I don’t like Ann Coulter.
Her rhetoric is hateful, vile and immoral. She frequently “jokes” about the death or murder of people she doesn’t like; e.g., former President Clinton (suggesting assassination while he was in office), Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens (poisoning), the staff of the New York Times (wishing Tim McVeigh had chosen them as the target for his truck bomb), and anyone who’s a Muslim, to name but a few. She is a virtual fountain of ad hominem attacks, with her description of the 9/11 widows as “harpies” being only the latest in a long line of what used to be out of bounds comments for a syndicated columnist, best selling author and frequent television pundit such as herself.
No matter. What Advertising Age magazine allowed to be published in this article was wrong:
Would it kill you, “Godless” author Ann Coulter, to do us all a favor and kill yourself? (Oh, well, yeah, I guess it would kill you.)
After her recent rabidly hateful, foaming-at-the-mouth, sub-human “Today” show appearance — in which she reiterated her assertion that 9/11 widows are “enjoying their husband’s deaths” — even her former supporters began to fantasize about how much nicer the world would be if it were Coulterless.
The byline given for this Advertising Age article is someone named Simon Dumenco. I expect Mr. Dumenco to apologize to Ms. Coulter and print a retraction for his senseless comments. Either he should do that or be fired from his position at Advertising Age magazine. If it was wrong for Ann Coulter to do this sort of thing, it’s just as wrong for someone else to return the favor. Lowering one’s rhetorical level to match her inanity, vapidity and immorality is not the answer.
Oh, and Ann I have a word for you too. Just to be clear, you owe a lot of apologies to people, as well.
Since I doubt I’ll see any retractions coming from you for all the foul things you’ve said over the course of your so-called career as a polemicist, I call on every newspaper or periodical to which your column is syndicated, or which has ever given you an interview (i.e., TIME magazine) to stop publishing your hateful and violence laced tirades.
I call on every bookseller or other retailer which sells your books, from Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, Powells, Borders, Waldenbooks, Walmart, Target, to the smallest of independent bookstores to remove anything with your name on it from their shelves and to refuse to stock them in the future.
And I call on all television programs which have in the past, or might in the future, book you as a “guest commentator” or “pundit” to immediately stop giving you a platform from which to spew your bigoted views and hateful smear tactics. At least until you have atoned for all your hateful remarks
Fair is fair after all. If Simon Dumenco should be made to pay a price for his published “death wish” for you, you should be made to pay a price for all the slurs, slanders and murderous “jokes” that have come out of your filthy mouth.
Sometimes being a liberal, and being required to show fairness in the face of outrageous and vile attacks, just….sucks. And you know, sometimes it’s not wrong to think that the world would be a better place without the presence of some people. I don’t know what else to say, other than that I respect the right of Mr. Dumenco to state his opinion. The same as I respect the right of Ann Coulter to state hers.
When will you guys ever get it: irony does not necessarily mean funny or serious? I know this is too clever for this age of dumbfounded earnestness but come on….
Dumenco was JOKING. Wasnt he?
Oh you mean you are joking too? Bravo, recommended!
Personally, I thought the diary that appeared on Dkos a while back depicting Coulter as a foul mouthed b*ch who could only get hot for al s*x with progressive men with huge dcks (like me for instance) pretty much said it all…
And I know that I have no right to call her a foulmouthed B
tch, but as all my ex wives will tell you I have no idea about the issues which are important to women.
I really do have a big d
*k tho….
Donkey, while I am certain whether or not “I” like your work or not could not possibly matter less to you, I will offer you this feedback, even tho it’s probably a waste of keystrokes. I’d LIKE to recommend your work, clearly it is important to you to have your wiritng skills validated, and clearly you have talent. But I keep getting sidetracked by two things: your tendency to zero on on personalities, rather than topics or issues, and the level of crudeness you choose to include. (And yes I am old and I am a woman, but I have never been a prude, EVER!) Nor am I any kind of self appointed diary censor. Just a writer, like you, who appraciates writing talent when I see it, and dislikes seeing it sidetracked. Just my own humble opinion, of course, but based on what kind of writing seems to be the most accepted and appreciated here on this particular forum.
