30-something Xicano Democrat in Tucson, Arizona. I have a passion for social justice issues as well as seeking to help ignite a productive dialog regarding immigration reform. Lately I spend most of my time on Tw
I’ve listened to and played a lot of music, starting in my very early teens, ’bout puberty :{)…R&R, Blues, Jazz, Classical (primarily baroque and small “chamber” styles), African, electronic, multi-cultural fusion, etc. etc. etc….the list is endless.
I don’t listen to “pop” music so that would have to be discounted, as would opera, as I’ve never developed a taste for it, and in fact find it offensive to the ear.
If I had to pick a “single” genre, it would have to be jazz…the spawn of a great many influences, and America’s only true musical artform…ie: it’s genesis was in the US.
There really is too much there “there” to choose. IMNSHO, we’d all be better off if we never watched tv and, instead, listened to music.
Not the answer you’re looking for I’m sure, and not really articulated very well, but the core of it, nonetheless.
Well, that’s good to know — I was a little concerned there w/ your “all music” comment, so I’m glad you elucidated me. 😉
Seriously though, this works for me. Gives me a sense of where you’re coming from. You must play a number of different instruments then. I’ve got a similarly broad musical appreciation … I’ve played a few instruments and experiemented with others. Been in bands — formal and for fun etc. But, I went through a few years where I didn’t listen to any music or watch any tv or play … a weird time, for sure.
Last Sunday. The flowers on these poppys are gorgeous. I`ll have to shoot them again when I can take a little time. There are hundreds at my grandkids house a few mins. away, & I`m going to the school play Friday, so I`ll get the flowers then.
Here`s my lower field where the rattler lives.
I call this tree the JACKY RONDA, because I can never spell it right. http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/7947/dscn69490fl.jpg
I see the situation is disintegrating now to troll rating for differing opinions now, if any newbies are reading this, a quick reminder/notice that this site has run smoothly by debating ideas and not the person behind the comment.
Victuals yes, nap no. Got wrapped up in the photo and weeding a bit and propping up that sea holly that is so loaded with blooms it wants to fall over. Wind hasn’t been kind to that plant lately. Sorta recharged and bloggering a bit tonight about the solstice.
Well another brief, rumbly desultory shower early this morning, but it only just got hot and sticky this afternoon. Supposedly tomorrow morning or late tonight. Barely enough to get the ground wet today.
And I like how you framed it in the photo. They really are a unique plant … you’ve got such cool stuff in your garden … neat colours, textures and shapes (IT ;).
Yeah, about IT … IT is just sitting there looking pretty much like the last pic I posted, though I should get a new one just to see. Looking healthy and happy, just no signs of blooms yet. You’ll be the first to know and see, I guarantee, hehe.
Now I’m going to stick a fiery blast of Summer Solstice down at the left, then back to blogger.
These are not as soft. I took these in the field today. I also can offer a little tip I “invented’ today.
How to get those cactus spines out. For this kind of cactus, I stuck some scotch tape on my hand & ripped it off like I assume all you girls do.
IVG: Je ne parle pas de toi. http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/4629/friendlyoutlookdscn69730pe.jpg
hey Man E, pretty good. Busy as all get out with the new biz and all, but it’s going well and is now entering a super duper busy phase so I should be pleased 🙂 although sunshine and patios sounds much more appealing than inside and computers…
other than that just diving into these dust ups here and there… darnit, I wish I didn’t always feel the need to express my opinion…
that’s about it my friend. how are things chez eegee?
the new biz is keeping you busy, it keeps the mind off the atrocities in the headlines for awhile, eh? My worklife has “sucked big time” to quote my high school biology teacher who was an old hippie. We’ve been so shorthanded, but things will be improving next week with the new hires coming on board. I understand the professionalism of leaving a two-week notice, but dayum we’ve needed bodies to get the work done lately.
On the personal front, things are good, just trying to stay cool from the #$@!@)#* Arizona summer heat.
