photo courtesy olivia
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
More lovely flowers at Olivia’s Blog
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Hello folks! Good to see that no one else except for AndiF is up again. 🙂
My dogs are up but they don’t seem interested in posting comments.
You should train them to post, like Bob Johnson at dKos has done with Rex!
Dada’s dog Bu sometimes posts comments. 🙂
Good morning Andi and Psi.
did your relatives show up?
Nope. I thought they might had during the night, but no car outside.
These are the ones that when they show up, you know they are finally here. At least I’ve got the house ready and groceries in the house.
How’re ya doing this am. Got big plans?
Just the normal stuff — morning walk and work.
for somemore great pictures. I really liked that picture that you wanted SN to give a caption to.
Thanks. I have several more from yesterday that I’ll probably post — it was one of those special mornings where things were gorgeous and my shots of the gorgeous things mostly came out.
Good morning! I’m busy reading the WSJ right now. Not the editorial page, mind you…
I’m busy trying to get my eyes to open. Aren’t early mornings great.
I hear ya. Getting Mr. Sandman out of the eyes is a bitch.
It’s times like this in the morning when I really miss coffee.
But I’m usually awake enough to see the sunrise, so I guess that makes up for it.
Morning Folks!!!! I have been up a while but working on other things. I have a new design about Kinky Friedman who is running for governor in Texas.
Kinky Friedman
I am excited. I actually got 7 hours sleep last night and feel almost human again. LOL
Morning Refinish. I was reading about your struggle for sleep yesterday. Glad to hear you are rested now.
Great design. Do you think Kinky has a chance?
Thank you!!!! Kinky has about as much chance of being Governor as Ralph Nadar has of being President- o. LOL
That’s what I thought, but you see someone on MSM and you get to wondering.
They talk alot about him but more as a joke than as a candidate. The polls keep switching but god help Texas if that nut case actually gets elected.
Refinish I’m not meaning to come down on Texas voters, but look who one of your past governors was. 🙂
True but please god tell me they can not be that damned stupid again. LOL
Early morning is the perfect time for a stupid question: been busy?
Morning Andi!!! LOL I love the question and the answer as always is yes. LOL I have tonight free and then will have meetings the next two nights and a grassroots training on Saturday.
just like what I would expect — if the grassroots training is interesting, you might think about doing a diary on it; I’ll bet there are a lot of people who would be interested.
Well, now for my ‘busy’ — dogs and I are going for walk.
I will take notes and do a dairy about it. The trainer is supposed to be a nationally known guy but I cannot remember the name right now. LOL
I have to get ready for work. I will check in from work if I can. I hope everyone has a great day!!!!! Andi I love the photo up top and all your pictures as always.
Good morning AndiF, Refi, FM, and PsiFighter! How is everyone?
It’s another sticky day here. I feel like I’m melting…
Good morning CG. Other than melting how’re ya doing?
BTW I’m in the melting club too.
I’m fine…feel like I haven’t hung out in the froggy bottom in an awfully long time though. Whatcha all been up to?
BTW, You are probably melting worse than I am, so maybe I shouldn’t complain. It’s just really sticky for the first time all year.
I feel like you haven’t hung out in a while too. For me it’s just the same old thing. Waiting for some relatives to show up at the moment.
This is the first time it’s been sticky there this year? Just think Aug. is a long way off. 🙂
Did you miss me? 🙂
At least I have A/C this year to deal with the stickiness. Too bad it comes with a whopping electric bill. 🙁
Of course I missed you. But I think I’m just one in a big club as far as that goes. 🙂
AC = elec = much money. Just the short time we were without ac, makes me appreciate it that much more.
Well I’ve got to get the day started while the energy is still there.
Everyone have a good day in the pond.
Great to see that refinish got some sleep last night! FM, I hope you’re being overworked too hard there by your family. And CG — I hope you get some relief from the mugginess. 🙂
I cannot believe how well I sleep without someone thrashing around and snoring next to me. I didn’t open my eyes until after 8:00 – hence I missed the early morning crew.
Morning all.
the problem with my situation is that the thrasher and snorer is me. Any thoughts on a solution that doesn’t involve Benadryl?
Yeah, don’t ever get married. 😉
Have you ever tried those Breathe Right strips for snoring? The Mr. snores from his gut rather than his nose, but they’re supposed to work really well for mild snoring.
