Progress Pond

‘It’s a number.’ Saying the Names of the 2500

[promoted by BooMan]

In 1966, President Lyndon Baines Johnson set the third Sunday in June as Father’s Day. Not coincidentally, it was the same weekend that twenty of us chose to read aloud the list of the American dead in Vietnam from the steps of the state capitol building in Denver. There were, at the time, 5000 dead from that murderous, useless war, dating from December 1961 by Army count. Nine Father’s Days later, there would be nearly a dozen times as many. On that cusp-of-summer weekend, forty years ago, one name I read out was of my close high school friend: Manny Miller, aged 19, killed in action October 19, 1965.

Today, we reached another milestone in Iraq. Twenty-five hundred American military personnel have died or been killed, every one of them thanks to the avarice, cold-blooded ruthlessness and corrupt ineptitude of the Bush Regime. Of the 2500 dead, White House press secretary Tony Snow said today: It’s a number.”

Proving what a perfect spokesman he is for the chickenhawks who concocted this war and murdered the 2500 as surely as if they made them kneel with their thumbs tied behind their backs and personally beheaded them. The Bush Regime would surely prefer these 2500 to be just “a number.” Nameless statistics. Known only to their friends and kin, not the wider community of America whose future and freedom they were supposedly sent off to kill and die for.

Speaking the names of these dead men and women will not end the war in Iraq, nor American involvement in it, anymore than did our read-out of names in 1966. More than symbolic activism is required. But some things are worth doing regardless. So, on this Father’s Day, I and five friends will publicly pronounce the 2500 names of the American dead from this list below. Plus however many more are dead by then.
For as long as it takes, probably ten hours, we will read their names, ranks, ages and death dates, loudly and without hurrying. Because they aren’t just a number. Not to their families, not to us Americans who want to seize back our country from the loathsome and bloody autocrats who are the root cause of these deaths. However much the Bush Regime wishes them to be ciphers, arriving secretly in their transfer tubes at Dover Air Force Base, no matter how much it wishes to perfume their premature deaths as a sacrifice for liberty and security, these 2500 died for a stinking lie. Whether they died in vain will be determined by how willing Americans are to stop our rulers from ever engaging in such a war again.

We will speak aloud the names of all the Jasons, Roberts, Juans, Lisbeths, Brandons, Isaacs, Leonards, Leifs, Rasheeds, Reeds, Christophers, Pablos and Waynes gone because of this war. We will start with Marine Major Jay Thomas Aubin, 36, who was killed in a helicopter crash on March 21, 2003. We don’t know who will be last, because that soldier may become dead between now and Sunday.

Jay Thomas Aubin

We won’t be politely asking permission. Because free speech, particularly free speech in opposition to unjust war, should not be cordoned off in some out-of-the-way place, some out-of-hearing zone. The names of the dead deserve to be spoken some place where people don’t want to be reminded of what the Bush Regime has done. We have chosen five pedestrian-heavy alternatives in the Los Angeles-area, from Disneyland to a giant shopping mall. If local authorities choose to arrest us for “trespassing” as a means of prohibiting us from exercising a right the Bush Regime is determined to excise from journalists and other citizens, we’re ready, we’ve been arrested before. But we’re not romantic about jail. We would prefer they remember that what is best about America emerged from dissent and let us say the names.

Americans obviously aren’t the only humans killed or who have otherwise died as a result of the war in Iraq. There are 226 other dead members of the “Coalition.” An unknown number of Iraqis have lost their lives. Unknown in great part because the Bush Regime has raised hurdles against anyone trying to obtain a reasonably accurate accounting of the human suffering the White House’s stinking lies have caused. Some who have tried to calculate how manyhave been smeared, ironically, for making propaganda.

If we knew the names of the Iraqis who are dead because of this fabricated war, we would read them aloud, too, although it would take us six or seven weeks of round-the-clock talking. Instead, on Sunday, three of us will have our mouths taped. One to represent the silence of the media which should have been seeking the truth about this war before it began. One to represent the Bush Regime’s ongoing efforts to squelch dissent. The third to represent the names of the dead whose names we cannot say because we do not know.

I didn’t have a father until I was 10, and by the time a replacement arrived on the scene, I had an independent streak combined with a reckless stubbornness that made the socialization aspect of his stepfathering role … difficult. He, on the other hand, had a patriotic fervor derived from the legitimate self-defense of the “good war” and the crude but effective propaganda of his youth.

So, when I chose to spend 15 hours of Father’s Day 1966, pronouncing the names of the American dead through a bullhorn as a protest against that murderous, useless war, he was chagrined among his friends that his stepson would brazenly broadcast his cowardice and treason for all to see. And, as I learned later, he took pain from the fact that it was the third Father’s Day on which I had been away for political reasons. From that day, we did not speak for more than five years.

By the time we finally did speak again, he had decided the war had been been a terrible idea from the day the first combat troops arrived. Ever after, he read and pondered deeply before deciding whether a war qualified as righteous. And he reserved the right to change his mind from new information. Right up to his fragile last weeks, he rejected the Iraq war as not worth the lives lost and definitely not worth the smirch on America’s honor.  

Last Father’s Day, just weeks before he died, I got one last chance to thank the man who became my father, who taught me how to cut a mortise, laminate a compound bow, tune a VW, and why it was a good idea to carry a condom. I got to give him a warm goodbye.

This year, unlike that first time so long ago, I know for certain he would approve of my plans to read the names of the dead.  

I urge those of you who have the time and wherewithal to follow our example. Not with us physically. But somewhere else in public view, standing with a few of your friends where passersby can see and hear you. Bring enough water, and wear your sunscreen. Sing a couple of appropriate songs, play taps, and read the names of those whom the Bush Regime has snatched from their lives for no good purpose. Remember, too, the dead whose names we will never know.

For those unable for whatever reason to participate publicly, I urge you to spend ten minutes or so reading the names just of those who died in your birth month. Not silently. Aloud. Make them palpable. Remember again why they are dead and who considers them just a number. And cry a few tears of sadness and rage.

It is impossible to offer enough kudos to the folks at the Iraq Coalition Casualties site for maintaining the database from which these names come.

