When the next big crisis in America occurs (war with Iran, new terrorist attacks, a flu pandemic, a stock market crash, double or triple digit inflation, etc.) what will become of what’s left of our Republic? Will it withstand the assault to our freedoms and liberties from the Radical Right, as it did during the era of the Great Depression or will our Republic end its days in tumult and political violence?
I don’t know, frankly, but let me explain why I am so concerned about our Nation’s future at this moment in time.
We’re living on the edge in America.
On the edge of an economic meltdown. All the signs are there for anyone to see if they would only take their blinders off. Debt, both personal and government indebtedness, is at record highs. The greatest income inequality between those at the top of the wealth pyramid and the rest of us since the days of the Depression. An overvalued dollar. Massive trade deficits. An overextended military. Gas prices high and likely to head higher. Inflation ready to take off because of it. Our economy is literally operating on borrowed time.
Then throw in an executive branch determined to amass as much power to itself as possible, while invading the privacy rights of the majority of its citizens. A President who never met a war to which he could say “No.” A Constitution and Bill of Rights in tatters. An America reviled in the rest of the world for what we’ve done to Iraq, for our violations of International Conventions against the use of torture and for our belligerent and militant approach to foreign relations.
Combine that with political leadership in Congress that does nothing but debate the merits of Constitutional amendments to ban gay marriage, laws to ban flag burning and endless recriminations about the threat of illegal immigration. A Congress that has abandoned its function as a check on the power of the President in favor of open graft and a “safe” seat at the trough to keep feeding from the cesspit where political favors are traded daily for campaign contributions, free meals, junkets and (from all accounts) free access to prostitutes.
The final topper: a cheapened and coarsened political discourse sponsored by the ruling elite (and that can only mean Conservatives) and their sycophants in the media that trades in big lies, ugly rumors, smears, slanders, the “stab in the back” myth, hate and incitements to violence against all those who oppose them, from climate scientists to evolutionary biologists, from Mexican immigrants to gays and lesbians, from federal judges to government whistleblowers, and most of all anyone and everyone who considers themselves a liberal.
Personally, what I fear the most is that the next big crisis will trigger an outbreak of hard core fascism. Not the soft fascism of the current regime which flies under the radar of most people, but the kind that suspends liberties permanently and puts people in concentration camps. The kind where violence against its political opponents is not just encouraged among its supporters, but practiced by the State. The kind where genocide thrives.
Everything is in place for such a movement to rise to power. Corporate power aligned with the Radical Right, and political polarization in our country at levels not seen since the days preceding our Civil War. When the shit hits the proverbial fan, people will be angry. They will want to find a scapegoat to pin the blame upon for all that has gone wrong in their lives. And movement conservatives have been laying the groundwork for that moment for over 50 years.
Funded by wealthy individuals with a radical agenda to undo the accomplishments of the New Deal, and staffed by religious zealots who preach a doctrine of hatred in the name of Jesus Christ, they have been relentless in their demonization of “godless” liberals who “hate America” and in their own words represent a “fifth column” of “traitors” ready to hand over our country to whomever represents the current menace to our great society (Internationally Communism until 1989, but, since 9/11/01, International Terrorism).
But they do not stop pointing fingers merely at “liberals” just as Hitler did not stop at denouncing Social Democrats and Communists. A host of others, from GBLT communities with their alleged “gay agenda” to Hollywood Liberals (code name for Jews) with their so-called agenda to debase our culture and values, from Hispanics and their alleged dreams of Reconquista to Muslim Americans with their so-called obsession with jihad and martyrdom, have also assumed prominent positions in their litany of bigotry and blame. Even African Americans have not escaped their venom, as anyone who listened to talk radio in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina can attest.
In Rwanda, hate radio over a number of years encouraged the belief that the ethnic minority Tutsis were subhuman, vicious killers plotting the deaths of the majority Hutus. Under the direction of certain, truly evil Hutu leaders, who feared their loss of power under the Arusha Accords of 1993, hate radio broadcasts that they sponsored began airing increasingly virulent propaganda with the aim of inciting genocide against the Tutsi minority. As we all know now, those broadcasts were all too effective, and when the ruling Hutu President, Juvénal Habyarimana was assassinated, his death triggered a wave of revenge killings that soon devolved into the mass murder of Tutsis and moderate Hutus by the Hutu dominated military, extremist militias and gangs of young unemployed Hutus.
