Just in case anyone has any doubts whatsoever about who the RePermaGov has chosen for ITS new RePresident (I refer you to my two previous posts on the subject, BREAKING: McCain to be next RePresident and The RePresidential Fix is In, In, In. McCain In 2008. Pt. II for more on this idea, should you still need it.), I offer this little missive from the supposedly-so-despised-by-Ratpubs NY Times.

A New Partnership Binds Old Republican Rivals

Some quotes and translations below.

July 3, 2006
A New Partnership Binds Old Republican Rivals

After years of competitive and often contentious dealings, President Bush and Senator John McCain of Arizona are building a deepening if impersonal relationship that is serving the political needs of both men.

Given their history of intense rivalry and sometimes personally bitter combat, their newfound partnership is seen by some Republicans as born more of political calculation than personal evolution. Either way, it could prove valuable to Mr. McCain in his efforts to win the Republican presidential nomination in 2008 by sending a signal to Mr. Bush’s conservative base and fund-raising network that, at a minimum, the White House will not stand in the Arizonan’s way.

“OK, now lookahere, you two second rate hustlers. Ain’t no more questions about who’s who and what’s what in this situation. None whatsoever.  George, you are outta here. No way around that one. You are legally outta here, and to tell you the truth, your act is getting VERY tired with the Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Public Asshole, too. Time to go. And John is who we want as the new host of this fucking reality show. John…he was just reading a script. Same as YOU are gonna do. So put all ‘a that pre-fight bullshit posturing away now. We got a FIX to run!!!”

The president had Mr. McCain to the White House three times in one week recently to talk about how Mr. Bush should make the case for the war in Iraq and how to break the wall of conservative opposition to the immigration measures proposed by both men. Mr. McCain was back in the Oval Office again on Tuesday to talk about ways to win approval of the line-item veto.

Behind the scenes, during a month in which he repeatedly came to Mr. Bush’s public defense, Mr. McCain called the president to offer words of support, he recounted in an interview.

“I said, ‘Look, hang on, things are bad,’ ” Mr. McCain said. “I said, ‘I’m proud of the job you are doing, and I wanted you to know that I will continue to do what I can to help.’

“Hold on, schmuck. My handlers are better than YOUR handlers. Just keep your fucking mouth shut until you can go cut brush in Midland and ride your little bikey around in peace. Ain’t you done ENOUGH damage so far!!!???””

Aides said a thaw that began when Mr. McCain campaigned alongside Mr. Bush in the 2004 election has continued through the tougher days of Mr. Bush’s second term. The appearances began after top aides for the two men met to hash out some of their differences. During private moments in joint appearances — at the White House, at campaignlike events pressing for immigration reform and on Air Force One — the two even chat about baseball and golf.

“I kin kick your ass in ANY sport!!!”

“No you can’t!!!”

“Yes I can!!!”

“No you can’t!!!”


“He calls me Johnny Mac,” Mr. McCain said.

“And I call HIM ‘Turdblossom’s Turd’, ” Mr. McCain continued.

There has been a steady stream of Bush advisers who have ended up in Mr. McCain’s orbit. Most recently, Republicans close to both candidates said that Nicolle Wallace — who just stepped down as Mr. Bush’s communications director and has long been close to the president — was likely to serve in some formal or informal role in a McCain campaign. Her husband, Mark D. Wallace, Mr. Bush’s deputy campaign manager in 2004 and now an ambassador-level representative to the United Nations, is already lending advice. In another high-profile move, Wayne L. Berman, a longtime supporter and fund-raiser for Mr. Bush, has signed on to help Mr. McCain.

On the other side of the divide, some of Mr. McCain’s supporters made it clear in interviews that the McCain camp viewed Mr. Bush’s brother Jeb, the governor of Florida, as an ideal running mate for Mr. McCain. This news would presumably be pleasing to President Bush, who has made it clear in recent weeks that he would like his brother to move onto the national stage; Governor Bush has made it just as clear that he has no interest in running for national office in 2008.

And the beat goes on.

The BushCo beat.

Read the article.

Plain as day, if you can read Times-ese.


Like watching maggots molt.

And the Times actually reporting this fiction with a straight face?


Business as usual in Plan A MediAmerica.

Business as fucking usual.