MARCH 2003

Jay Thomas Aubin, 36, Marine Major, March 21, 2003; Ryan Anthony Beaupre, 30, Marine Captain, March 21, 2003; Therrel Shane Childers, 30, Marine 2nd Lieutenant, March 21, 2003; Jose Antonio Gutierrez, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, March 21, 2003; Brian Matthew Kennedy, 25, Marine Corporal, March 21, 2003; Kendall Damon Waters-Bey, 29, Marine Staff Sergeant, March 21, 2003; Brandon Scott Tobler, 19, Army Reserve Specialist, March 22, 2003; Eric James Orlowski, 26, Marine Lance Corporal, March 22, 2003; Thomas Mullen Adams, 27, Navy Lieutenant, March 22, 2003; Jamaal Rashard Addison, 22, Army Specialist, March 23, 2003; Edward John Anguiano, 24, Army Specialist, March 23, 2003; George Edward Buggs, 31, Army Sergeant, March 23, 2003; Robert John Dowdy, 38, Army Master Sergeant, March 23, 2003; Ruben Estrella-Soto, 18, Army Private, March 23, 2003; Howard Johnson II, 21, Army Private 1st Class, March 23, 2003; James Michael Kiehl, 22, Army Specialist, March 23, 2003; Johnny Villareal Mata, 35, Army Chief Warrant Officer, March 23, 2003; Lori Ann Piestewa, 23, Army Private 1st Class, March 23, 2003; Christopher Scott Seifert, 27, Army Captain, March 23, 2003; Brandon Ulysses Sloan, 19, Army Private, March 23, 2003; Donald Ralph Walters, 33, Army Sergeant, March 23, 2003; Michael Edward Bitz, 31, Marine Sergeant, March 23, 2003; Brian Rory Buesing, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, March 23, 2003; Tamario Demetrice Burkett, 21, Marine Private 1st Class, March 23, 2003; Kemaphoom “Ahn” Chanawongse, 22, Marine Corporal, March 23, 2003; Donald John Cline Jr., 21, Marine Lance Corporal, March 23, 2003; David Keith Fribley, 26, Marine Lance Corporal, March 23, 2003; Jose Angel Garibay, 21, Marine Corporal, March 23, 2003; Jonathan Lee Gifford, 30, Marine Private, March 23, 2003; Jorge Alonso Gonzalez, 20, Marine Corporal, March 23, 2003; Nicolas Michael Hodson, 22, Marine Sergeant, March 23, 2003; Nolen Ryan Hutchings, 19, Marine Private, March 23, 2003; Phillip Andrew Jordan, 42, Marine Staff Sergeant, March 23, 2003; Patrick Ray Nixon, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, March 23, 2003; Frederick Eben Pokorney Jr., 31, Marine 2nd Lieutenant, March 23, 2003; Brendon Curtis Reiss, 23, Marine Sergeant, March 23, 2003; Randal Kent Rosacker, 21, Marine Corporal, March 23, 2003;Thomas Jonathan Slocum, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, March 23, 2003; Michael Jason Williams, 31, Marine Lance Corporal, March 23, 2003; Gregory Paul Sanders, 19, Army Specialist, March 24, 2003; Thomas Alan Blair, 24, Marine Lance Corporal, March 24, 2003; Evan Tyler James, 20, Marine Corporal, March 24, 2003; Bradley Steven Korthaus, 28, Marine Sergeant, March 24, 2003; Gregory Lewis Stone, 40, Air National Guard Major, March 25, 2003; Michael Vann Johnson Jr., 25, Navy Hospital Corpsman 3rd Cl., March 25, 2003; Kevin Gerard Nave, 36, Marine Major, March 26, 2003; Francisco Abraham Martinez-Flores, 21, Marine Private 1st Class, March 27, 2003; Donald Charles May Jr., 31, Marine Staff Sergeant, March 27, 2003; Joseph Menusa, 33, Marine Gunnery Sergeant, March 27, 2003; Patrick Terence O’Day, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, March 27, 2003; Robert Marcus Rodriguez, 21, Marine Corporal, March 27, 2003; Jesus Alberto Suarez del Solar, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, March 27, 2003; Roderic Antoine Solomon, 32, Army Sergeant, March 28, 2003; Fernando Padilla-Ramirez, 26, Marine Sergeant, March 28, 2003; Michael Russell Creighton-Weldon, 20, Army Private 1st Class, March 29, 2003; Michael Edward Curtin, 23, Army Corporal, March 29, 2003; Diego Fernando Rincon, 19, Army Private 1st Class, March 29, 2003; Eugene Williams, 24, Army Sergeant, March 29, 2003; James Wilford Cawley, 41, Marine Staff Sergeant, March 29, 2003; William Wayne White, 24, Marine Lance Corporal, March 29, 2003; Aaron Joseph Contreras, 31, Marine Captain, March 30, 2003; Michael Vernon Lalush, 23, Marine Sergeant, March 30, 2003; Brian Daniel McGinnis, 23, Marine Sergeant, March 30, 2003; Brandon Jacob Rowe, 20, Army Specialist, March 31, 2003; William Andrew Jeffries, 39, Army National Guard Specialist, March 31, 2003

APRIL 2003

Jacob Lee Butler, 24, Army Sergeant, April 01, 2003; Joseph Basil Maglione III, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, April 01, 2003; James Francis Adamouski, 29, Army Captain, April 02, 2003; Matthew George Boule, 22, Army Specialist, April 02, 2003; George Andrew Fernandez, 36, Army Master Sergeant, April 02, 2003; Erik Anders Halvorsen, 40, Army Chief Warrant Officer (CW4), April 02, 2003; Scott Jamar, 32, Army Chief Warrant Officer (CW2), April 02, 2003; Michael Francis Pedersen, 26, Army Sergeant, April 02, 2003; Eric Allen Smith, 41, Army Chief Warrant Officer (CW3), April 02, 2003; Brian Edward Anderson, 26, Marine Lance Corporal, April 02, 2003; Christian Daniel Gurtner, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, April 02, 2003; Nathan Dennis White, 30, Navy Lieutenant, April 02, 2003; Wilbert Davis, 40, Army Staff Sergeant, April 03, 2003; Edward Jason Korn, 31, Army Captain, April 03, 2003; Nino Dugue Livaudais, 23, Army Staff Sergeant, April 03, 2003; Ryan Patrick Long, 21, Army Specialist, April 03, 2003; Donald Samuel Oaks Jr., 20, Army Specialist, April 03, 2003; Randall Scott Rehn, 36, Army Sergeant 1st Class, April 03, 2003;Russell Brian Rippetoe, 27, Army Captain, April 03, 2003; Todd James Robbins, 33, Army Sergeant, April 03, 2003; Chad Eric Bales, 20, Marine Private 1st Class, April 03, 2003; Mark Asher Evnin, 21, Marine Corporal, April 03, 2003; Erik Hernandez Silva, 22, Marine Corporal, April 03, 2003; Tristan Neil Aitken, 31, Army Captain, April 04, 2003; Wilfred Davyrussell Bellard, 20, Army Private 1st Class, April 04, 2003; Daniel Francis Cunningham Jr., 33, Army Specialist, April 04, 2003; Devon Demilo Jones, 19, Army Private, April 04, 2003; Paul Ray Smith, 33, Army Sergeant 1st Class, April 04, 2003; Travis Allen Ford, 30, Marine Captain, April 04, 2003; Bernard George Gooden, 22, Marine Corporal, April 04, 2003; Brian Michael McPhillips, 25, Marine 1st Lieutenant, April 04, 2003; Duane Roy Rios, 25, Marine Sergeant, April 04, 2003; Benjamin Wilson Sammis, 29, Marine Captain, April 04, 2003; Stevon Alexander Booker, 34, Army Staff Sergeant, April 05, 2003; Larry Kenyatta Brown, 22, Army Specialist, April 05, 2003; Edward Smith, 38, Marine 1st Sergeant, April 05, 2003; Gregory Paul Huxley Jr., 19, Army Private 1st Class, April 06, 2003; Kelley Stephen Prewitt, 24, Army Private, April 06, 2003; Eric Bruce Das, 30, Air Force Captain, April 07, 2003; William Randolph Watkins III, 37, Air Force Major, April 07, 2003; Lincoln Daniel Hollinsaid, 27, Army Staff Sergeant, April 07, 2003; Jeffrey Joseph Kaylor, 24, Army 2nd Lieutenant, April 07, 2003; Anthony Scott Miller, 19, Army Private 1st Class, April 07, 2003; George Arthur Mitchell Jr., 35, Army Specialist, April 07, 2003; Andrew Julian Aviles, 18, Marine Lance Corporal, April 07, 2003; Jesus Martin Antonio Medellin, 21, Marine Corporal, April 07, 2003; Scott Douglas Sather, 29, Air Force Staff Sergeant, April 08, 2003; Henry Levon Brown, 22, Army Corporal, April 08, 2003; John Winston Marshall, 50, Army Sergeant 1st Class, April 08, 2003; Jason Michael Meyer, 23, Army Private 1st Class, April 08, 2003; Robert Anthony Stever, 36, Army Staff Sergeant, April 08, 2003; Juan Guadalupe Garza Jr., 20, Marine Private 1st Class, April 08, 2003; Terry Wayne Hemingway, 39, Army Staff Sergeant, April 10, 2003; Jeffrey Edward Bohr Jr., 39, Marine Gunnery Sergeant, April 10, 2003; Riayan Augusto Tejeda, 26, Marine Staff Sergeant, April 11, 2003; Jesus Angel Gonzalez, 22, Marine Corporal, April 12, 2003; David Edward Owens Jr., 20, Marine Lance Corporal, April 12, 2003; Gil Mercado, 25, Army Specialist, April 13, 2003; Joseph Acevedo, 46, Navy Commander, April 13, 2003; John Eli Brown, 21, Army Private 1st Class, April 14, 2003; Thomas Arthur Foley III, 23, Army Specialist, April 14, 2003; Joseph Patrick Mayek, 20, Army Private 1st Class, April 14, 2003; Richard Allen Goward, 32, Army National Guard Specialist, April 14, 2003; Armando Ariel Gonzalez, 25, Marine Corporal, April 14, 2003; Jason David Mileo, 20, Marine Corporal, April 14, 2003; John Travis Rivero, 23, Army Corporal, April 17, 2003; Roy Russell Buckley, 24, Army Reserve Specialist, April 22, 2003; Andrew Todd Arnold, 30, Marine Chief Warrant Officer (CW2), April 22, 2003; Robert William Channell Jr., 36, Marine Chief Warrant Officer (CW2), April 22, 2003; Alan Dinh Lam, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, April 22, 2003; Troy David Jenkins, 25, Army Sergeant, April 24, 2003; Osbaldo Orozco, 26, Army 1st Lieutenant, April 25, 2003; Narson Bertil Sullivan, 21, Army Specialist, April 25, 2003; Joe Jesus Garza, 43, Army 1st Sergeant, April 28, 2003

MAY 2003

Jesse Alan Givens, who died on the day Bush announced “Mission Accomplished.”

