Would you rather be the homeless beggar without hope of escaping his condition, or the person in a ClubFed prison?
It’s the subject of Lakoff’s latest book. Preserving it is the very reason for the existence of government. And yet, freedom is what Lakoff calls a “contested concept”: i.e., different people mean different things when they say the word. When people of differing ideologies talk about “freedom”, they often talk right past one another. Arguments between the two sides accomplish nothing, as each side talks about presumably common ideas, but use words that carry vastly different meanings to each of them.
But there is a way of resolving such dilemmas. It is a method that has been used since at least Greco-Roman times, and carries the name Reductio ad Absurdum.
From Wikipedia:
Reductio ad absurdum (Latin for “reduction to the absurd”, traceable back to the Greek ἡ εις άτοπον απαγωγη (hi eis átopon apagogi), “reduction to the impossible”, often used by Aristotle), also known as an apagogical argument or reductio ad impossibile, is a type of logical argument where one assumes a claim for the sake of argument, arrives at an absurd result, and then concludes that the original assumption must have been wrong, since it led to this absurd result. This is also known as proof by contradiction. It makes use of the law of non-contradiction–a statement cannot be both true and false. In some cases it may also make use of the law of excluded middle–a statement which cannot be false, must then be true.
One such example of this would be:
Person #1: Opinions are like assholes. Everybody’s got one. And each is entitled to his own.
Person #2: And if you said the sky was green, and I said it was blue, would that be just two more opinions that each was entitled to?
It’s an incredibly effective technique.
And it is the key to blowing apart the Republican vision of “freedom”.
You see, conservatism in general (and I don’t equate them with the GOP here, because the GOP is perfectly content to regulate your bedroom) views all regulation as a detriment to freedom. And, certainly, anyone who has experienced an IRS audit or a 35 MPH speed trap on a highway can understand the feeling.
Even the public school system is viewed as a detriment to freedom. As Trevino stated in his post about the Overton Window (which I turned into a diary):
Let’s say, for example, that you want to make education as free and choice-based as it can possibly be. Let’s start by developing a continuum of educational states, from the desired extreme of total freedom, to the undesirable extreme of total statism. It might look something like this:
[#1]–No government involvement in education.
In other words, not having a regulated public education system is, to a conservative, the very ideal of freedom.
A liberal, on the other hand, understands that freedom lies in what one is capable of doing, rather than what one is possibly restricted from doing. A liberal understands that having the ability to receive a good education regardless of circumstances is a net increase to his/her freedom–even if it comes bundled with school taxes, truancy laws, etc.
How to resolve this intractable problem, then? By taking each ideology to its logical extension.
Conservatives love to equate socialism with prison: just see here or here:
Today that liberty and that republic are under assault here at home yet the majority of our fellow Americans seem content to stand by and allow the Marxists and the elitist environmentalists and the United Nations globalists zealots drag them into the socialist prison camp they want America to become.
And, under certain circumstances associated with absolute socialism, this analogy holds up: strict regulations on what can be achieved, acquired and innovated can lead to conditions resembling that of incarceration, except by a “benevolent” state.
Nevertheless, however, it MUST be noted that even the strictest socialism does not limit much freedom of movement–only freedom of certain actions. At best, a ClubFed prison would be by far a better analogy.
Conservatives, however, have a problem: taken to its logical extreme conclusion, the ideology of conservatism doesn’t look much better.
That’s because the ultimate analogy of the conservative ideal is destitute homelessness.
After all, a homeless person doesn’t have the obligation to pay rent. Or taxes. Or a car payment. Or go to a job.
A homeless person is completely free of all bonds and burdens.
The problem, of course, is that a homeless person is hardly free. A homeless person doesn’t have the freedom to have shelther during a storm, or food when they are hungry. A homeless person is not at liberty to do most things that you or I take for granted.
Prison, meanwhile, secures a person guaranteed shelter, clothing, exercise, reading material, and three meals a day.
And this is, fundamentally, what it comes down to. The extreme position on the conservative side is one of national homelessness, while the extreme position on the liberal side is one approaching national incarceration. How a person answers this fundamental question will tell you a great deal about which side of the intellectual divide they natural fall on.
It is my belief that most people–given the choice between permanent homelessness without the chance of improving their condition, or mild incarceration that prohibits not where they can go, but rather what they can do–would take the latter. Almost ANYONE would rather get three meals a day and clothing and a roof over their head–especially if their freedom of movement were only marginally restricted–than experience the “freedom” of homelessness.
And that is why Liberalism–as an ideology–will ALWAYS win on the most fundamental, visceral and subconscious level. But only when, of course, the alternative is sharply drawn (such as, for instance, in Armando’s famous Politics of Contrast).