Touché. Those strips are miracle-workers for me, but also not feasible to buy on a regular basis. I’ve considered chiseling out my sinuses to make more room for breathing.
I guess they’re really expensive, huh? You think they’d make a reusable one. Hah – why would they?
Check this little helper out…:{)
when you posted it the first time and had forgotten, thanks for re-linking it. I’m getting desperate for a good night’s sleep. Aside from the insomnia, I end up waking myself up several times every night from the ghastly noises coming out of my throat (lunch, anyone?)
Have you considered that maybe you’re experiencing sleep apnea?
I was going to mention that also. Lots of times unless you sleep with someone who notices it, you don’t know that you stop breathing many times during the night.
like I needed another reason to lay awake for hours on end. 😉 I wouldn’t be surprised, I guess I’ll add that to the list of questions to ask the doc
Symptoms are falling asleep during the day, depression, confused thinking, easily angered, weakness, headache. Lots of good stuff!
They can put you in a sleep lab. That always sounded like fun to me except I’m afraid I’d do something really embarrassing in my sleep while they were monitoring me.
A friend of mine developed sleep apnea and the doctor told her that it makes the heart work harder and over a extended period of time can have a detrimental effect.
The other thing you might want to have checked out is whether you have polyps — my sinuses were full of them which exacerbated my sinsus problems and asthma. The difference after I got them removed last year is amazing.
My doc told me they do this office procedure now where they insert little plastic doohickeys into the roof of the mouth that give support to your soft palate, which is the part of your throat that kind of collapses when you fall asleep and causes snoring.
You or Bud? (just kidding there!) I’ve been known to snore the snorts of the damned myself. At least for me, I swear by the strips…and yes, the brand name ones are very pricy. But I discovered that Target sells a generic version for much less, and I got some. They work as well (as far a I can tell)as the original ones. I can actually skip a night or two every once in a while if I remember to go to sleep breathing through my nose… seems to work. At least haven’t gotten any complaints lately!
Howdy everyone else…dada, DJ, SN, FM, whoever’s around!
How’s it going fellow cube-dwellers Manny & IVG, and d and SN!
Take a look at this beautiful rainbow… Hope everyone’s having a good day.
Hey backatcha! That’s a gorgeous rainbow, likes of which I’ve never seen! Thx for the linkie. How’s FCH today? Can you see the light at the end of the tunnel? And is it going away from you or coming towards you? If the latter, turn and run away as fast as you can!
Ok, gotta get back to work here, breaktime over. 🙁
Hope to see you all later….
Must. Have. Coffee.
I have a hard time picturing you drinking coffee out of that dainty cup. It’s much more MY style. . .she said, as she grabbed it from him.
since I’m afraid you might program my dreams again. I’ve had far too many tornados over the past couple of weeks causing me to levitate off the ground. ;-P
Plus, I could already use some liquor.
Liquor, did someone say liquor?
Hang in there Manny.
No liquor for you. It slows you down even more than you usually are, which means you might be legally dead.
Hi SN. I haven’t been slow today. Been working really hard.
So you got a good nights sleep. Been using that extra energy to do a lot of things?
Let me think about that. No.
You follow the path of slackdom well.
Remember the rule, when you’ve slcaked all you can, slack somemore.
I wear the crown of your approval with pride.
Morning Froggies!
Something from the Encino Farmer’s Market!
Just dropping by to let you know I lived through another night! LOL. But seriously, I’m getting a little better day by day, but still not quite up to suff, as the saying goes!
Glad you’re doing better, mm. That picture is beautiful, but there’s also something vaguely squid-like and sinister about it to me. Like it’s gonna gitcha.
Aaaaaaaaaaagh! I know how scary they can be! LOL
Hi MM, glad to hear you’re feeling better.
That is a beautiful picture, but I have to agree with Kansas. Does appear to look squid like. 🙂
You guys are on to me! It really was a squid on the ocean floor, photo-shopped to look like a lily in the middle of a bouquet!
while I clean out the apartment and get groceries into this house.
It’ll be “Determination, Dissent and Divorce”.
Last night, I lost the support of my spouse.
“let someone else do it”
“look around you, no one cares about politics or war”
“why should you be the one to risk jail?”
“don’t you put your family first?”
Our first major fight in the “new home to heal in”.
The strangest part is… I’m not really hurting the way I know I should be.