Jesse Alan Givens, 34, Army Private 1st Class, May 01, 2003; Sean C. Reynolds, 25, Army Sergeant, May 03, 2003; Jason L. Deibler, 20, Army Private, May 04, 2003; Marlin T. Rockhold, 23, Army Private 1st Class, May 08, 2003; Richard P. Carl, 26, Army Corporal, May 09, 2003; Hans N. Gukeisen, 31, Army Chief Warrant Officer, May 09, 2003; Brian K. Van Dusen, 39, Army Chief Warrant Officer, May 09, 2003; Cedric E. Bruns, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, May 09, 2003; Matthew R. Smith, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, May 10, 2003; Jakub Henryk Kowalik, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, May 12, 2003; Jose F. Gonzalez Rodriguez, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, May 12, 2003; Patrick Lee Griffin Jr., 31, Air Force Staff Sergeant, May 13, 2003; Nicholas Brian Kleiboeker, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, May 13, 2003; David T. Nutt, 22, Army Specialist, May 14, 2003; William L. Payne, 46, Army Master Sergeant, May 16, 2003; Rasheed Sahib, 22, Army Specialist, May 18, 2003; Douglas Jose Marencoreyes, 28, Marine Corporal, May 18, 2003; Dominic Rocco Baragona, 42, Army Lieutenant Colonel, May 19, 2003; Andrew David LaMont, 31, Marine Captain, May 19, 2003; Jason William Moore, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, May 19, 2003; Timothy Louis Ryan, 30, Marine 1st Lieutenant, May 19, 2003; Kirk Allen Straseskie, 23, Marine Sergeant, May 19, 2003; Aaron Dean White, 27, Marine Staff Sergeant, May 19, 2003; Nathaniel A. Caldwell, 27, Army Specialist, May 21, 2003; David Evans Jr., 18, Army Private, May 25, 2003; Keman L. Mitchell, 24, Army Sergeant, May 26, 2003; Kenneth A. Nalley, 19, Army Private, May 26, 2003; Brett J. Petriken, 30, Army Staff Sergeant, May 26, 2003; Matthew E. Schram, 36, Army Major, May 26, 2003; Jeremiah D. Smith, 25, Army Private 1st Class, May 26, 2003; Thomas F. Broomhead, 34, Army Sergeant, May 27, 2003; Michael B. Quinn, 37, Army Staff Sergeant, May 27, 2003; Kenneth R. Bradley, 39, Army Staff Sergeant, May 28, 2003; Jose A. Perez III, 22, Army Specialist, May 28, 2003; Michael T. Gleason, 25, Army Specialist, May 30, 2003; Kyle A. Griffin, 20, Army Specialist, May 30, 2003; Zachariah W. Long, 20, Army Specialist, May 30, 2003

JUNE 2003

Jonathan W. Lambert, 28, Marine Sergeant, June 01, 2003; Atanasio Haro Marin Jr., 27, Army Sergeant, June 03, 2003; Branden F. Oberleitner, 20, Army Private 1st Class, June 05, 2003; Travis L. Burkhardt, 26, Army Sergeant, June 06, 2003; Doyle W. Bollinger Jr., 21, Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class, June 06, 2003; David Sisung, 21, Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class, June 06, 2003; Jesse M. Halling, 19, Army Private, June 07, 2003; Michael E. Dooley, 23, Army Sergeant, June 08, 2003; Gavin L. Neighbor, 20, Army Private 1st Class, June 10, 2003; John K. Klinesmith Jr., 25, Army Specialist, June 12, 2003; Andrew R. Pokorny, 30, Army Staff Sergeant, June 13, 2003; Ryan R. Cox, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, June 15, 2003; Shawn D. Pahnke, 25, Army Private, June 16, 2003; Joseph D. Suell, 24, Army Specialist, June 16, 2003; Robert L. Frantz, 19, Army Private, June 17, 2003; Michael L. Tosto, 24, Army Sergeant, June 17, 2003; Michael R. Deuel, 21, Army Private 1st Class, June 18, 2003; William T. Latham, 29, Army Staff Sergeant, June 18, 2003; Paul T. Nakamura, 21, Army Specialist, June 19, 2003; Orenthial Javon Smith, 21, Army Specialist, June 22, 2003; Cedric Lamont Lennon, 32, Army Specialist, June 24, 2003; Andrew F. Chris, 25, Army Specialist, June 25, 2003; Kevin C. Ott, 27, Army Private 1st Class, June 25, 2003; Gladimir Philippe, 32, Army Sergeant 1st Class, June 25, 2003; Gregory E. MacDonald, 29, Marine Lance Corporal, June 25, 2003; Corey A. Hubbell, 20, Army Specialist, June 26, 2003; Richard P. Orengo, 32, Army National Guard Specialist, June 26, 2003; Joshua McIntosh, 22, Navy Hospitalman, June 26, 2003; Tomas Sotelo Jr., 20, Army Corporal, June 27, 2003; Timothy M. Conneway, 22, Army Sergeant, June 28, 2003

JULY 2003

Travis Bradach-Nall, who died the day Bush screamed “Bring ‘em on!”

Christopher D. Coffin, 51, Army Reserve 1st Sergeant, July 01, 2003; Travis J. Bradach-Nall, 21, Marine Corporal, July 02, 2003; Edward J. Herrgott, 20, Army Private 1st Class, July 03, 2003; Corey L. Small, 20, Army Private 1st Class, July 03, 2003; James Curtis Coons, 35, Army Master Sergeant, July 04, 2003; David B. Parson, 30, Army Sergeant, July 06, 2003; Jeffrey M. Wershow, 22, Army National Guard Specialist, July 06, 2003; Chad L. Keith, 21, Army Specialist, July 07, 2003; Barry Sanford Sr., 46, Army Staff Sergeant, July 07, 2003; Robert L. McKinley, 23, Army Private, July 08, 2003; Craig A. Boling, 38, Army National Guard Sergeant 1st Class, July 08, 2003; Melissa Valles, 26, Army Sergeant, July 09, 2003; Roger Dale Rowe, 54, Army National Guard Sergeant, July 09, 2003; Dan H. Gabrielson, 39, Army Reserve Sergeant 1st Class, July 09, 2003; Jason Tetrault, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, July 09, 2003; Christian C. Schultz, 20, Army Specialist, July 11, 2003; Joshua M. Neusche, 20, Army Reserve Specialist, July 12, 2003; Jaror C. Puello-Coronado, 36, Army Sergeant, July 13, 2003; Paul J. Cassidy, 36, Army Reserve Captain, July 13, 2003; Michael T. Crockett, 27, Army Sergeant, July 14, 2003; Cory Ryan Geurin, 18, Marine Lance Corporal, July 15, 2003; Ramon Reyes Torres, 29, Army Reserve Specialist, July 16, 2003; Mason Douglas Whetstone, 30, Army Sergeant, July 17, 2003; David J. Moreno, 26, Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class, July 17, 2003; Joel L. Bertoldie, 20, Army Specialist, July 18, 2003; Jonathan D. Rozier, 25, Army 2nd Lieutenant, July 19, 2003; David A. Scott, 51, Air Force Master Sergeant, July 20, 2003; Justin W. Garvey, 23, Army Sergeant, July 20, 2003; Jason D. Jordan, 24, Army Sergeant, July 20, 2003; Christopher R. Willoughby, 29, Army Sergeant 1st Class, July 20, 2003; Mark Anthony Bibby, 25, Army Reserve Corporal, July 21, 2003; Jon P. Fettig, 30, Army National Guard Specialist, July 22, 2003; Joshua T. Byers, 29, Army Captain, July 23, 2003; Brett T. Christian, 27, Army Specialist, July 23, 2003; Evan Asa Ashcraft, 24, Army Corporal, July 24, 2003; Raheen Tyson Heighter, 22, Army Private 1st Class, July 24, 2003; Hector R. Perez, 40, Army Staff Sergeant, July 24, 2003; Juan M. Serrano, 31, Army Sergeant, July 24, 2003; Jonathan P. Barnes, 21, Army Specialist, July 26, 2003; Daniel K. Methvin, 22, Army Sergeant, July 26, 2003; Wilfredo Perez Jr., 24, Army Specialist, July 26, 2003; Jonathan M. Cheatham, 19, Army Reserve Private 1st Class, July 26, 2003; Heath A. McMillin, 29, Army National Guard Sergeant, July 27, 2003; Nathaniel Hart Jr., 29, Army Sergeant, July 28, 2003; William J. Maher III, 35, Army Specialist, July 28, 2003; Leif E. Nott, 24, Army Captain, July 30, 2003; Michael J. Deutsch, 21, Army Private, July 31, 2003; James I. Lambert III, 22, Army Specialist, July 31, 2003


