Partay!!! Big 1 yr. anniv. party at some friends of mine’s “new” firm…cats I’ve known for a very long time…doing real well…good time. Too bad you couldn’t come along, you’d like this group…they’re almost, but not quite, as crazy as me….
Now if’n they’d just send a buck each per FBC blogger per night, we could afford our lottery tickets, otherwise known hereabouts as the babyboomer retirement plan.
I was just reading your comment to my comment at your b … So do you guys not have Kraft dinner down there? Or is it just the quantity we’re talking about?
… of the college/university set. I remember a while back, when the previous provincial gov’t cut funding for post-secondary school students, they arranged a protest in which they flung cooked macaroni noodles at the Education Minister.
Elmer…didn’t think he’d be there for the party…he got a bit wound up…not used to crowds and he became somewhat ill mannered and rude and spent most of the evening in the car.
That’s what put me out today, er yesterday. To much physical activity. Nasty stuff activity. I would much prefer to think my car clean than washing it.
combined w/ verbal feedback…long term non-clinical nocturnal experimentation…probably should write a grant proposal and see if there’s any funding available.
That’s one thing I always like about the cafe. While everything else is going on, this is always a pretty peaceful place where everyone can share pictures of pets, flowers and even (he shudders here)snakes. (shudder)
he’s my 75 yr old prius driving friend who takes me to hear the St Paul Chamber Orchestra in MPLS now and then. And has a place in the country not far out of town. Been developing the landscape there since it was just a wheat field some 40 years ago. Takes care of it all on his own now that his family has moved out of the area.
properly footnoted of course, w/ additional references to aforementioned nocturnal studies…we aim to please…however, the names will be changed to protect the innocent. <bwahahahaha>
was that necessary…think of the site stats, gotta push that meter, cheap thrills for all the “Chesters” in the audience, or bushes, as the case may be…:{)
you young whippersnappers done outlasted my tonight!
I’m gonna hit the had before anything else starts hurtin’
Since the last health update one foot and the head have gone numb, other aforementioned areas still complaining to management, don’t want to encourage any further rioting in any other “parts”
Been a great night, see you the parallelity of it all.
Mo betta…
synchronize time…now
So what exciting stuff have you been up to tonight?
Partay!!! Big 1 yr. anniv. party at some friends of mine’s “new” firm…cats I’ve known for a very long time…doing real well…good time. Too bad you couldn’t come along, you’d like this group…they’re almost, but not quite, as crazy as me….
I had a feeling you were doing something fun … Congrats by proxy!
(btw, check your mail … no rush … no reply etc. 😉
tho it got real interesting after the official “ending” at 8:00….just the hardcore left…fun indeed!
Feed my vicariousness, please!
vicarious voyageurness don’tcha?
I love tales of travel … 🙂
Tales of travel my aunt hinny. You were just regaling us with tales of old men peeing in the water fountain. 🙂
… who mentioned geezer sex and digital cameras … 🙂
Ah yes, but I was just expanding on a thread you had already started. 🙂
Now if’n they’d just send a buck each per FBC blogger per night, we could afford our lottery tickets, otherwise known hereabouts as the babyboomer retirement plan.
Bah …
Hell I wish a lot of these lurker and newcomers would come on into the cafe.
I mean aren’t we a friendly group. 🙂
I was just reading your comment to my comment at your b … So do you guys not have Kraft dinner down there? Or is it just the quantity we’re talking about?
Quantity. I got kind of burned out on them while I was trying to get through college. Back then one box cost 27 cents.
… of the college/university set. I remember a while back, when the previous provincial gov’t cut funding for post-secondary school students, they arranged a protest in which they flung cooked macaroni noodles at the Education Minister.
Yeah I got burned out on them, just like ramen.
Now anything less than a 7 course, 4 star mean just doesn’t seem worth it. 🙂
don’t need any black suv’s stopping by…:{)
from the other night…plus she’s pissed she didn’t get to go…how was I to know there’d be other dogs there…no consoling her
That’s kewl … Poor Bu.
Elmer…didn’t think he’d be there for the party…he got a bit wound up…not used to crowds and he became somewhat ill mannered and rude and spent most of the evening in the car.
What’s that mean … did he pee on the guests shoes, steal peoples’ canapes?
I’ve always loved that picture dada. That’s sort of how my internal clock is looking like now.
knee and my back are feeling right now. I gotta get up and more around a little.
I must have missed it somewhere. I didn’t know you were having problems with them.
my at-the-computer posture could use some enhancement, and then just too much sitting this particular day.
Not that there ain’t the accumulated abuse to the bod over several “decadences,” but the parts ain’t always a talkin’ to me.
Probably a sign I need a litte more physical activity tomorrow.
That’s what put me out today, er yesterday. To much physical activity. Nasty stuff activity. I would much prefer to think my car clean than washing it.
But considering the context, I’d say “several decadences” could be the cause of some of those body aches … 😉
we can adjust that clock for ya…’course, it may only tell the correct time twice a day……..or not…no snakes after dark tho.
You’re up very early, or awfully late…hope this doesn’t bode ill for ya.
