I don’t like Ann Coulter.

Her rhetoric is hateful, vile and immoral. She frequently “jokes” about the death or murder of people she doesn’t like; e.g., former President Clinton (suggesting assassination while he was in office), Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens (poisoning), the staff of the New York Times (wishing Tim McVeigh had chosen them as the target for his truck bomb), and anyone who’s a Muslim, to name but a few. She is a virtual fountain of ad hominem attacks, with her description of the 9/11 widows as “harpies” being only the latest in a long line of what used to be out of bounds comments for a syndicated columnist, best selling author and frequent television pundit such as herself.

No matter. What Advertising Age magazine allowed to be published in this article was wrong:


Would it kill you, “Godless” author Ann Coulter, to do us all a favor and kill yourself? (Oh, well, yeah, I guess it would kill you.)

After her recent rabidly hateful, foaming-at-the-mouth, sub-human “Today” show appearance — in which she reiterated her assertion that 9/11 widows are “enjoying their husband’s deaths” — even her former supporters began to fantasize about how much nicer the world would be if it were Coulterless.

The byline given for this Advertising Age article is someone named Simon Dumenco. I expect Mr. Dumenco to apologize to Ms. Coulter and print a retraction for his senseless comments. Either he should do that or be fired from his position at Advertising Age magazine. If it was wrong for Ann Coulter to do this sort of thing, it’s just as wrong for someone else to return the favor. Lowering one’s rhetorical level to match her inanity, vapidity and immorality is not the answer.

Oh, and Ann I have a word for you too. Just to be clear, you owe a lot of apologies to people, as well.

Since I doubt I’ll see any retractions coming from you for all the foul things you’ve said over the course of your so-called career as a polemicist, I call on every newspaper or periodical to which your column is syndicated, or which has ever given you an interview (i.e., TIME magazine) to stop publishing your hateful and violence laced tirades.

I call on every bookseller or other retailer which sells your books, from Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, Powells, Borders, Waldenbooks, Walmart, Target, to the smallest of independent bookstores to remove anything with your name on it from their shelves and to refuse to stock them in the future.

And I call on all television programs which have in the past, or might in the future, book you as a “guest commentator” or “pundit” to immediately stop giving you a platform from which to spew your bigoted views and hateful smear tactics. At least until you have atoned for all your hateful remarks

Fair is fair after all. If Simon Dumenco should be made to pay a price for his published “death wish” for you, you should be made to pay a price for all the slurs, slanders and murderous “jokes” that have come out of your filthy mouth.