Justin W. Hebert, 20, Army Specialist, Aug 01, 2003; Farao K. Letufuga, 20, Army Specialist, Aug 05, 2003; David L. Loyd, 44, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Aug 05, 2003; Zeferino E. Colunga, 20, Army Specialist, Aug 06, 2003; Kyle C. Gilbert, 20, Army Private, Aug 06, 2003; Brian R. Hellerman, 35, Army Staff Sergeant, Aug 06, 2003; Leonard D. Simmons, 33, Army Sergeant, Aug 06, 2003; Duane E. Longstreth, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Aug 07, 2003; Matthew D. Bush, 20, Army Private, Aug 08, 2003; Brandon Ramsey, 21, Army National Guard Private 1st Class, Aug 08, 2003; Levi B. Kinchen, 21, Army Specialist, Aug 09, 2003; Floyd G. Knighten Jr., 55, Army National Guard Sergeant, Aug 09, 2003; David S. Perry, 36, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Aug 10, 2003; Timmy R. Brown Jr., 21, Army Private 1st Class, Aug 12, 2003; Daniel R. Parker, 18, Army Private 1st Class, Aug 12, 2003; Taft V. Williams, 29, Army Sergeant, Aug 12, 2003; Richard S. Eaton Jr., 37, Army Reserve Staff Sergeant, Aug 12, 2003; Steven W. White, 29, Army Sergeant, Aug 13, 2003; David M. Kirchhoff, 31, Army National Guard Private 1st Class, Aug 14, 2003; Craig S. Ivory, 26, Army Specialist, Aug 17, 2003; Eric R. Hull, 23, Army Reserve Specialist, Aug 18, 2003; Bobby C. Franklin, 38, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Aug 20, 2003; Kenneth W. Harris Jr., 23, Army Reserve Specialist, Aug 20, 2003; Michael S. Adams, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Aug 21, 2003; Kylan A. Jones-Huffman, 31, Naval Reserve Lieutenant, Aug 21, 2003; Vorn J. Mack, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Aug 23, 2003; Stephen M. Scott, 21, Army Specialist, Aug 23, 2003; Ronald D. Allen Jr., 22, Army Specialist, Aug 25, 2003; Pablo Manzano, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Aug 25, 2003; Darryl T. Dent, 21, Army National Guard Specialist, Aug 26, 2003; Rafael L. Navea, 34, Army Specialist, Aug 27, 2003; Gregory A. Belanger, 24, Army Reserve Sergeant, Aug 27, 2003; Anthony L. Sherman, 43, Army Reserve Lieutenant Colonel, Aug 27, 2003; Mark A. Lawton, 41, Army Reserve Staff Sergeant, Aug 29, 2003; Sean K. Cataudella, 28, Army Sergeant, Aug 30, 2003


Charles Todd Caldwell, 38, Army National Guard Sergeant, Sept.01, 2003; Joseph Camara, 40, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Sept.01, 2003; Cameron B. Sarno, 43, Army Reserve Staff Sergeant, Sept.01, 2003; Christopher A. Sisson, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Sept.02, 2003; Bruce E. Brown, 32, Air Force Technical Sergeant, Sept.04, 2003; Jarrett B. Thompson, 27, Army Reserve Specialist, Sept.07, 2003; Ryan G. Carlock, 25, Army Specialist, Sept.09, 2003; Joseph E. Robsky Jr., 31, Army Staff Sergeant, Sept.10, 2003; Henry Ybarra III, 32, Army Sergeant, Sept.11, 2003; William M. Bennett, 35, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Sept.12, 2003; Kevin N. Morehead, 33, Army Master Sergeant, Sept.12, 2003; Trevor A. Blumberg, 22, Army Sergeant, Sept.14, 2003; Kevin C. Kimmerly, 31, Army Staff Sergeant, Sept.15, 2003; Alyssa R. Peterson, 27, Army Specialist, Sept.15, 2003; Foster Pinkston, 47, Army National Guard Sergeant, Sept.16, 2003; Richard Arriaga, 20, Army Specialist, Sept.18, 2003; Brian R. Faunce, 28, Army Captain, Sept.18, 2003; Anthony O. Thompson, 26, Army Sergeant, Sept.18, 2003; James C Wright, 27, Army Specialist, Sept.18, 2003; Lunsford B. Brown II, 27, Army Specialist, Sept.20, 2003; Frederick L. Miller Jr., 27, Army Staff Sergeant, Sept.20, 2003; David Travis Friedrich, 26, Army Reserve Sergeant, Sept.20, 2003; Paul J. Sturino, 21, Army Specialist, Sept.22, 2003; Michael Andrade, 28, Army National Guard Specialist, Sept.24, 2003; Kyle G. Thomas, 23, Army Specialist, Sept.25, 2003; Robert L. Lucero, 34, Army National Guard Captain, Sept.25, 2003; Robert E. Rooney, 43, Army National Guard Sergeant 1st Class, Sept.25, 2003; Andrew Joseph Baddick, 26, Army Sergeant, Sept.29, 2003; Christopher E. Cutchall, 30, Army Staff Sergeant, Sept.29, 2003; Darrin K. Potter, 24, Army Sergeant, Sept.29, 2003; Dustin K. McGaugh, 20, Army Specialist, Sept.30, 2003


