Soaking in the sunshine of the Kos Konvention from afar:

We here are actually the true center of the Democratic Party and the real center of America because:.

* We believe we are individuals who make up a larger community and that the proper role of government should always be moving in the direction of bettering community–such should be the central mantlepiece of the Democratic Party as we see it..
* We believe in the implementation of public policies and laws that strengthen community, that benefit the lives of the ordinary and the unremarkable–the majority–and not playing the whore for pimp corporative wishes–such should be the primary goal of the Democratic Party as we see it.

* We support the restoration of a fair economic playing field–a lost Democratic heritage–such should be a duty one of the Democratic Party members as we see it.

* We believe in citizen-legislators who assume a political role in order to better our country, our states, our communities and our individuals–not for obtaining personal power or financial wealth–such should be the litmus test for entry as a candidate and continual candidacy in the Democratic Party as we see it.

* We believe in supporting the commonweal even if doing so often doesn’t necessarily benefit ourselves in immediate or tangible financial ways because such makes for a fairer and more praiseworthy society–an actual civilization–one we want to inhabit. and that leaves the world a better place than when we entered it.

* We believe in protecting and assisting those unable to do so for themselves because it is the right and moral thing to do–not because there is a financial or political benefit or advantage in doing so.

* We believe in recognizing humanity and accepting  the accompanying foibles that result in personal stumbles and falls. The same acknowledgement applies to our citizens-legislators. They will not be personally unblemished but need to select the political options that best support Joe and Josephine America when given the choice between that or buttressing the existing corporate/government oligarchy.

The above are centrist core values and should be the hallmarks of the Democratic Party as we desire it.