I must say it was a chore, but I felt I’d been absent too long and it just wasn’t right that I wasn’t snarking about and allowing all to bask in my snarkiliciousness… so here I am 🙂
How’s the ‘hood? Beautiful summer so far here in the T-dot. Damn shame about those Oilers too eh.
Nice to seeya live here tonight! Sure appreciate the things I see you writing elsewhere around here. Have a beer and hang out with us late nighters (some are loons, right, dada?)
stroll through the ole complex to get my mail and give the LoveBud some time to stretch and get some before-bedtime bladder relief. If I was still living in my family hometown the walk would’ve been exponentially longer, but alas it’s the city life for me until I get sick of the noise someday.
The usual norm is to avoid using troll ratings; prickishness (name-calling and so on) might be one exception…even then it’s usually a good idea to give the person the benefit of the doubt – we all have our not so great moments (that includes me).
Highlight of the day was not long before sunset, sitting on the deck with a beer listening to the birds singing their end-of-the-day songs, watching some cumulus clouds, and then a doe walks out of the evergreens into a wheat field just off the yard.
She scopes everything out for a few minutes then proceeds. I think I see a little wiggling in the wheat behind her. Raise up the binoc, and sure ‘nough, a little bambi, spots and all, is following momma down to the coulee for a drink.
Sometimes it pays to just sit quietly for a while!
Bu and I walk a nearby trail quite often, usually late evening, and last year we walked right thru the middle of a small herd w/ two fawns. Quite the treat, unfortunately, no camera.
She doesn’t chase deer…cats, on the other hand…:{)
Hey there man of the plains! I saw your name in print today (well online at least) while reading an article about a senate vote. Stopped me when I read “North Dakota Democrat Byron Dorgan,” ….
Got a chuckle out of that. Sounds like a perfect night up your way. Still impatiently awaiting rain here, as usual.
one of these days I’m gonna make a meet-up where you’re in attendance. I missed DC and YearlyKos and was sad to not get to meet you. How are things going in the northwest?
(Tuesdays = Man Eegee hosting = hookah at some point)
ya ought to check these FBLs out after midnight when olivia and dada start discussing “research proposals” den I tell ya it can get very eenteresting!!!
Jeez, Olivia – you’re so sweet and innocent in the daytime and then after midnight you take off the good girl shoes! I don’t know what to make of this!
Is it too quiet in your house without the snoring for you to get another proper night’s rest or were you just dying to hang out with us in the hookah lounge?
close here on the middle coast. So here’s a celebratory blast of fire for the solstice! Just visualize real hard and imagine yourself a pagan lighting a bonfire on a hilltop somewhere …
Hey… those beers look purdy! 😀
Does that make you a purdy troll?
if that’s so, I’ll gladly occupy the underside of any bridges with trolls like DJ. 🙂
¡Hola amigo!
I wish I had a pithy comment for our latest Orange-Green kerfluffle. Guess I’ll simply sum it up with sayin’ that I grow weary of turf wars.
Too much work to do to drink beer…
Coffee with an espresso chaser for me…
fresh coffee is being brewed as I type.
and thank Marmot!
Mind if I bring my wet noodle in here?
As long as he doesn’t chase the cats….
A wet noodle??
Is that penne in your pants or are you just happy to see us? 🙂
I’m sorry, but I just fail to ziti humor in all this.
Maybe my sense of humnus is too al dente for you?
Perhaps, orzo it would zeem.
as an indulgence for those of us with…um…more exotic tastes…I brought this along…just in case, mind you…
Wouldn’t it be a better world if our world leaders sat down with a Peace Pipe rather than what they are doing now? ((((DADA & BU)))))
p ium…:{)
it’s been a long, strange trip…and it gets stranger everyday…:{)
So how did your project plans go today?
trying to get some pics out of Mexico…phone tag…e/m tag…frustrating, at best.