James D. Blankenbecler, 40, Army Command Sergeant, Oct 01, 2003; Analaura Esparza Gutierrez, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Oct 01, 2003; Simeon Hunte, 23, Army Specialist, Oct 01, 2003; Tamarra J. Ramos, 24, Army Specialist, Oct 01, 2003; James H. Pirtle, 27, Army Specialist, Oct 03, 2003; Charles M. Sims, 18, Army Private 1st Class, Oct 03, 2003; Spencer Timothy Karol, 20, Army Specialist, Oct 06, 2003; Kerry D. Scott, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Oct 06, 2003; Richard Torres, 25, Army 2nd Lieutenant, Oct 06, 2003; Joseph C. Norquist, 26, Army Specialist, Oct 09, 2003; Sean A. Silva, 23, Army Private, Oct 09, 2003; Christopher W. Swisher, 26, Army Staff Sergeant, Oct 09, 2003
James E. Powell, 26, Army Specialist, Oct 12, 2003; Jose Casanova, 23, Army Private 1st Class, Oct 13, 2003; Benjamin L. Freeman, 19, Army Private, Oct 13, 2003; Douglas J. Weismantle, 28, Army Specialist, Oct 13, 2003; Donald L. Wheeler, 22, Army Specialist, Oct 13, 2003; Stephen E. Wyatt, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Oct 13, 2003; Joseph P. Bellavia, 28, Army Staff Sergeant, Oct 16, 2003; Sean R. Grilley, 24, Army Corporal, Oct 16, 2003; Kim S. Orlando, 43, Army Lieutenant Colonel, Oct 16, 2003; Michael L. Williams, 46, Army National Guard Specialist, Oct 17, 2003; David R. Bernstein, 24, Army 1st Lieutenant, Oct 18, 2003; John D. Hart, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Oct 18, 2003; Paul J. Johnson, 29, Army Staff Sergeant, Oct 20, 2003; Paul J. Bueche, 19, Army National Guard Private 1st Class, Oct 21, 2003; John P. Johnson, 24, Army Specialist, Oct 22, 2003; Jason M. Ward, 25, Army Private, Oct 22, 2003; John R. Teal, 31, Army Captain, Oct 23, 2003; Artimus D. Brassfield, 22, Army Specialist, Oct 24, 2003; Michael S. Hancock, 29, Army Sergeant, Oct 24, 2003; Jose L. Mora, 26, Army Specialist, Oct 24, 2003; Jakia Sheree Cannon, 20, Navy Seaman, Oct 25, 2003; Steven Acosta, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Oct 26, 2003; Rachel K. Bosveld, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Oct 26, 2003; Charles H. Buehring, 40, Army Lieutenant Colonel, Oct 26, 2003; Joseph R. Guerrera, 20, Army Private, Oct 26, 2003; Jamie L. Huggins, 26, Army Staff Sergeant, Oct 26, 2003; Jonathan I. Falaniko, 20, Army Private, Oct 27, 2003; Aubrey D. Bell, 33, Army National Guard Sergeant, Oct 27, 2003; Michael Paul Barrera, 26, Army Sergeant, Oct 28, 2003; Isaac Campoy, 21, Army Specialist, Oct 28, 2003; Algernon Adams, 36, Army National Guard Private, Oct 28, 2003; Todd J. Bryant, 23, Army 2nd Lieutenant, Oct 31, 2003


Joshua C. Hurley, 24, Army 1st Lieutenant, Nov 01, 2003; Maurice J. Johnson, 21, Army Specialist, Nov 01, 2003; Daniel A. Bader, 28, Army Staff Sergeant, Nov 02, 2003; Ernest G. Bucklew, 33, Army Sergeant, Nov 02, 2003; Benjamin J. Colgan, 30, Army 1st Lieutenant, Nov 02, 2003; Steven Daniel Conover, 21, Army Specialist, Nov 02, 2003; Anthony D. Dagostino, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Nov 02, 2003; Darius T. Jennings, 22, Army Specialist, Nov 02, 2003; Karina S. Lau, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Nov 02, 2003; Keelan L. Moss, 23, Army Sergeant, Nov 02, 2003; Brian H. Penisten, 28, Army Specialist, Nov 02, 2003; Ross A. Pennanen, 36, Army Sergeant, Nov 02, 2003; Joel Perez, 25, Army Sergeant, Nov 02, 2003; Frances M. Vega, 20, Army Specialist, Nov 02, 2003; Paul A. Velasquez, 29, Army Staff Sergeant, Nov 02, 2003; Joe Nathan Wilson, 30, Army Staff Sergeant, Nov 02, 2003; Brian D. Slavenas, 30, Army National Guard 1st Lieutenant, Nov 02, 2003; Bruce A. Smith, 41, Army National Guard Chief Warrant Officer, Nov 02, 2003; Rayshawn S. Johnson, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Nov 03, 2003
Robert T. Benson, 20, Army Specialist, Nov 04, 2003; Francisco Martinez, 28, Army Sergeant, Nov 04, 2003; Jose A. Rivera, 34, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Nov 05, 2003; James R. Wolf, 21, Army Specialist, Nov 06, 2003; James A. Chance III, 25, Army National Guard Specialist, Nov 06, 2003; Paul F. Fisher, 39, Army National Guard Sergeant, Nov 06, 2003; Cornell W. Gilmore I, 45, Army Command Sergeant Major, Nov 07, 2003; Kyran E. Kennedy, 43, Army Chief Warrant Officer (CW3), Nov 07, 2003; Morgan DeShawn Kennon, 23, Army Staff Sergeant, Nov 07, 2003; Paul M. Neff II, 30, Army Staff Sergeant, Nov 07, 2003; Scott C. Rose, 30, Army Sergeant, Nov 07, 2003; Benedict J. Smith, 29, Army Captain, Nov 07, 2003; Sharon T. Swartworth, 43, Army Chief Warrant Officer (CW5), Nov 07, 2003; Gary L. Collins, 32, Army Staff Sergeant, Nov 08, 2003; Kurt R. Frosheiser, 22, Army Private, Nov 08, 2003; Linda C. Jimenez, 39, Army Sergeant, Nov 08, 2003; Mark D. Vasquez, 35, Army Staff Sergeant, Nov 08, 2003; Nicholas A. Tomko, 24, Army Reserve Sergeant, Nov 09, 2003; Genaro Acosta, 26, Army Specialist, Nov 11, 2003; Marlon P. Jackson, 25, Army Specialist, Nov 11, 2003; Nathan J. Bailey, 46, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Nov 12, 2003; Robert A. Wise, 21, Army National Guard Specialist, Nov 12, 2003; Jacob S. Fletcher, 28, Army Private 1st Class, Nov 13, 2003; Joseph Minucci II, 23, Army Sergeant, Nov 13, 2003; Irving Medina, 22, Army Specialist, Nov 14, 2003; Michael D. Acklin II, 25, Army Sergeant, Nov 15, 2003; Ryan T. Baker, 24, Army Specialist, Nov 15, 2003; Jeremiah J. DiGiovanni, 21, Army Specialist, Nov 15, 2003; William D. Dusenbery, 30, Army Specialist, Nov 15, 2003; Richard W. Hafer, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Nov 15, 2003; Warren S. Hansen, 36, Army Sergeant, Nov 15, 2003; Sheldon R. Hawk Eagle, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Nov 15, 2003; Timothy L. Hayslett, 26, Army Sergeant, Nov 15, 2003; Damian L. Heidelberg, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Nov 15, 2003; Erik C. Kesterson, 29, Army Chief Warrant Officer, Nov 15, 2003; Pierre E. Piche, 29, Army Captain, Nov 15, 2003; John W. Russell, 26, Army Sergeant, Nov 15, 2003; Scott A. Saboe, 33, Army Chief Warrant Officer (CW2), Nov 15, 2003; John R. Sullivan, 26, Army Specialist, Nov 15, 2003; Eugene A. Uhl III, 21, Army Specialist, Nov 15, 2003; Joey D. Whitener, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Nov 15, 2003; Jeremy L. Wolfe, 27, Army 2nd Lieutenant, Nov 15, 2003; Kelly Bolor, 37, Army Reserve Sergeant 1st Class, Nov 15, 2003; Alexander S. Coulter, 35, Army Chief Warrant Officer, Nov 17, 2003; Nathan S. Dalley, 27, Army Captain, Nov 17, 2003; Dale A. Panchot, 26, Army Staff Sergeant, Nov 17, 2003; James A. Shull, 32, Army Captain, Nov 17, 2003; Joseph L. Lister, 22, Army Specialist, Nov 20, 2003; Scott Matthew Tyrrell, 21, Army Private, Nov 20, 2003; George A. Wood, 33, Army Captain, Nov 20, 2003; Gary B. Coleman, 24, Army Corporal, Nov 21, 2003; Damian S. Bushart, 22, Army Private 1st Class, Nov 22, 2003; Robert D. Roberts, 21, Army Specialist, Nov 22, 2003; Eddie E. Menyweather, 35, Army Staff Sergeant, Nov 23, 2003; Christopher G. Nason, 39, Army Chief Warrant Officer (CW2), Nov 23, 2003; Rel A. Ravago IV, 21, Army Specialist, Nov 23, 2003; Jerry L. Wilson, 45, Army Command Sergeant Major, Nov 23, 2003; Darrell L. Smith, 28, Army National Guard Corporal, Nov 23, 2003; David J. Goldberg, 20, Army Reserve Specialist, Nov 26, 2003; Thomas J. Sweet II, 23, Army Specialist, Nov 27, 2003; Ariel Rico, 25, Army Sergeant, Nov 28, 2003; Stephen A. Bertolino, 40, Army Staff Sergeant, Nov 29, 2003; Aaron J. Sissel, 22, Army National Guard Specialist, Nov 29, 2003