We like to think that such a thing could never happen here, in America. Yet our own history is replete with racist and nativist movements that have dominated political parties, and even entire regions of the country in the past. Such movements often come to the fore in times of national crisis, when people are most anxious about their future.
The Know Nothing Party rode to prominence in American politics in the years of the first great wave of Irish immigration to the United States. Similar movements arose on the West Coast in response the immigration from China, Japan and other Asian countries.
The Ku Klux Klan initially came to power in the South to terrorize newly freed blacks and set in motion a train of events that would ultimately lead to a century of lynchings and Jim Crow laws. The KKK’s fortunes would wax and wane over that period, but it remained a political power in many parts of the country even after the tide turned against its racist ideology in the 1950’s and 1960’s. Indeed, it still exists today.
Religious zealots who amassed great influence and power in the media and throughout the country by adapting radio to promote bigotry and hate are also nothing new in this country. The first “hate jock” was Father Charles Coughlin in the 1930’s during the Great Depression. His anti-Semitic views and fascist sympathies encouraged and supported the fascist organization, the Christian Front that was shut down by the FBI in 1940 when its plot to assassinate several Congressmen and ultimately establish the US as a fascist dictatorship was exposed.
Nor was the Christian Front alone during the 1930’s in plotting to overthrow our Republic and install a fascist dictatorship in its place. Indeed, many major industrialists and prominent Wall Street financiers plotted a military coup against Franklin Roosevelt in 1933, which would have created a fascist state. That coup fell apart only after the military man who was approached to lead troops into Washington, D.C., Marine General Smedley Butler, exposed the plot in testimony before the House Special Committee on Un-American Activities Authorized to Investigate Nazi Propaganda and Certain Other Propaganda Activities, other wise known as the McCormack-Dickstein Committee.
So not only can “it happen here”, we were very fortunate that it didn’t happen 73 years ago, before Roosevelt had time to put in place the New Deal policies, like Social Security, that today’s Republican Party radicals are trying so hard to dismantle under President Bush. Just imagine how 20th Century history would have played out with a fascist dictatorship in America aligned with Hitler’s Germany.
Now imagine how which current events could lead to something similar occurring today. A devastating terrorist attack on US soil. An economic collapse. Perhaps even a another catastrophe with results like Hurricane Katrina. A major loss of life by our military forces in the Persian Gulf. Any of these events could conceivably trigger widespread unrest, and political violence. Violence that might have as its end result the formation of a truly fascist security state with all that that entails: loss of liberty, the outlawing of progressive political parties and yes, even concentration camps (which, by the way, America first employed in the 19th Century, for what else would one call “Indian Reservations?”).
This is why denouncing the eliminationist rhetoric of the Coulter’s, Limbaugh’s and Savage’s of the world is important to me. We can’t simply ignore them, as some suggest, and hope that they’ll go away on their own. That simply isn’t going to happen. They have their own means of spreading their poisonous diatribes into the homes of millions of our fellow citizens, through hate talk radio, right wing publishing houses, Fox News, and (let’s be honest) other mainstream media outlets like CNN and the New York Times. We ignore them at our considerable peril.
Ku Klux Klan
Know Nothings
Hate Radio
Right Wing Pundits
Cross posted at Daily Kos.
And also posted at My Left Wing.
Let’s face it, they’ve been very successful in dividing the country already. If BuchCo finishes pulling what social supports are left (Medicare, Social Security, Education funding, etc) out from under everyone while they finish flushing the economy down the toilet, people will be more than happy to blame the weaker group for their woes and go after them…
The neo-cons have had a lot of success lately, but every single time it’s happened because we refused to challenge these bullies. We need to swing back and hit these bullies right square in the nose when they pull this crap. Every time we fight back, they run crying to momma.
Bullies DO NOT fight. They scream and yell and posture, and run the other way the second it become obvious that their intended victims intend to make them pay a price for they are trying to steal.
Agreed. Ignoring them isn’t the answer in my humble opinion.
I agree. Whimpering in the corner about being in the minority isn’t going to do the job, and neither is ignoring their vicious attacks on people they disagree with.