This feedback and two bucks, might get you a cup of Joe. but it’s your of you want it.
Thanks for the feedback. I love it all, espeically the critical ones. You dont learn anything at all from empty praise. In fact, I am troll rating the next person who tells me I have talent, but…:)
You are wrong about one point. I am not seeking validation for my writing. If I did I would carefully craft diaries that carefully reinforced everyones carefully crafted biases instead of trying (vainly) to upset same. That way I would always end up on the recommended list, be continuously showeeered with empty praise and feel (finally) that my wasted life was worth something after all.
BTW, were you aware that my parents dropped me on the head when I was a baby?
Not buying old “dropped on my head as a baby excuse.” Sorry. Nor do I believe you don’t want validation of your work: show me ONE writer who doesn’t want some of that, just one. And who said you to have write diaries that ” carefully reinforce everyones carefully crafted biases” in order to have your work be appreciated here I didn’t. Who are you talking to?
He’s talking to the voices in his head since, as you correctly noted, he wasn’t dropped on his head as a baby. Rather, he suffers from Russel Crowe’s, A Beautiful Mind syndrome. Thus his apparent talent as a writer, though frought with trips off to wonderland.
Ok it was actually a car accident when I was 18. I am speaking straight to you, as one who has been blinded by your own biases or should I say convictions?
Ok I’ll bite the hook if you wont. Here is a partial list of writers who were looking to overturn the apple cart as opposed to seeking validation from the apple eaters:
Thats ten and counting. I am sure i could dig up more but that would involve RESEARCH. Yecch!
I’d stick Kurt Vonnegut somewhere high on the list…but that’s just me…
yes. he is a world renowned Celine apprentice by his own estimation.
ok for those of you scoring at home, if not Scribe, here’s the reasoning behind the list:
I imagine you’re thinking of Emily Dickinson.
Emily Dickenson indeed.
And who was the nympho/alcoholic Sylvia Plath protege from the 50s? Very famous and self destructive yet I cant remmebr her name either.
Scribe was right. I really do have to start reexamning my attitude towards women. Maybe I should start by reading their poetry. As my son would say
I can’t imagine that Sylvia Plath would have had a protege “from the 1950s,” as she died at age 30 in 1963 and her poetry was not widely known until after her death. Perhaps you mean Anne Sexton, who was an acquaintance and contemporary of Plath’s, but I wouldn’t venture to guess based on your dismissive description.
bingo. I kept thinking Anne Tyler but knew that wasnt correct, although Tyler’s pretty damn good too.
Anne Sexton. Excellent. Thank you veddy much again.
of the limelight. Her book sales have been the writing on the wall and “the harpies” is an effort on her part to get some of the spotlight on herself again and sell some books. I personally hope she sells very few books due to this, it’s really yucky! Seems to me that America is looking for a place to take a nice long hot shower and wash some of this nastiness off!
Since you have stated that you are a woman, and an old one at that, do you ever remember a time when progressives ruled the earth?
When political incorrectness was seen as a virtue and not a liability by progressives?
When it was the conservatives who weeere seen as a bunch of uptight…well….old people….and not progressives, who were then young unabashed filthy and foulmouthed?
Me neither. Those prudes the reptublicans have been in power to doggone long, havent they?
Not biting that hook, Donkey. I just offered you some straight up feedback, writer to writer. Take it or leave it. Either is ok by me.
I guess thats what I am saying. What makes you afriad to bite the hook? You think I am going to bite you back?
As I said I appreciate your feedback and just as with your earlier advice to me to reexamine my attitudes towards women (and no I did not write the porno satire of Coulter, altho it was dead on target–but yes smutty as all get out) your advice to clean up and get back to issues related blogging as opposed to personality related blogging, it has no doubt already seeped through my injured brain stem and you will begin slowly to see its impact on my writing…altho I think you know in your heart of hearts there are more issues going on in my diaries than you would care to admit….
