The hypocritical, whiney, hysterical rightwing has melted down over my
speculative comment that Karl Rove’s poor behavior as human may have inspired
his mother to commit suicide (whoops, I did it again).  Poor taste? 

You bet.  But no worse than Karl Rove spreading rumors that John McCain
fathered a black child out of wedlock, attacking the patriotism of war veterans
like John Murtha and John Kerry, or using the lie of alleged links between Osama
Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein.  No one has died because of my comment, but
Karl Rove’s lies and fabrications played a direct role in the deaths of
thousands of American soldiers in Iraq, not to mention the tens of thousands of
Iraqis who have died.  So, in taking on Karl Rove I apologize for

What is truly funny is that I have become the “leftist” version of Ann
Coulter.  She may have a bigger Adam’s Apple than me but I bet I look
better in a dress.  Also, ignore the fact that I am still a registered
Republican and consider myself a traditional conservative (not one of those
religious nuts).  Now, while I would love to have the exposure and reach of
Annie, I am thoroughly puzzled how my one mean spirited comment puts me on par
with the gal who has said, among other things:

About the media:  “My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the
New York Times building.”

About John Murtha: The reason
soldiers invented “fragging.”

About the 9-11 widows:  “These self-obsessed women seem genuinely unaware that 9/11
was an attack on our nation, and acted as if the terrorist attack only
happened to them. . . . These broads are millionaires lionized on TV and in
articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities. . . . I’ve never
seen people enjoying their husbands’ deaths so much. . .


Ann Coulter regrets the New York Times was not blown up like nthe Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, suggests a Congressman be murdered, and nwhacks widows who have the temerity to complain that their government filed them non 9-11. Yet, I’m the bad guy?