Uday Singh, 21, Army Specialist, Dec 01, 2003; Clarence E. Boone, 50, Army Chief Warrant Officer, Dec 02, 2003; Ryan C. Young, 21, Army Sergeant, Dec 02, 2003; Raphael S. Davis, 24, Army National Guard Specialist, Dec 02, 2003; Arron R. Clark, 20, Army Specialist, Dec 05, 2003; Ray J. Hutchinson, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Dec 07, 2003; Joseph M. Blickenstaff, 23, Army Specialist, Dec 08, 2003; Steven H. Bridges, 33, Army Staff Sergeant, Dec 08, 2003; Christopher Jude Rivera Wesley, 26, Army Specialist, Dec 08, 2003; Jason G. Wright, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Dec 08, 2003; Richard A. Burdick, 24, Army Staff Sergeant, Dec 10, 2003; Jerrick M. Petty, 25, Army Private 1st Class, Dec 10, 2003; Todd M. Bates, 20, Army National Guard Specialist, Dec 10, 2003; Aaron T. Reese, 31, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Dec 10, 2003; Marshall L. Edgerton, 27, Army Specialist, Dec 11, 2003; Jarrod W. Black, 26, Army Sergeant, Dec 12, 2003; Jeffrey F. Braun, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Dec 12, 2003
Rian C. Ferguson, 22, Army Specialist, Dec 14, 2003; Kimberly A. Voelz, 27, Army Staff Sergeant, Dec 14, 2003; Kenneth C. Souslin, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Dec 15, 2003; Nathan W. Nakis, 19, Army National Guard Specialist, Dec 15, 2003; Christopher J. Holland, 26, Army Specialist, Dec 17, 2003; Glenn R. Allison, 24, Army Sergeant, Dec 18, 2003; Charles E. Bush Jr., 43, Army Reserve Private 1st Class, Dec 19, 2003; Stuart W. Moore, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Dec 22, 2003; Edward M. Saltz, 27, Army Reserve 1st Lieutenant, Dec 22, 2003; Benjamin W. Biskie, 27, Army Sergeant, Dec 24, 2003; Eric F. Cooke, 43, Army Command Sergeant Major, Dec 24, 2003; Christopher F. Soelzer, 26, Army Captain, Dec 24, 2003; Christopher J. Splinter, 43, Army Major, Dec 24, 2003; Michael E. Yashinski, 24, Army Sergeant, Dec 24, 2003; Thomas W. Christensen, 42, Army Reserve Staff Sergeant, Dec 25, 2003; Stephen C. Hattamer, 43, Army Reserve Staff Sergeant, Dec 25, 2003; Charles G. Haight, 23, Army Specialist, Dec 26, 2003; Michael G. Mihalakis, 18, Army National Guard Specialist, Dec 26, 2003; Michael J. Sutter, 28, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Dec 26, 2003; Ernesto M. Blanco, 28, Army Captain, Dec 28, 2003; Rey D. Cuervo, 24, Army Private, Dec 28, 2003; Curt E. Jordan Jr., 25, Army Sergeant, Dec 28, 2003; Justin W. Pollard, 21, Army Specialist, Dec 30, 2003


Solomon C. “Kelly” Bangayan, 24, Army Specialist, Jan 02, 2004; Dennis A. Corral, 33, Army Sergeant, Jan 02, 2004; Kimberly N. Hampton, 27, Army Captain, Jan 02, 2004; Eric Thomas Paliwoda, 28, Army Captain, Jan 02, 2004; Marc S. Seiden, 26, Army Specialist, Jan 02, 2004; Luke P. Frist, 20, Army Reserve Specialist, Jan 05, 2004; Jesse D. Mizener, 24, Army Private 1st Class, Jan 07, 2004; Craig Davis, 37, Army Staff Sergeant, Jan 08, 2004; Michael A. Diraimondo, 22, Army Specialist, Jan 08, 2004; Christopher A. Golby, 26, Army Specialist, Jan 08, 2004; Gregory B. Hicks, 35, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Jan 08, 2004; Philip A. Johnson Jr., 31, Army Chief Warrant Officer, Jan 08, 2004; Nathaniel H. Johnson, 22, Army Specialist, Jan 08, 2004; Ian D. Manuel, 23, Army Chief Warrant Officer, Jan 08, 2004; Jeffrey C. Walker, 33, Army Sergeant, Jan 08, 2004; Aaron A. Weaver, 32, Army Chief Warrant Officer, Jan 08, 2004; Ricky L. Crockett, 37, Army Staff Sergeant, Jan 12, 2004; Keicia M. Hines, 27, Army Sergeant, Jan 13, 2004; Roland L. Castro, 26, Army Staff Sergeant, Jan 16, 2004; Cody J. Orr, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Jan 17, 2004; Larry E. Polley Jr., 20, Army Specialist, Jan 17, 2004; Edmond Lee Randle Jr., 26, Army Sergeant, Jan 17, 2004; Kelly L. Hornbeck, 36, Army Master Sergeant, Jan 18, 2004; Gabriel T. Palacios, 22, Army Specialist, Jan 21, 2004; James D. Parker, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Jan 21, 2004; Michael T. Blaise, 29, Army Chief Warrant Officer (CW2), Jan 23, 2004; Brian D. Hazelgrove, 29, Army Chief Warrant Officer (CW2), Jan 23, 2004; Jason K. Chappell, 22, Army Specialist, Jan 24, 2004; Randy S. Rosenberg, 23, Army Sergeant, Jan 24, 2004; William R. Sturges Jr., 24, Army Specialist, Jan 24, 2004; Kenneth W. Hendrickson, 41, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, Jan 24, 2004; Keith L. Smette, 25, Army National Guard Sergeant, Jan 24, 2004; Christopher Bunda, 29, Army Staff Sergeant, Jan 25, 2004; Ervin Dervishi, 21, Army Private 1st Class, Jan 25, 2004; Patrick D. Dorff, 32, Army Chief Warrant Officer, Jan 25, 2004; Adam G. Mooney, 28, Army 1st Lieutenant, Jan 25, 2004; Matthew J. August, 28, Army Captain, Jan 27, 2004; James T. Hoffman, 41, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Jan 27, 2004; Luke S. James, 24, Army 2nd Lieutenant, Jan 27, 2004; Lester O. Kinney II, 27, Army Staff Sergeant, Jan 27, 2004; Travis A. Moothart, 23, Army Sergeant, Jan 27, 2004; Cory R. Mracek, 26, Army Sergeant, Jan 27, 2004; Sean G. Landrus, 31, Army Staff Sergeant, Jan 29, 2004; Luis A. Moreno, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Jan 29, 2004; Juan C. Cabralbanuelos, 25, Army Corporal, Jan 31, 2004;
Holly J. McGeogh, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Jan 31, 2004; Eliu A. Miersandoval, 27, Army Sergeant, Jan 31, 2004


