make himself a public figure.
Your point is irrevelant. You are throwing out a red herring.
I hate to have to keep whipping this out.
I watched the whole Gannon/Guckert stroy break on the blogs. You said the investigation of Gannon/Guckert started before he appeared on TV.
Gannon/Guckert was investigated after he appeared on multiple occasions on national TV at a US government taxpayer-paid White House press conference.
Gannon made himself subject to public scrutiny.
You need to drop this. NOW. Before you do anything else as stupid as that lie that you just told trying to win a debate you already lost.
I’m glad you watched it all unfold. I actually helped ‘break’ the gannon story. right from the beginning. at dkos. we did so before americablog got on the ‘gay’ angle.
google spiderleaf and you’ll see the FP’d “Gannon and L’Affaire Plame” timeline and summary I wrote at dkos. I know, intimately, what tactics were used to out Gannon. And they went far further than a Google search.
Gannon was a public figure. Yes.
Armando was a public figure. Yes.
~ Senator Boxer interview. Check.
~ Interviews on radio where he gave his full name and identified as “guest blogger at dailykos”. Check.
~ Conference where he did the same. Check.
Definition of public figure. Yes.
I don’t challenge that DKos had a lot to do with finding early Gannon stuff. So did Democratic Underground. So did a buncha blogs.
Gannon WAS a public figure. Armando wasn’t remotely a public figure. You insisting Gannon and Armando are the same makes you look ridiculous.
You’re talking to a former radio broadcaster. I used to be full-time air staff. Being a rock jock did not make me a public figure. Neither did having a syndicated sports talk show.
If someone that’s hosting a radio show isn’t considered a public figure, someone that’s been on to be interviewed a few times absolutely isn’t a public figure.
Your knowledge astounds me.
In all cases.
And as for looking ridiculous… honey, you’re doing yourself no favours in this thread.
dkos is where the gannon investigation thing started. look it up. that’s where his identity as “guckhert” broke. We connected it to Plame. Whatever, do some research and then spout off.
As for him and Armando and the definition of a public figure… I’m not even getting into it again other than to say… ummm… yeah, if you’re putting yourself in the public sphere on a blog which generates ad revenue and is courting the Dem political establishment and then play off of that fame to go on the radio and attend a conference where you self identify, with your full name, as “guest blogger at dailykos”, you’ve pretty much shot any right to anonymity.
But keep on insulting people man, it’s a good thing.
DKos broke some. Democratic Underground broke some. Atrios broke some. AmericaBlog broke some. The whole blogosphere jumped on it at the same time. I saw the diaries at DKos. I saw the threads at Democratic Underground. I saw the posts at Atrios. I saw the posts at AmericaBlog.
Look it up yourself. You’ll find the first outrage and very first bits of investigation on Gannon and Talon News over in the archives at DU.
Armando and Gannon WERE NOT THE SAME THING. PERIOD. Once the White House is involved, it changes everything. You are desperately clinging to this notion that some fool blogger who got interviewed a couple of times on the radio is as much of a public figure as a member of the White House Press Corps. That’s utterly ridiculous, and your lame attempts to peddle that nonsense makes you look more and more ridiculous.
back off.
learn some manners.
you can make a point without the name calling right?
you do understand the “don’t be a prick” rule?
Read other threads, read the numerous positions posted on this subject that has spanned the last 2 or 3 days (oh wait, two of those diaries were deleted so you can’t actually get to those posts, my bad) and recognize we are not talking about gannon or armando as literally the same, far from it, we are using analogies of behaviour, tactics and the requirements of anonymity. So for you to pollute this thread with more shit that has been covered in numerous threads already, and act like an “insider” on the whole gannon thing, is really pretty lame.
I’d be happy to discuss this with you further in one of the threads which already has the gannon/ armando thing going… check out the ‘recommended diary’ list for more details.
oh, and next time you insult me like that I’m giving you a 0.
Brian acted like a jerk, and tossed insults, and made up facts as he went along. I treated Brian the same as I was treated. Then you jump in and defend a guy acting like a jerk, and acted almost as much of a jerk as Brian while doing it…
That got YOU got treated like a jerk, spiderleaf.
Youy want respect? Treat people with respect. You want to be treated like crap. Defend jerks and act like a jerk doing it.
I didn’t lie, I misunderstood what you said and i made an error. I admitted to it upthread and responded.
You are really bad at this.
You’re right. I have a hard time telling the difference between your screw-ups and your lies.
Armando, is that you?
… lay off the insults and attacks. We don’t do that here.
You want respect? Treat me with repsect.
You want to get yelled at? Yell at me.
you’re right, the next time I disagree with something you’ve written I won’t say “you are mistaken”, I’ll say “you fucking liar, how dare you”.
feel better now? more at home?