What makes you assume I am afraid to, as opposed to simply choosing not to? And why assume I don’t care to admit there deeper issues in your diaries? Do you want to take me the actual “me” or the version of me you have formed in your own head? But I really, I don’t want this conversation to hijack some elses diary either..so feel free to email if you want to continue this fascinating conversation! (Or! We could jointly write a new diary called “The Donkey and the Scribe” and have at it!)
why are you afraid to hijack this thread? its a stupid one anyway….:)
I mean come on: Ann Coulter is horrible but nobody should want her dead?
As my son says every time I speak to him: Duh!
I don’t want Ann Coulter dead.
I am not “afraid”.
I “choose” not to hijack another’s diary for my own purposes when I can write my own if I want to.
The end.
I guess the point I am trying to make, the essence of my Important Body Of Work, so to speak, is that most of the progressives pictures I see are pictures of old people, just like you and me. I would say its 70% gray hair at least.
This suggests that young people in general are not warming up to the uptite style of progressiviism we are offering them.
These kids today (our BT front pagers excepted) are pretty f*cking hip to the world around them. Astute beyond their years most of them.
So why arent they signing on with us like we signed on with the old socialist peace and freedom crowd back in the 60s?
Just wondering….I dont expect an answer…I dont have one either…
I disagree. I do not think donkeytale has writing talent. I think it’s all equivalent to an 8 year old making farting sounds.
I think the author was trying to be snarky, and the poster here is taking things a bit too seriously. Two short paragraphs at the end of a “give me a break already you insane media types and by the way, I’m incredibly witty and cool” column does not a firing offense make.
I thought the entire piece would be some sort of serious “why this creature should kill herself” thing and it’s absolutely not. It’s a throwaway to fill space. It’s in questionable taste, certainly, but given that so much of the advertising market is located in New York, I’m hardly surprised by it.
…because all words have power, and those particular words cannot be excused simply because of their placement or timing in a larger story.
It’s like when, last week in Vegas, there was some applause or other positive reaction to the news of Zarkawi’s death.
I just can’t applaud the death of anybody. I can’t.
I stopped watching professional wrestling when I was a kid.
It will be interesting to see if those debating the Armando issue will argue here that Coulter brought this upon herself. Sorry, being a vile, loathsome, slimey media whore still doesn’t warrant calls for her death.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t recall hearing anyone calling for the death by suicide of Armando. I know, it’s a small detail. But I thought it important nonetheless.
The point here is the deserved/undeserved fruits of one’s own actions. Coulter is disgusting but still shouldn’t be the subject of death calls, as Armando, though an asshole, shouldn’t be outed against his wishes.
And this question was the source of Suskind’s three (now one) diaries. And no matter anyone’s opinion about whether Armando is entitled to sympathy, the main thrust, I thought, of the diaries was the issue of internet privacy and any blogger’s right to it, or not. And sure, there was plenty of invective, on both sides I might add, but it was the author’s choice to incude Armando’s name in the titles of those diaries. I don’t recall any other diaries on the subject, other than Kahli’s, which was more along the lines of what any of us are willing to risk in this medium, and what we are willing to sacrifice in our fight against this government, if I read it correctly.
Armando himself admitted in a comment to me at dKos last night that he was not entitled to anyone’s sympathy, nor entitled to feel hurt by the accusations made in those diaries, because he understood that he had hurt the feelindgs of so many over the years. Actually I found his comment quite poignant, considering the source.
If we’re talking about what goes around comes around, Armando was a total asshole and he was treated like a total asshole in the comments. I think outing a person is crossing the line.
On the other hand, Coulter has made it her schtick now to call for people to be killed [and Fallwell and Bush and the 2000lbs powerlifter Robertson] and now someone is writing that they’d like to see her kill herself, not for someone to go and kill her. I’m not saying it’s right, but it’s more on par in my eyes.
I’d rather see her shrivel away after we retake a couple branches of government as she ups her addiction to uppers.
We’re giving her way too much free rent space in our heads.
Instead of giving her more publicity… tell your friends and your media companies who you DO watch, read, listen to.