No it’s just another adventure into the abode of the Late Night Crew. 🙂
Well just think if it was for my frequent napping, I would be here now. 😛
This might be a good thing or a bad thing. 🙂
I guess it relative to which plane of existence your on.
Myself, the napping plane seem to work for me. 🙂
broadens yer horizons…the slackin’s different after midnight…<wink><wink><nudge><nudge>…don’t tell O I said that…:{)
I wouldn’t know … 😉
And how broad are these horizons … 😉
so broad they’re actually endless 😉
ND sounds like a great place … beautiful vistas too. 😉
Butte Michaud. Highest point in my home area. It has a 360 degree view. A little minuature mountain, if you will.
Have to have some decent clouds in the sky though to make it worthwhile.
And it would be nice to have learned how to do the digital panorama stitching thing. That would be a fun place to try that.
you’ll have to ask her…or Jim…:{)
Maybe Andi’s ratio isn’t generally applicable to a wider audience … 😉
I’ll have to confer with my consultants…undertake a detailed analysis…followed by a thorough fact checking phase.
I’m sure you’ll understand the lengthy time frame…:{)
So tell me more about this detailed analysis … what’s your methodology? 😉
I might have, ah, “unusual” dreams!
Not into the scientific method NDD … 🙂
combined w/ verbal feedback…long term non-clinical nocturnal experimentation…probably should write a grant proposal and see if there’s any funding available.
That’s crucial you know … 🙂
long term non-clinical nocturnal experimentation … now that’s funny … 😀
Your stepping into a mind field there. 🙂
research! ‘See if I can verify your final conclusions. Peer review!
Me to, me to. How could there be any conclusions without peer review.
It’s true, I’m selfish … I’d rather have you here w/ us. 🙂
Yeah I’ve got to figure out someway to have streaming FM. To share my wit and slackerly wisdom through out the blogespere. 🙂
After all 30 seconds of that had run through, then where would I be?
think of the possibilities…the virtual ZEN-ness of it…:{)
Yah mean like a subliminal Mobius Strip?
My brain, oh my brain. It too early.
hey, I entered there last night and almost didn’t find my way back out again!!!
That way we could get our dose of slackerism when you were indisposed… 🙂
dada and Olivia you are both right, but then it would go against my slackerly outlook.
It would take work to put something like that up.
FM – Work – No. 🙂
Now that’s really something NDD. Really really pretty.
fun to know that so many of us BTrs appreciate the beauty of nature.
That’s one thing I always like about the cafe. While everything else is going on, this is always a pretty peaceful place where everyone can share pictures of pets, flowers and even (he shudders here)snakes. (shudder)
And Art’s garden must be a dream … You’re spoiling us tonight … <sigh> 🙂
and if I continue to do 4 per night, I’ve got 10 more nights to go, ha!
You definitey need to get a b going … <gentle nudge> … 🙂
he’s my 75 yr old prius driving friend who takes me to hear the St Paul Chamber Orchestra in MPLS now and then. And has a place in the country not far out of town. Been developing the landscape there since it was just a wheat field some 40 years ago. Takes care of it all on his own now that his family has moved out of the area.
gotta ‘small’ screen…not to be confused w/ other anatomical attributes…:{)
Good idea.
Great! Saved by the margin call!!!
we don’t want to antagonize the ‘not nice’ O…sharp tongued she-devil she is…:{)
I don’t want to miss anything… like the sign up application for “testers”
d’s yet to flesh out the methodology and hasn’t figured out the right sample size for statistical rigour … 😉
we don’t want to have to convert everything at the very end, and the results should be available in all languages, worldwide
It has to be kept very simple for those of us who have to keep googling words ya’ll use.
… of the working definitions … 🙂
To heck with working definitions. Some of us need pictures.
I just thought about that. Working definitions will do. 🙂
I didn’t see those. That might be a good thing.
here’s one story on that
So far I’ve read about slug sex, turtle sex and now panda porn in the cafe.
Damn it just keep getting better. 🙂
panda lovemaking
properly footnoted of course, w/ additional references to aforementioned nocturnal studies…we aim to please…however, the names will be changed to protect the innocent. <bwahahahaha>
the trial coming later.
That’s one for the working definitions list … 😉
statistical rigour
might be more akin to “mortise & tendon”
petite mort … 🙂
as I mentioned below I seem to have met my match in nightowl-ism.
Nice to find like-minded individs … Night!
We try our best. 🙂
Well, as they say, we couldn’t’ve done it without ya!!!
was that necessary…think of the site stats, gotta push that meter, cheap thrills for all the “Chesters” in the audience, or bushes, as the case may be…:{)
or in this case the hay mow.
It’s so … fitting. 🙂
you young whippersnappers done outlasted my tonight!
I’m gonna hit the had before anything else starts hurtin’
Since the last health update one foot and the head have gone numb, other aforementioned areas still complaining to management, don’t want to encourage any further rioting in any other “parts”
Been a great night, see you the parallelity of it all.
Thanks for those beautiful photos … You’ve got me looking forward to the other 10 pages worth 🙂
I hope you feel better tomorrow!
I think I’m going to try and catch another nap.
See ya’ll later.
It was good to have you here tonight, and we’ll see you later today!
Don’t forget to check your e/m …