First of all, Albert would like to respond to the rodent bashing on this thread by saying “You wanna bash me Mister? Do, ya? Huh? Cuz’ you’ll find out that these big furry feet come with long sharp claws. And did I mention that my teeth cut through everything but steel and concrete?”
Luna doesn’t know what all of the commotion is about.
She only wishes that everyone would leave Albert in peace, so that she doesn’t have to listen to his ranting when she is trying to sleep.
Now, what other left-wing blog has Alpacas? None I tell you, none!
I’m pretty sure I mentioned that Sandy has spectacularly knocked-knees. In fact, he’s a pretty poor specimen – he’s asymetrical from top to bottom – which is one of many reasons he got neutered, and why we were able to purchace him at well below the usual asking price. We just wanted a companion animal for Inti and Nina, and I liked the idea of a white fleece, so everything worked out fine for all involved.
Where the Alpacas, ducks and chickens live. Our property extends well into the treed portion.
The pasture is native grasses, including the increasingly rare “kangaroo grass.”
has turned into a fine looking pied-chocolate muscovy.
with her marvelously patterned black and orange feet remains one of my favorites.
Good morning Luna, Sandy, Nina, Harriet and keres.
My question is where is Albert. Don’t let that rodent blogging scare him away. There’s no doubt about it, Albert is the cutest rodent around.
What a great diary, and I am truly impressed. Thanks for showing them to us. I just know you have lots of fun with them…
i got one for my dog and one for my boyfriend.
its the perfect ball gag.
can somoene tell me how to put pictures in my comments or diaries.
Hi anna. Do you have an account at flicker or photobucket. That the first step and they’re free. After you upload the pictures you want it’s:
< img src=”http:// NAME OF PICTURE >
You can usually copy the Tag portion under the picture and paste it in the above. Also bring the left and right arrows in and make sure everything is together.
Here’s a link to How’d Boo do that. It should help some I hope.
How’d boo do that? (An HTML Primer).
that didnt work
i have an acct at flickr
if i want to put a set of pics in this comment what do i do?
i read the howd boo do that diary and my head exploded
now how did you do that?
Well, I was lazy…so I right clicked on the image I wanted, clicked “copy image location” and then pasted the URL into the comment box along with the html code.
so, it looked like this before I hit post < img src=”“ >
except you have to delete the spaces between the <> and the text.
Oh, and the proper way to post pictures is to right-click, save the image file to your flickr account, and use the url from there instead.
crap…i gotta go get snacks and kneepads for the kinky sex conferance this weekend.
i think i am getting it though.
last year this guy contacted me about doing a website…sort of porn but lots of other things too….he would do all the technical stuff and i would supply the content and help market it….it took a few months to get going and our first month we made $30,000…which we split down the middle…everything was going so good then he disappeared for a while and i found him a few months later living in some hotel in jersey…his wife had thrown him out and he was all messed up…i think he had a nervous breakdown or something…i want to do another website like he did…i can do all the content…but i need someone to do the technical website stuff……which obviously i can not do.
if you know anyone who might want to be involved with this please let me know.
i did something right but im not sure what
I think I’m experiencing the last days with my buddy Henry. He’s about 15 years old and has deteriorated since this picture was taken about 6 months ago. He has several problems, but perhaps the most serious is that his heart is severely enlarged. He mostly just sleeps and eats only about half of what he used to.
At this point, I’m thinking that we won’t do alot of tests and treatments because I don’t think he’ll last much longer no matter what we do. I think as long as he doesn’t seem to be in pain and he’s at least eating something – we’ll just see how long he can hold out.
I’d be interested in any thoughts you pet experts out there have about all of this. I just hope I’m making the right decisions for my buddy.
I’ve been through this 3 times. And each one of those times, I’ve been able to tell when the dog was ready — they just gave up — no interest in anything, didn’t eat, barely moved. The first time we waited beyond when the dog was ready (she was 16, couldn’t see or hear and could barely stand) and when they gave her the shot and she relaxed, I realized that it was the first time I had seen her relaxed in two years and that our own selfishness had been making her suffer. The next two times when the dogs had clearly given up, we did too.
It’s very hard and as two of my dogs are in their early teens I know it won’t be that long before I have to face this again. But despite that, I would never want to forgo the joy and pleasure and knowledge I’ve gained from sharing their lives.
Thanks for the support Andi – and I agree with you – the last 13 years with Henry (I adopted him from the Humane Society when he was around 2) have been worth every moment of saddness as he leaves.
What I’m struggling with now is whether or not to try to treat his heart problems. Sounds like the medication they might be able to give him would only slow the process – not fix it. At his age and with the swiftness with which this has come on – I just keep thinking that its his time and I should let it take its course. I also hate the idea of hauling him into the vet and going through all of that at this point.
One of our dogs got stomach cancer when she was 10. She was in very good health and the vet said it was pretty contained so she had the surgery and got 2 more good years before it came back. At that point it was more widespread, she was older, and not as healthy. We talked to the vet and she told us that she could remove the cancer again and buy our dog a little more time but that the quality of life would not be good and that she wouldn’t really recover from the surgery — it would make whatever time she got out of it pretty much a struggle. We felt we would be doing what we had done before — keeping our dog alive to make things easier for us, not for her; so we didn’t do it. I think it was the right thing to do. If a treatment can’t give a dog a real improvement in quality of life, then I think it’s better not to do it.
It’s so difficult to let an old friend go, but you’re doing what you think is best for Henry. Our oldest cat (17) has a grade 3 heart murmur. For now he seems ok – happy, eating well – but we realize that we’re living on borrowed time. My old boy was diagnosed with terminal kidney failure at the same age and given a prognosis of 6 months. With the help of an excellent vet and his own stubborn personality, Patch lived another 5½ years. The monthly trips to the vet for vitamin B & steroid shots didn’t phase him. When our other cat, who would pout for days after a vet visit, became diabetic we let him go as the treatment and tests would have been too rough on him. Good luck with Henry. Pets give us so much and break our hearts when we lose them, but compared to the joy they provide before that sad parting, I can’t imagine being without them.
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