I honestly can’t even guess about the politics of Congress’s latest votes to reject a withrawal from Iraq, any timetables, and to declare:
“the terrorists have declared Iraq to be the central front in their war against all who oppose their ideology.”
It’s just depressing to see the press trying to cover the latest psychological operations involving the death of Zarqawi, his almost certainly forged safe house documents, and the announcement of al-Hasri as his successor. The press likely suspects they are being sold a bill of goods, but the farthest they are willing to go is to question the actual strength of the so-called al-Qaeda in Iraq.
We are witnessing a campaign of disinformation on an almost breathless scale. The September 2002 Andy Card roll-out of the White House Iraq Group’s campaign pales in comparison and scope.
I’m becoming a little bit numb to it all. It calls to mind the famous Suskind article:
The aide said that guys like me were ”in what we call the reality-based community,” which he defined as people who ”believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.” I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. ”That’s not the way the world really works anymore,” he continued. ”We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
I’m not sure how many people really understood the implications of that statement. It wasn’t arrogance. It was a frank declaration of the length to which the administration is willing to go to create our perception of reality. He wasn’t saying that we are in fact reality-based while they are not. He was saying that they create the reality that we study, and while we’re studying a fake reality, they create another fake reality.
The creation of the myth of African uranium, aluminum tubes, the spiderhole capture of Saddam, the myth of Zarqawi, the emergence of an organization called al-Qaeda in Iraq, the story about Chalabi being a spy for Iran, the safe house documents of al-Zarqawi…all, or many, of these things are a false reality. We study them at face-value at our peril.
Here is what is certain. Iraq’s Sunni population is in a revolt against both the occupation of their country by allied troops and the new Shiite dominated government. There has now erupted a full-on sectarian and tribal war within Iraq that the neither we, nor the Iraqi government, is capable of putting down. Everything else is propaganda, a sideshow, or irrelevent.
And here is the worst part, at least for Americans. We, the people (in our collective opinion), are the real enemy, and their propanganda is aimed at keeping our opinion mixed and muddled enough that we do not demand the withdrawal of our troops. Nothing can dislodge us from Iraq except the will of the American people. So, anything goes to prevent our opinion from turning decisively against the war.
They can create bogeymen, write their memoirs, and kill them off. We’re left scratching our heads, studying their version of reality. We know it doesn’t make sense. We know it doesn’t match the facts. But, what are we to do? They’re the one’s making history. We’re stuck in their reality-based community, chasing our tails.
Looking at the debate in the Congress and the Iraq resolutions, we can see how little it reflects reality. And, yet, we’re sucked right into this false debate, on their terms.
I can’t describe how depressing I find the whole spectacle.
The sad thing is how few Democrats are standing up and calling bullshit on the lies. You would think by now they would realize they have nothing to lose (they’ll be painted as traitors whether they remain silent ot not).
My hat’s off to Jack Murtha, John Jerry, Russ Feingold, Barbara Boxer, John Conyers and a very few others.
Never was the adage that evil can only prosper when good men (and women) do nothing been more telling.
I feel like the child in the Emperor Wears No Clothes.
please allow me to prop up a diary I wrote this morning. I was hitting on the same topic at hand, plus other things.
my diary,
Since I have been out of the whole thing for over a week now, and trying hard to catch up on things….I am so sadened by it all.
“the terrorists have declared Iraq to be the central front in their war against all who oppose their ideology.”
Wrong, jocko. We did that when we invaded Iraq, kicked out a stable if evil government (creating a vacuum) and dared our enemies to bring it on.
It’s all show-biz Boo. Try not to let it get you down.
Look away sometimes – Listen to music.
Turn off your mind, relax
and float down stream
It is not dying
It is not dying
Lay down all thought
Surrender to the void
It is shining
It is shining
That you may see
The meaning of within
It is being
It is being
That love is all
And love is everyone
It is knowing
It is knowing
That ignorance and hate
May mourn the dead
It is believing
It is believing
But listen to the
color of your dreams
It is not living
It is not living
Or play the game
existence to the end
Of the beginning
Of the beginning
Of the beginning
Of the beginning
Of the beginning
Of the beginning
that quote provides an important key to understanding what’s happening. and the dominant voices of the opposition, even in the blogosphere, refuse to appreciate the depth of it. people contented themselves with the reality-based label, forgetting the context in which it was applied. because, after all, to remember that context is to verge on a tinfoil perspective.
now, the kos-led blogosphere is jacked up because they’ve crashed the gates and gotten a seat inside the beltway, apparently unaware that the cost of that seat is buying into the dominant myth. why, i remember not too long ago a piece in which the great georgia10 parroted the they attacked us because they hate our freedoms meme.
