Al Gore continues to march on and is interviewed in the upcoming Rolling Stone about Bush, Global Warming, Iraq, the Democrats, and what is needed to move forward with serious grassroots political change in the U.S.

I’m not going to provide any commentary, nor huge blockquotes because you really need to read the whole interview… it’s Gore, he talks alot…

But here are a few choice quotes:

because the path to a solution lies through changing the minds of the American people. Not just on the facts — they’re almost there on the facts — but in the sense of urgency that’s appropriate and necessary. Once that happens, then things that seem impossible now politically are going to be imperative. I believe there is a hunger in the country to be part of a larger vision that changes the way we relate to the environment and the economy.

But Bush is insulated — his staff smiles a lot and only gives him the news that he wants to hear. Unfortunately, they still have this delusion that they create their own reality. As George Orwell wrote, we human beings are capable of convincing ourselves of something that’s not true long after the accumulated evidence would convince any reasonable person that it’s wrong. And when leaders persist in that error, sooner or later they have a collision with reality, often on a battlefield. That, in essence, is exactly what happened in Iraq.

Do you still consider yourself a Democrat?
Oh, yeah. I mean, I still consider myself a Baptist too, even though the denomination has tried to run me off with their attitude toward women and so forth!

Cross posted @ Jaded Reality