* Surgeon Generals Warning* (for the uninitiated– this diary drips with venom, sarcasm and snark. The Booman Tribune does not endorse the diarist, does not endorse any of his personal habits nor a single word of the following. Reading this diary will not make you laugh, will likely undermine your morals and your sexual health as well as “dumb down” your obviously superior intellect. Make comments at your own risk.)
π π π π π
First, let me just say how gratified I am that my fellow frog ponders have drafted me, donkeytale, to craft our website’s reply to the scurrilous excuse laden wussified memo sent to us by the kossacks in response to the torrent of outraged criticism levelled at the Big Orange by the little green for so clearly and painfully obviously selling their souls to the devil in Las Vegas last weekend, as reported in glorious detail by all major news media outlets.
I was selected for one reason and one reason only and that is because I, donkeytale (nee pete richards), have been guilty of selling my soul to the Devil on any number of occasions, and so can empathize in the correct progressive tradition of always extending empathy toward the enemy. Curiously, each time I sold my soul, for some reason, the Devil or his media consultant quickly arranged to let me have title back.
I think I may have even been termed an ingrate, or words to that effect. Who woulda thunk the Devil would be just as thin skinned as your run of the mill mildy left wing political blogger? Troll rated me right out of Hades he did. 666 times.
Well, f*ck old Beezlebubba as I like to call him, for today we have a much more evil presence in our midst with which to deal, the Almighty Kos Monster itself, a twelve million headed gargoyle of apparently uniform support of some guy named Warner from Virginia.
I find it difficult to express my outrage, my indignation, my complete flabbergastedness, at our receiving a memo which purports to speak for 12,000,000 page views per year as if they were all in solidarity over there. As if. DUH!
But how can you completely turn away from your mildly left wing progressive political ideals and throw your support behind Warner NOW??!!??Just for a few free drinks and canapes??!!?? I always suspected you kossacks of being a bit light in the loafers, if you know what I mean. Your supposed to make the swine pay up in the hundreds of thousands, not just a provide a few crappy generic brand cocktail parties.
(How were they by the way? Did Warner really put on the dog? Real Food Network like food or just those ugly little dried up wienies wrapped in pie crust?)
Uh, earth to kos…its way too early to sell out yet….the 2008 election doesnt take place for 2 1/2 more years….get Jesse Jackson to give you some pointers on how to truly shake down the bozos before you schedule next years event, which someone tells me is going to be held at a baseball park in the middle of an Iowa cornfield? WTF???
And why throw your support behind some old Reptublican warhorse who has seen his best days way way back in the rearview mirror?
I mean after all, he WAS once married to Elizabeth Taylor, sure, give the guy his props, but wtf?
As anyone who read Eddie Fisher’s autobiography (like my mother Donkette for instance) will tell you straight up, Liz was a bit of a handful in her day.
Oh well, at least Warner had the good sense to dump her out on her fat a** as quickly as he did once he caught onto the prima donna act.
Jeesh, he could have saved himself a lot of time and trouble before marrying the aging starlet simply by purchasing donkeytale’s complete GBCW diary collection (available only online at Powells for $6.66, plus shipping and handling). A careful reading of my ego-drug-and alcohol induced powertrips would have given him a cautionary sense of the harmful effects of prima donnaism on the life of a true public servant.
Rumor has it that Liz has even stopped den mothering Michael Jackson’s cub scout troop and no longer does anything but sit inside her huge Bel Air Mansion all day, popping sleeping pills, swilling Dom, and hitting on the hired help.
She’s already married and divorced the carpenter, the flooring installer, the cabana boy and now it can be revealed……Arthur Gilroy, who was doing a little handy man work at her luxe manse between gigs when he found himself stuck out on the coast a few years ago after that whole latin jazz thing went “poof”.
Even Arthur couldnt take it when that piker Antonio Banderas was revealed to be a “lip syncher.”
Thank God AGs come back to the east coast where he can enlighten us all on a regular basis without all those cloying faked up tricked up hollywood h*gs chasing his a** all over their well appointed boudoirs…
Thanks AG. Thanks for everything.
So in closing, let me just state unequivocally for the record………hi my names pete and im an internet junkie!
:0) (0:
Is there some kind of irony I am missing or do you really not know the difference between John Warner and Mark Warner? And this is a dumb attempt to inflame tensions between the sites.
Perhaps this is snark?
You are very perceptive but this is not an attempt to INFLAME Tensions. You have already done that superb work on numerous occasions yourself.
No, this is a humorous attempt to DEFLAME tensions.
Of course, if you truly miss the irony, then you are correct in surmising that all hell might break out again.
Maybe I need to put a surgeon generals warning on all my diaries….or at least a few more smiley faces…:)
I think it’s just stupid.
If I have to struggle to find the irony and humor it just comes off as an attempt to make yourself the delegated spokesman for the site.
It’s irritating.
Oh well as some hack once said
“uneasy is the head upon which the crown doth lie.”
Thanks. I think most of your stuff is pretty stupid too.
But I believe in freedom…so that you are just as free to mischaracterize and overreact to my fine work as you do regularly to the many perfunctory news reports you quote in your diaries which you somehow imagine to drip with “venom” toward the mild left.
there. I attached the warnings and made liberal use of the smiley faces as well.