You believe in this so much. I don’t know what to say.
I don’t know what to say either.
I “slept” on the small sofa last night.
He didn’t kiss me this morning.
I took “Stop the next war now – effective responses to violence and terrorism” book that Medea signed to me and Danni to the roller hockey game last night and it’s what I need to read.
Camilo Mejia has a piece in it (he’s the first american soldier to resist the Iraqi war when sent back) he states that -paraprhasing –
What good is freedom if we are afraid to follow our conscience. What good is freedom if we are not able to live with our own actions.
I am a coward. I’m not brave. If I were brave I would have been out in the streets a LONG time ago. I fear punishment. I fear humiliation. I fear retribution. I fear revenge. I fear some military mom throwing her diet coke and big mac out the window at me.
But I do not fear losing the support of a spouse or divorce.
I think the Peace Movement is empowering to womankind. I feel free when I’m out protesting and trying to stop a slaughter. I feel strong when I’m at my most vulnerable.
Fuck this … I’ll save it for later. Didn’t mean to lowjack the cafe. Thanks.
No, it’s fine to talk about this here, we care about you.
This is something you deeply believe in and it’s admirable that you’re following those beliefs in an active way.
What I would advise if you were my sister or something is for you to measure the effectiveness of what you’re doing with the possible costs to your family. Is lying down in the street and getting arrested the best possible thing you can do for this man? Is this the best possible way you can bring his situation to light and is it the best possible publicity for his cause?
I don’t know the answer to those questions, but what Andi said last night about the power of words and being able to sway the opinions of others is something I strongly believe in.
Good luck, DJ.
Alice Walker and Amy Goodman are excellent writers. Yet they march and do arrest actions.
My question is – what will become of my daughter and son and their life if no one rises up? Look at our shrinking bill of rights. The Patriot Acts for godsakes… Each day there is a new assault on us and I don’t see these strong, brave Americans doing much outrage or activism. And what little they do is blacked out by the media.
I know my words go unheard. Look at politician when you talk to them. They AREN’T THERE. Their eyes glaze over as they escort you to the door and shake your hand.
Our votes… don’t count either. This is NOT America. And no one really cares. Hell, they can even make excuses for global warming and we don’t have outcries. How many drowned in New Orleans… and yet no one can even speak out.
I care that one lone officer is resisting. That’s the one ray of decency and light in a long long time.
Family? I think a family is supposed to be about support. Shelter from the outside world. I say this very guardedly as my outter family thinks I should be dead and are Talabaptists… but… I’m not sure this marriage is based on much but apologies and scars that instead of healing our just being used as shields.
We’ve all changed. I think I’ve finally just finding my feet. They’re the marching kind.
and… I have to march to the apt and to the store…
Take a few deep breaths (couple hundred at least) before you launch into that one!
He tried to lecture me as if I were a child, MM.
He then had the gonads to say that I was risking arrest and “for what” and “don’t I think of the kids”.
This from the man who many years ago fucked a co-worker out in a city park in broad daylight. He risked arrest, he risekd losing his job, our marriage and his kids. And for what?? For nothing but giving me a broken heart to stumble along these years with. For insomnia and weight gain.
I don’t think he’s ever taken a stand for anything in his life. He has me to be the outspoken, passionate one.
I’m trying to defend a soldier who is doing an incredible thing and our support of this man will send shockwaves down to all those other military members who are eyeballing this to see how much support he gets so that they too can speak out.
We must give our military a voice.
DJ I hope you get this message. I had to go to work and missed your reply. Testosterone can be such an ugly thing, but where would we be without it?
You definitely need a partner who shares your ideals and your passions, and if he can’t get out on the front lines, at least beat the drums!
I echo what mythmother said above, take a whole slew of deep breaths and know that you’re admired by me for your passion and commitment.
Break time in the public sector! Just heard a news item that the supremes ruled that public employees are NOT protected by whistleblower laws-oh GREAT!
Sorry you all are melting-it’s under 60 degrees here in pdx (for now).
Hello. The streests here in Beaverton, OR look like it must’ve rained earlier in the morning hours.
Gotta go, I’ve been called to errand duty.
seems like this ‘Blooming Tuesday’ is starting to wilt. Anyone lurking?
I am finally getting a chance to take a lunch, see you all in abit.
come on over to the pool for Happy Hour at the Froggy Bottom Lounge