How’s FCH goin’? Closin’ in on the end?
I’m holding on … a few more days now.
So a burning question for you … 🙂
If you had to identify one piece of music that was your absolute favourite … what would it be.
that that’s an impossible question for me…:{P
but just to cop an answer, I’d have to say that all music is my absolute favourite…Like Albert Ayler said:
Music is the healing force of the universe.
You mean you can’t even categorize it somehow?
I’ve listened to and played a lot of music, starting in my very early teens, ’bout puberty :{)…R&R, Blues, Jazz, Classical (primarily baroque and small “chamber” styles), African, electronic, multi-cultural fusion, etc. etc. etc….the list is endless.
I don’t listen to “pop” music so that would have to be discounted, as would opera, as I’ve never developed a taste for it, and in fact find it offensive to the ear.
If I had to pick a “single” genre, it would have to be jazz…the spawn of a great many influences, and America’s only true musical artform…ie: it’s genesis was in the US.
There really is too much there “there” to choose. IMNSHO, we’d all be better off if we never watched tv and, instead, listened to music.
Not the answer you’re looking for I’m sure, and not really articulated very well, but the core of it, nonetheless.
Well, that’s good to know — I was a little concerned there w/ your “all music” comment, so I’m glad you elucidated me. 😉
Seriously though, this works for me. Gives me a sense of where you’re coming from. You must play a number of different instruments then. I’ve got a similarly broad musical appreciation … I’ve played a few instruments and experiemented with others. Been in bands — formal and for fun etc. But, I went through a few years where I didn’t listen to any music or watch any tv or play … a weird time, for sure.
Play guitars, Mississippi Saxophone, drums, percussion, and body…the only weirdness I see is not listening to, or playing music…TV sucks!
Yes I know you think it’s evil … but I need it to watch the game d. 🙂
I play(ed) guitar, trumpet, clarinet, french horn, some piano … experimented w/ percussion, flute. Oh and sang in our little pick-up band.
Back when I was young and had few inhibitions about such things … lol
tequila couldn’t fix!
Like these.
Are these recent KNUCKLEHEAD?
Last Sunday. The flowers on these poppys are gorgeous. I`ll have to shoot them again when I can take a little time. There are hundreds at my grandkids house a few mins. away, & I`m going to the school play Friday, so I`ll get the flowers then.
Here`s my lower field where the rattler lives.
I call this tree the JACKY RONDA, because I can never spell it right.
It’s lovely w/ those blue flowers … Looks like a real nice place ya got there. 🙂
(Oh, and btw you were saying last night (en francais) that you taught in Quebec … I’m in Ottawa.)
I use to have a farm in RIPON, with a maple grove for our maple syrup.
It`s a little north of Hull. Here`s the flowers on the JACKY RONDA.
Maple syrup eh … did you make if for your own use or to sell?
I always ate the profits or gave so much away it made me an amatuer, not a pro.
Here`s for all the girls on the site who are getting ready to show off their bikinis this summer.
I see the situation is disintegrating now to troll rating for differing opinions now, if any newbies are reading this, a quick reminder/notice that this site has run smoothly by debating ideas and not the person behind the comment.
I’m going for a walk, be back later.
as do we all.
This too shall pass Manny. I have a great deal of faith in the pond.
Stay out of it…this is prejudicial and dishonest behavior on the part of a few, it has become tedious in the extreme.
Hmmm, I think I might have an idea what that’s all about, but not so sure. Sounds a bit thorny to me.
Which, on a lighter note, this appears thorny, but reallay isn’t. It’s quite pleasant to the touch.
Recharged from your victuals and nap?
Victuals yes, nap no. Got wrapped up in the photo and weeding a bit and propping up that sea holly that is so loaded with blooms it wants to fall over. Wind hasn’t been kind to that plant lately. Sorta recharged and bloggering a bit tonight about the solstice.