Instead of us posting about Ann… let’s post about what Amy Goodman did yesterday. Let’s have a front page diary about Democracy News show that will air later today.
In the world of living with someone who is autistic… it’s called “positive reinforcement”.
I can not wait to hear Amy Goodman today!!!
Frankly Janet the reason I did this was because I know the right will claim we are two faced complaining about Coulter but not about people on “our side” (though I have no idea who Mr. Dumenco is or of he is on our side) who make these sort of statements.
So I felt it was important to be consistent in my criticism. Please note that I called for as much atonement from Coulter as I did from AdAge.
As for giving her too much space, I respectfully disagree. I think we need to be asking every Republican we meet, in private or public life if Ann Coulter speaks for them, and if not why haven’t they condemned her remarks? In that regard we need to do even more to publicize her racist, bigoted, foul mouthed, slanderous views to the fore. This is something the GOP has been doing for years to Democrats, to the extent that the media does their work for them now without even being asked (e.g., Tim Russert asking Obama if he condemns Harry Belafonte comments about Bush being a terrorist).
My view is that we can’t broadcast Coulters potty mouth enough, always with the point that this is a Republican spokesperson. We need to force their hand.
jmo, of course.
My post wasn’t directed at you, Steven, even though it’s your diary…. It’s just a possible idea, solution on how to promote the real journalists.
Yeah, we need to denouncer her crap, but I think she’s like Rush Limbaugh in that bad publicity keeps her steaming ahead. Yeah we need to show the world she’s a batshit loony but one of the ways we can do that is by COMPARISON. When you hold up Ann to Amy… even a rock can see which one is worth reading.
A new friend told me she was so upset about this… but yet she had never heard of Amy Goodman or MoJo.
I think the best way to “get rid of Ann” is to give a loved one a subcription to MoJo or FreeSpeech TV or Link… or a community run radio membership or…
cheesecake : )
For every hate email one sends to Ann’s way – I’d just like to think that there’s an email or letter going to Democracy Now!’s way telling them we’re listening/reading/watching.
I particularly like Mike Shaw’s take at BagNewsNotes. (Warning: Ann Couter picture at link)
“I think we should do Ann a favor and ignore her — and hope she gets some help.”
I Love that link!! Fun read!!! Thank you so much! π
I see both sides of this one, and keep bouncing from one to the other. I HATE the idea of participating in giving this hate-spewing opporttunistic women any more attention, thus book sales. Yet I also think there is value in holding her fanatisism up to the light for all to see and drawing the line between her and the far right.
The one SURE “winner” in this kind of sick game, (if winning is defined by publicity and dollars gained ) is Ann Coulter.
Very true, but a few days ago… Democracy Now! got a new reader. A young mom of a disabled boy who thought that all the “news” was just a bunch of hot air scumbags.
So there was one small victory in all this sewage. π
It seems quite clear to me that Mr. Dumenco was trying to do a pastiche of Ms. Coulter with his “Would it kill you to kill yourself?” wisecrack. As if he was going to give her a dose of her own medicine. She does seem to be like most bullies, happy to dish it out but the simply can’t take it when the consequences come around.
But it was a weak pastiche, as even Mr. Dumenco dares not reach Anne’s level of hate speech. I get the sneaking suspicion that your complaints serve the purpose of keeping Ms. Coulter in the spotlight.
This is really what she wants. She wants to feel important, to be talked about. I refuse to read her, to even comment on her stories elsewhere. She is not worthy of the attention she so desperately craves.
I’ll even go so far and posit that Anne Coulter doesn’t even believe in what she spouts. She’ll say and write anything to get copy. She looks for which position will draw most attention, and adopts it. If she thought doing a 180° turn and supporting the Democrats would get her more readers, she’d do it. However, she’s painted herself into a corner; if she were to change course now, she’d be exposed for the attention-whore she is.
I wish her the “minstrel’s death”: not a literal death, but the situation where the audience no longer listens/watches and the “artist” is jettisoned into obscurity. I don’t wish for her health to be ruined, but I do wish for her to become an unsellable, unhirable has-been, tossed aside by her corporate masters.