It’s true the architects of the aggressively violent wignut propaganda are too cowardly to do their own fighting themselves. This is why they weaponize the ignorance of others in order to mobilize them to do the fighting and dying.
Iraq is the perfect case in point.
Neo-cons are too cowardly to attempt to seize power. They won’t attempt anything that triggers any form of direct confrontation of any kind. They aren’t lions stalking prey. They are hyenas who skulk in the shadows, and gorge on the sick and the lame that fall off the back of the herd.
I’m frankly more concerned about the Christian Right as the major force for such a takeover.
Perhaps you’ve heard of these rallies: LINK.
Those rallies are quite capable of lynching one or two victims. However, if another CROWD shows up to that’s even close to then same size that makes it clear they aren’t taking any crap, the freaks turn tail and run in the other direction.
Bush has created One Nation Under Hate.
Or perhaps we need to ask: “Did the hate create Bush?”
Hmm.. good point.
Kinda like the Pianist movie?
Caus I do see so many who are just so in love with the Bush Regime because their agenda is so simple and doesn’t require thought – KILL. KILL. Feel Free. Kill. Kill to feel free.
What she said, damnit! Thank you Steven.
I would never say that I would agree with a person burying their head in the sand and hope things would go away 🙂
My idea of sharing the work of Mother Jones or Amy Goodman as a way of combating such “writers” as Ann Coulter. I wasn’t applauding or alluding apathy.
I think we all have wonderful ways to combat and confront this. And I think it can all be done together. We hold Ann up to the light (as much as we can in this media black out) while others hold up Amy Goodman, LINK tv.
These right wingers scare me, too. They scare all of us. To them, with each day, we in their minds become their enemy – in fact one guy had a sign that said Liberals ARE the Terrorists at Fleet Week.
I saw a bumpersticker yesterday… “The only good liberal is a DEAD LIBERAL”
So NO we can’t look away, we can’t turn our backs – but we can each use our own ways to end this. You have an incredible gift of writing, so you combat Ann and others with your wonderful words. Me… I just toss a person an used copy of MoJo or slap em a link to Amy Goodman. That’s how I “fight” it. I try to create new avenues of empowerment and education for those who didn’t know of those resources.
… and I think Joan Jett would be more than happy to do it.
Ann Coulter goes off on one her hateful rants on a panel show, and Joan Jett stands up and nails Coulter in the face.
I bet it would shut Ol’ Ann up for a couple of years.
I agree that we should share the work of progressive new sources like Any. I don’t think these are opposing strategies, but rather they complement one another. You have to stand up to the propaganda and then give people their alternative to that propaganda.
Whew! I did not want you to think I was being an ostrich 🙂
You? An ostrich? Never. You’re the farthest person away from that designation that I know. You’re activism with Code Pink is inspiring to all of us here.
Awww shucks! But I still am in awe of you and what you did in DC and how and what you did to get there. And memories of holding the flag… and then OMG Jesse Jackson/Hightower/Sheehan…
We are forever bonded together due to that march/weekened. You’re stuck with me, man. Get used to it.
Oh and CP… the national site used a Portland photo (not one I took) for their new action alert. I’ll blog about it soon. This Friday and Saturyday will be busy ones… MEDEA BENJAMIN will be here!!!! and my friend Katie is back from DC where she was arrested. Then…. the recruiting station protests… oh nevermind… 🙂
I agree this is still a possibility, but perhaps not as much as a couple of years ago.
I don’t believe BushCo. has enough credibility remaining in the military, the intelligence community, or on Wall Street to successfully pull off a coup.
I think it’s more likely that the puppeteers behind the administration are desperately seeking how to disentangle themselves from this bumbling, crumbling facade of a government and line themselves up behind a shiny new model for the public to accept in 2008.
I don’t see enough public confidence for a circling of the wagons in the face of a crisis – even a truly massive terror incident – to occur. I’d say a “Nero thrown in the Tiber scenario” is more likely at this point, but only marginally so. And I admit I might be wrong. But I suspect the odds of my being wrong on this grow smaller, not larger, each day.
Knock on wood.
OK, I followed the link to Orcinus and read it. I’m back on board again.
25,000 at a talibaptist rally in Philadelphia?
Christ! (no pun intended)
Where’d I put that phone number I had for a certain Canadian job placement service?
The dominionists have gotten a complete free pass on all it’s non-biblical teachings. Not one person has stood up and called the dominionists what they are. Heretics.
