Well, I finally uploaded some photos from Vegas for y’all…
here they are, with apologies for the less than stellar quality of my picture taking!
Friday morning started out with a breakfast with
Bill Richardson, Governor of New Mexico:

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After that was over, it was time for the Plame panel
and Jerome a Paris’ Energy panel:

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Not that you can really tell from this picture, but the panel included Larry Johnson, Joe Wilson, Dan Froomkin, Jane Hamsher, Murray Waas, Christy Hardin Smith, and Emptywheel

Bill Richardson (Governor of New Mexico and Secretary of Energy under Bill Clinton)
surrounded by the Energize America team:
from left to right: Mark Sumner (devilstower, who by the way, has a log cabin too),
Jérôme Guillet (Jerome a Paris), George Karayannis (Doolittle Sothere),
and Adam Siegel (A Siegel).

BooMan and Larry Johnson finally met in person:

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Some photos from the BooMan/MyLeftWing/EuroTrib party:

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Rosee, BooMan, CabinGirl, Shermanesqe, and SanDiegoDem.

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Is there anyone who doesn’t recognize Maryscott and her  husband Adam?

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NYBri, candidate for NY State Senate and
an unidentified blogger…

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Janet Strange, BooMan, SanDiegoDem, Shermanesque, and boran2.

Of course, it wasn’t all politicians, panels, and parties.  
Did you know that the ceiling of the lobby at the Bellagio is full of Chihuly glass?
(Thanks for telling me, maryb2004!)

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I even went shopping at the Chihuly gift shop,
but I just couldn’t decide which of these pieces would
look the best at Chez Cabin.  Maybe next trip?

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They also have an awesome model train set up at the Bellagio.
I had to take some picture for the CabinBoys to see:

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Yes, that’s a fountain of water shooting across the air.

And did you know that Wayne Newtown cuts hair at the Riviera barbershop?  
We even saw him leaving work in his red El Dorado convertible one afternoon…

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So, does anybody else have some Vegas photos to share?