Still no rain I read down there. That’s a long time now, isn’t it IVG?
Well another brief, rumbly desultory shower early this morning, but it only just got hot and sticky this afternoon. Supposedly tomorrow morning or late tonight. Barely enough to get the ground wet today.
How about that Sea Holly, eh?
And I like how you framed it in the photo. They really are a unique plant … you’ve got such cool stuff in your garden … neat colours, textures and shapes (IT ;).
Yeah, about IT … IT is just sitting there looking pretty much like the last pic I posted, though I should get a new one just to see. Looking healthy and happy, just no signs of blooms yet. You’ll be the first to know and see, I guarantee, hehe.
Now I’m going to stick a fiery blast of Summer Solstice down at the left, then back to blogger.
Got something you might like…I’ll put it up down below since I don’t know where the margins are…
These are not as soft. I took these in the field today. I also can offer a little tip I “invented’ today.
How to get those cactus spines out. For this kind of cactus, I stuck some scotch tape on my hand & ripped it off like I assume all you girls do.
IVG: Je ne parle pas de toi.
long time no chat in the cafecito, how’s life?
hey Man E, pretty good. Busy as all get out with the new biz and all, but it’s going well and is now entering a super duper busy phase so I should be pleased 🙂 although sunshine and patios sounds much more appealing than inside and computers…
other than that just diving into these dust ups here and there… darnit, I wish I didn’t always feel the need to express my opinion…
that’s about it my friend. how are things chez eegee?
the new biz is keeping you busy, it keeps the mind off the atrocities in the headlines for awhile, eh? My worklife has “sucked big time” to quote my high school biology teacher who was an old hippie. We’ve been so shorthanded, but things will be improving next week with the new hires coming on board. I understand the professionalism of leaving a two-week notice, but dayum we’ve needed bodies to get the work done lately.
On the personal front, things are good, just trying to stay cool from the #$@!@)#* Arizona summer heat.
Good to see you gracing the cafe w/ yourself…:-)
Hola Olivia!
I must say it was a chore, but I felt I’d been absent too long and it just wasn’t right that I wasn’t snarking about and allowing all to bask in my snarkiliciousness… so here I am 🙂
How’s the ‘hood? Beautiful summer so far here in the T-dot. Damn shame about those Oilers too eh.
Oh well … I wasn’t as upset as when the Sens crapped the bed, but it would have been nice.
Things are rolling along here in Ottawa … about the same as TO I imagine.
We definitely miss your snarkiliciousness — nobody does it better!
no doubt… we were trying to live vicariously through the Oil… still won’t beat a nice blue and white team in the Cup tho’ 🙂
glad to hear things are chugging along… I have an RSS feed of your Flickr photos so i never really feel like I’m missing your awesome pics 🙂
You know I’d like to see the Leafs in a serious Cup run myself spidey … d’uh, did I just say that … 😉
bookmarking this post. Blackmail my dear, blackmail… 🙂
not in my lifetime … 😉
But when it comes down to it, it would be a wild ride.
Nice to seeya live here tonight! Sure appreciate the things I see you writing elsewhere around here. Have a beer and hang out with us late nighters (some are loons, right, dada?)
thanks IVG, good to see ya as well.
in fact, the beer in my hand coupled with the tune on my itunes has me quite chilled… it’s actually quite an appropriate tune for today.
Gnarls Barley “Crazy” 🙂
outside. The walk was good though, the stars always manage to put me in a place of humility.
Now, where were we?
You must be a speedwalker … 🙂
stroll through the ole complex to get my mail and give the LoveBud some time to stretch and get some before-bedtime bladder relief. If I was still living in my family hometown the walk would’ve been exponentially longer, but alas it’s the city life for me until I get sick of the noise someday.
Just wait til he has four kids. Someone needs to take me out every 2 hours all night long.
That Orange thread? It was intense. And in intense day generally, I thought.