What the dominionists are teaching people is not in the Bible. Matter of fact, the Bible not only doesn’t support prosperity theology. It directly contradicts the teachings of prosperity theology. If you believe as the evangelical Christians do regarding the primacy of Biblical scripture, then any evangelical Christians practicing dominionist theology needs to plan on burning in Hell. That’s what the Bible tells evangelical Christians heretics go.
The problem may be that typical liberals are not the kind of people that think in terms of “heresy” charges easily, being quite likely to have heretical views themselves. No harm in pointing out “glaring inconsistencies,” though. It just doesn’t have that same “burn them at the stake” cachet, however.
If you are playing a game of football, and you tackle the man with the ball to the ground, the crowd cheers.
If you tackle the guy with the ball in a basketball game, you’re thrown out of the game.
You have to adjust the way you play a game according to the rules of the game you are playing.
If one is speaking to a group of legal professionals, talking in terms like “glaring inconsistancies” is what is expected. If you are speaking to a group evangelical Christians, mentioning “glaring inconsistancies” will not even generate a sideways glance. Faith is all about making logical leaps.
However, pointing out that dominionism is religious heresy is part of the language and landscape of evangelical Christianity. Dominionist teachings are not in the Bible. If you intend to talk to evangelical Christians, pointing out that someone is trying to teach them something that isn’t in the Bible is a reasonable and legitimate part of the discussion.
the flow of history at this time suggests some significant percentage of the people like us here at BT should exercise our Second Amendment right to bear arms, perhaps before the November election. A shotgun is probably the best firearm for defending one’s home against thugs. (We probably don’t ALL need guns, just enough of us to conjure the inherent cowardice in the minds of the totalitarian sheep.)
In an ideal society, people would not need guns for protection from totalitarian bullies. We don’t live in an ideal society.
I keep bumping up against this sad conclusion as well. I went to a local gun shop once last year, but left quickly, with the same kind of shame I used to have as a 12 year old thinking about buying a Playboy magazine. I hate the thought of pointing a gun at a fellow human. But I also think there’s a good chance of riots, and I’d like to be able to protect my family in an emergency.
One advantage to a shotgun is that it’s hard to miss, even when one has lousy eyesight and reflexes. However, a nearby neighbor has something like an AK-47, which I hear him practicing on from time to time (bursts of autofire). What good would a shotgun be against that? Neighborhood arms race!
With a racket like that everyone will know your neighbor has an automatic weapon already. You, however, will have the element of surprise…
I acquired a gun after prominent memebers of a particularly virulent cult had threatened to kill me some years back. I kept the gun for about a year and then one day realized the idiocy of it and got rid of it.
While we’re at it, we need to arm bears, to prevent shameful scenes like this from being repeated. ;-D
MAXED OUT, the new film by James Scurlock, featured at the Seattle International Film Festival echoed many of the concerns in this piece. If given the opportunity please see it. I think the distribution rights were just sold.
Funny you should mention the native american reservations. I doubt they’ll be useful as a template — the emergency detention model we saw in WWII seems more likely — as that was a specific response to a “problem” that has no real analogy today (at least in the states — Israeli administrative policies have taken the model to new heights). I’ve been re-visiting reservation policy as a bureaucratic tool in the 19th C (looking at JW Powell’s writins) to work on a piece about the Western Shoshone resistance to DOE activities (currently focused on Yucca Mountain nuke waste depository & the post-poned ‘Divine Strake’). Most people would think the ‘Indian Wars’ were long over . . .
I was born in 1945 near the end of WWII. In my lifetime I have never felt the polarization of the population as much as I do today. I fear what will happen in a real crisis if the current climate remains intact, or heaven forbid, becomes even more divisive.
I have been telling folks that I know well for most of my adult life that “when hope is gone, the seeds of revolution have already been sewn”. I have been thinking that the biggest threat to our political and physical stability would come from the disenfranchised and lower socioeconomic class. Now I am afraid that your view is much more likely. This to me is more frightening than a revolution started out of economic frustration. Sinclair Lewis wrote “It Can’t Happen Here” in the 30’s. It seems as prophetic as 1984 to this old coot today.
Thanks Steven D. for scaring the shit out of me!
this one’s a keeper, great work Stephen.