Armando Soriano, 20, Army Private 1st Class, Feb 01, 2004; Roger C. Turner Jr., 37, Army Staff Sergeant, Feb 01, 2004; Seth J. Dvorin, 24, Army 2nd Lieutenant, Feb 03, 2004; Joshua L. Knowles, 23, Army National Guard Specialist, Feb 05, 2004; Richard P. Ramey, 27, Army Staff Sergeant, Feb 08, 2004; Thomas D. Robbins, 27, Army Sergeant, Feb 09, 2004; Elijah Tai Wah Wong, 42, Army National Guard Sergeant, Feb 09, 2004; Jude C. Mariano, 39, Air Force Master Sergeant, Feb 10, 2004; William C. Ramirez, 19, Army Private 1st Class, Feb 11, 2004; Patrick S. Tainsh, 33, Army Sergeant, Feb 11, 2004; Eric U. Ramirez, 31, Army National Guard Specialist, Feb 12, 2004; Bryan N. Spry, 19, Army Private, Feb 14, 2004; Michael M. Merila, 23, Army Specialist, Feb 16, 2004; Christopher M. Taylor, 25, Army National Guard Specialist, Feb 16, 2004; Nichole M. Frye, 19, Army Reserve Private 1st Class, Feb 16, 2004; Jeffrey C. Graham, 24, Army 2nd Lieutenant, Feb 19, 2004; Roger G. Ling, 20, Army Specialist, Feb 19, 2004; Henry A. Bacon, 45, Army Sergeant 1st Class, Feb 20, 2004; Matthew C. Laskowski, 32, Army Chief Warrant Officer, Feb 25, 2004; Stephen M. Wells, 29, Army Chief Warrant Officer, Feb 25, 2004

MARCH 2004

Michael R. Woodliff, 22, Army Specialist, March 02, 2004; Michael J. Gray, 32, Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class, March 05, 2004; Gussie M. Jones, 41, Army Captain, March 07, 2004; Matthew G. Milczark, 18, Marine Private 1st Class, March 08, 2004; Edward W. Brabazon, 20, Army Specialist, March 09, 2004; Richard S. Gottfried, 42, Army Sergeant 1st Class, March 09, 2004; Fern L. Holland, 33, Dept. of the Army Civilian, March 09, 2004; Robert J. Zangas, 44, Dept. of the Army Civilian, March 09, 2004; Bert Edward Hoyer, 23, Army Reserve Private 1st Class, March 10, 2004; Joe L. Dunigan Jr., 37, Army Staff Sergeant, March 11, 2004; Christopher K. Hill, 26, Army Specialist, March 11, 2004; Joel K. Brattain, 21, Army Private 1st Class, March 13, 2004; Clint D. Ferrin, 31, Army Sergeant 1st Class, March 13, 2004; Jason C. Ford, 21, Army Specialist, March 13, 2004; John F. “Hans” Kurth, 31, Army Captain, March 13, 2004; Daniel J. Londono, 22, Army Sergeant, March 13, 2004; Jocelyn “Joce” L. Carrasquillo, 28, Army National Guard Specialist, March 14, 2004; William J. Normandy, 42, Army National Guard Sergeant, March 14, 2004; Michael R. Adams, 24, Army 1st Lieutenant, March 16, 2004; Thomas R. Thigpen Sr., 52, Army National Guard Master Sergeant, March 16, 2004; Tracy L. Laramore, 30, Army Specialist, March 17, 2004; Ivory L. Phipps, 44, Army National Guard Sergeant, March 17, 2004; Ernest Harold Sutphin, 21, Army Private 1st Class, March 18, 2004; Doron Chan, 20, Army Reserve Specialist, March 18, 2004; Andrew D. Brownfield, 24, Marine Corporal, March 18, 2004; Ricky A. Morris Jr., 20, Marine Private 1st Class, March 18, 2004;
Brandon C. Smith, 20, Marine Private 1st Class, March 18, 2004; Jason C. Ludlam, 22, Army Private 1st Class, March 19, 2004; Clint Richard “Bones” Matthews, 31, Army Specialist, March 19, 2004; David M. Vicente, 25, Marine Corporal, March 19, 2004; Matthew J. Sandri, 24, Army Specialist, March 20, 2004; Mark D. Taylor, 41, Army Major, March 20, 2004; Michael W. Vega, 41, Army National Guard 1st Lieutenant, March 20, 2004; Christopher E. Hudson, 21, Army Private 1st Class, March 21, 2004; Dustin L. Kreider, 19, Army Private, March 21, 2004; Bruce Miller Jr., 23, Army Private 1st Class, March 22, 2004; Andrew S. Dang, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, March 22, 2004; Wentz Jerome Henry Shanaberger III, 33, Army Staff Sergeant, March 24, 2004; Adam D. Froehlich, 21, Army Specialist, March 25, 2004; Jeffrey C. Burgess, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, March 25, 2004; James A. Casper, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, March 25, 2004; Leroy Sandoval Jr., 21, Marine Private 1st Class, March 26, 2004; Timothy Toney, 37, Marine Master Sergeant, March 27, 2004; Sean M. Schneider, 22, Army Private 1st Class, March 29, 2004; Jeremiah J. Holmes, 27, Army National Guard Specialist, March 29, 2004; Richard L. Ferguson, 45, Army Master Sergeant, March 30, 2004; William J. Wiscowiche, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, March 30, 2004; Brandon L. Davis, 20, Army Private, March 31, 2004; Doyle M. Hufstedler, 25, Army 1st Lieutenant, March 31, 2004; Michael G. Karr Jr., 23, Army Specialist, March 31, 2004; Sean R. Mitchell, 24, Army Specialist, March 31, 2004; Cleston C. Raney, 20, Army Private 1st Class, March 31, 2004

