this diary is dedicated to all who suffer because of war and other disasters

we honor courage in all its forms – today for Supersoling

we love and support our troops, just as we love and support the Iraqi people – without exception, or precondition, or judgement.

cross-posted at DailyKos, Booman Tribune, European Tribune,  My Left Wing, and TexasKos.

image and poem below the fold

Michael Blazek, 19, sits for a long time by his cousin Marine Lance Cpl. Patrick Kenny’s flag, who died in October 2005 while serving for the Marines, at the Soldier’s Healing Field held in Lynchburg, Va., Saturday July 1, 2006. A total of 2,847 flags were flown representing every soldier who has died in Iraq or Afghanistan since 2001.
(AP Photo/The News & Advance, Jill Nance)

On a Line from Valéry (The Gulf War)
by Carolyn Kizer
Tout le ciel vert se meurt
Le dernier arbre brûle.

The whole green sky is dying.  The last tree flares
With a great burst of supernatural rose
Under a canopy of poisonous airs.

Could we imagine our return to prayers
To end in time before time’s final throes,
The green sky dying as the last tree flares?

But we were young in judgement, old in years
Who could make peace; but it was war we chose,
To spread its canopy of poisoning airs.

Not all our children’s pleas and women’s fears
Could steer us from this hell.  And now God knows
His whole green sky is dying as it flares.

Our crops of wheat have turned to fields of tares.
This dreadful century staggers to its close
And the sky dies for us, its poisoned heirs.

All rain was dust.  Its granules were our tears.
Throats burst as universal winter rose
To kill the whole green sky, the last tree bare
Beneath its canopy of poisoned air.
– – –
read This is what John Kerry did today, the dKos diary by lawnorder that inspired this series

love and support the Iraqi people

join CIVIC’s “I Care” photo campaign

raed in the middle’s blog

support the Campaign for Innocent Victims in Conflict (CIVIC)

support CARE

support the victims of torture

read Riverbend’s Bagdhad Burning

read Dahr Jamail’s Iraq Dispatches

read Today in Iraq

love and support our troops

read Ilona’s important blog – PTSD Combat

support Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America

view the pbs newshour silent honor roll (with thanks to jimstaro at booman.)

take a private moment to light one candle among many (with thanks to TXSharon)

support Veterans for Peace

remember the fallen

support Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors – TAPS

support Gold Star Families for Peace

support the fallen

support the troops

support Iraq Veterans Against the War

support Military families Speak Out

put a meaningful magnet on your car or metal filing cabinet

support a young heart with an old soul peace takes courage (multimedia)

poetry matters poets against war

support the troops and the Iraqi people

witness every day

While speaking at the YearlyKos 2006 Convention in Los Vegas, former Virginia Governor Mark Warner said (and I paraphrase from memory): “George Bush, incompetent idiot, blah blah blah, went to war in Iraq when the real threat is in Iran.” (my emphasis)

There was a brief pause after his statement, and I regret that I wasn’t brave or quick-witted enough to yell “Bullshit!” into the silence. But the moment passed, Warner picked up his next thread in perfect cadence, and I bit into my box lunch apple.

So now what?

I’m gonna let him know that I think his statement is bullshit, and why. I’m starting here. If anyone knows of other ways, please put them in this thread.