Their vision of “freedom” is absurd–and they apply it with extremism. Our vision is not–and we don’t apply ours with the extremism they apply theirs. Increasing people’s ability to do things they want to do, at the expense of mild regulation, is ALWAYS better than eliminating that regulation at the expense of capabilities. We should be winners of this ideological divide hands down.
The fact that we haven’t already laid this debate to rest is only proof that our politicians don’t understand this distinction on the most fundamental level.
And it’s time to Crash the Gate and clean them out–because at this point, American politics American politics ITSELF is absurd.
also available in orange.
Interesting topic thereisnospoon.
One way I look at is in an almost Abraham Maslow hierarchy of needs way. In other words, in America people who advocate for conservative (negative) freedom often have there lower needs met. They have their safety needs, their food, shelter, etc. So, with all those taken for granted.. freedom becomes their “god”.
I think this is a fundamental difference between people who live in other countries who don’t have such basic needs met. I’ve heard people in the Middle East advocate for democracy and human rights, but they want a roof and regular meals first (not even to touch on the deluded freedom that they think Westerns have with money being a huge factor in our democracy).
It’s not that liberals don’t value freedom, it’s just we value other things as well. The way certain right wing thinkers think of freedom is in terms of some principle and being internally consistent (which tisp contests). They don’t take the time to think of the consequences of their principle and how that interplays with other values. This is like an anti-abortion stance. It adheres to a principle but never looks at the suffering that is caused by advocating such a position (hangers, back alleys, etc)..
Okay, I’m rambling, and pretty sure I’ve just repeated some of the thoughts of the diary. I’ll stop.
Politics will always be absurd since it subdivides the community into waring factions. This is a factor of each individual in the equation having a natural tendency to put their own interests above those of the community.
The republicans are trying equate the principles underlying democracy with the principles underlying a “free market.” Their idea of “freedom” is a capitalistic “free for all” and may the best man line my pockets with campaign contributions so that I can abort the democratic process and rape his/her “have not” constituency to protect the rights of my “have” constituency to acquire obscene wealth. Given that I’m a greedy unprincipled son-of-a bitch, I’m working hard to make sure that a healthy percentage of that obscene wealth will trickle down to me in all of its glorious manifestations.
IMHO, that is not only absurd but a tragic abomination.
“A statement cannot be both true and false.”
This would be “true” if “true” and “false” were absolutes, but in actuality they are relative concepts. For example, books are divided into categories of “fiction’ and “non-fiction.” So, in the world of literature, “truth” is defined by what is “not true.”
So it is bankrupt to appeal to the facts. There are no facts. It’s all about what people want to believe, since what they want to believe constitutes “reality” for them.
My news does not fit into the reality of someone who watches Fox News all the time because it tells them what they want to hear. But why do they want to hear it? Why to they want to constitute the reality of their life around a deception within an illusion? That’s what I would like to know.
People prefer illusion when they are afraid embracing reality might bring discomfort or be too inconvenient.
But it is always fear in one form or another that is at the root of denial.
“People prefer illusion when they are afraid embracing reality might bring discomfort or be too inconvenient.”
Yes, and it’s the same idea I started out with….
“This is a factor of each individual in the equation having a natural tendency to put their own interests above those of the community.”
Without love, it is always inconvenient and brings discomfort for the individual to put the interests of the community above his/her own interests. Without love, embracing “reality” is always uncomfortable and inconvenient when it means sacrificing self-interest.
Yes! And love is the opposite of fear.
What a coincidence, ay! LOL!
Is that so? I’m glad we can be sure of that.
The biggest problem when using the word freedom in the public discourse is that “freedom” by itself has virtually no inherent value. The word itself is a generic that basically indicates merely an absence of restraint.
No. Freedom only acquires functional relevance when one asks; Which [specific] freedoms are we talking about and for whom!”
And, tragically, the politicians frequently fail to describe these sorts of specifics, and the media mannequins that cover them almost never ask for details. In all the times I’ve heard Bush the Imbecile going on and on about “bringing freedom to the world”, and “freedom is god’s gift to mankind”, etc., I’ve never ever heard a single newsperson ask him; “Which freedoms do you support Mr. President and which do you reject?”
I would rather classify the majority of political discourse, as it is currently practiced by “conservatives’ as sophism: a clever, invalid argument using ingenuity in language and reasoning in the interest of deceit.
The fact that the left, in general, has difficulty in rebuking these arguments has less to do with the forensic skills of those in the so called ‘opposition’, than the fact that the right controls the language, ergo the meaning, the ‘reality’ of their interpretation.
Language informs thought, therefore, control the language…. control the thought. Until the left/opposition can influence and exert control of the semantics, the right will continue to create “realities” as they see fit, and we/they will continue to play catch-up attempting to decifer said reality in lieu of countering it.
well, that’s absolutely true of Republicans. Everything Bill O’Reilly has ever said is sophistry.
But Conservatism as a philosophy has legitimate, if misguided, precepts; and it is conservatism that I talk about in this post.