If you need a reason to crack a two-by-four over Donald Rumsfeld’s skull, read this– Fatal Inaction; Let’s watch the trolls and apologists for George W. Bush explain this away. April Witt of the Washington Post provides an amazing
and heartbreaking account of how Don Rumsfeld and his Generals have failed our soldiers. Read it and try not to weep.
Note (thanks to Jesus’s General for this brilliant
image) that the Bush staffers have no trouble getting first rate body armor even though they are in Iraq for only a day trip.
And no one “lost” the paperwork. Sheesh!
I just finished reading about John Hart, his father Brian & mother Alma.
On every father`s day from now till ever, I`ll remember this story.
In a strange way Mr. Hart reminds me of another man who lives his life in the pursuit of peace. Against all odds, against his family & relatives` misguided pleas to let it go for fear of embarassing them & bush, after planning on moving away from his family hometown because of the antiwar sentiment there, he works at only one thing; to honor his son`s plea for help in saving other ill equiped soldiers.
The other man I speak of, is Mr. Berg whose son was beheaded by another
human with possibly as much conviction [ill founded as it may be] as Mr.Hart, that they were fighting on the right side.
Mr. Berg`s refusal to rejoice on the news of his son`s killer`s death
while people here were “high fiving” speaks much of the man. In both Mr.Hart`s & Mr.Berg`s
case it seems clear they both do not believe in vengeance, but both are working towards the same end. The strange thing is, one is a warrior & the other a pacifist, yet because of the vile people [in charge] they both lost their son. I wonder if they could now reconcile their differences [philosophically] seeing that they are both working towards the same goal; to stop the deaths.
Mr. Berg`s son was also left to his own defenses when after many days in american custody he was released to the streets in Iraq. They also misplaced the paperwork about that incident.
When are the ones powerful enough to do something, going to start getting busy.
We keep hearing “our hands are tied” “when we get control of congress”, well christ, untie yourselves & get control of your conscience. As for those in charge of a horrifically stupid “stay the course” policy, after the arrogant policy of preemption & “it`s just a number” mindset, I would sincerely hope there will be no objection to try them as international war criminals. After all didn`t our fearless leader declare himself as such, when he said”I`m a war president”.
Mr. johnson, every time I read your byline I get so f,,kn pissed. But please don`t stop.
After reading your diary last night, I finished putting this pic together
about Falouja. One might agree it`s from a pissed off mind, but it`s a reminder that we`re about to do the same in another city in Iraq as we breathe.
WHISKEY PETE is on the way, I fear.
I know you are right with your assumption! God help the civilians there. I hope they all leave ASAP.
YOu have hit the nail on the head.
I struggle on a daily basis to wrap my arms around this whole mess. I for the life of me can not understand the “why’s” of all the wrongs that have been going on. Rummy has tried hard to change and re-do the military when a military’s strength is all that is necessary. He has torn it all apart and there is no putting it back together. When he is placing privet ppl in place of our military and then shortchanging the military by all that this article names, is mind blasting. This is not the first time this as been talked and debated upon. It just does not get the action that is necessary in the first damn place. This administration shuts discussion down and Karl baby steps up the rhetoric for just how bad the dems are and that is that. He calls out for the dems to stand down not to step up to the plate to find honorable solutions for problems. He the dems do find solutions he shuts them off. The reasons are very obvious. It is this administration’s problem not anyone elses. It is this administrations fault, and yet we all accept the premice that it is all our problems…Oh I think not! This administration is the problem.
I just was over to no quarter reading the article and the comments. Thanks for whom ever brought it over to us here to read.
Such a heart-breaking story. I can’t control my tears and then my anger as I am listening to the news about an Alexandria defense firm receiving some 37M dollars to research magnetic devices, a program that the Pentagon does not want. But the firm keeps receiving this amount year after year.
We all should be shamed if we don’t shout “Bring them home N.O.W.” and then demand that this industrial defense complex be dismantled and completely reorganized until it can efficiently and quite ably defend our country and to participate in peace mission with UN partners.
We really need a senator “Truman” to rid the Pentagon’s budget of all its corrupt war profiteering and all its excess programs that are not necessary. And this senator needs to rid the Pentagon of military officers who are incompetent including the civilian ones, beginning with Rumsfield.