I hope you understand that I am not embarrassed by thoughtful conversations about privavy, nor did I delete anything. I’m embarrassed by the panty sniffing of Armando’s private life and the glee at his misfortune. It’s ungreen. Or at least I’d like to think so.
Hey Boo, I do get all that. It just was really starting to feel raw for me. The deleted diaries where I felt I had made all the points I needed to, but then they were gone and it really was the feeling of having to resurrect everything because the same arguments were being put forth all over again. And it’s a painful process to go through. I really would have liked to move on… hell, i have a million things going on in my own life, but the facts, or arguments need to be said.
For me, this FP post felt wrong… it felt like an election fraud FP by Kos, or Armando or the “fuck ohio” KO piece… I don’t want you to feel embarrased by us. We are doing a pretty fine job of hashing things out.. sometimes out of line, but enough of us try to reel things back into focus. Yeah, we can get testy, and mean sometimes, but that’s life. In the end, we’re learning how to interact. And I guess that’s the bottom line for me with your post… it isn’t specific enough about the whole ‘boxers or briefs’ thing and paints all discussion with a broad brush… and then of course brings in even more disscusion…
ugh. one of these days we’ll figure this ‘text based communicaton’ thing. I swear. 😉
It’s a bit jarring to sit in a room of dedicated and serious people and to try to tell them that i am a dedicated and serious person too, and have them come look at my site and see 10 people sniffing Armando’s panties.
I hope that is obvious. It’s not complicated.
I was going to bed but got up for a smoke and took a quick peek at his thread.
Your above post just kind of irks me to no end.
I understand you don’t want to be anti-kos, I really do, and what I have seen you write on the subject has been very fair handed and reasonable.
You seem to have a sort of fatalism regarding the hopeless situation and I respect that so far you’ve taken a hands on approach.
For my part, I think there are great people here and I respect ALL of them. We ARE all in this together even though the past few days some of us have been at each others necks over this issue. I do not hate any of them and I don’t even hate Armando. I would be proud to sit and have a beer with anyone here.
But I think your portrayal of this discussion of panty sniffing is off base. First of all, as you know, the man himself ignited the controversy. Second, I really feel that this discussion has been about the concept and legalities of something a whole lot bigger than just one man blogging.
And if the people you are talking with truly are serious, then they are not going to hold you accountable for a conversation going on at your blog that you have nothing to do with. At least I hope they wouldn’t. And if they do, then my advice for you would be to say fuck them. I think this more than anything is probably what brought on the mass bannings at the big Orange. Kos was embarrassed by what was going on at his site. Your statement really smacks of a pattern I’m seeing of a catering to snobbishness and eliteism. It just makes me kind of sad and hopeless feeling.
Be proud of what you have here. It’s a good community.
You have nothing to be embarrassed about.
If at the end of the day what you have here has all the seriousness of John Kerry without the edge of Lenny Bruce and the self wonderment of George Carlin (The ultimate originator of META) and the indignation of Bill Hicks and maybe even a little of the out and out humor of Pee Wee Herman, Then all you’ll be left with is a bunch of serious boring drones taking each other, you guessed it, too seriously.
I’m so super duper
about this!
Add Stephen Wright and Flavor Flav to da list, and you got it made.
it’s really about a reality check, Brian. I agree that Markos also reacted to the same impulse and that it could become a form of censorship if I started making comments like this all the time. You could even call it elitist. But, goddamn, it is embarrassing to see people obsessing over Armando’s private life when there are so many people tackling real issues. It’s just that simple.
I’m pretty sure the whole thing is over now anyway and I understand where you are coming from.
Karl Rove is going to be back on the loose, it is time to get back to the good fight.
Myself, I’ve got to focus on work again for a few days and then it’s back to the good fight.
Hey, since it worked once tonight, let’s try it again, a….
google: jaded reality gannon
<I’m feeling lucky>
the “outing” of Jeff Gannon/James Guckert/Whoever-The-Hell-He-Is-This-Week had more to do with how he was able to get in to the White House so many times on the “day pass” system, than with his work as a blogger.
I’ve published some fan-fic under my real name…but with people getting fired for their out-of-work blogging activities, I can see why someone would prefer to remain anonymous (though if I’d been Armando, I would’ve got with a better handle than my own first name, say, “Dick Cheney’s Good Twin” or some such. 😉 )
I pretty much stayed out of the Armando-praising (or Armando-bashing) diaries…my blog time is limited while I’m on vacation…
the Hip Hop Caucus?
that’s a kick-ass flash site. I just read that they’re doing a joint event on the Hill with the Congressional Progressive Caucus to counteract Bush’s “Ownership Society” Agenda. I’m already in the fawning mode.
well said. Sheesh.