From a free speech point of view, Dumenco was within his rights.
From a “how in the world does this help?” point of view, his comments are glib, possibly satirical, and very non-constructive. At least that’s what I think.
I’m not objecting to his free speech right, or Coulter’s foir that matter. Both are entitled to say anything they want about the other. But this isn’t about freedom of speech, its about a ethical decision that both made, and both made incorrectly in my view.
Should they be rewarded for their comments? No.
Now do I seriously think Coulter will stop doing what she does, or that Dumenco will be fired over this? No I don’t. But in my view its important to state that its immoral to call for the death of any human being. It isn’t funny except in a sick perverted sort of way.
When you have the privilege of publishing your words to the public through the auspices of a newspaper, magazine, major publishing house or television station, you ought, at a bare minimum, refrain from this sort of discourse. It didn’t use to be tolerated. Now it is the norm.
The result will not be a happy one for our country.
Is precisely why Coulter has such access to the media.
Read the entire essay: Evil Minds by Lance Mannion.
Hat tip to Wolcott.
How about wishing Ann Coulter picks up some bizarre rare sexually transmitted skin condition that leaves her covered head to toe with intensely itchy pus-oozing welts?
Is that okay?
Just in time for breakfast.
Bon appetit
If you were thinking of Ann Coulter during breakfast, I’m not the one to blame for your lack of appetite.
The thought Ann Coulter is enough to ruin anyone’s appetite. Whether Ann Coulter’s skin is clear in your mind’s eye while doing that thinking is way down the list of secondary considerations.
The Anne Coulter Diet, where you hang a lifesize poster of Anne Coulter on your refrigerator and a week later find yourself eating at Burger King and sleeping on your own stoop. You burn up extra calories through the body heat that you have to generate to sleep outdoors.
than to toss off a high school remark so easily dismissed. Even with a jaded New York audience, at his age (late 30’s)and with a popular column, he could have written some pithier digs about Coulter. The Columbia Journalism Review featured him in 2002, complete with picture, when he was an editor at “New York Magazine.”
It takes much more than this one lapse in judgment to be fired in NY. Look at Coulter’s longevity (wherever she votes –New Canaan, Florida, or Manhattan???).
call me a liberal softie, but I do not wish death to anyone on the Right before their appointed time. Maybe it’s my Christian upbringing and faith, but I want them to have plenty of time to realize the error of their ways, to repent, and to make atonement for their words and actions.
And if that day should not come, I wish for them to come before the Judgement Seat of God and to be judged not by Him, but by the spirits of those they wronged and harmed during their lives — for George Bush, it would be the 2400+ Americans and untold numbers of Iraqis who have died in his illegal war…for Dick Cheney it would be the poor and sick who could not afford heating fuel due to the rapacious pricing tactics of his friends in the energy industry…for Ann Coulter and her friends in the Right it would be the 9/11 victims whose memories have been sullied due to the prattling of Coulter & Co…etc….
She is always so angry…no happiness to be found any where or any place. I can’t imagine how lonely she really feels and attempts to suppress and cover up. Is it just me or does Anne Coulter strike you as someone who had a very very emotionally abusive childhood and is a very broken person on the inside doing everything she can possibly do to look good and appear omnipotent on the outside so that nobody will ever know?
LIberal softie… who I happen to adore because you’re also a hockey chickerita π
No cheesecake for Coulter! π
C’mon we all think the world would be better without Coulter’s vitriol, and that the only way to be rid of the vitriol is to be rid of Coulter. I’ll bet there are contributors to this site who would volunteer to slip her the hemlock, although I’d prefer a .357 to celebrate her NRA membership.
Having said this in such a Coulterish fashion, I really do pine for the days of Senators Dirksen, Stevenson, Humphrey, Gore the Elder, et. al., when the dialogue was as civil as the ideas were worth arguing over.
But hey, cancer has to be excised or radiated.
See it really is fun and easy to talk like a fascist. Zarqawi used to do it; Falwell and Robertson still do it; Bush has Rove and Cheney do it for him.