The usual norm is to avoid using troll ratings; prickishness (name-calling and so on) might be one exception…even then it’s usually a good idea to give the person the benefit of the doubt – we all have our not so great moments (that includes me).
(Still out here in the boonies)
Highlight of the day was not long before sunset, sitting on the deck with a beer listening to the birds singing their end-of-the-day songs, watching some cumulus clouds, and then a doe walks out of the evergreens into a wheat field just off the yard.
She scopes everything out for a few minutes then proceeds. I think I see a little wiggling in the wheat behind her. Raise up the binoc, and sure ‘nough, a little bambi, spots and all, is following momma down to the coulee for a drink.
Sometimes it pays to just sit quietly for a while!
Good to see you checking in … 🙂 Sounds like a nice way to enjoy the day’s end NDD.
would that be the “new” deck?
Bu and I walk a nearby trail quite often, usually late evening, and last year we walked right thru the middle of a small herd w/ two fawns. Quite the treat, unfortunately, no camera.
She doesn’t chase deer…cats, on the other hand…:{)
new deck going in off 2nd floor on the east. Railing still in progress. Otherwise pretty much done.
First floor deck has a more expansive view of the horizon, and closer to the frig…
Great that you have close access to nature too, dada.
Hey there man of the plains! I saw your name in print today (well online at least) while reading an article about a senate vote. Stopped me when I read “North Dakota Democrat Byron Dorgan,” ….
Got a chuckle out of that. Sounds like a perfect night up your way. Still impatiently awaiting rain here, as usual.
this is, like, the coolest FBL ever!
one of these days I’m gonna make a meet-up where you’re in attendance. I missed DC and YearlyKos and was sad to not get to meet you. How are things going in the northwest?
(Tuesdays = Man Eegee hosting = hookah at some point)
things are pretty fucked up for me right now, but the NW is as lovely as ever.
i, too, lament that we’ve never met! we’ll figure it out eventually!
ya ought to check these FBLs out after midnight when olivia and dada start discussing “research proposals” den I tell ya it can get very eenteresting!!!
dada never did get back to me on those oral arguments he was preparing … lol 😛
Jeez, Olivia – you’re so sweet and innocent in the daytime and then after midnight you take off the good girl shoes! I don’t know what to make of this!
during the East Coast witching hour, does that mean you become Glinda for the night? 🙂
I’ve had enough cognitive dissonance for one day.
Is it too quiet in your house without the snoring for you to get another proper night’s rest or were you just dying to hang out with us in the hookah lounge?
I’ve heard tell of orgies and wild things happening after I’m in bed, but I haven’t seen any sign of them. Did I ruin it?
those are usually a result of spontaneous uprising, in more ways than one.
Ah, I remember those.
It’s all their influence … 😉
So how ya doing?
I’m trying to unwind – from what I haven’t a clue. Just ultra wound up for some reason. Pass the hookah.
don’t believe a word of it, SN, O’s a regular jeckle/hide after midnight, ain’t got nuttin’ to do with no “their influence”
close here on the middle coast. So here’s a celebratory blast of fire for the solstice! Just visualize real hard and imagine yourself a pagan lighting a bonfire on a hilltop somewhere …
Off to bloggerlandia for a while …
IMS, you qualify,
Cool, eh.
Saw them at the RMPJC, and ordered one up for the front.
That’s great!
This post is going to be manuscript length I think… 🙂
Lol, looks that way … be back in a bit when I wind this one up.
that was quite a long bathroom break
I’m still around for a few more minutes…as my best ideas usually occur between 2 & 2:30 a.m…then the late “king of the hill episode” to end the day.
like a true nightowl, a4l. Great show to boot. I’m watching the first Batman movie at the moment (the Michael Keatonesque Batman)
Only when a few important things need to get done, I try not to make a habit of doing this…
Hi all. I see I am coming at the end again! :>)
How ya been!
the Solstice Cafe is open.