APRIL 2004

Dustin M. Sekula, 18, Marine Private 1st Class, April 01, 2004; William R. Strange, 19, Army Private 1st Class, April 02, 2004; Geoffrey S. Morris, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, April 03, 2004; John D. Amos II, 20, Army Private 1st Class, April 04, 2004; Robert R. Arsiaga, 25, Army Specialist, April 04, 2004; Ahmed Akil “Mel” Cason, 24, Army Specialist, April 04, 2004; Yihiyh L. Chen, 31, Army Sergeant, April 04, 2004; Israel Garza, 25, Army Specialist, April 04, 2004; Stephen D. “Dusty” Hiller, 25, Army Specialist, April 04, 2004; Forest Joseph Jostes, 22, Army Corporal, April 04, 2004; Michael W. Mitchell, 25, Army Sergeant, April 04, 2004; Philip G. Rogers, 23, Army Specialist, April 04, 2004; Casey Sheehan, 24, Army Specialist, April 04, 2004; Aric J. Barr, 22, Marine Lance Corporal, April 04, 2004; Tyler R. Fey, 22, Marine Corporal, April 04, 2004; Scott Quentin Larson Jr., 22, Army Specialist, April 05, 2004; David M. McKeever, 25, Army Sergeant, April 05, 2004; Shane Lee Goldman, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, April 05, 2004; Deryk L. Hallal, 24, Marine Private 1st Class, April 05, 2004; Moises A. Langhorst, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, April 05, 2004; Christopher Ramos, 26, Marine Private 1st Class, April 05, 2004; Matthew K. Serio, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, April 05, 2004; Jesse L. Thiry, 23, Marine Corporal, April 05, 2004; Gerardo Moreno, 23, Army Sergeant, April 06, 2004; Lee Duane Todacheene, 29, Army Sergeant, April 06, 2004; Benjamin R. Carman, 20, Marine Private 1st Class, April 06, 2004; Marcus M. Cherry, 18, Marine Lance Corporal, April 06, 2004; Christopher R. Cobb, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, April 06, 2004; Kyle D. Crowley, 18, Marine Lance Corporal, April 06, 2004; Ryan M. Jerabek, 18, Marine Private 1st Class, April 06, 2004; Travis J. Layfield, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, April 06, 2004; Christopher D. Mabry, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, April 06, 2004; Anthony P. Roberts, 18, Marine Lance Corporal, April 06, 2004; Allan K. Walker, 28, Marine Staff Sergeant, April 06, 2004; Fernando A. Mendez-Aceves, 27, Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class, April 06, 2004; Tyanna S. Felder, 22, Army Specialist, April 07, 2004; Marvin Lee Miller, 38, Army Sergeant 1st Class, April 07, 2004; George S. Rentschler, 31, Army Staff Sergeant, April 07, 2004; William W. Labadie Jr., 45, Army National Guard Sergeant 1st Class, April 07, 2004; Brent L. Morel, 27, Marine Captain, April 07, 2004; John Thomas “J.T.” Wroblewski, 25, Marine 2nd Lieutenant, April 07, 2004; Isaac Michael Nieves, 20, Army Specialist, April 08, 2004; Levi T. Angell, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, April 08, 2004; Nicholas J. Dieruf, 21, Marine Corporal, April 08, 2004; Phillip E. Frank, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, April 08, 2004; William M. Harrell, 30, Marine Staff Sergeant, April 08, 2004; Joshua M. Palmer, 25, Marine 1st Lieutenant, April 08, 2004; Michael B. Wafford, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, April 08, 2004; Christopher B. Wasser, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, April 08, 2004; Peter G. Enos, 24, Army Specialist, April 09, 2004; Raymond Edison Jones Jr., 31, Army Staff Sergeant, April 09, 2004; Jonathan Roy Kephart, 21, Army Specialist, April 09, 2004; Toby W. Mallet, 26, Army Staff Sergeant, April 09, 2004; Don Steven McMahan, 31, Army Staff Sergeant, April 09, 2004; Allen Jeffrey “A.J.” Vandayburg, 20, Army Specialist, April 09, 2004; Felix M. Delgreco, 22, Army National Guard Sergeant, April 09, 2004; Michelle M. Witmer, 20, Army National Guard Specialist, April 09, 2004; Gregory R. Goodrich, 37, Army Reserve Private 1st Class, April 09, 2004; Elmer C. Krause, 40, Army Reserve Sergeant, April 09, 2004; Eric A. Ayon, 26, Marine Private 1st Class, April 09, 2004; Matthew E. Matula, 20, Marine Corporal, April 09, 2004; Chance R. Phelps, 19, Marine Private 1st Class, April 09, 2004; Michael Raymond Speer, 24, Marine Corporal, April 09, 2004; Elias Torrez III, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, April 09, 2004; Antoine J. Holt, 20, Air Force Airman 1st Class, April 10, 2004; Adolf C. Carballo, 20, Army Specialist, April 10, 2004; William C. Eckhart, 25, Army Sergeant, April 10, 2004; Justin W. Johnson, 22, Army Specialist, April 10, 2004; John T. Sims Jr., 21, Marine Lance Corporal, April 10, 2004; Lawrence S. Colton, 32, Army Chief Warrant Officer, April 11, 2004; Wesley C. Fortenberry, 38, Army Chief Warrant Officer, April 11, 2004; Michael Boyd Stack, 48, Army Sergeant Major, April 11, 2004; Nathan P. Brown, 21, Army National Guard Private 1st Class, April 11, 2004;Daniel R. Amaya, 22, Marine Corporal, April 11, 2004; Torrey L. Gray, 19, Marine Lance Corporal, April 11, 2004; Oscar Jimenez, 34, Marine 1st Lieutenant, April 11, 2004; George D. Torres, 23, Marine Private 1st Class, April 11, 2004; Brad S. Shuder, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, April 12, 2004; Robert Paul Zurheide Jr., 20, Marine Lance Corporal, April 12, 2004; Victor A. Rosaleslomeli, 29, Army Staff Sergeant, April 13, 2004; Noah L. Boye, 21, Marine Private, April 13, 2004; Kevin T. Kolm, 23, Marine Corporal, April 13, 2004; Christopher Ramirez, 34, Army Sergeant, April 14, 2004; Frank K. Rivers Jr., 23, Army Specialist, April 14, 2004; Richard K. Trevithick, 20, Army Specialist, April 14, 2004; Jimmy J. Arroyave, 30, Marine Staff Sergeant, April 15, 2004; Brian M. Wood, 21, Army Sergeant, April 16, 2004; Marvin A. Camposiles, 25, Army Specialist, April 17, 2004; Edward W. Carman, 27, Army Staff Sergeant, April 17, 2004; Jonathan N. Hartman, 27, Army Sergeant, April 17, 2004; Clayton Welch Henson, 20, Army Private 1st Class, April 17, 2004; Michael A. McGlothin, 21, Army Specialist, April 17, 2004; Robert L. Henderson II, 33, Army National Guard 1st Lieutenant, April 17, 2004; Dennis B. Morgan, 22, Army National Guard Specialist, April 17, 2004; Richard J. Gannon II, 31, Marine Captain, April 17, 2004; Christopher A. Gibson, 23, Marine Corporal, April 17, 2004; Michael J. Smith Jr., 21, Marine Lance Corporal, April 17, 2004; Ruben Valdez Jr., 21, Marine Lance Corporal, April 17, 2004; Gary F. Van Leuven, 20, Marine Lance Corporal, April 17, 2004; Bradley C. Fox, 34, Army 1st Sergeant, April 20, 2004; Leroy Harris-Kelly, 20, Army Private 1st Class, April 20, 2004; Christopher D. Gelineau, 23, Army National Guard Specialist, April 20, 2004; Jason L. Dunham, 22, Marine Corporal, April 22, 2004; Shawn C. Edwards, 20, Army Private 1st Class, April 23, 2004; Stacey C. Brandon, 35, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, April 24, 2004; Cory W. Brooks, 32, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, April 24, 2004; Arthur L. “Bo” Felder, 36, Army National Guard Captain, April 24, 2004; Patrick W. Kordsmeier, 49, Army National Guard Chief Warrant Officer, April 24, 2004; Billy J. Orton, 41, Army National Guard Staff Sergeant, April 24, 2004; Michael J. Pernaselli, 27, Navy Petty Officer 1st Class, April 24, 2004; Christopher E. Watts, 28, Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class, April 24, 2004; Kenneth A. Melton, 30, Army National Guard Specialist, April 25, 2004; Nathan B. Bruckenthal, 24, Coast Guard Petty Officer 3rd Class, April 25, 2004; Sherwood R. Baker, 30, Army National Guard Sergeant, April 26, 2004; Lawrence A. Roukey, 33, Army Reserve Sergeant, April 26, 2004; Aaron C. Austin, 21, Marine Lance Corporal, April 26, 2004; Abraham D. Penamedina, 32, Army Staff Sergeant, April 27, 2004; Marquis A. Whitaker, 20, Army Private 1st Class, April 27, 2004; Jacob R. Herring, 21, Army Specialist, April 28, 2004; Kendall Thomas, 36, Army Staff Sergeant, April 28, 2004; James L. Beckstrand, 27, Army Specialist, April 29, 2004; Ryan M. Campbell, 25, Army Sergeant, April 29, 2004; Norman Darling, 29, Army Private 1st Class, April 29, 2004; Jeffrey F. Dayton, 27, Army Staff Sergeant, April 29, 2004; Adam W. Estep, 23, Army Sergeant, April 29, 2004; Jeremy Ricardo Ewing, 22, Army Private 1st Class, April 29, 2004; Martin W. Kondor, 20, Army Specialist, April 29, 2004; Esau G. Patterson Jr., 25, Army Staff Sergeant, April 29, 2004; Ryan E. Reed, 20, Army Private 1st Class, April 29, 2004; Justin B. Schmidt, 23, Army Specialist, April 29, 2004; Landis W. Garrison, 23, Army National Guard Sergeant, April 29, 2004; Scott M. Vincent, 21, Marine Corporal, April 30, 2004; Joshua S. Wilfong, 22, Marine Corporal, April 30, 2004; Christopher M. Dickerson, 33, Naval Reserve Petty Officer 3rd Class, April 30, 2004; Jason B. Dwelley, 31, Naval Reserve Petty Officer 2nd Class, April 30, 2004

Ramon C. Ojeda, who died on the first anniversary of “Mission Accomplished.”

Steven G. Martin, who died on the first anniversary of “Bring ‘em on!”

Derrick J. Lutters, who died on the second anniversary of “Mission Accomplished.”

Jeremy A. Brown, who died on the second anniversary of “Bring ‘em on!”

Robbie Glen Light, who died on the third anniversary of “Mission Accomplished.”

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