Great Anti-War Radio Station & PeacePod
GREAT Anti-War Radio Station from Seattle – listen online 24/7 for free –
many of the old favorites and much more!
Also check out the Peacepod in Support of a ‘US Department of Peace’ .
Thanks to a friend, and fellow member, of the PeaceRoots Alliance who passed these on!!
I’ve been Tuned In since getting back from work and finding these Gems, Speakers are Up Full!!!
{Thank God my upstairs neighbor isn’t home!}
{I just posted this in the open thread, but What The Hell, This Needs It’s Own!!}
With Laura Flanders-Tonight7PM, Stream from Site or Listen In if you have local Air America channel.
Enough with debating the war and what’s happening to America on Karl Rove’s terms. How to talk back, set the agenda, and start speaking about all those topics the Bush mob, and yes – too many Democrats – want to avoid. Rep. Jim McDermott, D-WA, on the House’s dishonest Iraq “debate” and vote. Ex-CIA officer and analyst BILL CHRISTISON on not talking about Israel. The case for impeachment with DAVE LINDORFF, co-author with BARBARA OLSHANSKY from NYC’s Center For Constitutional Rights, of the new book, “The Case for Impeachment: The Legal Arguement for Removing President George W. Bush from Office.”
Thanks Jim
I’m listening right now and trying to blow my speakers out :o)