On this I agree, everyone that self-applies the reality-based community label never understood the statement. The aide that said that to Suskind must be having quite a laugh about that.
The reality-based community is the one that is crying foul at all the wrong signals. The real reality-based community is the one that can see through the glass darkly and resist attempts to debate on their terms.
The problem is, good psy-ops always have a built in advantage. Again, to quote from Unger’s Vanity Fair article. Rocco Martino was the man that handled the Niger documents.
And you can take that to the bank and make a deposit, because Pat Lang used to run human intelligence for the Defense Intelligence Agency. He knows full well how to conduct a covert operation. Suggesting that the United States (Cheney/Rumsfeld) asked Italy to forge these documents and then pretended to be tricked by them is pure tin-foil hattery. And yet, that is exactly what intelligence officers like Lang, Larry Johnson, Ray McGovern, Milt Bearden,Melvin Goodman, Larry Wilkerson, and Vincent Cannistraro think happened.
The Washington Post said it and then forgot it. And even this only touches on the size of the deception.
I wrote a [diary here] last week that centered on this elevation of Zarqawi. One paragraph highlights the thrust of it.
They’ve succeeded in creating the role of Al Qaeda-connected boogeyman, and, once created, such a role is extraordinarily hard to remove from the minds of the public, regardless of the reality on the ground.
Forgot to link to my own diary in the comment above.
Link here.
My local newspaper notified me they want to print an LTTE of mine responding to an op-ed by wingnut propagandist David Brooks.
Brooks was spinning the yarn that the primary advantage the insurgents have is that they’re willing to be more ruthless and brutal than we are; he wants the public to believe that it is because we are good and decent that we are having such a hard time in Iraq; that the “absolute cruelty” he attributes to the insurgents trumps our inherent goodness evidenced in our (supposed) reluctance to be savage.
Here’s my letter in response.
Whether it’s the thought-reform propagandizing of creatures like Brooks, the wingnut demagoguery in the political arena or the ideological dysfunctionality of the Bush regime’s hapless and reckless agenda, it’s all of a piece; all part of a cleverly integrated PsyOps campaign against “we the people”, against democracy itself, and most certainly against those who have the misfortune to inhabit geography rich in energy reserves.
The Bush regime is run like a destructive cult, controling the language and theterms of debate, filtering and falsifying the info available to those they want support, and weaponizing the ignorance of the public by instilling fear and guilt in order to induce that public to be loyal and obedient and submissive.
There is absolutely no reason to believe a single thing these manipulative lunatics say.
In some sense the Radical Republicans can be excuse for being cult members and preaching their beliefs. What is really is disheartening is the continued Corporate Media portrait of the GOP as rational and the USA marching to victory in Iraq. I now how the Germans felt on hearing news reports of the Great Victory at Stalingrad.
I don’t think most of the corporate media is still actively supporting the notion that we are marching ever closer toward victory in Iraq. Rather, I think most of them, at least at the boardroom level, understand that a continuing war, whether strategically successful for the US or not, is still going to be good for their own business.
So they’re not eager to scrutinize and report the truth too closely, but are more inclined to remain silent or duplicitous in ways that will help BushCo keep the mess going and growing. After all, the bigger the war the easier it is to fill the news cycle, (easier for the stay-at-home-in-their-armchairs crowd, not for the reporters in the battlezones, but of course those reporters are expendable anyway).
Even though that seems impossible.
Bush travelled 6,000 miles and stayed in Iraq’s “Green Zone” for less than 6 hours. David Gregory went on the air with the full White House line that this showed progress from Bush’s Thanksgiving visit when he never left the airport.
David Gregory.
The David Gregory who the right wing holds up as the poster boy for the “left-wing media”.
I’ve also been dismayed at how admin-propping the MSM has been on the Iran issue. At times I’d swear Russert is on Uncle Karl’s payroll.
I meant my comment immediately below to be a reply to yours.
War is good for pompous, narcissistic gasbags like Russert, Matthews, et. al., because it makes it easier for them to feel and sound important because the rhetoric they use for their war commentary is so simpleminded and generalized.
I find the spectacle depressing, too.
And I was infuriated by Randi Rhodes this afternoon, when she essentially we should give the Dems who voted for the resolution a pass, as the resolution was meaningless anyway.
Why should the public believe that the Dems would be strong on national security when many of them are too craven to stand up to the Republicans. I really mean it. They are asking Americans to believe they’d be willing to take on Osama, but they seem scared to death of Denny Hastert.