I dont really think most of your stuff is stupid, btw. That was just me being meanspirited in response to your even tempered and considerate remarks.
Not to worry, my vac is up today so starting on Monday you wont have to deal with as much of my b*llshit as the regulars have endured during your absence.
Maybe I’ll take the weekend off anyway and just use this as my “swan song.”
I find your voice here refreshing and original and funny.
I think it’s a great pience you’ve written.
I think you may have to take this up with Super.
I think my future here is in his hands if I am reading this thread correctly.
I think you’ll be fine. And if not, well you are always welcome here
I think you’ll get a kick out of this
Get it? Donkey…Kick…now that’s humour..with a u
He’s commenting on a political blog and clearly does not know the difference between Mark Warner and John Warner, nor does he care. Truth be told, this is a sad spectacle, worthy mainly of pity.
Just for the record I do know my Warners, including Mark, John, Curt, Kurt and Pop.
I think your echoing the bossman’s exact sentiments is somewhat pitiable in and of itself.
donkeytale accepts full responsibility for his work and all the condemnation with which you can muster.
But save the pity, por favor, for someone who really needs it.
You think I’m “echoing the bossman”?
Ha ha ha ha ha.
Yes, in fact your “ha ha” just echoed 1 and 1/2 more times…
Sorry Donkey, I banned you again. Super intervened personally on your behalf to get my overlook your creating new accounts after being banned in the past. It’s doubly offensive for you to complain about double standards when I created a double standard in order to offer you a second chance. And for you to disrespect super after he vouched for you is pathetic.
Good luck on your next forum. And remember, creating new accounts with different user names is not allowed and there will be no clemency next time.
I try to be as tolerant as possible, but you are beyond the pale.
That makes me a little sad. I don’t know the history though.
Man, you’re seriously off your game today. Unless your game is to be seriously off.
He’s here at your pleasure.
It’s your call, not mine.
Will you never get it?
I have no “game” although I do believe I have a higher calling.
Its dangerous to support me, super. Sometimes I click with the masses and sometimes I dont.
Frankly, I think your own opinion may have been shaded ever so slightly by the subtly stated disgruntlement from above.
I say may have.
Yeah, I get it. I get that you don’t turn around and shit on the people that fucking cuddled your ass yesterday because Donkette is not well, and you’re feeling it. There’s other ways to hit someone in the back of the head with a baseball bat. Arthur gets it. You don’t.
Shitting on people? Like who for instance? Liz Taylor? Is that what this is about?
Calm down super. I know the “man” is putting you on the spot publicly here, but you are getting all worked up.
There is one way for us to get out of this spot. See I learned the other day during the last brouhaha that a diary criticizing Kos must be crossposted at DKOS or technically its in violation of some blogospheric edict and by the rule of ethical blogging must come down.
Isnt that right? I have reread this piece and even though I stand by it (well except for f*cking up and writing about the wrong Warner) especially the comments section, I can see that it does make some veiled references to kos being evil or some such (made entirely in jest–which fell flat)and therefore it must be crossposted right?
Therefore I guess I need to delete this diary right now? Or what? I am not sure how it works.
Just a thought….
I cant cross post it because I have been banned there. See? Its a catch 22 that can get us all off the hook without too many feelings hurt all around.
BTW, I think AG’s a little more inflammatory than you give him credit for. He’s just doesnt talk so directly to the bosses…you know he’s in the music industry, where you have to learn to be very careful who you cross.
what disturbs me is that you disrespect people that vouched for you. That’s a character trait that is beneath contempt.
Coddled, not cuddled. Shit.
I like cuddling ass, but only Mrs.boran2. π
for the attitude adjustment.
Guess I’ll go back to ignoring him.
Booman, does the software have user-selectable killfiles?
I agree with Booman, I think there is no longer a need to respond to the orange site. Why waste the words?
I agree with you. Let my words of wisdom be the final statement for the record?
Does your statement include the incessant crossdiary sniping of Boo himself or does he get a free pass from you too?
PS this really wasnt meant for the Big Orange as much as the Medium Green.
I think its not what you say it is how you say it. The golden rule as I was taught..here is be nice.
Is it really nice to call people names like “fraud” and “idiot” (in the headlines on the frontpage!)or only if you are the proprietor?
Is that solid analysis? Is that really what you come here for?
Do we really have to live with as many double standards on the internets as we do in real life?
Just questions. Dont answer them, just like you didnt really answer my last one either.
Why do you desire to bring an “orange” style argument and diary over here. Really, it is Booman’s Blog I read his diary and he did make his point with out being inflammatory. And he wishes to excercise the extra power of being the owner, either you like or you don’t. I do think he allows things to be posted here that would not be allowed at other blogs. And he has the courage to say he doesn’t agree with some things he thinks should censured but then allows it to be posted anyway.
MacBeth said it best:
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.
Whenever I feel really down, I pop in the DVD of Polanski’s version of “The Scottish Play” aka Macbeth…cheers me up. I dunno, I guess I like to know that I’m not the only one in the world who’s thought about killing my boss. Macbeth actually went out and did it!
Note: I am not condoning violence nor actually contemplating killing my boss. He’s getting much better, really.